
Eternal Hunter: A Journey Through Time and Space

"Eternal Hunter" follows the extraordinary journey of Victor Baker, an 18-year-old orphan who wakes up in a futuristic world, two thousand years into the future. Determined to make the best of his new life, Victor embraces his newfound family and sets out to honor the memories of the person he has become. Venturing into a desolate dimension, Victor encounters a fierce battle with a red-eyed horned killer rabbit. To his surprise, he discovers glowing orbs scattered around the creature, each pulsating with unimaginable power. Recognizing the orbs as a catalyst for his cultivation and growth, Victor becomes an eternal hunter, driven by a thirst for power and knowledge in a universe brimming with mysteries. As Victor embarks on his grand adventure, he encounters allies and enemies beyond his wildest imagination. Each challenge he faces tests his determination and resilience, pushing him to unlock the secrets of the orbs and tap into his true potential. Along the way, he discovers that his journey is not just about personal growth but also about leaving a lasting mark on the vast expanse of the universe. "Eternal Hunter" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, boundless ambition, and the pursuit of infinite possibilities. Through Victor's experiences, readers are immersed in a world where the interstellar era becomes a playground for exploration, where friendships are forged, and where the true nature of destiny is revealed.

DanVisk · ไซไฟ
15 Chs

Chapter 3: The Awakening

The early morning light filtered through the window, casting a soft glow over my room. The pain from last night's ordeal still lingered in my body, but there was a newfound strength coursing through me. The red orbs had done their work, and the Stellar Body Forging Technique had begun its transformative process. I felt different, more powerful, yet there was still a long way to go. Only at the early 5th stage, there is still a long way to go, I can't become complacent.

As I lay in bed, I replayed the events of the previous night in my mind. The battles, the pain, the momentary victory—all of it felt surreal. The rabbits, especially the mental force one, were unlike anything I had encountered in my normal life. The realm I had been transported to was a place of danger and mystery, and it was becoming clear that my journey had just begun.

I sat up slowly, careful not to aggravate my still-healing wounds. I patched them up before taking a nap. Who would have thought, that the injuries would be transported over. The room was quiet, save for the occasional chirp of birds outside. It was a stark contrast to the chaos I had faced in the other dimension. I took a deep breath, trying to center myself, and then called up the storage window.

"Storage," I whispered, and the familiar red-black screen appeared before me. The 6x red orbs and 2x purple orbs were still there, along with the Stellar Body Forging Technique book. The exclamation mark had disappeared, but the significance of the items before me had not. Each orb represented a step forward in my cultivation, a chance to strengthen myself for the challenges ahead.

I reached out and touched the image of the purple orb, curious about its properties. Instantly, a wave of energy washed over me. The purple orbs contained mental energy, the same force the white rabbit had used against me. With these, I could potentially enhance my mental abilities, perhaps even develop some form of telekinesis or mind control. The possibilities were both thrilling and terrifying.

Determined to make the most of this newfound power, I decided to begin my training immediately. I carefully got out of bed, wincing slightly as I stretched my sore muscles. I needed space so I made my way to the small meditation mat I had set up in the corner of my room.

Not the quietest place but it will make do for now. I set up a few medicinal candles that help with meditation around my mat. They are some of the cheapest medicines in the cultivation world because their effect of emitting a calming smell to meditate is too weak.

I settled onto the mat and closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing. In and out, slow and steady, until my mind was clear and calm.I visualized the purple orbs in my storage and summoned one to me. It appeared in my hand, its surface glowing with a soft, otherworldly light. I could feel the energy pulsating within it, waiting to be unleashed. With a deep breath, I absorbed the orb's power into my body.

The sensation was immediate and intense. A sharp, electrifying jolt shot through my mind, and I gasped, nearly losing my concentration.

 I felt my consciousness expand, my senses sharpening to an almost painful degree. Every sound, every scent, every detail of my surroundings became vividly clear. It was overwhelming, but I forced myself to remain calm, to ride the wave of power instead of being swept away by it.

Slowly, the initial surge of energy subsided, leaving behind a heightened awareness.

I could sense the subtle movements of air around me. It was as if I had been blind and now could see a whole new spectrum of reality.

This was the power of the mental energy, and I had only just begun to tap into it.

I spent the next few hours experimenting with my martial arts abilities. I train in the "Swift Shadows" Palm technique and my movement technique "Blurrstep". At first, it was difficult to control my qi, and I struggled to perform even the most common movements. But with practice and patience, I began to get the hang of it. I achieved the adept stage in them which is good at my age. Usually, students my age are at the beginner stage or although rare at the adept stage.

I felt, that the purple orb helped me comprehend my palm techniques even further and as a bonus seemed to create a small mental barrier no calling it a barrier is too much it's more like a heightened mental fortitude. Maybe now I can resist that mental Attack from the rabbit longer, without going into an unconscious state.

The more I practiced, the more confident I became. Those orbs were incredible, and they would be a valuable asset in the battles to come. But I knew I couldn't rely on it alone. Physical strength and martial prowess were just as important, and I needed to continue honing those skills as well.

By the time I stopped my training, the sun was high in the sky. I felt invigorated, my mind sharp and my body buzzing with energy. 

I headed to the local dojo the "Thunder Cross" where I had trained in martial arts for the last three years. It was a familiar place, a sanctuary of discipline and focus with the best machines to test my power level. The dojo was empty when I arrived, which was perfect for my purposes. I needed to push myself without any distractions or interruptions.

I greeted the receptionist Lady Ming

" Young man you came last week as well nothing is going to change in those two weeks until the University entrance exam. "

I laughed at that and said: " Maybe it is as you say but I'll still try my hardest, just because you could not do it doesn't mean I can't eclipse people like you." 

"Thts youth"

After that interaction I began with a series of warm-up exercises, stretching my muscles and loosening my joints. My body still ached from the previous night's battles, but the pain was manageable. Once I felt sufficiently limber, I moved on to more intense training.

I started with basic drills, focusing on speed and precision. My movements felt more fluid than ever, and I was able to execute complex combinations of the "Swift Shadows" Palm technique with ease. 

The mental energy seemed to enhance my physical abilities.

Next, I moved on to the movement training machine. I set up the usual intensity but I find them slower than normal. The laser fired with relentless speed and precision, but I was ready. I continuously dodged allowing me to stay one step ahead at all times.

As the simulation continued, I felt a surge of confidence. I was stronger and faster than ever before. 

After I was finished with the movement tests I tested my striking force with a special power level measuring Dummy. They are coated with shock-absorbing metal, that lets the AI convert the striking force into Points. 2000 points of force are expected of a Peak martial Student in the exam.

I gathered my bearing and generated as much power as I could and struck with all my might.


" Evaluation: 1.350 Points of Force,

7th stage Matial Student."

I could not trust my eyes, I a 5th stage could fight two minor realms abought my realm. This result is better than last time. Without enhancements like the new Cultivation technique and the orbs, I was only able to punch with a force of 523 Points.

With great confidence in my steps, I went home after that. I hope my parents are home by now. I'm kind of nervous to meet them, what if they....huh it's no use worrying about that. 

As I approached the house, I noticed the familiar car in the driveway. They were home. I took a deep breath and opened the door, stepping inside.

"Mom? Dad?" I called out.

"In the kitchen, Victor!" my mother replied.

I walked towards the kitchen, feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness. When I entered, I saw my mother cooking and my father reading the newspaper at the table.

"Hey, honey," my mom greeted me with a warm smile.

 "How was your training?"

"It was... intense," I admitted, taking a seat. "I made some progress."

"Progress?" my dad looked up from his newspaper, raising an eyebrow. "That's good to hear. You're putting in the effort for the University entrance exam, I presume?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "I've been pushing myself harder than ever."

"That's what we like to hear," my dad said approvingly. "But remember to take care of yourself. Overworking can be just as bad as not working hard enough."

"I know, Dad," I assured him. "I've been balancing my training with rest. There's something I need to tell you both."

My parents exchanged a curious glance before focusing on me.

"What is it, Victor?" my mom asked.

"I now have a power level of 1350 points," I announced, trying to keep my voice steady.

Both of their eyes widened in surprise.

"1350 points?" my dad repeated, clearly astonished.

 "That's impressive, Victor. Last time you were just over 500, weren't you?"

"Yeah, it's a huge jump," I said, feeling a mix of pride and anticipation. "I've been using a new cultivation technique, and it's paying off."

My mother put down the spoon she was holding and turned to face me fully. "Victor, that's incredible! But... how did you make such a leap so quickly? Did you use a forbidden technique?"

"Never," I said quickly. "You always told me it cripples the body's talent."

"That's good of you to remember, my son," said my dad, nodding with 

approval. "So, what exactly have you been doing differently?"

"I've just been pushing myself harder, focusing on the basics, and making sure I'm executing my palm techniques right and resting when I need to," I explained. "It's all about finding the right balance."

My mom's expression softened. "I'm glad to hear that. Sometimes the simplest methods are the most effective. But remember, progress isn't always a straight line. Don't be discouraged if you hit a plateau."

"I know," I said, feeling the weight of her words.

 "I'm just trying to make the most of the time I have before the exams."

My dad smiled. "That's the spirit. Keep that determination, and you'll go far."

"Thanks, Dad. I will."

My mom returned to her cooking, a content smile on her face. "We're both proud of you, Victor. Just make sure to take care of yourself. We'll always be here to support you."

"I appreciate that, Mom. It means a lot."

As the conversation wrapped up, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. They were proud, and that was what mattered most. I didn't need to burden them with the details of my strange journey or the mysterious orbs. For now, I would keep that part of my life to myself and focus on the path ahead.

"Alright, enough serious talk," my dad said, folding his newspaper.

"How about we have dinner together tonight? Celebrate your progress a bit, your Sister Elaine is in her room, can you call her?"

I nodded, feeling a sense of warmth from their support. "Sure, I'll go get her."

I made my way up the stairs to Elaine's room. Her door was slightly ajar, and I could hear the soft hum of music playing from inside. I knocked gently.

"Elaine, it's me. Can I come in?"

"Wait a moment I'm still practicing," she replied.

I pushed the door open after waiting a bit and found her sitting crosslegged, engrossed in meditation, she started only half a year ago. She looked up and smiled when she saw me.

"Hey, Vic. What's up?"

"Dad wants us all to have dinner together tonight to celebrate my progress," I said, leaning against the doorframe.

 "Come on down and join us."

Elaine's eyes lit up. "Really? That's great! I'm so proud of you, big brother. I knew you could do it."

"Thanks, Elaine," I said, feeling a swell of affection for my sister. "It means a lot to hear that from you."

She stood up and walked over to me, giving me a quick hug. "You've been working so hard. You deserve this."

We made our way back downstairs, and I felt a sense of contentment as I saw my family gathered in the kitchen. My mom was putting the finishing touches on dinner, and my dad was setting the table. Elaine and I joined in, helping where we could.

As we sat down to eat, the atmosphere was warm and joyful. We shared stories and laughed, the worries of the outside world momentarily forgotten. 

For a while, I could just be Victor, the son and brother, not Victor, the martial student striving for greatness.

"So, Victor," my dad said, raising his glass, "to your hard work and determination. We're proud of you, and we know you'll continue to make us proud."

"Cheers!" my mom and Elaine echoed, lifting their glasses as well.

"Thanks, everyone," I said, clinking my glass with theirs. "I couldn't have done it without your support."

As we enjoyed the meal, I felt a renewed sense of determination. The road ahead was still long and filled with challenges, but with my family by my side, I knew I could face anything. I would keep pushing forward, not just for myself, but for them as well. Their belief in me was my greatest strength, and I would not let them down.

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