
Eternal Emperor of the Ages

When the Kunlun Realm was filled with mystery and glory eight hundred years later, Zhang Ruochen, the only son of one of the nine emperors of the Kunlun Realm, "Emperor Ming", who had a heavenly aura in his body, was killed by his fiancée, Princess Chi Yao, and died. However, eight hundred years later, the Kunlun world has become the era of Queen Chi Yao. Princess Chi Yao, her former childhood friend, has now become an overlord, unifying the Kunlun Realm and establishing the First Central Empire, a supreme powerhouse, ageless and immortal. Zhang Ruochen was reborn and once again faced the reign of Empress Chi Yao. He hated her betrayal and vowed to reclaim the glory and power that belonged to him. In the Kunlun Realm after his rebirth, he embarked on the path of rising to become a legend of a powerful generation. Confronted with the mystery of his birth, he tries to cultivate himself to unlock the "Seal of Divine Martial Arts" in order to pursue stronger power and regain the glory of the past. Under the conspiracy and domination of Queen Chi Yao, he and his companions will unveil the deepest secrets, challenge fate, and fight for the restoration of his family and dignity. In this journey through the light, Zhang Ruochen will explore friendship, betrayal, honor and love, and the emotional entanglements with Empress Chi Yao will become increasingly complex. He will gradually reveal the mystery of eight hundred years ago, pursue peak power, reshape his family's legacy, and ultimately, whether he can reclaim everything he has lost will become a legend throughout the Kunlun realm. "Eternal Emperor of the Ages" is a novel full of adventures, battles, emotions and growth, telling the story of Zhang Ruochen's re-emergence after 800 years. In a world full of mystery and splendor, he will face all kinds of challenges, fight against fate, and ultimately create his own legend.

Genyu_Rambler · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Yellow Extreme Realm

The Queen Mother sat in the tent below the altar, wearing a golden phoenix crown on her head and a colorful phoenix robe, she looked like she was twenty-eight or nine years old, beautiful and dignified, not as old as Zhang Ruochen imagined, but instead, she also gave off a noble aura.

She said, "The Great King is in closed-door cultivation in the Hall of Life and Death, and this 'Ritual Ceremony' is presided over by this Empress. State Master, have you detected the grade of the Divine Martial Seal opened by His Highness the Ninth Prince?"

The State Master of the Yunwu County Kingdom, holding a volume of iron books in his hands, shook it and said, "The 'Complete Book of Divine Martial Seals' contains the patterns of all the martial arts seals that have ever appeared in the history of the Kunlun Realm, from the first-grade martial arts seal to the ninth-grade martial arts seal, all of them are recorded in the book. Yet none of the seals match the Divine Martial Seal of His Highness the Ninth Prince."

The Queen Mother glanced towards Zhang Ruochen with a hint of indifference, "Since the detection does not yield any results, it is presumably a Divine Martial Seal that does not have a grade. In other counties, there have been some martial artists who opened unknown divine Martial Seals, and their ultimate achievements were all very limited."

The eighth prince was also standing in the tent and immediately chimed in, saying, "Queen Mother is right, the ninth brother is already sixteen years old after all, missing the best age for cultivation, for him, even if he opens a fourth-grade Divine Martial Seal, or a fifth-grade Divine Martial Seal, he won't be able to achieve much."

The Queen Mother nodded, agreeing with the words of the Eighth Prince and said, "Since the Ninth Prince opened only a divine Martial Seal that has no grade and, moreover, is already sixteen years old, in order to try to conserve the royal family's cultivation resources, let's just give the Ninth Prince a copy of the Marrow Cleansing Liquid!"

Concubine Lin's face changed as she said, "Your Highness, the first year of opening the Divine Martial Seal is the most important year. Back then, after the Seventh Prince opened the Divine Martial Seal, he received a total of twelve copies of the Marrow Cleansing Liquid, and he was able to cleanse his marrow once every month. Duster, why can you only get one copy of the marrow cleansing liquid?"

The Queen Mother said in a cold voice, "The Seventh Prince opened the Seventh Grade Divine Martial Seal when he was three years old. How can the Ninth Prince be compared to the Seventh Prince?"

The Eighth Prince said in a pandering manner, "Seventh brother, but the Queen Mother's first son, inherited the Queen Mother's powerful bloodline and possesses the Seventh Grade Divine Martial Seal, who in the entire Yunwu County Kingdom can be compared to Seventh brother? Whether or not Yunwu County Kingdom can prosper and become more powerful in the future all depends on Seventh Brother alone."

He added, "This prince said something he doesn't like to hear, a finger of seventh brother is ten or a hundred times more important than ninth brother's life, there is no comparison at all."

Consort Lin clenched her lips and teeth as she continued to fight for Zhang Ruochen, saying, "But when the eighth prince opened the Divine Martial Seal, he also obtained four copies of the Marrow Cleansing Liquid."

The Queen Mother said with great displeasure, "The higher the talent, the more resources one receives. The Ninth Prince has the lowest talent, so naturally the fewer resources he received."

"But ...," Consort Lin said.

Queen Mother became even more impatient and said in a deep voice, "This queen has already made a decision, Consort Lin, if you dare to say one more word, do you believe that this queen will have someone drag you out to be caned again?"

"Once again ...," Zhang Ruochen raised his head brightly when he heard the Queen Mother's words.

Could it be that Empress Dowager had once caned her mother?

After hearing the Queen Mother's words, Concubine Lin's body trembled slightly, as if she had recalled something terrible, and immediately closed her mouth.

At this moment, someone had already delivered a copy of the Marrow Cleansing Liquid and handed it to Zhang Ruochen.

When Zhang Ruochen received the marrow cleansing liquid, he walked over to Concubine Lin's side, turned around and stared deeply at the Queen Mother sitting above, saying, "Mother, let's go back!"

"Hmm!" Consort Lin gently pursed her lips and bitterly nodded.

The Queen Mother stared at Zhang Ruochen and Concubine Lin's departing backs and said, "Three months from now, it will be the end of the year examination of the royal family, so the Ninth Prince can be sure to cultivate hard and strive to complete the 'Marrow Cleansing and Pulse Flushing' within three months to become a true martial artist. At that time, the Great King will also be out of the gate, so I hope you can bring him a surprise."

Immediately afterward, the eighth prince's disdainful voice resounded again, laughing, "Even if you have three copies of the Marrow Cleansing Liquid, it's impossible to complete the Marrow Cleansing and Vein Flushing within three months. It even took me half a year to do it, and with Ninth Brother's qualifications, it would probably take more than a year to have a chance. Lol!"

Zhang Ruochen didn't turn around and tightened his fists, the intention in his heart was very firm, "You guys just wait and see, I definitely won't let you guys down!"

Returning to the Ziyi Partial Hall, Zhang Ruochen couldn't wait to close the door to his room and immediately cultivate.

Although he didn't know what Divine Martial Seal was opened, since he possessed the Divine Martial Seal, he could definitely cultivate True Qi.

First of all, the first step was to open up a "pool of qi" underneath the Divine Martial Seal.

The so-called "qi pool" was the pool that held the true qi.

The larger the pool, the more true qi it could hold. As one's cultivation level rises, the "qi pool" will gradually expand.

Generally speaking, in order to open a "qi pool", one must be guided by elders.

For Zhang Ruochen, who had rich cultivation experience, opening a "Qi Pool" was not a difficult task, and it only took him half an hour before he successfully opened the "Qi Pool".

For other cultivators, it would take at least a few days of trial and error before they could open up a "Qi Pool".

Zhang Ruochen, however, only spent half an hour.

"This body is really weak, it's surprising that it only opened up an egg-sized pool of qi, the amount of true qi it can hold is too small!"

Opening up a "pool of qi" was not enough.

A qi pool was only a place to store true qi.

For true qi to run throughout the body, one must open up their own cultivation meridians.

Only after completing this step could one possess true qi and become a true martial artist.

The next step was the second step, cleansing the marrow and flushing the veins.

Zhang Ruochen took out the small jade bottle containing the Marrow Cleansing Liquid, and after gently sniffing it with his nose to make sure that it was a real Marrow Cleansing Liquid, he directly poured the entire bottle into his mouth.

After the Marrow Cleansing Liquid entered the throat, it was very cold, however, only a split second had passed before that coldness disappeared and was replaced by a scalding heat.

It was like there was a flame that was burning inside the body!

A trace of flame, drilled into every meridian in Zhang Ruochen's entire body, and then, merged into the meridians.

It was at this time!

"Nine Heavenly Bright Emperor Scripture, first layer, Tai Huang Realm Heaven."

Cultivating different gong methods naturally opened up different meridian routes.

The more profound the technique, the more meridian routes there were, the more complex and amazing they were.

The operating meridians of the Nine Heavenly Bright Emperor Scripture amounted to as many as thirty-six in total.

Of course, Zhang Ruochen didn't need to open up all the meridians right now, he only needed to open up the first meridian, and it would be considered as completing the Marrow Cleansing and Pulse Flushing.

"They said that I couldn't complete the Marrow Cleansing and Pulse Flushing when I spent three months, but I'll prove with practical actions that I can complete the Marrow Cleansing and Pulse Flushing tonight and become a true martial artist!"

Zhang Ruochen drew on his previous life's cultivation experience and utilized the only strand of true qi he had to punch his veins with all his might, quickly opening up most of the first meridian.

A sharp pain came from within his body, as if the meridian was about to be ripped off, causing Zhang Ruochen to tremble.

If it was any other person who encountered such a situation, they would have definitely failed to punch their meridians.

However, Zhang Ruochen clenched his teeth and persevered with a strong willpower, never giving up as the beads of sweat kept falling to the ground.

"Only the ... last small section ... is missing."

Hope was just around the corner, must succeed in punching the vein!

It must succeed!

Zhang Ruochen made a huge effort and shocked all of his few True Qi over.


A loud bang came from within his body, emitting a deafening sound that almost shook Zhang Ruochen into a fainting spell.

After that wave of pain disappeared, it only felt like a cold stream of Qi was flowing through the meridians, the pain gradually disappeared, and a wave of unprecedented relief spread throughout the body.

"Haha! Success! Successfully completed the Marrow Cleansing and Pulse Flushing, becoming a true martial artist!"

The Eighth Prince completed this step by taking four copies of the Marrow Cleansing Liquid, which took a whole half year.

Zhang Ruochen had only spent one night and had only taken one copy of the Marrow Cleansing Liquid.

Completing the Marrow Cleansing and Pulse Flushing was the cultivation level of the 'Early Yellow Extreme Realm'.

Martial cultivation was divided into four major realms, namely: the Yellow Extreme Realm, Xuan Extreme Realm, Earth Extreme Realm, and Heaven Extreme Realm.

Each major realm is divided into seven minor realms: early stage, middle stage, late stage, minor pole position, middle pole position, major pole position, and great perfection.

Four major and seven minor.

Zhang Ruochen was currently at the early stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm.

In the "early", "middle", and "late" stages of the Yellow Extreme Realm, the meridians were opened up, and the true qi tanked the body so that the strength of the physical body became stronger and stronger, and with each minor level, the strength would increase by a large margin. A large chunk.

The Eighth Prince was the late stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm, and could lift a three hundred kilogram stone disk with his bare hands and throw it ten feet away. The power of a punch he threw was comparable to the strength of a brute bull.

Most of the martial artists at the late stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm were able to cultivate the "power of a bull".

Above the "Late Stage" were the "Small Pole Position", "Middle Pole Position", "Great Pole Position", and "Great Completion". "Great Perfection".

After breaking through the late stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm, one could reach the Yellow Extreme Realm Minor Extreme Position, and immediately possess the "strength of four oxen", quadrupling one's strength.

Therefore, a martial artist of the Yellow Extreme Realm Small Extreme Position, against a martial artist of the late Yellow Extreme Realm, is like an adult against a child, one against ten, no problem at all.

The "Middle Extreme Realm", "Great Extreme Realm", and "Great Perfection" were even more terrifying, and possessed unimaginable power.

Those realms were still far away from Zhang Ruochen, and there was no need to think much about them now, steady cultivation was the key, one step at a time, in order to go farther.

The Eighth Prince had only reached the late stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm after eight years of cultivation, and could only be considered to be of ordinary talent.

"The eighth prince spent half a year to complete the marrow cleansing and vein flushing. I only spent one night."

"It took the eighth prince eight years to cultivate to the late stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm. I have to accomplish that within three months. For me, it's not like there's no chance of doing it."

Three months later, it would be the end of the year assessment of the royal clan, and all the young martial artists of the royal clan, including all the princes, county lords, and royal relatives, would all take part in the assessment to test the results of their cultivation over the course of the year.

In the royal clan, if you want to gain status, if you want to be respected, and if you want to obtain more cultivation resources, you have to prove your strength.

Three months!

Within three months, one must cultivate to the late stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm, even if not for oneself, one must fight for that one mother who cares for and loves her, and fight for the dignity that belongs to her.