
Eternal Emperor of the Ages

When the Kunlun Realm was filled with mystery and glory eight hundred years later, Zhang Ruochen, the only son of one of the nine emperors of the Kunlun Realm, "Emperor Ming", who had a heavenly aura in his body, was killed by his fiancée, Princess Chi Yao, and died. However, eight hundred years later, the Kunlun world has become the era of Queen Chi Yao. Princess Chi Yao, her former childhood friend, has now become an overlord, unifying the Kunlun Realm and establishing the First Central Empire, a supreme powerhouse, ageless and immortal. Zhang Ruochen was reborn and once again faced the reign of Empress Chi Yao. He hated her betrayal and vowed to reclaim the glory and power that belonged to him. In the Kunlun Realm after his rebirth, he embarked on the path of rising to become a legend of a powerful generation. Confronted with the mystery of his birth, he tries to cultivate himself to unlock the "Seal of Divine Martial Arts" in order to pursue stronger power and regain the glory of the past. Under the conspiracy and domination of Queen Chi Yao, he and his companions will unveil the deepest secrets, challenge fate, and fight for the restoration of his family and dignity. In this journey through the light, Zhang Ruochen will explore friendship, betrayal, honor and love, and the emotional entanglements with Empress Chi Yao will become increasingly complex. He will gradually reveal the mystery of eight hundred years ago, pursue peak power, reshape his family's legacy, and ultimately, whether he can reclaim everything he has lost will become a legend throughout the Kunlun realm. "Eternal Emperor of the Ages" is a novel full of adventures, battles, emotions and growth, telling the story of Zhang Ruochen's re-emergence after 800 years. In a world full of mystery and splendor, he will face all kinds of challenges, fight against fate, and ultimately create his own legend.

Genyu_Rambler · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

The Truth of Three Years Ago

"That's right! It is indeed a Spirit Grade Lower Grade Sword Technique, and moreover, it's a sword stance diagram drawn by a powerful Heavenly Extremity Realm senior himself!"

Lin Fengxian's face wore a joyful expression as he immediately put away the Heavenly Heart Sword Technique's recitation and sword stance pattern.


Buying this kind of Spirit Grade Lower Grade Sword Technique would increase the Lin Family's reserves by a large margin.

The Archdeacon walked up to Zhang Ruochen and said, "My Lord, the 'Heavenly Heart Sword Technique' was auctioned for a total of 1,240,000 silver coins, and after deducting the 12,000 silver coins that were paid to the auction house, the total was 1,228,000 silver coins. I don't know if you're going to exchange them all for Spirit Crystals? Or exchange it for blood pills? Or deposit it in the Martial Market Money Bank?"

When ordinary people traded, they used copper coins, silver coins, and gold coins. However, transactions between martial artists generally used blood pills, or spirit crystals.

Zhang Ruochen said, "One million two hundred thousand silver coins are deposited into the Martial Market Money Bank, twenty thousand silver coins are exchanged into spirit crystals, and the remaining eight thousand silver coins can just be withdrawn directly to me."

Half an hour later, the Archdeacon handed Zhang Ruochen a card molded from yellow crystals and said, "My Lord, this is a three-star Noble Card of the Martial City Money Bank, one million two hundred thousand silver coins have been deposited into the card."

The "Noble Card" was a symbol of status, and there were very few people in the Yunwu County Kingdom who could own a three-star Noble Card.

Having a three-star Noble Card means that you have a wealth of one million silver coins or more.

Afterwards, the Archdeacon handed Zhang Ruochen the bag containing twenty spirit crystals and eight thousand silver coins.

Without saying a word, Zhang Ruochen lifted the bundle and walked towards the outside of the central auction hall.

"This person's back is so familiar!"

Lin Mishan stared at the dark silhouette of a man who was gradually walking away, a familiar feeling surfacing in her heart.

Lin Fengxian said, "I also have a few familiar feelings, I should have seen him in the royal palace. This person is very uncomplicated, and I'm afraid that his true identity is a bit scary."

Lin Mishan asked curiously, "Father, why would you say that?"

Lin Fengxian's face was solemn as he said, "The ink on the 'Heavenly Heart Sword Technique', which is not dry, means that it was only drawn today to illustrate the sword stance. And the person who drew the 'Heavenly Heart Sword Technique' must be a strong person of the Heavenly Extreme Realm."

"That is to say, either he is that one Heavenly Extremity Realm powerhouse, then he has a Heavenly Extremity Realm powerhouse behind him. Either way, this person is not someone we can mess with."

"A powerhouse of the Heavenly Extremity Realm ...," Lin Mishan was shocked and said, "Even grandpa doesn't seem to have broken through to the Heavenly Extremity Realm yet."

Lin Fengxian nodded, his eyes revealing a few moments of yearning.

There were four major realms of martial arts, the Yellow Extreme Realm, the Xuan Extreme Realm, the Earth Extreme Realm, and the Heavenly Extreme Realm.

The "Heavenly Extreme Realm" represented the ultimate realm of martial arts, which could be called the myth of martial arts, and could withstand an army of 100,000 alone, and was a true powerhouse.

After exceeding the Heavenly Extreme Realm, one has transcended the realm of martial arts, and even beyond the mortal flesh, and the various means that can be utilized cannot be imagined by ordinary martial artists.

Lin Mishan said, "There shouldn't be a few Heavenly Extreme Realm powerhouses inside the royal palace either, if we go and check, we might be able to find out who it is."

Lin Fengxian's face was solemn as he said, "Don't ever go and do such a foolish thing, if we offend that one Heavenly Extremity realm powerhouse, our entire Lin family will have to pay a terrible price."

Lin Mishan's eyes flashed with wisdom as she said, "Father! I have a doubt, since he's a big shot inside the royal palace, he shouldn't be short of silver coins, so why would he put the Spirit Grade Sword Technique up for auction?"

Lin Fengxian pondered for a moment and said, "The eight spirit level martial arts of the royal clan, all of them are hefty battle skills, and there is no 'Heavenly Heart Sword Technique' among them. It's best that we still just don't pursue this matter, a powerhouse of the Heavenly Extremity Realm is not something that our Lin Family can offend."

"Shan'er, you possess the Sword Dao Divine Martial Seal and are the best person to cultivate the 'Heavenly Heart Sword Technique'. After you go back, you will cultivate the 'Heavenly Heart Sword Technique' in seclusion, and if you are able to successfully cultivate the first sword technique within three months, you will definitely be able to shine amongst the young talents of the King's relatives during the end of the year examination."


After leaving the central auction house, Zhang Ruochen walked out of the martial market and circled around the King City, finding a secluded place, taking off the black cloak suit and the Qilin gold-encrusted boots on his body, putting them into the Time and Space Crystal Stones, and replacing them with a pair of ordinary cloth shoes.

With such attire, he looked like an ordinary teenage martial artist.

"No one should recognize that I'm that mysterious person who auctioned off the Heavenly Heart Sword Technique just now."

Zhang Ruochen carried the parcel containing spirit crystals and silver coins and walked into the Martial Market once again and began to purchase the items he needed.

First, he spent four thousand silver coins and purchased twenty copies of the Marrow Cleansing Liquid.

Then, he spent another thousand silver coins and purchased two hundred Blood Pills. With his current cultivation level, taking first grade blood pills would be enough. Two hundred first grade blood pills were enough for him to take for half a year.

Next, he purchased two other medicines to enhance his cultivation, "Body Refining Scatter" and "Qi Gathering Pill".

Both of these drugs were very expensive, even those talented disciples of the great clans couldn't afford to use such treasures at the early stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm.

For Zhang Ruochen, who was "rich and generous", as long as he was able to quickly raise his cultivation level, it was worth it to spend as many silver coins as possible.

In the end, he spent five Spirit Crystals to purchase five copies of Body Refining Scatter.

He spent ten Spirit Crystals to purchase ten Qi Gathering Pills.

Plus, he spent five hundred silver coins to purchase the Sinew and Bone Breaking Cream for Yun'er. Not counting the one million two hundred thousand silver coins that existed in the Martial Market Money Bank, he still had five spirit crystals and two thousand five hundred silver coins left on him.

Only after placing all the purchased pills into the Time and Space Crystal Stone did Zhang Ruochen return to the Royal Palace once again.

"Sister Yun'er, this is the Sinew and Bone Breaking Cream that I bought for you, it can definitely make your arm get better faster." Zhang Ruochen took out an exquisite ebony box and handed it to Yun'er.

Yun'er was slightly shocked for a moment, and somewhat flustered, she took the ebony box and opened it.

Inside the box, a fragrant medicinal odor immediately emanated.

Her heart was both grateful and very surprised as she asked, "Your Highness the Ninth Prince, where did you ... you get the silver coins to buy the Sinew Breaking Cream?"

One had to know that the worst Sinew Breaking Cream had to be sold for two hundred silver coins. The better ones were even sold for five hundred silver coins.

Zhang Ruochen smiled and said, "Sister Yun'er, I have some secrets that I can't tell you for now, and I hope that you can keep them for me as well."

Yun'er stared deeply at Zhang Ruochen and nodded, then said in a low voice, "Can I tell Empress Lin?"

"Not for now." Zhang Ruochen said.

"Alright! I promise you." Yun'er tightly squeezed the ebony box in her hand as a few moments of relief arose in her heart. Since His Highness the Ninth Prince was able to spend hundreds of silver coins to purchase the Sinew Breaking Cream for her, there must be a remarkable chance.

Perhaps His Highness the Ninth Prince could also become a strong martial artist in the future!

Zhang Ruochen asked, ''There's one thing that I've been wondering about, and I hope that Sister Yun'er can tell me the truth. Since Mother is the Lin Family Head's own sister, why did Mother sever ties with the Lin Family? Three years ago, what exactly happened?"

Yun'er sighed and said, "Because His Highness the Ninth Prince had been weak and sickly and could not be stimulated, this matter was concealed. Since, His Highness the Ninth Prince has now opened the Divine Martial Seal, then I'll tell you!"

"You should still remember the Lin Family's first genius, Lin Chenyu, who is your cousin and the eldest son of the Lin Family's head, who cultivated to the Yellow Extreme Realm's Great Circle at the tender age of seventeen."

"However, just three years ago, Lin Chenyu offended another even more remarkable genius, and had both of his legs broken by that genius and was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison."

"How did that happen?" Zhang Ruochen said, "The Lin Family is considered a first-tier great family in Yunwu County, who would dare to put the Lin Family's first genius, in the Heavenly Prison? Could it be that the genius that Lin Chenyu offended possesses a very impressive origin?"

Yun'er nodded and said, "That's right! The one Lin Chenyu offended was the most dazzling heavenly pride of the Yunwu County Kingdom, His Highness the Seventh Prince. Those other geniuses, in front of His Highness the Seventh Prince, would immediately dim and lose their colors."

"I see!" Zhang Ruochen nodded, finally coming to his senses.

Yun'er continued, "After Lin Chenyu was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison, the head of the Lin Family immediately rushed to the royal palace to beg Her Highness Princess Lin, and he hoped that Her Highness Princess Lin would intervene and plead for leniency from the County King. As long as they can spare Lin Chenyu's life, the Lin family can pay any price."

"Naturally, Empress Lin immediately went to beg the County King, but she was stopped by the Queen. It was because of this matter that Concubine Lin and the Queen had an argument, and in a fit of rage, the Queen ordered thirty strokes of the cane to be given to Concubine Lin. When the thirty strokes were finished, Consort Lin was already covered in blood and dying."


Zhang Ruochen slammed his palm on the pillar, clenched his teeth, and said, "In this matter, County King Yunwu actually doesn't care?"

Yun'er said, "You have to know that His Highness the Seventh Prince is the one with the highest natural talent amongst the County King's nine sons, and is loved by the County King, who has high hopes for him. County King Yunwu ascertained the truth, and the entire incident, indeed, was all Lin Chenyu's fault, and His Highness the Seventh Prince was all but almost killed by Lin Chenyu."

"Because of this incident, Yunwu County King was thunderously angry. He felt that it was clearly Lin Chenyu who had made the big mistake, and that Lady Lin was actually trying to plead for him, which was simply not sensible."

"County King Yunwu was originally very fond of Concubine Lin, but after this incident, he became much colder towards Concubine Lin."

Yun'er continued, "While Lady Concubine Lin has suffered, the Lin family doesn't understand. They didn't dare offend the Queen and the Seventh Prince, so they put all the faults on Consort Lin. They felt that it was precisely because Consort Lin hadn't gone to the County King to plead for leniency that the Lin family had lost a supreme genius. Ever since then, the Lin Family has completely drawn a line with Princess Lin and no longer recognizes Princess Lin as a member of the Lin Family."

Zhang Ruochen took a deep breath, his heart a little bitter, feeling injustice for Concubine Lin, he clenched his fist tightly and punched it on the pillar, saying in a deep voice, "Power! In this world, without great power, one simply cannot gain a foothold and is not treated fairly at all!"
