
Eternal Emperor of the Ages

When the Kunlun Realm was filled with mystery and glory eight hundred years later, Zhang Ruochen, the only son of one of the nine emperors of the Kunlun Realm, "Emperor Ming", who had a heavenly aura in his body, was killed by his fiancée, Princess Chi Yao, and died. However, eight hundred years later, the Kunlun world has become the era of Queen Chi Yao. Princess Chi Yao, her former childhood friend, has now become an overlord, unifying the Kunlun Realm and establishing the First Central Empire, a supreme powerhouse, ageless and immortal. Zhang Ruochen was reborn and once again faced the reign of Empress Chi Yao. He hated her betrayal and vowed to reclaim the glory and power that belonged to him. In the Kunlun Realm after his rebirth, he embarked on the path of rising to become a legend of a powerful generation. Confronted with the mystery of his birth, he tries to cultivate himself to unlock the "Seal of Divine Martial Arts" in order to pursue stronger power and regain the glory of the past. Under the conspiracy and domination of Queen Chi Yao, he and his companions will unveil the deepest secrets, challenge fate, and fight for the restoration of his family and dignity. In this journey through the light, Zhang Ruochen will explore friendship, betrayal, honor and love, and the emotional entanglements with Empress Chi Yao will become increasingly complex. He will gradually reveal the mystery of eight hundred years ago, pursue peak power, reshape his family's legacy, and ultimately, whether he can reclaim everything he has lost will become a legend throughout the Kunlun realm. "Eternal Emperor of the Ages" is a novel full of adventures, battles, emotions and growth, telling the story of Zhang Ruochen's re-emergence after 800 years. In a world full of mystery and splendor, he will face all kinds of challenges, fight against fate, and ultimately create his own legend.

Genyu_Rambler · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

The Secret Space-Time Code

Having reached the early stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm, the Qi Pool had grown tens of times larger, as big as a basketball.

The true qi in the pool was still very scarce, only a ball as big as an egg, less than one tenth of the pool's capacity.

Only by cultivating the true qi in the Qi Pool to its full capacity could he impact the next realm, the middle stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm.

Zhang Ruochen sat down on his knees, closed his eyes, and the Divine Martial Seal in his brow center opened as he began to cultivate the first layer of the Nine Heavens Bright Emperor Scripture, "Tai Huang Huang Realm Heaven".

True Qi, flowing out from the Qi Pool, flowed throughout the body along the one meridian that had been opened up.

As the true qi flowed through his body, Zhang Ruochen's body seemed to transform into a vortex, and slowly began to absorb the spiritual qi between heaven and earth.

The spiritual qi of heaven and earth flowed into the Divine Martial Seal in the center of his eyebrows.

The Divine Martial Seal in turn transformed the heaven and earth spiritual qi into true qi, which was stored in the Qi Pool. The true qi flowed out of the qi pool and traveled along the meridians, running throughout the body.

When the true qi ran around in the body, it was a circumference.

After running for nine whole cycles, when Zhang Ruochen opened his eyes again, he realized that the amount of true qi in his body had doubled, reaching one-tenth of the qi pool's capacity.

If any other martial artist knew that they were able to double the amount of true qi in their body in such a short period of time, they would definitely be ecstatic.

However, Zhang Ruochen was a bit dissatisfied, "After nine weeks of cultivation, I actually only increased my True Qi by this much, it's too slow! If only I could get a Spirit Crystal! My cultivation speed could still be doubled in!"

One must know that Zhang Ruochen was cultivating the Nine Heavenly Bright Emperor Scripture, and the speed of absorbing true qi was already faster than those martial artists who cultivated lower level techniques.

The current cultivation speed naturally left him dissatisfied.

If he was able to a Spirit Crystal, it would increase his cultivation speed by a large margin.

Spirit crystals, made from spiritual qi gathered into crystals.

It could be mined in the underground veins as "natural spirit crystals", or it could be used to kill savage beasts and dig out the "acquired spirit crystals" in their bodies.

The value of a Spirit Crystal is generally equivalent to the value of a thousand silver coins, and only the geniuses cultivated by the royal nobles or the big families have the chance to get the Spirit Crystals.

One thousand silver coins was definitely a huge number for the current Zhang Ruochen and Concubine Lin, and it was impossible to afford it.

"Spirit Crystal!"

Zhang Ruochen's heart stirred and he immediately took out the white jujube-shaped crystal that he had been wearing on his body and held it in the palm of his hand.

Could this be a Spirit Crystal?

As the true qi in his body revolved, the Divine Martial Seal on his brow immediately emerged, transforming into a coin-sized circular halo of light.

A white true qi shot out from his brow, striking on top of the white crystal.


On the surface of the white crystal stone, four ancient characters emerged.

It was too weird!

Zhang Ruochen had never seen such writing before, yet he recognized the four characters at a glance - "Space-Time Crystal Stone".

One must know that in his previous life, Zhang Ruochen had also injected his true qi into the white crystal stone, but never had the words on the surface of the crystal stone been energized.

"In my last life, my cultivation was hundreds of times more powerful than now, and I didn't make words appear on the surface of the white crystal stone. In this life, with a cultivation level of only the early stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm, I actually made the white crystal stone appear to change. It means that it's not the strength of the true qi at all, but rather the attributes of the true qi."

For example, a martial artist with the Flame Divine Martial Seal would have the best results using a fire-attribute spirit crystal, and could achieve three times the cultivation speed. Using an ordinary Spirit Crystal would only be able to reach twice the cultivation speed.

Ninety percent of spirit crystals in the natural world had no attributes. Just like ninety percent of martial artists, they could only inspire martial dao seals without attributes.

"Could it be that the Divine Martial Seal I've opened also possesses some sort of attribute that just happens to fit with this Time and Space Crystal Stone? Wait a minute, what is a Time and Space Crystal Stone?"

Zhang Ruochen was the son of Emperor Ming in his previous life, and was extremely knowledgeable, having heard of many attribute spirit crystals, Red Flame Spirit Crystal, Xuan Ice Spirit Crystal, Thunder and Lightning Spirit Crystal, and Evil Blood Spirit Crystal ..., but he had never heard of spirit crystals with the attribute of time and space.

Because, time and space were simply not humanly controllable, even if it was a god, he could not shake time and space, and had to follow the rules of time and space.

Just as Zhang Ruochen was still very confused, a halo of light emerged from the surface of the Space-Time Crystal, transforming into a vortex.

The vortex continued to grow larger and larger, wrapping around Zhang Ruochen's body.

Zhang Ruochen only felt a heavenly rotation, and in the next moment, he arrived in a confined space and fell heavily onto the hard ground.

Fortunately, he had completed the Marrow Cleansing and Vein Flushing, reaching the early stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm, and his body had strengthened quite a bit. If he had been in his previous fragile body, he would have probably died from this fall.

Zhang Ruochen got up from the ground, moved his aching muscles and bones, and began to observe the space around him.

This space was completely airtight, with no doors or windows visible. The height of the space was, roughly, ten meters, and the length and width were almost around ten meters as well.

"How did this happen? Where did I come in from? And where is this place? Huh! There's a stone platform there!"

In the entire space, there was only one stone platform.

On top of the stone platform was a rolled up painting and a silver-colored iron book. Other than that, there was nothing else!

Zhang Ruochen took the lead to take the painting, but the painting was incredibly heavy, as if it was connected to the stone platform, and no matter how much strength Zhang Ruochen used, the scroll did not move.

Since he couldn't pick up the scroll and couldn't open it, Zhang Ruochen could only give up for the time being and then set his eyes on the thin silver-colored iron book.

On the surface of the silver-colored iron book, there were four words written, "Space-Time Secret Codex!"

This time, Zhang Ruochen was prepared and ran his true qi through his entire body, mobilizing all of his body's strength to turn over the first page of the Space-Time Secret Dictionary.

"So ... easy?"

The Secret Canon of Time and Space was very easy to flip through, not the slightest bit laborious.

Zhang Ruochen shook his head resentfully, stopped running his true qi, picked up the Space-Time Mysterious Canon, held it in his hands, and read it carefully.

What was recorded on the first page of the Space-Time Secret Codex was not a cultivation secret codex, but rather the transcript of the previous owner of the Space-Time Crystal Stone, the "Sacred Monk Sumeru".

After Zhang Ruochen finished reading the transcript of Saint Monk Sumeru, he finally understood everything.

"It turns out that the Divine Martial Seal I opened is actually a Space-Time Divine Martial Seal. According to what Sacred Monk Sumeru said, not even one out of billions of people have been able to open the Space-Time Divine Martial Seal. From ancient times to the present, there have only been a mere two people, counting me is three."

"The Sacred Monk of Sumeru was the second person to open the Space-Time Divine Martial Seal, but, according to the time he recorded above the Space-Time Mysteries, he died over 100,000 years ago. More than 100,000 years ago, that was already the Middle Ages, too far away from now."

The space that Zhang Ruochen was currently in was the inner space of the Space-Time Crystal Stone.

The speed of time flow in the inner space was completely different from the outside world, three days of cultivation in the inner space and only one day had passed in the outside world.

Zhang Ruochen was overjoyed and excitedly said, "Cultivating for three days inside, only one day passes outside, isn't that three times more cultivation time than others out of thin air? That's really great."

Zhang Ruochen wanted to flip through the second page of the Space-Time Mysterious Codex, but no matter what method he used, he was unable to flip the second page open.

"Unable to open it again."

Zhang Ruochen had an urge to slam the Space-Time Mysterious Dictionary on the ground, when suddenly, there was another small line of words on the last row of the first page he was looking at.

"Cultivating to the Yellow Extreme Realm Minor Extreme Position and injecting True Qi into the scroll can open it."

Zhang Ruochen once again fixed his gaze towards the scroll, guessing in his heart that the scroll must have recorded some sort of mysterious technique, perhaps related to cultivating time and space.

"Cultivate hard and strive to break through to the Minor Extreme Position as soon as possible... I'd like to see what secrets are hidden inside the scrolls."

"Small Pole Position" was the fourth minor realm of the Yellow Pole Realm, and further up was the Middle Pole Position, the Great Pole Position, and the Great Perfection.

A feeling of hunger came from Zhang Ruochen's abdomen, so he immediately temporarily exited from the inner space of the Space-Time Crystal Stone and returned to his room once again.

He squeezed the Space-Time Crystal Stone tightly in his hand, with this piece of crystal stone, he had a greater certainty that he would be able to cultivate to the late stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm within three months.

Zhang Ruochen, Concubine Lin, and her maid Yun'er, sat down to eat breakfast together.

The food that was eaten was merely white rice and steamed buns, with no meat in sight at all.

For martial artists, the physical strength consumed was much greater than ordinary people, and what they ate became quite important.

Those other princes and princesses who had opened the Divine Martial Seal ate "blood pills" made from the blood of savage beasts every day, and had long since stopped eating ordinary food.

Taking a single blood elixir could replenish a whole day's physical exertion, and even if they practiced boxing and swordplay for a day, they would not feel hungry.

Moreover, taking a blood elixir could also enhance the blood qi, strengthen the martial body, and increase the strength of the physical body.

If Zhang Ruochen just ate white rice and steamed buns, even if he ate eight meals a day, it would still be far from enough for his body's consumption.

"Duster, you can't eat ordinary food now that you've opened the Divine Martial Seal. Take these ten blood pills first, if it's not enough, mother will think of something else." Concubine Lin took out a jade bottle and handed it to Zhang Ruochen.

Zhang Ruochen was nibbling on a steamed bun, he didn't even think that Concubine Lin was actually able to take out ten blood pills, he said with some doubts, "Mother, five silver coins can only buy one blood pill, ten blood pills is fifty silver coins, where did you get that much money?"

Concubine Lin smiled and said, "Mother always has a way."

Attendant Yun'er stood behind Concubine Lin and said, "Your majesty sold her favorite golden hairpin of stepping to go to the Dan market to exchange for ten blood pills!"

Concubine Lin gently glared at Yun'er as if she was blaming her for talking too much, and then added, "Dusty, don't think too much, as long as you are able to cultivate into a true martial artist, Mother will support you in your cultivation even if you sell all of your ornaments."

Zhang Ruochen's heart was incomparably touched, squeezing the jade bottle in his hand tightly and biting his lips, he wanted to tell Concubine Lin that he had now cultivated into a true martial artist.

No, it couldn't be done.

Opening up a qi pool and completing the marrow cleansing and vein flushing in just one night was just too fast, and if the news accidentally leaked out, it would definitely reach the ears of the other princes and queens. At that time, it would instead harm himself and Princess Lin.

He was still too weak now and needed to be more powerful.