
Eternal Emperor of the Ages

When the Kunlun Realm was filled with mystery and glory eight hundred years later, Zhang Ruochen, the only son of one of the nine emperors of the Kunlun Realm, "Emperor Ming", who had a heavenly aura in his body, was killed by his fiancée, Princess Chi Yao, and died. However, eight hundred years later, the Kunlun world has become the era of Queen Chi Yao. Princess Chi Yao, her former childhood friend, has now become an overlord, unifying the Kunlun Realm and establishing the First Central Empire, a supreme powerhouse, ageless and immortal. Zhang Ruochen was reborn and once again faced the reign of Empress Chi Yao. He hated her betrayal and vowed to reclaim the glory and power that belonged to him. In the Kunlun Realm after his rebirth, he embarked on the path of rising to become a legend of a powerful generation. Confronted with the mystery of his birth, he tries to cultivate himself to unlock the "Seal of Divine Martial Arts" in order to pursue stronger power and regain the glory of the past. Under the conspiracy and domination of Queen Chi Yao, he and his companions will unveil the deepest secrets, challenge fate, and fight for the restoration of his family and dignity. In this journey through the light, Zhang Ruochen will explore friendship, betrayal, honor and love, and the emotional entanglements with Empress Chi Yao will become increasingly complex. He will gradually reveal the mystery of eight hundred years ago, pursue peak power, reshape his family's legacy, and ultimately, whether he can reclaim everything he has lost will become a legend throughout the Kunlun realm. "Eternal Emperor of the Ages" is a novel full of adventures, battles, emotions and growth, telling the story of Zhang Ruochen's re-emergence after 800 years. In a world full of mystery and splendor, he will face all kinds of challenges, fight against fate, and ultimately create his own legend.

Genyu_Rambler · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Dragon Elephant Prajna

Zhang Ruochen's gaze held a sharp edge as he said with a firm intent, "Mother, don't worry! I will definitely cultivate to become a strong person as soon as possible and use my own strength to protect you."

Taking the Blood Pill, Zhang Ruochen returned to his room and continued to cultivate with vigor.

"Your Highness, it is said that martial artists not only just have to take blood pills, but they also have to cultivate techniques, and they must possess cultivation techniques in order to open up their meridians." The maid Yun'er said.

Concubine Lin looked at Zhang Ruochen's departing back, pursed her lips, and nodded bitterly, saying, "I know! However, even the lowest grade of the technique is sold for more than 500 silver coins, so with my current financial resources, I can't afford it at all. Moreover, now that the Queen and the State Master are presiding over the court, it is simply impossible for the Queen to allow Dusty to go to the 'Hall of Collected Books' to receive cultivation techniques and martial arts skills. It seems there is only one way out!"

Servant Yun'er said, "Your Highness is going to beg the Lin family? But three years ago, the Empress had already completely fallen out with the Lin family, so they would give His Highness the Ninth Prince cultivation techniques?"

"As long as they are willing to give Duster the cultivation technique, even if they want me to kneel on the ground and admit my faults, I can still kneel just the same." Concubine Lin looked as if she had thought of something from the past and couldn't help but shed tears in her eyes.

"But it clearly wasn't the Empress's fault in the first place ...," the maid Yun'er sighed softly.


The inner space of the Space-Time Crystal Stone was very rich in aura, and the intensity was roughly twice that of the outside world.

One should know that in the Yunwu County Kingdom, those famous mountains and rivers would already be considered cultivation treasures if their aura concentration reached one and a half times that of the outside world, and would be fought over by all the major clans.

Sitting in the center of the inner space, Zhang Ruochen took out the jade bottle containing ten blood pills, poured out a blood pill from the jade bottle, and brought it to the tip of his nose to gently sniff it.

"Although the Blood Pill is refined from the blood of a savage beast, it does not have a bloody odor, but instead carries a light fragrance.

When the alchemist refined the Blood Pill, he removed the bloody odor from it and added Tiger Luo Grass and Mandragora Flower.

Taking the Blood Pill for a long period of time would not only provide the martial artist with a constant supply of physical strength, but also improve the martial artist's meridians, bones, and internal organs, making the martial artist's body stronger.

"It's just a First Grade Blood Pill." Zhang Ruochen gently nodded his head and muttered, "With my current cultivation level, taking a first grade blood elixir is enough."

Zhang Ruochen took a Blood Pill into his mouth, then immediately recapped the jade bottle and placed it on the stone platform.

Under the urging of the true qi, the blood qi of the blood pills quickly melted away, providing Zhang Ruochen with an unceasing source of physical strength.

"Although I have reached the early stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm and become a martial artist, this physical body is just too thin and weak to be compared to other martial artists. I must refine my body to be strong, or else I will suffer a great loss when fighting martial artists of the same realm."

For martial artists, not only did they just have to cultivate true qi, but they also had to cultivate martial arts.

"Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm!"

Zhang Ruochen's mind surfaced this set of subtle palm techniques, which was enough to be ranked in the top three within the secret martial arts codes he remembered, and it was just right for him to cultivate right now.

With his legs spread apart and his waist plate sinking down, he filled his body's true qi into his legs, fixing his body, and slowly raised a pair of arms and began to clap his palms according to some kind of subtle pattern.

In his mind, imagining himself to be an ancient divine elephant of infinite power, an abyssal demonic dragon that swallowed clouds and spat out mist, every punch he threw out was with all his strength, as if he was trying to strike out every ounce of strength in his body.

With each palm strike, the muscles of the entire body were pulled, and the true qi in the body followed suit and merged into the muscles and sinews, causing the muscles and sinews to undergo a deformation, becoming more powerful and tougher, and even merging into one with the true qi.

The Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm, which had a total of thirteen palm seals, belonged to the lower grade of the King Grade martial arts.

To be exact, if one was able to cultivate the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm to the thirteenth palm, even if it was compared to a divine grade martial skill, it would be similar.

Techniques and martial arts were categorized into five grades: human, spirit, ghost, king, and god.

The first palm of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm, the "Barbarian Elephant Running on the Ground", when successfully practiced, was comparable to the lower grade of a human grade martial art.

The second palm of the Dragon Elephant Bonjour Palm, "Flying Dragon in the Sky", when practiced successfully, its power was comparable to that of a middle-grade human grade martial art.

The third palm of the Dragon Elephant Like Palm, "Dragon Elephant Returning to the Field", when practiced successfully, its power was comparable to a human grade upper grade martial art.

The fourth palm of Dragon Elephant Like Palm "Dragon Image Shadow", if successfully practiced, the power is comparable to the lower grade of Spirit Grade martial arts.


The thirteenth palm of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm was called "Dragon Elephant Destruction", its power was comparable to that of a divine grade martial art, and the power it exerted was unimaginable.

The first few slaps of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm could only be considered as low grade martial arts, and their power was not strong. Moreover, the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm was extremely hard to cultivate as it was extremely hard to cultivate, and there were very few people who were able to cultivate up to the seventh palm.

After the seventh palm, each cultivation palm needs to consume a lot of time, a lot of energy, if the body can not resist the power of the most rigid to the sun, and may even burn the body spontaneous combustion.

It was because of these reasons that the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm could only be considered a King Grade Lower Grade martial art.

Although the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm was very difficult to cultivate, however, it was just right for Zhang Ruochen to cultivate now, and could refine his body to be strong in a short period of time.

"Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm First Palm, Barbarian Elephant Chasing Earth."

Zhang Ruochen first stood in a horse stance, then, quickly stepping on the pace, he charged out violently and quickly struck out palm seals.

Quiet as a mountain, moving like a savage elephant.

Practicing over and over again until he exhausted the true qi in his body, he wiped away the sweat and sat down on the ground, utilizing the Divine Martial Seal in his brow to absorb the aura in the inner space of the Space-Time Crystal Stone, transforming it into an unceasing supply of true qi.

In the inner space of the space-time crystal stone, he practiced for nine days in a row, and finally succeeded in practicing the first palm of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm, the "Barbarian Elephant Chasing the Ground".

Nine days in the inner space, but only three days had passed in the outside world.

"I wonder how strong the power of the first palm of the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm will be when I execute it with my current cultivation level?"

Zhang Ruochen walked out from the inner space of the Space-Time Crystal Stone and came to the backyard, standing in the center of the compound and running the true qi in his body, filling his legs.

"Barbarian Elephant Chi Earth."

He stepped in regular steps and charged out violently.

As he stepped, a powerful force rushed up from his legs, through his waist, abdomen, and spine, surging to his back and shoulders, and gushing out from his arms.

Although it was only a palm strike, it mobilized the power of every muscle in the entire body, and the explosive power was naturally quite astonishing.


Both palms struck on top of a half-man tall jack stone, then, immediately retracting his palms, he stepped on the footprints he had just made and retreated back to his original spot at a rapid pace.

Zhang Ruochen looked towards the piece of jack boulder, only to see two additional shallow palm-shaped indentations on the surface of the boulder. The bottom of the boulder had sunk about two centimeters into the soil.

Zhang Ruochen was still quite satisfied with the power of this palm.

Even though the Dragon Elephant Prajna Palm was now only a human grade lower grade martial skill, it was more advanced than other human grade lower grade martial skills, and the power that erupted from it was more powerful.

"The higher the grade, the harder it is to cultivate the martial skill. If I were to directly cultivate a Spirit Grade martial skill right now, it would be impossible to cultivate it within nine days, and it would take at least half a year or more. Moreover, with the amount of true qi in my body, I wouldn't be able to execute a spirit level martial skill."

The time spent on cultivating martial skills and cultivating techniques had to be arranged reasonably.

If one favored cultivating martial skills and neglected the cultivation of gong methods, it would result in a slow cultivation realm.

If one favored the cultivation of gongfu techniques and neglected the cultivation of martial skills, one would suffer great losses when fighting others.

Regardless, after cultivating the first palm of the Dragon Image Prajna Palm, Zhang Ruochen finally had the initial ability to defend himself after 800 years.

In these nine days, Zhang Ruochen's cultivation had also progressed tremendously, and the true qi in the qi pool had already been cultivated to full capacity, allowing him to start opening the second meridian.

But in order to open the meridian, it was necessary to take the Marrow Cleansing Liquid. The Queen had merely given Zhang Ruochen only one copy of the Marrow Cleansing Liquid, which had been used when opening the first meridian.

How would one go about getting a second copy of the Marrow Cleansing Liquid, or even more?

"Ninth Prince, the Empress is looking around for you, what are you doing here?" When her maid Yun'er saw Zhang Ruochen standing in the center of the courtyard, she curiously walked over.

Yun'er was the only maid beside Concubine Lin and Zhang Ruochen, probably about seventeen or eight years old, quite beautiful looking with bright eyes and a pointed chin.

Zhang Ruochen walked across to Yun'er, blocking Yun'er's line of sight so that she wouldn't see the two handprints on the jackstone in the distance, and asked with concern, "Sister Yun'er, is the injury on your arm better?"

Yun'er gently shook her head and said, "It takes a hundred days to heal, I'm afraid it will take two or three more months to heal."

The injury on her arm was the bone that was broken a few days ago when she was pushed out by the eighth prince with a slap. For maidservants like them, not to mention breaking bones, even if they were clubbed to death, the eighth prince would not need to take any responsibility.

In a world where the strong were honored, the weak had no status at all.

Zhang Ruochen said, "Why don't you purchase a copy of the Sinew Breaking Cream?"

Yun'er endured the pain in her arm and smiled bitterly, "A copy of the worst Sinew and Bone Breaking Cream would cost two hundred silver coins to buy, and inferior people like us simply cannot afford to use it. Ninth Prince, it's good enough that you care about us slave girls. Hurry up and follow me to see the Queen, today, we're going out of the palace."

Zhang Ruochen followed behind Yun'er and asked curiously, "Leave the palace? Where to?"

"To see Muddy Shan! It's been a long time since I've seen her, you must be very happy, right?" A bright smile appeared on Yun'er's face as she stared at Zhang Ruochen.

Every time he said "Muddy Shan", he would definitely blush, shy like a big girl.

"Who is Muddy Shan?" Zhang Ruochen had just wanted to ask this sentence, but immediately swallowed it back.

Obviously, the Zhang Ruochen before his illness and death must have known that one woman called Muddy Shan, and listening to Yun'er's tone, their relationship might even be extraordinary.

If Zhang Ruochen asked "who is Muddy Shan", he would definitely be exposed. Since that was the case, it would be better to keep silent and say as little as possible.

Fortunately, Zhang Ruochen had been weak and sickly all these years, and except for Concubine Lin who had always cared for him, he rarely came into contact with people, otherwise, he would probably have been suspected already.

Yun'er was slightly surprised to see that Zhang Ruochen was surprisingly calm, but she didn't think too much about it and continued to walk towards the compound where Concubine Lin lived.