
ETERNA: origin

A Newborn god, his first creation, and the twisted turn that it takes because of his boredom.

carlos_samudio_0763 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


A week later…

Aether: Lucy this project that Father gave me to control and practice my powers is quite boring. I already created the entire planet but the only life that has any progress is the Dragons, the other ones have not made any advances in technology. Also, there are my new training lessons with my father so there is not much I can do with this thing. Quite frankly, that is better to get rid of it, what do you say?

(Lucy is an Androgenous being, which at the same time is part of Aether's essence. Lucy is the opposite; this contrast is important to remember.)

Lucy: Wouldn't that be a waste? Let us do this instead, why do not you let me go there and give them a hand to speed up their progress, you also mention to Pia to help you with this in the past. Why not just try it?

Aether: what a hassle, Ok! You take care of that I will not meddle in this, when you are done with it let me know so I can get rid of it.

Lucy: Ok ill do that, look forward to what I will do with this.

(Aether leaves the room and goes to train with his Father.)

Lucy approaches Eterna and calls out to Pia, once she reaches the boundary of Eterna Lucy grabs her and talks to her "Pia have you prepared the dragons that we requested?"

Pia " My lord they are waiting for your command."

" Good, do the following, send the water dragon to the human shelter, let him stay with them as their guardian, and tell him to give them some basic knowledge for them to create a proper community. For the Elf, to send the air dragon, the Dwarf should get the fire dragon, and the beast kind should get the ground dragon, all the dragons with share the same purpose as the initial one. At last, I need a dark dragon, a hatchling, if possible, to keep me company, the best there is. You see I am going to descend to Eterna soon and I need to prepare things, otherwise your world will cease to exist."

Pia " I'll do as you wish. Can I know when will you descend to my world? So, I can have the hatchling prepare."

" just let the young one explores the world, for the time being, I will meet him once I am ready."

Pia nodded and was placed back in Eterna by Lucy.

Lucy when ahead and just stare at the world, as if it were lost on his tough. During this time his appearance was changing, from a formless figure made of what looks like clouds, to a tall, dark hair and bronze skin person, his eyes were the color of gold, and the overall silhouette was that of a fit person.

He started to walk slowly around Eterna while monitoring the progress of the world. After a millennium in Eterna, Lucy decided to enter the world. With a move of his hand, a fissure appears in Eterna, as he walked through his body appeared near a pond, where a baby dragon the size of a medium size dog was drinking water.