
Essence of Gacha in Marvel

A boy suddenly finds himself in a world similar yet so different from his, with the essence of gacha in his pocket. ---------- Tired of waiting for the OG, so decided to make one myself. Heavily inspired from the OG, though this won't be a copy of that. And for non-harem fans, sorry bros I'll have to disappoint you. After all, why settle for one, when there are many?

I_Like_that_thighs · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
3 Chs

Sweet vacation




I don't feel tired at all.

After a 12 hour flight to Gothenburg I thought I'd be dead tired, but I feel fresh… while I don't have superhuman physical strength my mind is clearer than ever.

Even Dick is like this. I wonder how refined Batman's mind would be. All I needed was about an hour of sleep on the plane. The sleep was extremely uncomfortable as all economy seats are. Batman trained Dick to be a goddamn superhuman if all it took was an hour of sleep for me to feel refreshed.

Reminds me of all the torment Dick had to go through during Batman's training. His mind broke more than once during the training, trust me I know all about that.

And here I am reaping all those benefits without moving a damn muscle. Well to my defence I did have to go through all of the memories. Most of which I don't remember except the things I couldn't really forget.

Dash's life was painfully normal compared to Dick's, while Dick was mentally struggling to be a good leader, fulfil the expectations of his father, to be an example for others who looked up to him. Most of Dash's life was just the struggle to pick cereal or pancakes for breakfast.

Shows how different superheroes are.

Though I won't lie… it feels good to cheat my way through.

But I can't just sit around either, while I stopped following marvel close as I used to, I still have some knowledge of how things went in some universes. For all I know this could be the zombie verse or the verse in which Ultron won.

And the scariest part is that, all of this could happen tomorrow or is happening right now.

I didn't waste my time in the plane either, I paid for the airline wifi and searched the internet for all important topics.

The avengers aren't yet a thing but Tony Stark being Iron Man is public knowledge, Hulk is hopping between states, the baxter building is in the middle of NY, Oscorp is a thing, Peter Parker is my junior in Highschool, Mutants are a thing which the media avoids because Magneto killed a president, X-men is probably having their threesomes on the mansion.

From what I collected, I'm sure that this isn't the cinematic universe.

So Thor is probably chiling as whatever his earth name was, Black Widow is probably old as fuck and many more that I should be scared of.

Especially Ant-man, that guy is the most dangerous. Second only to Reed, but at least Reed will clean up his own mistake with F4 but most of the time Hank causes extinction level events.

I can't let such an unpredictable variable not be under my surveillance. Call me paranoid but what did you expect from someone who assimilated with a less edgy version of batman.

Why can I just get some broken character like Superman or Darkseid? Though assimilating with them on my current level is probably stupid… I was out for 10 days after witnessing Dick and Dash's memories… I can't even imagine how old Darkseid is. Though Superman won't be much of a bad news.

All I have to get is a 1 year old Kal-el and I'm good to go, just have to sunbathe and I could take on anyone.

Assimilating now would be a bit more easy than before, after all I've assimilated with two guys at once so it won't be problematic. From a weak guy to superman would be hard. But from Nightwing to Superman isn't as hard.

I could also summon them if I had full control of them…


I pushed the thought down. No way for that to happen, personal power is the best, I can be Ashborn after I'm as strong as him.

So what I'm guessing now is, to assimilate with a character without blacking out or potentially dying, I have to be at least on a similar level of power with them.

Now I'm definitely strong, with Dick's skills and Dash's speed normal people can't even hurt me. I can run at speeds faster than a bullet and react to danger quickly. With Elemental sight my perception of reality becomes further than just 3 dimensions.

Especially after I used all of my power upgrade cards on elemental sight. I can tap into the information dimension and understand it on a fundamental level. I can do some pretty cool stuff with that. 

For example, just after seeing a person I can know their name, age, species, powers and even their near future. Power upgrading cards are no joke, which makes me wonder what would have happened if I used all of them on, super speed.

Sadly upgrading SuperSpeed once alone costs 5 PUC(Power Upgrade Card). Elemental sight cost one for the first upgrade and 2 for the second upgrade.

I walked out of the airport with a fresh smile on my face, since I had a sweden citizenship the customs was a breeze to come through.

"Now where's that guy?" I looked for the driver who was sent here by my grandpa.

I walked around a bit before seeing a buff man with shades holding a board with my name on it.

"Mr. Bane?" He asked as I walked near him.

"That's me, did grandpa send you?" I asked as I shook hands with him.

"Yes, Mr. Arvid sent me to pick you up please follow me towards the car." He said and showed me the way towards where the car was parked. It was an expensive looking Mercedes.

'Some things never change in both worlds huh?' I wondered while looking at how clean Sweden was. Compared to NY this place looked like polished glass.

"It's a bit cloudy init?" I said to him as he put my luggage on the trunk of the car.

"You speak swedish?" He was a bit surprised at my swedish.

"It's not as good as my English but I can read, speak and write in swedish." I told him as both of us got into the car.

"Haha, That's impressive compared to most." He laughed as he started the car. "This is the first time we met, right? I'm called Hugo. I have been working for your grandfather for nearly a decade now. I manage a lot of things in his place."

"With how much business Grandpa has all over Europe it's impressive" I praised him, my grandpa owns a lot of business here, the most prominent being wine and whiskey. 

"Haha! I still have a lot to learn from Mr. Arvid" 

The rest of the ride was quiet as I observed the beautiful surroundings. Sweden is a lot more calm and peaceful than NY… but the pubs are always full though. It's just a few minutes past 9 and the pubs are already overflowing with old folks.

The people here really like their alcohol huh? No wonder grandpa's rich. The demand here will never die out.

The car soon came to a stop before a huge mansion, the gates slowly opened and Hugo drove the car slowly towards the front of the mansion.

I got out of the car along with my backpack.

My grandpa stood there with a huge grin on his face and arms spread wide. "Give this old man a hug, young man!"

"Yeah" I smiled and hugged him tightly. It's been a few years since I've seen him. 

"Look at you! You've gotten bigger than me." He patted my back a bit hard.

"My viking genes kicked in I guess?" Can't say the truth can I?

"Come in! Are you hungry? Even if you're not ready to eat like a king! I prepared a feast for you" He put his hand over my shoulder and showed my way in.

Even at this age he's still as enthusiastic as I remember him.

Grandpa didn't lie, he really did prepare a feast for me. Even with my newly enhanced body whose appetite is more than a normal human's, I wasn't even able to complete half of it.

Ranging from Germany to Sweden, Grandpa put the whole European cuisine on the table. I tried to try all of them but in the end I wasn't able to finish them.

We caught up with things and had some small talk as I ate a brownie with ice cream and he drank some whiskey with stones in it.

Some time passed as we finally finished our conversation.

"You're probably tired after travelling, I'll show you your room. Take some rest." He finished and showed me towards my room which was on the upper floor of the house.

"If you need something, text me, I'll be in my room. *Cough* *Cough*"

"Hey, is your age catching up to you finally?" Seeing him cough I went near him to help him.

"I'm fine, kid, time is fair. It's natural with my age. You rest." He casually dropped the matter and walked away, leaving me with a sad heart. 

I sighed and went back inside my room. I just saw the details of his body using elemental sight, he doesn't have any disease or tumour, it's just his age. His organs are getting older. Though I'm not a doctor, the information dimension provides knowledge to me.

"Well… as he said time is indeed fair, at least for the normies" I shrugged and crashed on the king sized bed. This room feels like a 5 star hotel more than anything.

Well… now time to use the rest of my spins. I've been waiting for this moment for the whole day.

I pulled up the gacha screen on my mind. Currently I have 41 GP, enough for many pulls. I didn't waste time dwelling and immediately used 20 GP to pull on normal twice.

As usual the meteore, asteroid, whatever came crashing down from the sky and the rewards presented itself in front of me. I got,

Power Upgrade Card.

Omni Dimensional Gear



Exploding Heart Release Fist Manual

Power Upgrade Card

Wonder Woman's undergarments.

Benimaru Shinmon

Sand-Sand Fruit


Appearance Changing card

Power Upgrade Card


Stun gun

Random World travel card(24 hours)

Rex (Fallout)

Symbiote Venom


Anti-Matter Cannon

Power Upgrade Card

15 Psyche


Woah… I'm genuinely speechless this time..

No world shattering powers, well except decay of course but damn. I looked into the detailed summary of the rewards that I'm confused about. I forgot to use this feature of the Gacha during my first pulls.

[Heal- the ability to heal any living organism at the cost of one's stamina. The higher the damage the more stamina consumed]

Well this will be good for me. I instantly claimed this power. It made me feel weirdly warm for a moment but nothing more.

[Wonder Woman's Undergarments- The undergarments worn by Diana Prince. They seem relatively fresh and wet in sweat]

",,,," I thought hard about it and ultimately fought the urge to take that out of my inventory. I'm not going to let my horniness dictate me anymore. I'm better than that…

"Remember Victor, your did is only for aunt Cass or Jenifer Lawrence no one else" I slapped myself and tried to brainwash my own brain.

Not gonna lie, the urge in me to just take it out and do unholy things with it was strong.

"Phew… now my cock's hard" I sighed in disappointment, disappointed at my own cock. "Well I can just blame Dick for liking amazonian women."

Only I know the truth about him. Let's just say Starfire has to thank Wonder Woman for Dick's taste in women.

"Well now for the rest.."

[Decay- the power to disintegrate anything you touch into ashes.]

Well not very useful in day-to-day life but since I can control it I see no problem in having this. I felt the same feeling when I claimed Heal.

To test the skill I touched my own skin and it immediately started cracking along with causing intense pain. I immediately pulled my arm back by instinct. It felt like I placed a hot metal pipe on my skin.

Before it started to bleed I used the heal skill to heal it quickly. There were no traces of it left behind but the pain was there.

"That could've gone wrong… quickly…" I realise my own immature mistake. 

[Random World Travelling Card(24 hours) - Travel to a random world for 24 hours. You will be pulled back into your current world to the moment you left]

So no time will pass in this world huh? So this effectively pauses time for this world while I'll still age. Nice. I wonder if I can choose specific worlds with rarer cards.

[Self-Replication- the ability to create identical physical duplicates of yourself at will. The duplicates can have their own consciousness of varying levels or not according to what the user wishes. The duplicates can also use this skill]

Fuck… this skill is a lot damn scary. No way I'm making a clone with full level of human consciousness, it'll just kill me because I would do the same if I was a clone.

[15 Psyche- an asteroid made fully of Vibranium weighing approximately about 100000 tons]

"Pfffftttt… what? Hundred Thousand Tons!?"

I can easily buy the whole damn Earth with this. How much does this even cost? Thank fucking god or whoever made this Gacha for making it so that only after claiming the reward my wealth goes up cause if this thing is considered my wealth, I'd have to use a billion everytime I buy 1GP.

"Still the moment I claim it, I should probably give this to someone so that I won't own this thing as a part of my wealth." I sighed… I really am suffering from success.

Too rich to pay taxes.

[Self-Regeneration- The ability to regenerate lost cells]

Well… that's better than cancer I guess?

I didn't wait and claimed those powers too.

"Still I expected some broken character but Bennimaru isn't bad either. The ability to produce and control flame is great" I said while 'using' the Exploding Heart Release Fist Manual to learn it.

The knowledge, like usual, appeared instantly in my head.

I punched the air twice with quick jabs without even using my superspeed, but my hands left behind after images and literally smoke came from my arms.

Not wanting to waste more time I started assimilating with Benimatru's card. I was engulfed by new memories but after getting used to it twice, this was easy.

"Phew…" I opened my eyes after what felt like infinity as I lived Bennimaru's life till I got him as my prize.

*Swoosh* I made a flicker of fire on my arm and played with it for a while. The fire was hot but weirdly I didn't feel pain when I touched it.

I soon spent the rest of my GP on a specific 11 pull of ability category to get many abilities since they are the easiest to use.

I got it, just this time I turned on the summary feature.

Pain resistance - You won't feel any kind of pain whenever you want to.

Mirror-gateway - teleport to different locations using mirrors. 

Perfect health - Immune System strengthened to perfection. Immunity to all and every disease in existence.

Perfect Stability - Ability to balance yourself even at vertical surfaces.

Super Jump- Leg muscles strengthened to a point your calves can help you jump longer than miles and tank the fall.

Possession- Take control of anyone by locking eyes with them,

Laser vision- Eject light of varying wavelength and intensity from your cornea.

Plasma breath- Blow small puffs of hot plasma at will.

Pitcher's arm- throw things at speeds faster than sound.

Human Tank- All physical traits enhanced to a superhuman level.

Lie Detector- Can discern any forms of lies from truth.

Seeing the results only one thing ran through my mind. Why the fuck did I not just do this from the begining?

"Now I definitely won't die from bullets…" I said and started laughing in happiness. I was in pure euphoria, I no longer need to be scared of dying from disease or some other serious thing.

New York better get ready, because I'm getting too strong for it to handle.

Wanting to test out my newly acquired powers I slowly jumped out of my window and climbed down using a tree. I still haven't 'claimed' any powers because, well I don't know if my body could handle them.

I used superspeed to run to a forest a few miles away from the mansion.

First I claimed Pain resistance and tried to bite my own lips after activating the power and lo and behold, it didn't hurt. Like at all. I bit till I bled but all I felt was the taste of blood, no pain or anything uncomfortable.

Maybe this power is a double-edged sword… I'll just activate it when I'm in pain.

One by one I tested out all the abilities to the extreme, from pushing superspeed to the max to almost causing a forest fire. I did it all.

This taught me a lot too, I can not only run on water but on vertical surfaces and even upside down on branches.

Especially after the body strengthening provided by super Jump, Pitcher's arms and Human Tank. My body is on a superhuman level.

I can punch through trees and throw stuff at insane speeds.

Laser eyes are definitely the most versatile because I can make literal radiations come from my eye by adjusting the light's wavelength. It can even make me see spectrums of colour that I never knew existed to the constant radio waves around.

Possession is also very cool because I learned what would feel like if I was a crow or a snail. Flying felt good but Snail made me realise how big the world is.

Anyway I can jump for nearly thousands of feets, I would have definitely died if it wasn't for my enhancements. 

After playing for a while I looked through my inventory and pulled out a specific sword named Yamato. Just holding it on my arm made me feel dangerous and powerful. The sword was heavier than I thought and insanely sharp.

Each time I moved it, it would cause noise as it cut the literal air. 

I opened a portal to my room in NY and it worked. I posed some Jojo poses in front of my mirror and decided to check out Mirror-Gateway.

Thinking of my room in Grandpa's house I stepped into my full-body mirror and I felt no resistance and the moment my head passed, I saw myself in Sweden.

"I could start a cartel all by myself." I thought but immediately scrapped the plan.

Getting rich just means that GP will be expensive. And I have tons of Vibranium that has no literal use to me.

I sat on my bed and looked at Yamato on my hand, instantly realising my mistake.

"FUCK!!!" I facepalmed at my own stupidity.

In a moment of happiness, I totally forgot that I couldn't store things back inside the inventory after taking it out once.

What to do now? I can't let this just stay around. While it is heavy I'm too paranoid to just let it lay here. Should I just keep it with me all the time?

"Fuck I'm stupid…" I was a bit bummed out and was about to close the inventory but noticed something.

'Random World Travel Card'

"I could just go there and see what's there" I thought about it for a while and decided on going.

"Well, what could go wrong? In the worst case I just used Yamato to come back" I shrugged and used the card.




I opened my eyes and instantly felt something different.

That being the temperature. This place was fucking hot.


"Where the hell am I?" I wondered as I looked around, from what I could observe I was in some sort of Middle eastern village.

Someone bumped into me and stumbled. He had a monkey on his shoulder.

"Hey are you ok?" I helped him up.

"Yeah… you sure are strong" He dusted himself off and patted my shoulder. Since he was a lot smaller than me he had to look up.

"Yeah I get that a lot, so what is the name of this place? I ended up here by accident" I lied to know about the place.

"Accident? How is that even pos- you know what nevermind. This place is called Agrabah, people call it Agra for short. Have a good day man" He left in a hurry while I stood there, genuinely surprised at the world I ended up on. I was surprised to the point I didn't care about him casually stealing my chain. Sadly that was just stainless steel.

"Damn… what a twist of events." I muttered while using my superspeed to get to the highest point of the city, aka the palace top to look at the city down below. 

"So the boy with the monkey was Aladdin huh?"

I didn't even consider this as a potential world that I could be in. Honestly I'm not even tempted by the genie, the gacha could potentially give me the genie itself. For now I just want to explore this city. This place is much… much bigger than a normal kingdom. 

"First the food. If the food here is great, I'll just let the things run its course. After all, the only thing more interesting than the genie is this city's food." I jumped into the castle and ran past all the guards without noticing and searched for the king or sultan here.

After all I need money to buy shit here, who else to steal from other than the sultan himself.

I had to search for a while since this palace was huge but I finally found him in his daughter's room. I really should get an ability to sense stuff.

".... Don't try to think your right Baba! That over-dressed self-absorbed prick of a prince will never make a good ruler or a husband! Why can't you understand that!?"

Ohh… maybe I stepped at the wrong time. The princess was having an argument with her father.

"Sigh… dearest daughter you should come to stop rejecting every prince who wants your hand for marriage" The sultan sighed, "The law says-"

"I must be married to a prince. Yes I know the law Baba, I memorised it when I was 6" The princess seemingly gave up arguing and started petting her pet tiger.

Have to say this place is grand. Unlike the scorching desert outside, this room has a balcony and a freaking fountain. How the hell did people of this time even make this?

Well… considering there's a literal wish granting genie about a few miles away I don't think this is absurd. 

"Baba! I hate doing this, if I do get married I want it to be for lov-"

Not wanting to see some useless Disney drama anymore I controlled both of them to stop whatever they're doing. I jumped into the room from the window and looked around. 

It looked exactly what one could expect from a Disney princess room.

"Yo, take me to your treasure vault." I put my hand around the sultan's shoulder as he nodded and started walking along with me. The tiger growled at me but I just lit my hand on fire to scare it away.

On our way here all the soldiers looked at me weirdly but the sultan's nod was all it took for them to remain quiet. The power of a sultan is really great, no wonder Jafar wanted this.

Soon he brought me to the dungeon of the palace. I saw many prisons and stuff that wasn't shown in the movies. The sultan is no simple man, he's cruel. At least to the prisoners.

Most of them are tortured, some even skinned alive and dipped in salt water.

"You really are a sultan huh? Well at least you didn't have a 1000 concubines." I said to him just to have no reaction. 

The problem with application of possession is that my sub-consciousness will overtake their real consciousness and make them follow each of my commands, but sadly my sub-consciousness isn't powerful enough to think for itself.

Maybe I need some training.

Finally we reached the deepest point of the dungeon and in front of me was a huge, by huge I mean massive, almost a 100 metre wall door which screamed magic with all the symbols and crystals on it.

"Is this made of magic or something?" I asked the Sultan, or my subconsciousness who controls him. To which it nodded.

"Let me guess? Jafar?" 

He nodded again proving my theory.

"What a stupid guy.." I chuckled at the stupidity of the sultan, for someone that old he trusted a single man too much. Fortunately the Sulthan knew how to open the door so it wasn't a pain in the ass.

But inside the treasure room was someone I was surprised to see.

"Ohh- my sultan, what brings you here??" Like a deer caught in headlights, Jafar dropped the gold vase on his hand and acted surprised.

"I felt a strong magical signal from one of the treasures. I feared it may be of danger to your highness so I rushed here before reporting to you. Please punish me for my sin." He immediately kneeled down.

He is truly a good liar.

"No one asked man." I just walked past him and took a few gold items.

He stared at the unreactive sultan for a while and stood up with a shocked face, "You! What did you do to him!?"

"Oh nothing. Just possessed his mind to take some gold."

"You controlled his mind? But how? I feel no signs of magic. Is this some advanced form of magic?" He looked like a panicking maniac.

"Magic? Meh could be. I don't know" I shrugged and put all the gold items in my pocket. I just wanted to get some gold here but now that I met this guy, I can just go to the lamp right?

I thought of asking him the place but seeing him yapping about magic I simply processed his mind while knocking out the sultan cause I can only possess two people at once or I'll lose control of my own body.

At first I wasn't interested in the genie, mainly because I didn't want to go through the trouble of finding Jafar but since fate seems to be on my side. I'll check the limit of the genie, to test it's limit. While I'm confident that I'll eventually become strong with the help of Gacha, a quicker way is good too.

"Ya got a problem-" A parrot came flying at me out of nowhere and I just swatted it aside.

It's not dead and just fainted.


Comming to a new world really does fucks up a human brain, it hasen't even been an hour since I've come here and I'm already shrugging at a parrot's death, taking control of a few people what next will I kill them?

 Weirdly enough I can see myself do that.

It doesn't even feel like I'm in a new world, I feel like I'm on a game. Is this what all Isekai protags feel like?

The Marvel world is different because I have memories of growing up in it, but this world? I can commit genocides and nothing will change. 

Damn that was a dangerous thought right there. Better to not dwell on that.

After getting out of the castle using Jafar, I walked through the city. I Tried lots of food, from camel meat to crocodile. I ate it all. The food was not the best, but I liked it a lot. It had a new taste, and the best part is. I don't even have to fear getting sick with the perfect health power.

The power pulls are really the best.

Of course I paid for all my meals, much more than even necessary. I just pulled out the precious stones from the jewellery and gave them even though they didn't want that.

People here sure are kind. If they had good leaders they'd become more developed. 

We walked for a while and finally reached the end of the city. A large gate stood in between the city and the desert, separating them.

"Jafar? What are you doing here and who is that?" Unlike the other guards, this guy questioned Jafar which was bad for me since he can't answer.

"Answer me!" The guard shouted.

So before things got bad for them, I had to let go of my possession on the princess and possessed the guard to make his mouth shut. I used him to open the gate and commanded him to drink his own piss.

Stupid bastard made me let go of my control on the princess, well it's not bad as long as she doesn't cause a ruckus.

After that we walked for a while. And by a while I mean almost 9 miles. Honestly I could have run but Jafar wouldn't be alive after running at that speed. Trust me I tested, if it wasn't for me healing him he'd be dead.

"Open it." I commanded him and he started saying some chants, soon the sand moved slowly, rising into the shape of a tiger's head.

The eyes of the tiger glowed bright as it's mouth slowly opened, revealing a glowing entry to the cave inside.

A deep voice came from the cave, "Diamond in the rough."

And the mouth closed. Restricting entry for me.

Well, I totally forgot about that part. 

Now I'm presented with two choices, either go back and bring in Aladdin or… go with the OongaBoonga and break my way in.

To test ran about 400 metres away from the cave and ran towards the cave at full speed, delivering a punch faster than the speed of sound right at the nose of the tiger.

*BOOM* The sound of the cave 

I was expecting the cave to not break, but it seems like it isn't that strong. 

"That was anticlimactic…" I dusted myself off and made a clone of myself with a low level of consciousness enough for it to understand my commands using Self-Replicate. 

"Go bring me the lamp with super-speed." I didn't bother saying much because it has my memories so I figured it out.

While I'm confident in my speed, being cautious is never bad. 

It didn't even take the clone a few seconds to be back with the lamp in its hand. I merged back with it.

"Why is this so easy? Almost feels like I'm cheating." I took the lamp and felt its cold metallic surface on my skin. This honestly still feels like a weird fever dream.

I observed the lamp for a while, to see if it even had any signs of some magical symbols but it had none. 

Rubbing it honestly felt weird but I had to do it, soon blue fog slowly released from the lamp's nozzle followed by immense gusts of wind which caused a small sandstorm.

"He who woke me up, say thy wishes, not more than 3 I shall fulfil"

What the hell? Where's Will Smith? All the other characters are the same as the movie so why's the genie alone different?

I didn't say anything and just stared at the Genie, curious to what it would do if I stayed quiet.

Just like me, it also stayed still and just kept staring at me with its eyes. The look it gave me was a bit scary, I could feel the almost boundless energy behind it. Just its presence was causing some temperature changes.

"So, can I ask anything? Or are there some rules?" I asked, because this genie was different from the movie. So maybe his rules are also different.

"Yes Otherworlder, there are three rules" He nodded, casually shocking me with his knowledge.

"You know? How?" I asked him in surprise.

"I am older than this galaxy, do you really think you're the first Otherworlder I've encountered?"

Fuck… I fucked up.

I shouldn't have gotten careless and cocky.

What the fuck could I even do? Shoot lasers and crush rocks? Superman could do that when he was 3! Why the fuck did I get arrogant?

"Thou shall not wish for more wishes, thou shall not ask me to tamper with souls and thou shall not ask me to tamper with life and death." He said with his majestic voice which echoed in my ears.

Even the rules are different from the original. Wasn't there a rule which made it so that one can't make others fall in love with them?

"But can I wish for a power that will make me do that?" I tried to see if the loop holes work.

"I can grant you the power to manipulate life and death, but trust me you aren't ready to wield or face such forces of nature. Even with that… weird power of yours. And for an ability to make wishes come true, I'm not powerful enough to do that." He answered and with the Lie detector, I could see he wasn't lying.

"Well… that actually makes sense." After all, some universes portray life and death as entities, especially marvel so I'd rather refrain myself from messing with them till I get Beyonder or Goku. The wish granting ability would have been broken but it's a pity that even he can't do that.

"So some things are beyond even you huh?'' I asked him to which he nodded.

Well… now what should I wish for? Immortality? Nah that's overrated. 

"Omnipotence?" I asked him.

"Do I look Omnipotent to you? If I could do that I wouldn't even be here" He replied blankly, all the majestic vibe of his voice seemingly disappeared.

"Wish to remove all the rules?"

"These aren't rules, I just can't do some things. I'm no god." 


He seems to be a chill dude.

Pity that I ain't Aladdin, no way I'm wasting a wish to free this guy.

I spent a few minutes thinking of suitable powers that would make me a literal god in terms of power.

"I wish to only be affected by any and all abilities, skills and powers only when I want to." I said my first wish.

Immunity to any and all skills.

This one seemed to be the most useful skill, especially because it will make all reality warpers powerless against me.

The genie just snapped his finger, "Done"

Like usual I felt new info appear in my mind. I just gained the ability to be immune to everything in the universe.

"For my second wish I wish to have the ability to open portals to the universes that I've been to at any point of time."

"My powers are being blocked, allow them to affect you." He sighed.

"Oh, yeah" I forgot that this skill of mine is effective against even beings like him. I allowed his powers to affect me and similar to the first wish, I got info about my new skill.

Now I don't have to worry about travelling between worlds, I can come back here whenever I want.

"Now ask your final wish." 

"For my last wish, I wish that all cells of my body disintegrate into nothing when it's more than 5 metres away from my main body unless I want it to." I said my final wish.

While I'm not famous in the marvel world, there will be people after me when I inevitably do something. So having a trait like this reduces the possibility of an evil clone coming after me. And best of all, no condoms needed baby.

"Done. Then I shall take my leave" He didn't even bother to stay and quickly went back inside the lamp which disappeared into thin air from my hand.

"First time seeing an introverted Genie."

I'm genuinely surprised by his character.


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