
Essence Meta CYOA

Welcome to Essence Meta CYOA.One of the most overpowered powers amongst superpowers

WillOblivionK · แฟนตาซี
25 Chs

Essence Meta CYOA Part 4-Section 5(Lack of Space)

Essence of the Cyberworld

By drinking this fizzy black essence that makes you think of a computer screen, you gain access to a world beyond conventional reality.

You now have the ability to enter the Cyberworld with any digital computer system, manifesting into a space where the system you have entered is represented in a physical fashion. The appearance of this space may vary, but if there is a visual display for it then you will see it as a 3D version of that, since that is what you will be interacting with.

You can enter fictional mediums like games and videos and change the way they play out, the medium literally becoming its own world within the Cyberworld upon your entry.

You can control the computer system you have entered by physically interacting with the world around you, consequently modifying, damaging, creating or destroying the data present in the system. This can cause things to act more like physical objects than actual programs (or parts of programs).

Other powers that you have will also work in your digital form, and may allow you to change things in different ways than previously stated.

You can bore a 'hole' into the internet in order to travel between different systems without exiting the Cyberworld, but this cannot take you to any computer system that is not connected to the internet, nor can it function in a computer system that is not already connected.

Other people may also do the same to you if they have a way of interfacing with the system you are in, but you can resist any attempts to modify or delete you. Your ability to resist people just beating you up or killing you manually depends on how well you could resist that kind of thing anyway. You are also subjected to the physics and rules present within mediums like games and videos to a degree if you enter them, but this comes with the opportunity to internalize these things and let them act on you all the time, though you can suppress or discard these physics at will when not within the medium.

You gain immaculate, masterful drawing abilities in any digital medium you interact with.

You gain the ability to 'wake up' other virtual objects into sentient beings like you upon interacting with them, though at first this ability will be uncontrollable and activate randomly. Awoken beings will have powers that they were 'intended' to have by their immediate creator if they are something like an image of a character, or powers based on their position if it is something like a video box.

You get a one-time opportunity to create a virtual avatar for yourself that you can transform into whenever you enter the Cyberworld, though this is not mandatory. You can also take over any non-living image or screen and make use of it as your new avatar, as long as it can be used as a 'body'. This body may have minor abilities by default, but nothing beyond street-level. If you need a guideline, then nothing that a superhero like Spiderman (whilst holding back) couldn't beat on his own.

You, and all other virtual beings have the potential to develop new abilities with enough effort, training or stress, though your potential is much higher to the point that it wouldn't take too much effort to obtain blatantly supernatural abilities such as pyrokinesis. Virtual beings modeled after certain characters or themes have an easier time developing abilities related to said appearance.


Essence of the Gift

Upon consuming the Essence of the Gift, you find yourself blessed by a mysterious patron.

Pick up to six Gift, from up to that many different Gift of Favs

Alternatively, you may spend 3 gifts on one Gift of Favs, to access the normal number of gifts that Fav offers, as well as any other special bonus attached to it.

You may gain two more gifts, if you take a 'cursed' CYOA at the same time - one where the theme is something ""bad"" or ""cursed"" happening to you.

Like all Essences, you may obviously use this as a 'meta' with another CYOA.

If you don't, feel free to take a one time trip to another world of your choice. If you use this option though, you'll only find your way 'back' to earth if you have an appropriate power.

You may insert how you wish - portal, getting summoned, simply waking up into a new life in your new world, being reincarnated from the start, etcetera.

Essence of the Unfaltering Hero

Upon consuming this essence, you awaken the hero inside you, you wish you could have been.

The Heroic Spirit will guide the development of your body, making it slowly move towards the best version of it you could have had. If you had a genetic tendency towards a problem, but it didn't nessessarly have to manifest, it will fade/not appear. You will grow as tall as you would have if you had the best possible diet/nutrition. You lungs will slowly change to what they would have been if you had grown up at a high altitude, your body hardening as if you had gone through specialized training to achieve it. This will go into the slightly impossible - your bones with strength as if they had been repeatedly broken and allowed to heal, without the stiffening and accumulating micro-damage that causes. You will become slightly better than best physical you, you could have ever been. This will slowly move you towards your physical prime, and keep you there.

The Heroic Spirit is always read for action. It's always paying complete attention to through all of your senses, and is always expecting, planning for, and ready to react to danger, violence, fast motion, sudden action, chaos, betrayal, and opportunity from every possible angle in your immediate environment, and from anywhere your senses cover. Therefore, you need do none of these things, as it's awareness is always completely but effortlessly at the back of your mind. This doesn't wear on you or demand your attention, you just have a thoughtless awareness of everything it's thought or focused on.

The Heroic Spirit is talented at all physical pursuits, and the logic of physical pursuits on the personal scale. You will both pick up any physical skill easily, often the first time you see it, but you will get the logic of how it's applied. You won't just learn mountain climbing, you'll instantly understand what are good decision to make while mountain climbing even before you master the technical skills. You won't just learn wrestling, you'll instantly understand the logic of control aggression and the philosophy of a fight on the personal scale level. This might make other skills easier to learn by inference, but it won't give you tactics on it's own, as that's no longer personal scale.

The Heroic Spirit knows your heart. It can always give you the correct moral answer, via your own morals, instantly. You instantly know what moral position you would adopt in any situation where you know all the factors and costs, if you were being honest with yourself and you had unlimited time to ponder it. That doesn't mean it will always give you a complete answer - you might have to spend time figuring out the costs, or the second order implications, and so on. It won't do the logic for you, just the moral calculus. But with whatever logic or data you have, you can instantly know what your final, personal, honest position would be on the subject with that data. Note that this means that if the situation changes, you'll instantly know if your moral convictions would make you take a different position, if you weren't caught up in the heat of the moment.

You gain a mental "map" of fulcrum points, places where the determined actions of a single person could change lives. This isn't a map of direction or distance, but of action and choice, and it doesn't tell you what or when you will find that point, just a "direction" to move in along the decision-axis and a vague sense of what's at stake. Choices you could make, but never would, won't appear on the 'map', while choices you are unlikely to make will be "hard" to "read" or notice.

As an example: An orphaned prince running from his pursuers is moving through the city you're in. Your map won't point to him, because while there are a series of choices you could make that would lead you right too him, those aren't organic choices you would ever make in a vacuum. However, if he might break into you house to steal food provided you're out of the hosue, you might sense a fulcrum point to decide the fate of the kingdom, provided you go out shopping today, and once you were out, you would get a sense of when you should start heading home, as all of these choices are choices you might otherwise make.

Lastly, it can steady your mind and lend you the determination to calmly act on your convictions. It won't force this on you. You never have to use it. But at any time, you can choose to follow through with your moral conviction, and once you do you can hold steady to them, unflinching of the consequences.

Essence of the Blue Mage

This dark spinning drop of liquid seems to form cannibalistic caricatures one moment, and pages the next. It tastes of blood and ink, and after drinking it your thirst seems to momentarily redouble.

Upon drinking it, a small mental study will form in your mind.

You gain a second mental thread that is fully focused inside your mind, upon your books and research. It can focus on anything that isn't within the study, and it's memory is no better than yours, but you're always fully aware of it and what it thinks/knows, can direct it, and it know where to find anything recorded within it's books.

Whenever you experience is automatically systematically recorded in a through fashion. The weight of words will over time form a flow of mystical power.

In addition to giving you a steady flow, each 'tome' will also act as a battery, able to hold a minute's worth of it's own generation.

Among the tomes in your study, one will be a bestiarum vocabulum, a recording of everything you learn about beasts and monsters (or anything sufficiently adjacent to those to be included).

Drawing upon the mystical principle that knowledge is power, the bestiarum will leverage it's influence upon you.

For example, every observation about cats might add to your strength, a little, and your agility a bit more, and your balance and kinesthesis even more. It would also probably make you naturally move more stealthy.

It will also using your collected knowledge to form a set of 'pictures' of each 'beast.'

These pictures will display all the magics and influences of the beast that you have observed.

It will also included diagrams focusing upon any exceptional traits of the beast.

Pulling upon your flow of magic, or even your reserves, you can pull these influences into reality. You can pull dragonsfire from your recording of a dragon, or lay the diagram of it's terrible claws upon your own hands to grow them.

Over time, you can integrate aspects you draw upon regularly, perhaps permanently integrating feature you desire, or otherwise using them to modify yourself.

You can also further master any powers you've claimed, forming books and grimories about how elements of your bestiarum vocabulum could be leveraged. While you can't do anything not recorded as part of it, with just this essence, you can use them in ways the beast couldn't.

For example, you could record how a circle of blood fairy blood could bind an oath, and then manifest that oath circle, even though that performance would be beyond the pixiy you recorded fae blood from.

The more steps you have to go through, the more sophisticated the steps, the 'harder' it is to 'record' such an application.

For both advanced applications, integrating or recording applications, your 'extra' mind can do it on it's own, or you can help. You might also be able to find things out in the world to speed your progress.

Essence of the Red Mage

This steaming sip of crimson seems to give the impression of movement, but it's impossible to tell if it's just the play of shadows and light, or if it's actually moving. Upon drinking it, energy fills your body, like the biggest rush you've ever felt.

The formless force charges your body, like the biggest sugar rush imaginable, combined with speed. You have more energy than you've ever had before in your life, and it doesn't abate.

Despite this, it's an undemanding energy. You wake up filled with it, but it never gets in the way of being still, or sleeping. It can let you ignore tiredness indefinitely, but but won't actually remove the need for sleeps. You just aren't tired.

This surge of energy helps with... pretty much everything. You recover from injuries faster, you build muscle faster, you sleep less (but generally better due to your better physical state).

You don't get energy from your food, the rush providing all the energy you'll ever need. But all your other nutritional needs are still there. Likewise, your physical condition won't degrade from passivity, though it can suffer for other reason.

This surge that fills you is the energy of action, and it further surges when you're performing dynamic actions, and rises in response to assaults upon you.

You will quickly come to understand how to harness these surges, and call them forth as externalized action. You can use it to bolster yourself or others in a more direct fashion, casting 'buffs' and 'heals', or to lash out with twisted version of the same, 'debuffing' others or damaging their 'buffs.' and wielding other.

Alternatively, you can pour your action into the world, manifest forces that dynamically act in place of your body. Fire, lighting, and bitter cold will come instantly, but with practice you'll find many more ways of effecting the world.

Smarts and Will will empower your magic, and this is a broad kind of magic that can work towards constructive or destructive purposes, but it isn't a ritual power or one that builds upon preparation. It is the energy of action, and esoteric, deep, high, and obscure magics and forces... won't be impossible, but with just this, are probably impractical and not worth the effort. It's good for immediate solutions, but outside of basic earth magic or healing struggles to have a lasting impact on the world


Essence of the Ghostbuster

Drinking this bottle of ectoplasmic slime grants you the following:

- An athletic body capable of lugging around dozens of pounds of gear without tiring out. Injuries cannot hinder you, and you heal at a faster than normal rate. Also no amount of slime, gunk or ectoplasm can affect your mobility.

- You gain increased intelligence, photographic memory, and the ability to go for days without sleep. Sure, you'd end up looking, feeling and smelling like shit, but on the upside, around the three day mark, you'll stop giving a fuck about many, many things. At that point nothing scares you anymore, and even the spookiest of spooks would just be another payday. This wears off once you get a good meal and a good night's rest.

- You also gain encyclopedic knowledge of and keen intuition for the supernatural. This updates itself for every world you end up in, if you do end up going from one world to another.

- Alongside this is the ability to build and repair Ghostbusters technology featured within the franchise. You start out capable of creating equipment counteracting supernatural and paranormal entities like the proton pack, and can go all the way up to dimensional travel with enough time and resources. However you must scrounge up the parts yourself. Create miniature particle accelerators out of electronic scrap you have lying around.

- No gods, demons or Lovecraftian entity can subvert your mind and soul. Your mind and soul protected from any and all unwanted supernatural effects, including mind control, insanity-inducing memetic agents or having your soul ripped out of your body. If ghosts scare the piss out of you, that's because you're actually scared shitless, and not from some emotion-inducing aura.

- Your own charisma gets a permanent minor buff. Cold-reading and deadpan snark becomes second nature to you, as well as fast-talking people into agreeing with you. Your words become especially effective against supernatural entities. Piss off freaking Slenderman with a witty comeback.

- Unusual luck. There's always a chance of success in a venture against the supernatural, and one in a million chances of survival is guaranteed. You can't just coast on this luck however. You have to work for it and grasp the opportunity it gives you.

Essence of the Starver (Don't Starve/Don't Starve Together)

By consuming this black translucent glob of dubious origin you get the following:

Starvation does not make you helpless. If left unchecked, malnutrition would still eventually kill you, but your strength and mobility is unaffected by the lack of nutrition or fuel. Optionally you can also gain an indicator in your head telling you when you're literally starving yourself to death. It sounds like Wigfrid extolling the virtues of eating meat on the top of her lungs.

Death is not the end. Once your body perishes, your soul, taking the form of a glowing bedsheet ghost with a few distinguishing features, can wander around and be a spooky nuisance until you find a resurrection method. Or you can move on to whatever afterlife there is. Your choice.

A hammerspace inventory to store items in. It can be accessed through your pockets. The items inside are rendered weightless and there's no risk of cross-contamination, but time still passes (slowly) within it. Feel free to put manure in the same pocket as your freshly butchered meat. You can also make your bags bigger on the inside. These bags act as their own separate inventories that follow the same rules as your inventory, but smaller.

Note: The contents of your non-bag inventory will spill all over the place if you die.

The knowledge on how to create and use all the structures and items from Don't Starve/Don't Starve Together, even the ones that you can't normally create within the games. This includes items and structures from the mods that can be found in the games. While you still have to gather the materials, these items and structures will work regardless of whether or not they're in the Constant. This includes the Jury-Rigged Portal, which allows you to travel to and return from the Constant.

You can also "pre-make" structures and furniture. That is, create otherwise unmovable structure or furniture, store it in your inventory, and deploy it for later. Unlike in normal DS/DST, you can make and keep multiples of that structure at the same time.

A perfect sense of direction, along with a perfect memory for interesting locations, landmarks and terrains. It is impossible for you to stay lost as long as you take a few moments to gain your bearings. Optionally you can also gain a minimap in your head. It updates itself the more you explore and anything that you may find interesting would be marked on the map.

Night vision. It won't let you see in absolute darkness, but with a minimal light source, you'll be able to see in a pretty large radius around you. Even a tiny lit match can drive away the darkness and the things that lurk within it.

Fighting skill. In the Constant, the best defense is not getting hit in the first place. You gain a keen instinct on how and when to dodge oncoming attacks, and when to strike back. You also gain the ability to easily distract and lure monsters into traps or other monsters.

Sanity recovery. This won't protect you from insanity-inducing effects, be it from magic, auras or eating bad shrooms, but this will guarantee that you will always recover from insanity eventually. This recovery is substantially aided by a good night's sleep.

Optionally, you can start within the deathworld that is the Constant, at any time after Maxwell got to the Nightmare Throne.

Essence of the Nightmare Throne (Don't Starve)

By consuming this black translucent glob of even more dubious origin you get the following:

You get full control and ownership over the Constant. A version of it at least. It's an entire world that starts out as nothing more than dust in an empty void. Under normal circumstances, this world would have been under the influence of shadowy beings called Them, and their latest plaything puppet plaything, but with this Essence this world is yours and yours alone. It's up to you how you'd shape it. Create life, sculpt landmasses play god. Unfortunately you don't have the instruction manual or any guidance whatsoever, and would take a lot of trial and error experimentation. Oh and by default all life you created are loyal to you.

Please do keep in mind time is pretty wonky in this world. Plants and animals grow at an abnormally fast rate, and people brought into this world do not age at all.

You are not beholden to Them, and you are in fact the one in control. It's up to you how this manifests. Perhaps you're the absolute ruler of these malevolent shadowy beings and they can't disobey your orders, or perhaps They are rendered mindless puppets by your presence. Or perhaps they just aren't there anymore.

You can go leave and return to your Constant whenever you wish. You can bring people in there too. However many esoteric items and beings created within your Constant do not work in other worlds. And vice versa. Something something different governing metaphysics something.

You can also make shadow minions to do your dirty work. Be default it looks like a 3d silhouette of you, but you can customize their shape and size with time and effort. You can perceive the world through their senses (which is pretty disorienting for the uninitiated) and would work regardless of what world they're in.

You also get a dapper, yet rather edgy alternate form. The details are up to you as long as it's still recognizably you: black flames for hair, spikes etc. The sky's the limit. (This is just a cosmetic change though.)

As a bonus, if you take this along withthe Essence of the Starver, you get this tiny bonus:

The things and beings you create within your Constant now work regardless of what world they're in. Have fun I guess.

Essence of the CYOA Cherry Picker

When you want some pretty specific crap but can't be bothered with making builds.

By consuming this tiny vial of thick syrup (that tastes awfully like sour cherries with the tiniest hint of cheddar), you get twelve Cherry Tokens.

Each Cherry Token can be spent to acquire an Item or Power in any CYOA, (exception to this being Cherry Tokens). You start with the basic skill to use said Power or Item.

Once spent, the Cherry Token can't be regained unless you sacrifice the Power or Item you got from it.

The Powers gained this way cannot be suppressed, or stolen. If these Powers are somehow lost (how???), they are restored three days later.

The Items gained this way cannot be stolen. In case it is destroyed or used up (like in the case of consumables), it is restored three days later. Modifications to these Items will also be included when restored, if you want to.

You can customize the Powers and Items acquired through these Tokens, but the effect is purely cosmetic. You can do this only once, and only when you acquired the Power or Item.

This Essence can be modified through Meta CYOAs or other Essences (but the more it's modified, the more godawful it gets, to the point of smelling and tasting like an unholy combo of cough syrup and Limburger cheese, and it lingers in your throat for hours).


Essence of The Eternal

This Essence looks like your favorite beverage and tastes truly delicious.

•You are eternal and invincible on a metaphysical level. You exist beyond space, time, causality and are immune to harm from all sources, even those of a metaphysical, abstract or conceptual nature. You cannot be killed, nor can you die or be destroyed, by any means at all.

•You possess eternal agency, being impossible to bind, entrap or ensnare. Your will and sense of self cannot be altered or manipulated. Your will cannot be compromised by any kind of direct or indirect manipulation, restraint, influence, temptation or irrationality of any kind. Even should all of existence be compromised, you will continue to exist in spite of this. If you choose, you may choose to become unaware of yourself and the passage of time until existence resumes once more.

•As an eternal being, you have absolute freedom from all Authorities and Wills, your self is absolutely inviolate. You are the only version of yourself that exists or ever will exist. You are completely immune to all esoteric effects such as time paradoxes, reality manipulation or revision, existence erasure or similar things.

•You suffer no negative side effects as a result of your eternal life. Things like boredom, apathy, depression and mental instability caused by immortality will not affect you. Should you choose so, you may pass on from this life to an afterlife of your choosing and you may return back to life at any time you choose. You may choose to be reincarnated into a life tailored to your preferences. The specifics of this life are up to you.

•You as an Eternal Being is indestructibe so you no have weaknesses be they be internal or external weaknesses as such this too covers physical, mental, emotional, existential, conceptual, metaphysical weaknesses, etc; even those who are not stated here.

•You possess complete and absolute immutability and protection from any or all alteration or change whether they come from internal or external sources and even regardless if they have limitless Reality Warping or True Omnipotence, you cannot be changed by others, only you yourself can change your own self and do so freely. This immutability of yours not just simply affects nor apply to your physical state but too affects your mental, emotional, spiritual, existential, conceptual, metaphysical state etc; making you truly immutable and an immovable object.

•You also possess complete and absolute immunity to supernatural, mutant, magical powers and even things can be classified as powers even they are going existential, conceptual and metaphysical levels, the only can affect you are your own powers.

•You as an Eternal Being no longer any bodily needs to survive as such no longer need to drink, eat, sleep, breath, urinate or defecate. You are also always clean and freshed no matter what you do. If you are a woman you will never menstruate again. If you want too, you can still feel indulge yourself to eat, drink, or sleep so feel free to do it if you want to.

•You are eternally in your prime. You do not age, your body and mind are in perfect condition and your memory is limitless and records everything perfectly. You will never have any issues remembering or recalling information.

•This Essence cannot be altered, manipulated, copied, suppressed or replicated, nor can it be removed, negated, nullified or erased by any force or sources. Even those who possess limitless reality warping power or true omnipotence cannot disrupt this Essence.

•Any Essences or powers you acquire that are similar to this Essence seamlessly combine with this one.


essence of the heartless

you drink this wiggling and yellow tinted black liquid you gain a power of the heartless essence

the power to dimesional travel or normal teleport through plane of darkness

you cannot be hurt by anything except keyblade and that only capable of scatch you but you can still die from thousand bug bites

you can control people minds by influence the darkness in their heart and can make them your loyal companion who will never betray you no matter what

you gain ability to turn intangible like shadow and can only be hurt by the same stuff that make your form

you can use the magic in all of kingdom hearts system including magic from the light

your body can be shapeshift at will to form natural weapon and can be mold to be strong as you wish

your maximum physical stat right now can shatter the star and crack the dimension with physical power alone also you gain ability to consume the darkness in living thing hearts .you also gain ability to consume their hearts to gain their power ,memories ,or anything you want to keep but you need a while to digest to fully gain the benefit and you can start consume about 12 powerful people hearts and if you keep eating the limit grows exponentially

You also have access to keyblade made of darkness ,but not the one that was use to seal the keyhole of the world but use it to consume that world in the darkness that you can control immiadiately

And if you can consume the kingdom hearts you get the total control of the darkness although not limt tothe KH universe but every force of the darkness in the multiverse.