
ESON 2125

In the quest to understand humanity, society teeters on the brink of collapse in Neo Polis (2125). Our central figure, plagued by amnesia and obscured by an enigmatic cloud engulfing his head, enlists with ESON, a paramilitary faction, in pursuit of his sole recollections: his parents. Charged with apprehending individuals and dispelling fear in a dystopian landscape, ESON becomes his means to rediscovery. Will he reunite with his lost kin? Can he unravel the essence of human existence? Note: This narrative emphasizes character growth and interrelations. Each character is intricately crafted, with distinct traits and trajectories independent of the protagonist.

oneshot20012001 · ไซไฟ
1 Chs

A new Teammate Approaches

In the middle of a giant factory with Christmas decorations, a Christmas tree stood in its center, with a child at the bottom of it crying a lot, a bit far from it, a heavily bleeding soldier stands, a female pirate is by his side on the ground.


Pirate: There is no one else

Santa: HO HO HO

Pirate: We are dying to an evil Santa... that's tough

Someone appears in the distance, it looks like a... scientist. WITH A CLOUD ON IT'S HEAD?

Prof: ESON has fallen off pretty badly.

Soldier: who the fuck are you?

Prof: ...


A mathematical equation appears in front of Prof


An explosive present appears behind Prof and he evades

Suddenly he appears in front of Santa.

He is 100 times faster than a regular human, as he speeds through the factory, he punches and kicks Santa, making him fall on the ground, after this he appears in front of the kid.

Prof: So, you're their client, isn't it?

Prof: Santa isn't even a real little one, your parents made you fear him, isn't it?

Kid: they told me that Santa didn't like me and would kidnap a naughty child like me

Prof: so that's how it is

Santa appears behind Prof, ready to punch him. If he dodges, the kid dies to the punch, so he takes the punch and flies through the fabric and hits a wall, making him severely hurt

Prof: why kids are so creative these days...

A man with a soldier suit says

Soldier: Are y-you with us?

Soldier: And how are you into this kid's-

A present that is about to explode appears behind the soldier and then the female pirate gets up, hitting the soldier with a very long swordfish that sends him flying but also dodges the explosion.


Prof: Cloudy... guy..?

Prof: well, I got distracted once, it will not happen again

Prof starts running around the fabric then Santa sends a lot of explosive presents. The letter G appears on the ceiling and the presents and everyone stars fly to the ceiling

Santa and Prof start fighting as soon as they hit the ceiling, Santa can't land a single hit but is trying very hard to kill Prof

Another G appears, but this time in Santa's body, suddenly he feels heavy and can't walk or move, so he falls to the floor

Prof: That's it,

A g appears in prof's body with the number 100


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And then he falls right into Santa's neck, killing him right there 

Gravity stabilizes, making the Pirate and the Soldier fall

Pirate: FUCK ME

Soldier: NOT AGAIN

They fall and Prof is just standing there disappointed

Pirate summons a giant squid and points it at Prof

Pirate: what's with you? Punk

Prof: … I thought you guys were Professionals, not amateurs

Soldier and pirate: WE ARE-

Prof: So only 2 people came here to fight… the cognition… of a kid..?

soldier: but it's a kid


Soldier and pirate: ???

Prof: I have no time for this

Everything starts glitching out and everyone starts running towards a glowing eye in the distance. They remove a headset and both are in a chic room at the top of a building with their clothes back to normal. 

Fabricia: Man, we almost died

Joe: don't even tell me

A mother appears right next to them with a concerned expression


Joe: Yes she is, everything is okay with her


Fabricia: no problem, she is safe now

Fabricia gets close to the mother with a... weird intention

Fabricia: Call me later sweetheart, we can have some fun lat-

Joe then does an armlock on Fabricia that shuts her up

Joe: so lady, it was a pleasure serving you, contact us whenever you want

They proceed to leave and go to the elevator and the mother makes a gesture of saying goodbye. When they are in the elevator the mother says 

Mother: she was kinda cute tho

They enter in a elevator made all of glass, which provides the most beautiful view that Neo Polis has to offer in the year 2125 at night, with gigantic buildings, holograms, a lot of flashy lights, a diversity of structures, delivery drones and as the elevator is reaching the floor they start to chat

Joe: so, who do you think he was?

Fabricia: I don't know, but he took care of Santa by himself... and scolded us...

Joe: yeah... it was tough

Fabricia: how did he have access to cyber cognition? I bet he wanted to steal our client

Joe: I doubt that, since he didn't show up in the real world and we still got the money, but his objective is rather unclear, we should talk to Aiko about this

Fabricia: I hate that girl, she thinks she is all mighty because she can grant us access to the cyber cognition and bla bla bla

Joe: she is a little stubborn sometimes but she is still a good teammate

Fabricia: you only think about this stuff you didn't notice the mother's brea-

Joe: I'm not a pervert like you

Fabricia: HEY, not cool-

The door opens and as soon as it opens they see a naked man, puking on the ground but they simply ignore them and keep walking, a shadow figure passes right behind them really fast

Joe: Did you hear that?

Fabricia:? No, it should be your imagination, cybercognition really messes up with our smart lens

Joe: yeah, I guess you're right

They walk until they reach a dirt street with a bus sign, far from the city, close to the road they see a base, all made of metallic materials, the roof is very rusty and the door has a fingerprint lock, Joe opens the door and finds himself in a technological area that is located in the center of what appears to be a living room, up ahead there is a kitchen, in the right area there is a staircase that leads to sets of rooms, in the left area there is a living room, with a table at the center an very old sofa, a tv and the bathroom.

Joe: we're home

Aiko: Back so soon?

Joe: that's what we want to talk about with you, but only tomorrow, I'm tired

Aiko: yeah, you should get some rest, i bet Fabricia didn't do anything as usual

Fabricia: Sua TÁBUA(your plain chest)

Aiko: What did you say?!

They keep insulting each other and screaming. Joe looks at them laughing silently, it seems that he sees this pretty frequently

Joe: I'm going to bed, we have another client tomorrow

Aiko and Fabricia: good night Joe

(Joe): I wonder who that guy was, does he also have a cybercognition hacker like Aiko? It's doubtful, our service is really unknown and those kinds of specialists aren't very popular either... So how did he get in…

The POV changes, showing a man with his body covered in dark clothes resting in an empty trash can in a back alley when all of sudden some punks start to kick the trash can

Homeless man: hey, can you stop that? I'm trying to sleep here yk

They continue kicking the trash can

Homeless man: my mother told me that I should only use my fists to protect someone or myself...

Then he proceeds to appear behind one of the punks and punch him right in the face, it's so strong that the punch passes right through his skull, making his eyeballs and brain fly all over the place, this scares the other punks


The punks decide to run away

Homeless man: I didn't mean to go so hard on them, man... my "bed" is all covered in blood, I should get a space to sleep already, I'm tired. 

His arm starts to shake, he tries to control it but he's not capable of it.

Homeless men: It seems like I'm still not able to control my body perfectly…

He hears sirens and sounds of cars approaching

Homeless man: shit

He runs away far from the city until he sees a base, The door is unlocked, so he steps in

He sees a girl sleeping on a futon and proceeds to try not to wake her up, goes upstairs, and finds himself in an empty room, he enters and sleeps there

A few hours pass by and Joe wakes up

Joe goes downstairs and sees Aiko really concerned looking at the monitor located in the middle of the base

Joe: hey good mor-

Aiko: SHHH he can hear us

Joe: who?

Aiko: last night a guy walked here because the door was open

Joe: Oh shit I forgot to lock the door with my fingerprint, guess I'm getting old

Aiko: dumbass

Joe: He went to the... no... it can't be...

Joe looks at the recording and sees the man with a cloudy... head. Walking into the room of an old friend of him

Joe: No... he's dead, it can't be him, I saw him dying right in front of my eyes, could Prof be…

Aiko: "Prof"?

They proceed to go into the room, as they open the door they see a man with a cloudy face snoring


Fabricia appears behind them screaming: GOOOOOD MOOOORNIIING!!!

The cloudy man wakes up. He sees a very tall man looking at him, he has a beard and an elegant mustache, is very muscular, and is in his 50s. By his side there is a very small woman something around 4'11, with hair and eyes that resemble the cosmos, she is wearing the pajama of a rock band, seemingly in her 20s, even though she has a body similar to a child, behind this girl there is a very tall woman, something around 6'0, with dark skin and a strong accent, she has a very muscular body apparently on her 20's, she is using a pink bunny pajamas

Cloudy man: WHER- oh, I remember

Cloudy man looks at the door and sees everyone staring at him

Cloudy man: sorry to be an issue for you guys, I'm leaving


Cloudy man: Oh, this voice….You're that soldier guy, isn't it? What a coincidence, but no, my name is not John, it's…

Joe: …?

Cloudy man: weird... I can't remember

Cloudy: you can call me Prof for now, but I'm definitely not the man you are looking for, I don't remember any of you


Prof: my name is pr-

Fabricia approaches Prof slapping his back like a lifetime friend

Joe: stop that Fabricia


Prof: Sheesh

Now they are all in the living room eating breakfast

At the table there is some really good food compared to the building they live in, they all strange the fact that Prof is eating with a glove and has his body covered up in dark clothes

Aiko: so... where are you from, and more importantly... WHY THERE IS A CLOUD IN YOUR FACE

Prof: I don't remember exactly where I'm from, but I remember my parents and some memories of my childhood, the reason for this cloud I think it's related to the smart lens

Joe: Smart lens?

(Smart lens in this world is basically a cellphone but as a lens, it can make video calls, access your bank account, calculator, form digital images, etc)

Prof: yeah, it's probably some kind of bug that makes this cloud appear instead of my head, in other words, someone who doesn't use the smart lens, can see my real face

Joe: I see... so why did you come here and how do you have access to the CC

Prof: Well, I'm here by pure coincidence and I'm able to enter the CC just by using my brain... somehow... I'm not sure how I can do this but I simply can and feels natural to me

Fabricia: Que téééééééédiooooo (soooo boriinnng)

Prof: Entendo, você fala português? (I see, you speak portuguese?)


Prof: I... think so?


Prof: thanks I guess

Prof: but I came here with an objective

Prof gets out of the chair and does a pose that looks like a soldier

Prof: I want to be part of the Extermination Society Of Nightmares(ESON)

Everyone: WAIT WHAT?

Prof: I'll be honest, I'm not doing this because I'm a hero or due to some honorable cause. I just want to find my parents, whom I lost a long time ago

Everyone stays silent for a few seconds

Joe: ... you've proven yourself extremely strong and capable, also seem to know a lot of the CC…


Joe: yes but his abilities are unique, well, let's vote

Everyone votes on the addition of Prof except Aiko

Joe: Welcome aboard 


She says this while eating at such a speed that even " the fastest thing alive" would be jealous

Aiko: This is not gonna end well…

Joe and Fabricia chit-chat for some time… something about a man with blue eyes and a purple sphere..? Aiko is staring at Prof from the other side of the table. Prof then looks at the window in the living room

Prof: weird, there are no trees, where are the trees in this city

Aiko: trees? That doesn't exist around here pal, at least not real ones, only artificial ones

Prof: where I came from there are lots of real trees

Everyone: ...

Prof: why is everyone staring at me...