
Escaping My Reality

Nayla Anne is fed up with the reality of the world, and even though she has a successful business and living the life she always wanted, she can't find the happiness she's searching for. One night she experiences something odd and wakes up as Serlina, who also wants to escape her reality. Serlina Casidy is the daughter of a noble but her father leave them behind with a huge debt due to gambling, her older brother is currently handling their household and forcing her to get married with the Duke's son.

nelleia · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs

Escaping My Reality - Episode 8

"You're the one who bought the watch!"

"Yes, I'm Laurence Verne Reid"

His bright smile melted both Nayla and Luna because they'd never seen a handsome face like him.

Luna pulls Nayla closer and whispers to her,

"How do you know that guy?"

Nayla whispers back, "I don't know him, he was my customer yesterday when you were taking your leave."

"You're so luck--."

"Stop whispering he's in front of us"

Nayla is starting to get annoyed at Luna.

"I just put up the sign today, how come you saw it right away?" Nayla asks Laurence.

"I'm finding a job around here since it's near my apartment."

"Why do you need a job? You bought one of our expensive watch here in the shop, I wonder why would you need a minimum salary?"

Nayla still can't believe why a guy like him who wears branded clothes and an expensive watch, applies for a job at her shop, in short, she's suspicious.

"I want to have experience in Sales and I don't have much experience since it's been a while since I have a job, I don't think big companies will hire me with this kind of record, I have to gain experience first."

He handed his resume to Nayla.

After reading his resume, she was astonished after she found out he went to study at Stanford University. Even though he didn't graduate she's still amazed by it.

I wonder why he didn't finish his college. He only got a year left.

She regained her consciousness and said to Laurence,

"Thank you for submitting your resume, We'll contact you righ-"

Luna interrupts what she's about to say.

"You're hired!" Luna said.

Nayla smacks the head of Luna after saying that.

"I apologize for her behavior, but we'll contact you for the interview."

"Okay, thank you for accepting my resume"

When Laurence left, Luna received a lot of smacking from Nayla.

"I think I'll have bruises in my arms," Luna said.

"Because you can't handle your mouth"

"Sorry, I can't help it. It's been a while since I met a handsome guy like him, I can't even meet the owner of the pub nearby."

"So you have a new crush again…"

"Yup, they're tied in my ranking!"

Nayla just sighed in disappointment.

"By the way, I met the owner of the pub on my way here a while ago."

Luna is surprised at what she hears from Nayla.

"Why are you telling me that now?!"

"Because we're busy! If I said that you'll go running to his PUB right away"

Luna crosses her arms and pouts.

"Hmp! As if I'll do that."

"Yes, you will." Nayla glared at Luna.

After arguing for a long time, they prepare to close the shop.

While Luna is cleaning and Nayla is updating the inventory.

"Hey, how about we go to the PUB after we close the shop?" Luna asks.

"No, I don't want to."

"It's a celebration since I came back from my vacation," Luna said with a beaming smile on her face.

"You still got paid though and you still have your job."

"Pleasee! This will be the last time that I'll invite you to go to the PUB with me"

After minutes of hesitation and begging, Nayla agrees to go with Luna to the PUB.

"You'll pay for all the food and drinks I'll order," Nayla said.

"Sure, sure! It's not like you'll order the whole menu anyway"

"Ohh, you gave me an idea!" Nayla smiles mysteriously and nods.

"Stop it, I don't like that smile."

After they close the shop they head to the PUB.

"Excuse me, waiter! Give us two bottles of beer, thank you" Luna can't contain her excitement.

the waiter replies. "Okay, right away miss"

Nayla suddenly grabs the menu and calls for the waiter.

"Wait a minute, we'll also have this, this, and th--"

She points out every food she wants to try, but Luna stops her and shuts her mouth with her hand.

While Nayla is trying to remove the hand of Luna on her mouth,

"My friend is just kidding, just bring the beer for now," Luna said nervously.

The waiter left to get them their beer.

Nayla takes off the hand of Luna.

"I thought you'd treat me? What was that?" Nayla asks.

"You're about to order the whole menu! Are you out of your mind? I have bills to pay. Luna said furiously.

"I'll leave now"

When she's about to stand up, Luna stops her.

"Please don't leave! I'll order you chicken, the best-selling chicken!"

Nayla sat down right away after she heard that.

"Fine, after I eat I'll leave right away since I'm so tired."

"Okay, okay boss. Let's enjoy this evening!"

The waiter handed them their order and they both started chugging their beer.

"That's refreshing! By the way, you still haven't told me why you were late today" Luna said with a suspicious look.

"Nothing, I just had a weird dream. It felt surreal, In the dream, I was Isekai in the past, I was the daughter of the noble..-"

She explains what happened in her dream, how she thought she was dead but suddenly woke up in the morning.

With a confused look on Luna's face, she said.

"Oohh, what a long story. I thought you found a guy and slept with him."

Nayla smacks Luna hard on the head after hearing that.

"Aww! That hurts! I'm just joking."

"You know I'm not that type of woman!" Nayla said furiously.

"Fine, I'm sorry. Let's just drink and eat. You need to chill sometimes you know? Maybe that's why you had that kind of dream.

While Nayla and Luna were eating and drinking, a familiar face went up to the stage.

"Good evening everyone, I'm Zane Leo the owner of this PUB. Since the performer that we expected to come tonight is absent, I'll be the one who'll sing tonight, so I hope you'll enjoy my performance."

Everyone at the PUB cheers for him except for Nayla.

While Nayla has a blank reaction, Luna is like the happiest girl on earth, cheering for Zane.

He's the rude guy who bumps at me and blamed me, what an ass. Let's see if he's good.

Zane Leo starts to sing Ghost by Justin Cover with a beautiful, sincere, warm voice through his singing.

(You may search the cover of Kim WooJin – Ghost Cover, It's like an inspiration through his performance.)

Nayla is amazed by his voice which almost brings tears to her eyes, When the song ends she even stands up with everyone to give him applause.

Shit! I must be drunk.

Due to embarrassment she quickly sat down.

"Ohh.. Looks like Zane Leo gains another fan."

Luna starts teasing Nayla.

With a shy face, Nayla said,

"Hell no! I just can't see the waiter that's why I stood up"

Nayla continues to drink more beer because Luna is annoying her.

"As for my last song for tonight, I'll be singing We Don't Talk Anymore, Everyone is welcome to duet with me if you know this song." Zane Leo said in the mic.

"Hey, you know that song! You should go up to the stage with him"

Luna is forcing Nayla to duet with Zane.

"No, I.. I don't know- that song.. And I'm drunk because of you"

Nayla replies with a tipsy face.

Luna stood up and waved at Zane.

"My friend here is a good singer!"

Nayla can't refuse since she's tipsy and dizzy but Luna drags her to the stage.

This woman can't be stopped so let's get this over with.

Zane Leo whispers to Nayla

"Are you sure you want to duet with me?"

"Yes, my friend there is not going to stop until I sing here on this stage"

Nayla replies.

"You look tipsy though, but okay, if that's what you want."

Zane Leo starts to sing verse 1 to the chorus, While Nayla sings verse 2 to the pre-chorus of the song, Zane Leo can't take his eyes off her and admires her silently.

Luna is also amazed at how well-blended their voice is.

When the song ends, the crowd cheers for them.

Zane Leo whispers to Nayla,

"You have a great voice."

"Thank yo--"

Nayla accidentally pukes at Zane Leo's shoes and passes out.


You can check the comment section below for the images of the characters in this novel. ;)