

‘’Damn, they sent a perfect bitch,’’ he spoke while he loosens his tie. The Aphrodisiac was already taking a very strong effect on Daniel, the wholesome billionaire, and he couldn’t hold himself back any more. ‘’You invited me with your open legs. I will make sure to satisfy you,’’ he spoke in his raspy seductive voice and climbed over her. Grabbing her exposed milky white leg, he started moving his hand upwards from her thigh, creasing her soft skin, giving goosebumps to her. She felt a tingling sensation she never felt before. His eyes locked on her blossom, which was rising and falling with her heavy breaths. He placed his lips on her neck, giving her a nice love bite, making her bite her lips to stop that shameful moan escaping her mouth.

SSS_Writer · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs



''Ahh!'' I mumbled under my breath feeling sharp inside my whole body. The light coming through my eyelids was disturbing as well. I do not remember my room being this bright in the early morning.

I opened my eyes seeing unfamiliar surroundings. Wait, this was not my room. I slowly started remembering last night's incidents and now my eyes were completely opened.

I felt a presence beside me and saw a naked man lying on his stomach. He is not my boyfriend. Then did I just sleep with a stranger or worse a call boy? No, this is not the time to think about all of this. I stopped thinking about all this and got out of my bed slowly. I was wearing a large-size shirt. Must be his but why did he lend this to me? Just then I saw my torn clothes on the floor. Do not panic Liya. Think of a better thing.

I looked at my clutch thankfully it was still there. I took out a tissue and my lipstick.

''Thank you for last night's experience. We both are adults so let us stay professional.'' I wrote on it and placed it putting all my dollar bills inside it. I think it will be enough for him. I put on my shoes and wore a belt on them, and it perfectly looked like a one-piece dress. Taking my wobbly steps out of the room careful as much as possible not to wake that stranger I succeeded in reaching the elevator.

Many well-suited personal security guards were searching for the place. I wonder if something happened in the hotel. But this is not my worry right now. I must call my boyfriend and confess this sinful deed to him. how much heartbroken he will get after hearing this? But telling a single truth is better than telling a hundred lies.

I checked my phone, and he texted me last night.

''I am in room 507 love. Come quickly.'' He sent me this message. He must be in this room. I must go there. I clicked on the fifth floor closing my eyes and clenching my hands. I hate myself for what I just did last night.

And just in a blink of an eye, I was standing right outside the room. There was a key hanging on the doorknob. Did he leave it for me? Control yourself girl. You will not be able to tell him all the truth if you start crying now.

Twisting the doorknob, I made myself prepared for every result when I entered the wrong room. A girl bareback was laying on the bed. He left the room last night and I got late. I turned around to walk out when I heard a door open from behind.

I got the biggest shock of my life. David was standing wet, a towel wrapped around his torso. Why is he here with this naked girl?

''What are you doing here?'' he asked in a very strange tone.

''I should be asking this,'' I replied not able to believe my eyes.

''What happened love? Why all these sounds?'' this time that girl asked getting up half sleepy and I was stunned to say something after finding out that girl was none other than my stepsister Ciara, but I must find out what was going on here.



''I should have never taken such a big debt from those thugs. And now they are forcing me to pay in such a cruel way. How can I make you sleep with some pervert?'' Mr. White spoke looking at his favorite daughter worriedly as he was not ready to sacrifice his own daughter's purity for this matter, but he was also not left with any other choice right now.

''But what if they do something with you dad…'' Ciara was not able to complete her sentence when they both saw Liya coming inside the house in her gym outfit. Ciara was only annoyed by looking at her perfect curves and not thinking much but Mr. white came up with a perfect plan just by glancing at her.

''What do you mean by all of this?'' Liya asked shocked after listening to her so-called father as he never treated her the way she deserved to be just because she was wolfless.

''Do you want your father to die at this age? You cannot even do this much for my sake?'' he roared at her after listening to her knowing very well that it will be very difficult to make her obey his commands.

''I do not care what happens. It was your fault, to begin with, and I love my boyfriend very much. I will never do such a shameful thing for your sake.'' Liya said walking away from them instantly leaving both thinkings of other ways to fix this matter.


''Why is this naked girl in here?'' I asked keeping myself together now with much difficulty. I cannot believe their father sent her to do something like this.

''Why she would be here honey. I was not getting sex from your well-behaved character, so I choose her.'' He replied that he did not care at all.

''You slept with my stepsister on our anniversary night?'' I asked not able to believe my ears.

''Yes, honey. I am a man of needs, and she was the one who fulfilled it and I never knew she was your stepsister. Years of being with you and you did not even let me touch you.'' He said while Ciara hugged him after getting up from the bed and wrapping the blanket around her.

''Was body the only thing you wanted from me?'' I asked devastated at hearing his shameful confessions.

''Come on love. Be a grown-up. We all have our needs and must get one in the bed somehow. I got bored of you. You should find it like this, or it would have been trouble telling you all.'' He said kissing that girl right in front of my eyes.

''I came here last night to give my special time to you, but I got saved. You know what you deserve a whore like her who came only to pay her father's debt by sleeping in a stranger's bed so happily." I said to David angrily while he looked at me shocked.

"But look what she found herself. He cannot even pay half of the debt on his father and look at you smiling like a fool, Ciara." this time I said everything to Ciara.

"Why are you jealous? just because I slept with your sister?" David asked smirking and how much I want to punch him in the face.

"For your kind information, I also found a man who satisfied my last night in XX VIP sweet. So, let us really be mature and never see each other again.'' I said throwing the ring on his face and dashed out but heard him calling my name from behind.

''Honey. Listen to me. How dare you sleep with someone else? Do not forget I am your official boy…'' I only heard this while succeeding in making it to the elevator and running out of the hotel as fast as possible.

''silver street please,'' I said sitting inside the cab. It was becoming very hard for me to hold back my tears, but I can't cry in front of a stranger. I hate showing my weakness to any person.

''Keep the change,'' I said giving him his money and ran inside the mansion not noticed by anyone as I was a nobody who offers them all.

I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror. A complete loser and mess standing right Infront of the mirror. I fell to the ground crying my heart out but keeping my both hands on my mouth not letting a single sound get out of my mouth. First, I lost my virginity to a stranger, and then the only person who ever showed love to me and care just betrayed me.

Why fate must be this punishable towards me? What did I do to deserve all this pain in my life? No one is ready to accept me. No one ever loved me. Why did I even come to this world when the people living in it had no place for me?

''I will get back to you all. One by one. I swear I will not become a loser.'' I spoke standing under the shower letting warm water soothe away all my pain one by one.