
Escape Your Fate - Leo's Retaliation

If you have no power then just create some yourself! Leo is the only one out of the 5 people summoned to another world that had nothing. No magic , no fighting talent, no strengh, nothing. Everyone labelled him useless but he didn't give in to the despair. Who needs magic when you're a tactical genius? Soon enough Leo will show everyone that his talent is a power that can win fights, battles and even wars, But how far can talent really overrule magic...? Join him on his journey to destroy a predetermined fate and find a destiny which he wasn't allowed in his world. "If the world is cruel, then you just have to be crueler." If the world hates you, then let your hatred be free and see where it takes you." A story full of action, darkness, twists but most importantly: Retaliation.

Lonewolf11 · แฟนตาซี
95 Chs

Too Close To Comfort

The following year the festival was held again, but this time none of the chosen ones had to go on stage. All of them have been mixing with the people for some time and felt comfortable with them. Blade visited the booths together with Karin, Luke went together with some boys and girls he had met through his job and Adrian was missing like normal. Therefore Marah wandered alone through the streets until a boy ran past her. In that instant, time stopped for her. His eyes were brown, his gaze was determined, and his face looked very much like her former companion.

(Could it really be Leo? But how could he be here?")

She asked herself these questions in her head while getting lost in this delusion for a short time. Some seconds later, two other guys ran past her, furiously chasing the one ahead of them. Once she was out of her trance she rushed in the same direction to see what exactly was going on. Since she was way faster she stayed hidden until the three guys finally stopped. Now there was no way out, the boy was trapped.

" You' re going to pay for this time Theas, we've warned you many times."

"I'm not so sure about that. Let's go, you want to beat me up so come on over here."

Marah saw that Theas would not stand a chance. He wasn't athletically formed, didn't look like a fighter and barely had any strength. As she was about to intervene, she saw Theas dodging their blows with lightning speed as if they were happening in slow motion for him. For Marah it looked like he was playing with his attackers. Although he didn't throw a single punch, he didn't receive any himself. Soon they had switched positions, and now the "lions" were backed up against the wall. They were out of breath from all their attacks while Theas kept a completely normal face. After giving them a wave and a smile, he continued to run out of the alley and down the street. The two pursuers tried to come after him but their stamina was gone and so they had to let him get away.

Marah got curious and chased Theas until he stopped and took a breath.

"I don't know why you're following me, but I've been chased way too many times today."

Even though Marah was a distance away, he immediately spotted her hiding place as if he himself was a radar. Without playing games, she came out of her cover and appeared in front of him in a flash.

"Who exactly are you and why were you followed by those two?"

"Oh don't tell me you're after me too lady. Have I made another enemy?"

"That depends on your answer so out with it."

Theas immediately realized that this person was not to be messed with.

"Okay, okay chosen one. I'm sure you already know my name, those two dumbasses are mad because I played a prank on them."

"What do you mean, a prank?"

"Well, they provoked me and that's why I threw paint on them and stole a small part of their supplies."

"That sounds more like a crime than a prank."

" Look at it however you want. They certainly deserved it with how they treated us. I will not let shame fall on us."

" And who is us again now? Stop talking in riddles and speak normally."

"I mean my family, to be more precise my mother. She weaves clothes to sell at the market. However, people keep showing up with nothing to do but insult her and drag her goods through the mud."

"Why didn't you inform guards or ask other people for help?"

"Asking other people for help and informing guards? Hahaha, that's a good joke. Not a single person would help someone like me or my mother. We' re nothing in the eye of others, just a dust particle that can be destroyed at any time. This is how it has always been, but it all comes to an end now. When my father was alive I swore to protect my mother but I failed. Now she is lying sick in her bed waiting for death. That's why I'm going to pay back everyone who drove us there. This is why I steal and do what is necessary to survive. The world is more cruel than it seems in this town."

Marah was lost in thought, while he was talking she suddenly heard it all in Leo's voice. She felt dizzy until she was about to pass out. She fell forward but was caught by Theas.

"Hey, what's wrong with you? What are you doing, hello Earth to Marah?"

When his voice became clearer she regained her composure and pushed him back, keeping a small distance from him. She wanted to apologize but when she looked into his eyes he stared at her with disgust.

"So you are just like the others. As usual, this world is against me. I thought at least someone from another world would think differently, but I was wrong. Go back to your fancy palace and let yourself be spoiled, I hope we will never run into each other again. Don't dare to follow me, I am not the strongest but I can defend myself."

Then he disappeared in a flash into the darkness. Hearing his words, Marah was frozen and didn't say a word. She didn't chase him any further and went back to the palace utterly confused. She could not sleep all night, his words were burning in her mind. She constantly imagined Leo throwing those words at her, for her the young man was his image that she has now angered. On the next day she visited Luke to talk to him about the situation in the city.

"Well, that went really bad, but it's nothing that can't be fixed. Actually, he's not wrong. Indeed, this world is cruel, and I'm not talking about the monsters. The city might look beautiful and full of glory but it certainly has an ugly side to it."

Luke demonstrated to her how and what exactly he was working on. What she saw were people covered in wounds or dirt. They looked malnourished and their expressions spoke volumes.

" This is part of the real face. Just as there is poverty in our world, it exists here. Not everyone has a chance at a profession, a way to make money let alone take care of themselves. They don't get help because they are not seen as part of the normal society. One of the main reasons is the reputation of the city, it would have a bad sound if this group of people would be included. This is why this institution exists, I can use my powers for good and help others in a more active way. The money I get paid is more than enough to provide food for most people.

"But why are there so few here, you know there are far more people who need this aid?"

"That certainly is true but not everyone wants this kind of help. Some can't put their pride aside or don't have faith in this assistance. The majority are simply afraid, afraid of being hurt or tricked. I won't force anyone to come here, I just hope other people and families can be persuaded to come here for help."

"That takes too long, if they refuse this offer any longer they will die. They also have sickness or starvation, they can't even make money even though they make clothes..."

Luke was a bit confused but realized the basic attitude of Marah. He also saw this as a potential problem if she relied on her solution.

"Before you do anything yourself, consider this: If you force people to come here, things might go very badly. Even if they are given help here, you won't gain their trust so easily. So before you force them with threats or violence, I will interfere."

Luke became serious and stared into her eyes.

"I will not allow you to destroy everything we have built here. Now think carefully about what you're going to do next, I'm going to know all about it in an instance."

"It's okay, I won't do anything rash. But somehow I have to be able to help Theas."

"First of all, you have to get him to talk to you again. Perhaps then he will give you a chance. You know, I would let you help here, but your magic has too many risks. I know that you can' t do any harm to them, but something might always go wrong. Nevertheless, good luck changing his mind."

After saying goodbye to Luke, she searched the town for the boy. Walking down the street where he had disappeared yesterday, she saw a narrow street. After a few minutes, she saw a small market in an alley that was not part of the official marketplace. A loud discussion broke out there, it was Theas discussing with a tall man.

"What did we do? That was a good piece of clothing but now it is worthless. Pay for it already if you break it."

"Watch your mouth little brat! You're lucky you're still around. The next time you're so cheeky to my kids, I'll tear down your whole booth. Then you can rot along with your half-dead mother."

At those words Theas had enough, he took a small piece of wood and hit the big man. With a pointed edge he managed to give him a cut under his eye. After a short shout he grabbed Theas and rammed his fist into his stomach making it hard for Theas to breathe. After that he took the same piece of wood with the sharp edge and rammed it into Theas' leg. The boy cried out in pain. Next, the big man took the piece of wood covered in blood and aimed it at the boy's head. The people around just watched with fear, none of them had the courage to intervene. Besides, even if a dead man was lying here, his body would only be disposed of and everyday life would return.

Moments before hitting his head, the man felt a sharp pain and dropped his weapon. Marah was standing in front of him, cutting his arm with her dagger. People recognized the Chosen One, the strongest person in the kingdom, but they didn't care one bit. These people were not in awe or fear of authority, their lives could hardly be worse. This was also the man's opinion and he turned to the young woman. Without any problems Marah dodged his punches and gave him a blow that knocked him unconscious to the ground. She then turned to Theas, who was lying on the ground with a deep bloody wound in his thigh. The pain grew with every twitch and he could hardly move. As Marah tried to help him, he slapped her hand away.

"Get out of my sight, I don't want your pity. All of us are equal in front of you, nothing but dirt and filth. I'd rather die than be helped by someone like you only to end up right back here later."

"Throw your pride the hell away and listen to me! Do you really want to die like this? What about your mother, do you want to abandon her?"

Laying on the ground, he reflected for a moment and spoke in a calm tone.

"It's better if she escapes this world. I don't want her to be bound to this cruel fate. It is better for her to be with Father, at least then she won't have to worry about her son anymore."

This brought up old feelings for Marah, feelings from her old world that she hated and despised ever since she started living in this world.

"Who are you to decide the fate of others? There' s a way to really make this world a better place for you, no, for all of you."

The people listened intently as she shouted across the market.

"You must listen to someone like me just once, trust someone else just once, accept help from strangers just once. I can't force you to believe my words but you will soon find your proof of the truth of my words. And you are first Theas, either you keep your mouth shut and let me do this or I will knock you out just like your attacker and tear you with me.

Theas opened his mouth, but after a moment's thought he spoke not a word and gritted his teeth. Knowing that his situation was hopeless, he was unable to defend himself.So Marah lifted him up to let him lead the two into his little hut. Arriving at his home she took a bandage from her bag and wrapped it around the wound so that he couldn't get an infection.

"So what now? The bandage won't solve all my problems, now what are you really going to do?"

" The first thing you should do is learn gratitude before you start talking. This wound was just the beginning, from now on I need your cooperation. The first thing I would like to see is your mother's condition. Before you say anything now rest assured she can really be saved. So stay calm."

Their hut was not very big and the state was very bad. Out of the next room she could already hear the broken breathing of Thea's mother. Her face was completely pale, veins were popping out all over her body and she was covered in bruises as if she had been beaten all over. Marah became completely enraged at the thought that they just beat his mother down like that.

"She wasn't beaten, the marks came along with the enlargement of the veins. When I first saw it I was completely freaked out however she was in the house all day and not at the market. I think they are symptoms of this disease, you can hear how she breathes. She doesn't have long and there is no record of a cure in any book. Don't get your hopes up, I've been expecting the worst for a long time so just-

"She can recover, for sure, I know she can. You stay here and keep taking care of her, take this for now."

She gave him money and some food before heading for the door.

"I'll be back as soon as possible so keep nursing her. You bette open the door when I return, or I'll kick it in."

At this point Marah's true temperament showed, full of determination and will she went to Luke and asked him to accompany her. When he tried to put off her request he saw the desperation and determination in her gaze. This was the first time in a very long time she had ever looked like that. So he left the work to his assistant for a short time and followed Marah to the small hut. They both knocked and after a moment's hesitation the door opened. When Luke saw the boy with brown eyes he also stood motionless for a moment, Luke too recognized the resemblance. Théas looked at Luke with an angry look but due to Marah's threats he dropped his hostile attitude. Luke was led into the room, when he saw the sleeping woman his face got very serious. Even if it seemed strange for Theas, Luke examined her whole body.

"Hmm, you were right, this is quite serious after all. From what I can see, she has been in this condition for weeks. Left without medicine and care, the symptoms may worsen into this stage. I will check our library on how exactly to treat it, one mistake and she will die. From here on out, be very careful, no one is allowed to touches the patient, I will be back soon."

Once Luke left the hut, Theas and Marah sat down together at a table.

"Why do you help someone like us? You can have everything, you can go everywhere and you are famous, so why do you devote yourself to us?"

"You got the wrong idea about us. Did you ever think about what lies outside these walls. We have fought monsters, defeated terrible creatures, and killed people from other races as well. We may have everything here but out there we have nothing but ourselves and a pinch of luck."

It became clear to Theas that he had really never thought beyond the city. Worry and despair gave him no chance to do so. Afterwards, the two talked on an even level, for the first time in a long time Theas would speak freely. After a couple of hours, Luke came back with a large bag. He required an assistance, but instead of choosing Marah, he picked Theas, who himself still had a wound on his leg. Luke told Marah that he would take care of this and that she should at least take care of the "homeland" until then. Throughout the night she worried about what happened, about the boy who couldn't tolerate her at first. Was he a sanctuary for the memories she had or did he really take the role of the one she couldn't forget? Marah was not ready to think about it yet.

In the morning Luke came back and saw Marah lost in her thoughts. After noticing him, she asked him how it went.

"I did everything I could. See for yourself, now it's not in my hands anymore. However, remember one thing: she was just one of many, so you know how to help me now."

The young woman now realized what Luke was talking about yesterday. His words gave her a little more clarity. She left the room and opened the large entrance door.

"Oh, and Marah: I hope you realize that he is Theas. He will be that forever so don't get too attached to him if you don't want to lose yourself again."

Marah listened to his words, then turned around and left the building. After arriving at the hut she knocked but no one opened the door. The door was unlocked, so she went inside. As she opened the room of the sick patient she saw Theas who had fallen asleep with his head laying on the bed. The skin of his mother looked normal again, the veins were getting thinner and there were only a few traces of the blue marks. So she let them sleep and spent the day alone, thinking about Luke's words and how she will go on from now on.

The next morning she wanted to visit them again, however, there was no trace of them in their hut. When she went to the small market, there was a large crowd of people looking at one person in amazement. At first she recognized Theas, but next to him stood a woman with blond hair, it was his mother Sylv. The people could not believe it and questioned her. It was the very same people whom yesterday could not handle their lives and considered them worthless who were now admiring this incident with astonishment. However, at their stand there were no clothes or shirts, the two of them were solely present to tell their fellow people about Luke's deeds and his services. Some people were still very hesitant but even they could not deny the miracle in front of them. The woman who yesterday was almost on her deathbed now stood before them in almost full health. Seeing this, many threw away their prejudices and pride and tried to get help for themselves in the "homeland", whether for illness or other sufferings. Indeed, they were able to convince a lot of people. Though Luke now had even more work to do, he was glad. From the looks on their faces, he could see that Marah had found the right approach. Over the next few days, Theas, Sylv and Marah advertised the "homeland". That was the least they could do. While they themselves did not go there, Marah decided to provide them with money and food herself for the time being. Just like her son, Sylv had a certain pride and aspiration to work as a saleswoman again soon so that the two of them could live properly. Since his mother soon took care of most of the market and sales, Theas wanted to help in other ways. Immediately he thought of a way that he might be helpful. Thus Theas became Luke's first official apprentice and assistant, having the greatest responsibility among the following apprentices in Lukes absence.

Both Theas and Marah spent a lot of time together but inside they were thinking different thoughts. Nevertheless they enjoyed the time as much as they could. One day Theas decided to confess that he liked her, but she apologized to him. Still, he didn't give up, he confessed his feelings over and over again, but she always rejected them. Inwardly he knew no matter how many times he would try, he would never win her over. He felt that inside she carried deep attachment that he would never have a chance against. He even knew that he was more of an image of someone to her, he didn't care about any of that. After all, she was his first companion, his first friend and his savior. That's why he enjoyed the time he was allowed to spend with her.

In the meantime, things were going better and better for him elsewhere. Since the assistants were soon all paid thanks to Luke's idea, they were able to lead a better life. Although they still have the same opinions about most of the people, they now understood that there are some exceptions.

Finally they conquered their miserable fate...but the past always catches up to fate in this world.

Hello Author Here,

I must apologize. I know I promised more action in the next chapters but I dragged it out because I wanted to explain the situation of the chosen ones in the last few years.

But don't worry, the next chapters will be fully loaded with action and little gore(maybe?), you get the point.

Now we'll see what war really looks like.

Author Out

Lonewolf11creators' thoughts