
Chapter 5

As Harry left this task for me, I have to work hard to reveal it. He oftenly showed me the ways of coding decoding but they were all so difficult for me to understand, so I thought getting help from guys would be great. 

I drove to the cafe we usually go as friends and here they all are waiting for me. 

"Hi guyzz!", I said and hugged them one by one.

"heyy!! Its been few days we haven't met but seems like a long time!", Liam said.

"yeah! So how are you all?", I said

"we are good but incomplete without Harry!", Louis said and his expression become sad.

"how are you doing actually!? Atleast we all got each other we manage it but you, how are you feeling without him?", Zayn asked.

"Honestly!!! I miss him badly and so does he, from the very start I wasn't in favor of his fathers decision but I have to support him whatever happens because he is going to live for his dream and I just cant stop him by saying that I will miss him. Its quite hard for me, but I will overcome it very soon because I am going to this college for the graphic designing course so I got myself busy", I smiled at them while my eyes were twinkling as if anytime a pearl like tear will escape.

"come on!", louis said and embraced me in his arms, they are like brothers to me and they really cared about me so I gladly get along with them.

"but he left me a letter but it contains a message in some coding and I don

't get it, but according to him it's  so important and I have to answer him but how can I when I bearly understand the code", I said with gloomy eyes. 

"heyy! He knows you very well and if he sent you something he knows that you are able to find the meaning behind all this!", Liam caressed my arm and smiled at me.

"Guys can we eat something plzzz!!!", usual Niall.

"yes I am up for a burger cuz I am starving!", I said and after that they all ordered their favorite.

"you know what Harry oftenly told us that he always tries his best to help you understand the things he loved about all this but he said you only get to understand simple things in this coding!", Louis said.

"if you believe us, than as much I know Harry, he will never make a thing difficult for you, so you must use all the simple things you learnt from him, I am sure you will understand what's behind the message!", Zayn said, and honestly I think he is right, Harry would never make a single message this much difficult for me.

" than I think what I should do now! ", I cheered as I won a big prize for finding the hidden treasure, because it is indeed a treasure for me.

Later that day, I was working on the message and started with all the simple things he ever tought me. One by one, each method failed but in the last I got the method usually used, and indeed that was one of Harry's favorite too.

"how can I be so much stupid that I couldn't understand it!", I slapped my head in mockery.

"I know him than how can I forget to use this simple method!", I said and started doing the thing he told me to do.

As the letter by letter got solved, my hands start to sweat as the first word resolved. "ESCAPE", the thought of him escaping from all this arrosed shivver across my spine.

I solved all it, as the letter in the message designate the alphabet preceding the alphabet, so I just have to replace the alphabet with the previous one in alphabets sequence. 

And than I solved the whole message and in the end my eyes were watering with tears, he wants this?? He wants my answer to this??? What am I supposed to do??? I know he is wayy to much important to me but about this I am not pretty sure.

It says: