
Errors of Change

His past errors, what are they? He must find them all!

TriggerBoss9 · แอคชั่น
9 Chs

Eavo Arrives!!!

"Huh?" the creature spurted, noticing the half-dead human on the cold floor "What is this? A human?" it wondered. "What is a human even doing in these dark plains? Have times changed... or this human is just a lunatic and decided to venture here. Does he know my secret?" the creature frowned, narrowing its large eyes. He started exuding strong killing intent toward the unconscious Duncan.

'If he knows, I might have to get rid of him." Just as he was about to take whatever action he deemed necessary, Duncan's eyes stirred.

'Cough-cough' Duncan's body started to convulse as he was thrown into a coughing fit.

The creature turned part of its ethereal-arm-like appendages into a solidified, smooth blue crystal and started to poke Duncan in his face

"Hey, Hey, Heyyyy!, Wake up!"

Duncan slowly opened his eyes and blinked a few times, feeling groggy and disoriented. He saw a blue glowing figure poking him in his face and shouting something he couldn't understand into his ears.

" Am I dreaming?" He softly asked.

" No! You are not dreaming, now get the hell up before I start bashing your face"

"Go away," Duncan said, still feeling groggy from sleep. He then turned his body the other way and continued his sleep!

'How can a lazy ass like this be sent to capture me?' His eye twitched in annoyance.

'Or is it a trap to let my guard down' he narrowed his eyes again. It was never a mistake to remain extra cautious.

Alas, Duncan was too mentally stressed about all that was happening to him to care about anything.

'Let's just wake this lazy ass up ' he sighed.


The ethereal being slapped him square in the face with its smooth crystal arm-like appendage.

"I'M AWAKE. I'M AWAKE" Duncan jerked up from his sleep.

"Geez, Miriam can't u be any gentler... I was having a good dream just now.

"Back to earth human, back to earth" The creature clapped its arms, attracting Duncan's attention.

He turned his groggy eyes towards the sound he had heard, rubbing his hurt cheek.

"Huh? Who are you?..."

The creature remained silent, staring at him with its big round eyes. That's when Duncan noticed the weird creature that he could swear he had never seen before. It was levitating a few inches off the ground. Its whole body was ethereal-blue and transluscent~ except its arm which was crystallized.

Seeing a weird creature floating above oneself was not the best thing to see after waking up from sleep. The thing gave Duncan the fright of his life.

It scared him shitless!


"Are you some kind of Ghost who has come to reap my soul because I ventured into this forbidden cave?"

"NOOOO! DON'T KILL ME! It wasn't my fault, it was the monkeys, that lured me here, I know they are also in the cave somewhere you can kill them, just spare me"

Duncan went on and on with his rambling, giving excuse after excuse. A vein popped up on the creature's head.

"I Just arrived here and..."


'I'm dead.'

The creature took a deep breath through its nonexistent nose and calmed down its rising fury.

He took a good look at the human again.

It was either the human had perfect acting skills or he was just oblivious to everything. The latter was more believable though, there was no way in hell one could act this perfectly after just waking up from sleep.

" Hey listen asshole, first of all, I'm not a ghost, what the fuck even made you think that. There's no way a standard run-of-the-mill guy like you see a ghost. I'm not a ghost, I'm way above that.

Second, I'm not gonna kill you, do I look like an aggressive creature to you... No! I don't kill without reason, so you're safe and finally, you can only see me because of the curse, otherwise, you won't even know I exist." Now it was the creature's turn to ramble on and on.

" Oh, and by the way, the name's Eavo, from the pure spirit race" Eavo introduced himself as he extended an arm towards Duncan who was half sitting and half lying on the ground.

Duncan blinked a few times, trying to digest what he had heard.

"Heyyy," Eavo snapped at him after he stayed there frozen like a statue for a full minute.

" Oh," Duncan came back to reality, " Sorry about that — The name's Duncan, from the human race." Duncan also introduced himself, reaching for the crystal arm and shaking it. It felt so smooth and warm.

"Ok, you can let go now" Eavo informed Duncan, noticing he had held it for a bit too long and had no plans of letting go.

"Leave the damn hand..." he tried to pull his arm but Duncan was stronger than him refusing to let go, he seemed to be caught in some kind of trance.

"Shit this is bad," Eavo was now pulling with full strength, Duncan's grip was just too strong.

What he did was a little test to see if Duncan really came to capture him, but the plan had clearly backfired. He was almost sure Duncan came to this Cave to seek him out, so he didn't expect him to be caught in the trap.

"Oh," he said, getting an idea. "This'll do"

He converted his arm back to its ethereal form. Since Duncan was a physical being, he couldn't grab ethereal objects so his right hand, which had a firm grip on Eavo's small hand slipped through.

"Oww! My head," Duncan groaned and grabbed his head with both hands.

"What happened?" he threw a questioning glance at Eavo.

"You just spaced out. Anyway, never mind that, let's get the hell out of here. This place still gives me the creeps." Eavo replied, avoiding the main question he was asked.

" Yeah, let us get out of here" Duncan agreed, getting on his feet.

*Growl* Duncan's stomach rumbled, alerting him it still needed its daily intake.

~sooo hungry~ both of them thought at the same time.