
Erotic Odyssey: The Hentai System In An Eroverse

In a bizarre twist of fate, Mason finds himself transported to an unimaginable world of countless ecchi dimensions after a fateful encounter with the notorious Truck-kun. What was once a mundane life quickly transforms into a mind-bending journey through an eroge multiverse where hentai reigns supreme. Equipped with an otherworldly power known as the Hentai System, Mason embarks on a quest to master the art of pleasure and conquer each lascivious realm he stumbles upon. With his trusty system, he navigates a realm filled with seductive succubi, mischievous monster girls, naughty college girls and captivating princesses. As Mason progresses, he finds himself entangled in steamy encounters, from intense one-on-one escapades to tantalizing activities. Yet, amidst the passionate entanglements, Mason remains steadfast in his quest to climb the ranks of this hentai universe. His golden finger ability, granting him an unparalleled advantage, proves to be a formidable asset in this erotic odyssey. But not everything is as it seems. Behind the titillating façade lies a hidden mystery, one that unravels gradually as Mason delves deeper into the secrets of the Eroverse. As he explores the depths of desire, he unravels political complexities, rivalries among factions, and a sinister force threatening to take control of his soul. Support me on ヘ paypal.me/dicksonwaeyde https://ko-fi.com/drazs

Dickson_ · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

Why so surprised?

The door creaked open slowly, revealing a sliver of the corridor outside. The Empress's breath hitched as she took in the sight of the figure emerging from the shadows, a cold dread sinking into her heart.

'No! No! No! No! No!' she thought, desperately trying to deny what her eyes were seeing.

The figure was Mason. He stood tall in the dim light, his gaze holding an intensity that seemed to emanate a profound aura, his handsomely stern features wreathed in a calm demeanor.

"Mason!" the Empress gasped, her voice hoarse with surprise and a touch of fear.

His sudden appearance was completely unexpected, especially after she had taken great pains to avoid any direct contact with him. But his very presence now set off a chain reaction within her, activating the Soul Bound Lotus that Huan had put upon her. A sudden flush of unsought lustful attraction flared within her, directed towards Mason. This unwelcome sensation stunned her, a heavy knot of guilt forming in her chest.

'Huan! You, insufferable brute! How could you do this to me!? Why did you curse me with this fate!' she seethed inwardly as she was struck by an unexpected urge to throw herself into Mason's arms.

Wiping her tears hastily, she gathered herself, rising from her husband's side to stand tall and poised. "Mason, why are you here?" she asked, her voice steady despite the turmoil churning inside her.

Mason thought for a while, for some unknown reason he felt compelled to meet with the Empress.

"I believe we have some matters to discuss, your majesty," he said, his tone respectful, yet held a certain determination. He glanced towards the frail figure of the Emperor on the bed, his brows furrowing momentarily before returning his gaze to the Empress.

Suddenly, another figure emerged from behind Mason. The Empress narrowed her eyes in recognition. "Fiona, and..." her voice faltered, eyes landing on the woman standing next to her daughter. "And why is this woman here? An intruder, in this holy place?!" The Empress's eyes blazed with anger and indignation at the sight of Bai's presence.

'At least I'm seen as a woman and not some interloping little servant who has no right to be here,' Bai thought to herself smugly, looking up at Fiona. Fiona gave a brief smile, her face pale but her eyes warm and comforting as she turned back to face the Empress.

Fiona took a step forward, "Mother, Bai is my friend," she said, her voice filled with stubborn defiance. The Empress's gaze bore into her, reminding Fiona of the countless lessons she had received about her duty and the weight of the title she was to inherit.

Ignoring the stinging sensation in her eyes, the Empress turned her gaze back to Mason. "Mason, if you want my audience, I ask you to dismiss this woman," she said, her voice firm. The words hung heavy in the air as she assessed Mason's reaction.

His face darkened for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure. "Bai, could you please accompany Fiona back to her chambers?" Mason requested, his voice low and controlled.

Bai scoffed, but after a few seconds of contemplating, realizing the gravity of the situation and the repercussions of defying the Empress, she reluctantly nodded and followed Fiona out of the room, her eyes never leaving Mason.

The Empress, satisfied with Bai's departure, gestured for Mason to follow her to a private chamber, away from the sorrow-filled air of the infirmary.

She walked out of the infirmary, her robes billowing behind her like a graceful cloud. She needed to compose herself, to regain control over the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. She was the Empress, after all, a woman of dignity and composure.

"We shall speak privately," she declared, her voice echoing in the grand hallway.


The chamber was a contrast to the rest of the palace, reflecting a sense of refined royal elegance. The room was bathed in the soft glow of lanterns, casting long, dancing shadows that illuminated the intricate carvings and motifs on the walls. Hand-woven silk tapestries covered the walls, showcasing tales of ancient heroes and the gods they worshiped.

Soft melodies from a hidden source filled the room, adding to its tranquil ambiance. A large floor-to-ceiling window on one side of the room gave a mesmerizing view of the palace grounds, with blooming gardens and flowing streams.

A grand chandelier, embedded with sparkling gems, hung from the ceiling, shimmering with an ethereal light. A large, ornate bed sat at one end of the room, draped in royal purples and golds. The air smelled of lavender and incense, creating a tranquil environment. Mason took a moment to admire the sheer elegance of the room, a true testament to the wealth and power of the Empress.

A plush divan adorned with silken cushions stood at the center of the room, a low table laden with exquisite dishes placed beside it.

The Empress pointed towards a jar of wine placed on the table, a silent offer for him to take if he desired. The wine, a unique blend from the rare Celestial Grapes, was known for its exquisite taste and calming properties, often reserved for special occasions or esteemed guests of the Imperial family.

Mason glanced at her and then at the jar, an unreadable expression in his eyes. The Empress sat across him, watching him closely, her mind filled with a myriad of questions. Yet, before she could speak, a strange translucent screen of his system appeared above her head, visible only to Mason.

[Catalyst of Favored]

Mason's brows furrowed at the sight of the notification glow brightly before splitting into two little glowing white lotus petals. The closest one lowered itself before bonding with the Empress while the other zoomed towards him with outward speed, startling him the moment it got absorbed by his body. He stared at his chest in shock before looking back at the Empress.

He was aware of her reluctance to speak to him, yet the sudden appearance of this notification and strange petals confused him.

As he was about to inquire about the strange occurrences from Kitanai-kun, his eyes widened at the sight of the Empress. To his utter shock, she began to remove her robes, revealing the delicate figure beneath. Mason's heart pounded in his chest, his mind whirling with confusion and uncertainty as the reality of what was happening began to sink in.

With her back turned to him, the Empress unlatched her hairpin, letting her long hair cascade freely down her back. The moonlight filtering through the lattice windows added a soft glow to her porcelain skin. Mason's eyes widened further at the sight, his mind racing with numerous questions, each more perplexing than the last.

The Empress turned back, her eyes meeting Mason's, revealing an emotion he couldn't quite place. As she stepped closer, the flickering lantern light seemed to accentuate her beauty, casting an ethereal glow around her.

"Why so surprised, Mason?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Her words held a strange undertone, almost as if she was daring him. As the last piece of fabric fell to the floor, the Empress stood in her full glory, a sight that would have enchanted any man. But for Mason, it was a sight that left him in an unspeakable state of shock and confusion.