
Eros: A Bakugo X Reader

***Mature Content*** 18 + readers only Profanity Violence/Abuse Sexual Content Lemons LGBT relationships Y/N = Your Name L/N = Last Name H/L = Hair Length H/C = Hair Color E/C = Eye Color F/C = Favorite Color F/F = Favorite Food or Flavor (Depending on context) WARNING: Story will refer to Bakugo by his hero name as stated in the manga. If you are waiting until the anime reveals his name you may want to skip this story. 22 year old Y/N just acquired a Master's degree in Public Relations at Stanton University graduating with honors. When she looks for work after graduation she decides she wants to move to Japan, coming across an ad for a hero agency in need of a personal PR rep in Tokyo seems too good to be true. The ad specifies a preference for someone new to the business and offers excellent pay and benefits. The hiring process goes smoothly and she can't believe her luck, but later wonders if she bite off more than she could chew after meeting her new boss. Will her hopes and dreams go out the window working for a difficult man or will she navigate the waters of her career successfully.

HyungKimsMin · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
36 Chs

32.) Worry

Pacing back and forth I keep looking at the time, it never seems to change like it should. Why is every minute dragging on like it's been hours. The phone in my hand rings again, I really don't want to answer anyone but Katsuki right now, but he keeps calling. "Hello?"

"Where the hell is your boyfriend? I've been looking for him since yesterday and can't get him on the phone, he isn't at home, and his parents haven't seen him."

"Oh, I'm sure he'll be in touch soon."

"What do you know that you aren't telling me?"

"I don't know what you mean Jeanist."

"Was it a couples quarrel? If so I'll leave it alone. If not I want to know what's going on, he is still a representative of my agency for another three weeks. I don't like being in the dark."

"I'm sorry Jeanist, but I can't give you answers I don't have."

"There's no way you know absolutely nothing. Tell me what little you do know." I take a deep breath in.




"You realize that if he's gotten himself into a mess I could help."

"He doesn't need your help. Stop coddling him." I hang up, the phone ringing again almost immediately.


"I'm worried about him."

"Oh no, that must be awful. I can't imagine what it's like to be worried about him."

"Sarcasm fits you like bad denim."

"Well then I guess that's too bad for me. Look I'm not going to say anything, by now you have to realize that don't you? In a choice of making you happy or the man I love, you're dumber than you look if you think I'd choose you."

"I suppose that I had hoped you would decide that knowing he had backup would be choosing him. If I haven't been able to get ahold of him since yesterday I can only imagine you're very on edge by now. He wouldn't have left and told you nothing."

"Jokes on you, he didn't say shit to me. Stop calling." I hang up again and continue my pacing. Fucking Dabi, what the hell did he do that all I was left with was a note. No way Katsuki agreed to that and not at least having a chance to call me. The note wasn't even written by him. 'Sorry, but it's time for him to cash in' Then again I should be happy I even got a fucking note from them. Fuck this is frustrating. I have no idea what's going on or when he may be back, I only know the story behind why he's helping the Anti Hero Society. What kind of contradicting ass shit is that anyway? Honestly, how are you against heroes and what they stand for, but you're forcing one to help you with whatever in the hell it is you're doing. My phone rings again, I can't talk to Red, I'll cry if I hear his reassuring tone right now. Every ring makes me want to throw my phone or turn it off, but I don't. Next time could be Katsuki. When the caller ID reads Deku I have to snatch up the call.


"Is everything ok with Kacchan? Sounds like no one knows where he is." Fuck there's those tears I didn't want.

"I don't know. All I know is I was left a note. I went to his place to start dinner and the note was sitting on the counter. What all did he tell you about when he found All Might three years ago?"

"Don't tell me he's with Dabi somewhere. I swear if Todoroki knows more than he's letting on I'm going to beat the shit out of him."

"I don't think he knows, when they took me a few months ago he seemed to not know a lot."

"Todoroki said the files Dabi asked for were for his father and Hawks, is that right?"

"Yeah those are the ones."

"Have you ever heard the theories that Hawks killed Endeavor instead of it being a suicide?"

"Yeah, but that was dropped forever ago."

"That's true, but you have to remember. Dabi wanted to kill Endeavor himself, if he thinks Hawks took that away from him, he will likely seek some type of vengeance. Very few people know where Hawks is these days. He keeps a low profile out on a farm with his wife and kid. I'll go check things out."

"No wait, please don't. There's no telling how Dabi might react if he thinks Katsuki betrayed him."

"What do you want me to do then? I can't just wait around and hope he's ok he's my friend."

"I know you've known him a lot longer, but don't think for a second he doesn't mean the world to me. If I can worry about him for a day and half on little sleep you can manage what's left of the wait. Besides both Mercury and Katsuki seem to feel Dabi can be somewhat trusted. I swear on All Might's grave, if you go out there and you're caught and things go sideways putting Katsuki at risk, One for All or not, I will fucking kill you."

"Wow, um yeah ok. You're actually kind of scary sounding right now. I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was saying you don't care for him as well. I know you do. He's been a lot happier since being with you."

"I've been happier with him too. Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to get back to watching the time go by slowly and constantly praying he calls."

"That sounds kind of awful L/N. I can at least come and keep you company. Kirishima too, he keeps texting me, we hung up with one another just before I called you, I told him I'd let him know if you answered. Since I haven't replied he has to know you did."

"Ok, yeah. The company might be nice. I'm back at Katsukis now, I left for a bit earlier to take care of a few things over at the office for him."

"Ok, we'll be there in 10 minutes." He hung up leaving me to wonder where the hell they are if they can be at Katsukis place in 10 minutes. They aren't together or they wouldn't have been using the phone to communicate with one another. Not even 2 minutes later there's a knock at the door, when I open it a frantic Mrs. Bakugo is on the other side. "Please tell me he's here." I shake my head at her sadly and she enters pulling me into a deep hug. "That damn boy, doesn't he know it isn't polite to make people worry. I'm beating some sense into him when he gets back" I squeeze her tighter happy to have his same angry energy around, the two of us standing there for a moment. "Deku and Red are on their way here to keep me company." She walks in and takes her shoes off looking around at the place. "You know I haven't even been back here since helping him pick this apartment. I figure he's with you most of the time and I wanted to let you two have your space." I smile for the first time since I saw that note, she's not wrong. At first we'd spend two or three nights a week separately, then I was with him almost constantly after the kidnapping before I insisted it was too much. Then once I told him I love him we spend every night together. Before much longer Deku and Red arrive, no longer being alone makes the wait seem more bearable, but I still can't stop watching my phone waiting for him to call or text me. At some point I fall asleep and wake up with my head in Mrs. Bakugos lap, the sound of the code being entered from the front door brining my eyes to quickly shoot over to it. He comes through the door with a tired look, his clothes torn and dirty, hair a mess and stops in his tracks looking at the collection of people on his couch. His mom flies towards him and starts hitting him screaming about making her worry again as he holds his arm in front of his face to protect it. She stops her assault on him when she realizes I'm standing next to her, turning to look at me. I plunge forward and hug him tightly, his arms out to the side. "Stop, you'll get all dirty." I chuckle exasperatedly . "I don't care. You're home. You're finally home." He wraps his arms around me tight. "Yeah, I'm home Teddy Bear. It's over. I won't make you worry again." I lift to my toes kissing him under his chin. "I love you Katsuki."