
81: Revenge Arc: Sins of the Past, Haunting the Present: Aftermath

Yamame felt the VTOL jolt as it touched down in what she believed was to be there final destination. The flying devices had needed to make two such stops, the first had been a quick touchdown in which she and the other prisoners that had boarded Udon's vehicle had been told to find seats on the other VTOL's. Taking their place had been the prisoners that appeared to been liberated from the Maximum Security wing of the prison. But they had also been met at the landing zone by a group of three individuals who had also boarded the same VTOL as Udon.

Yamame had found the group somewhat strange considering how one of them had been dressed as a Fire Temple monk while the diminutive blonde woman had been garbed like a gothic Lolita. The final member had seemed normal by comparison, but something about him had made her nervous. Almost like despite his apparently quiet demeanor, he could explode into violence at a moment's notice.

They had not remained at the landing zone long, only doing so the time it took everyone to get situated. Yamame did find it somewhat strange that none of the prisoners had tried to slip away. Yet, she guessed that much like her, many of them felt trapped by their circumstances. The VTOL that she had boarded for example had been made up of Iwa genin who had taken part in the mini Invasion the Rock Village had attempted following Orochimaru's effort to destroy the Leaf. She had been confused why they would remain with Udon since she could tell they had been flying westward so figured they would have broken off to return home. But, she quickly realized that considering how their home village had let them linger in prison for half a decade most, if not all of them, were likely disenfranchised by the system they had served.

The next leg of the journey was longer, but due to the new means of travel and lack of windows it was difficult to tell how much ground they had covered. When they had landed, Udon had told them they were just inside the Land of Earth. He had then informed them that if there were any among them who wished to leave, they were free to do so. But, that choice would no longer be available for those that continued on.

Yamame was extremely tempted to take him up on the offer. A very large part of her found that she wanted to return to the Leaf, if only to alert it about the truth of how Iruka had died. She knew she would likely be returned to prison with no hope of ever being released, but she felt that she owed it to him. It wasn't lost on her that the only reason he had likely been there had been because of her. Furthermore, she was beginning to believe that his compassion for her had been used to lure him to the prison and ultimately his death. She felt a fresh wave of disappointment and anger begin to sweep over her. The majority of which she directed at herself. But, a good portion of the anger she directed at Udon, but aware it would do her little good at the moment instead took the heat generated by the passion of her hate and froze it, to preserve that anger so she could one day take revenge for the kind instructor that she had let down.

The reason that she had stayed though was because she had noticed that the maximum security prisoners had mysteriously been absent as he spoke. Although she hadn't seen where they went, Yamame had suspected that they had established a perimeter around the landing site and would have killed those leaving. Although doing so far from the sight of those who stayed. Especially someone like her, particularly since she had witnessed Udon murdering the Leaf shinobi they had taken prisoner, and whom she suspected was even now being blamed for helping undermine the prison's defenses. Aware that they couldn't take the chance of that narrative being destroyed by someone like her walking away, she had remained with the others.

The second stop had been much longer, and she had learned it was because the flight crew had needed to rest and switch with those who had been providing chakra to the engines. She had spent the majority of that time feeling disgusted at herself, and wondered what would have happened had she simply remained in her cell. But, she quickly abandoned it, as she knew it was unproductive. In the end, she simply concluded that once more her current circumstances were the results of her poor choices and willingness to take quick shortcuts. The thing that did eat away at her though, was that she had put the work in, but as always, at the last second some hurdle or temptation had appeared which caused her to falter before seizing the new opportunity that ultimately cost her everything that she had been working for.

When they had been informed to board the VTOL's again, she had found herself riding the same one as Iwana, her old teammate. Much like her, he had always taken what appeared to be the easier path when presented with a fork in the road. Yet, unlike her, he appeared to not be nearly as reflective about how doing so always seemed to lead them to bad ends. She listened with half an ear as he and some of the other prisoners discussed what they would find upon landing. She had a hard time no scoffing at some of the more ridiculous theories being put forth. She kept her thoughts to herself though since she knew for most of the prisoners nearly anything would be better than spending their lives in a cell. They after all, hadn't had a get out of jail card handed to them. She began to feel angry once more, but felt a good portion of the ire was directed towards her fellow prisoners. Particularly as they could have had one if they had put forth the same effort for Iruka as she had.

But, she felt it fade as she knew they hadn't had any reason to believe there had been such a reward. She hadn't either of course, but had just felt appreciative that someone seemed to care enough to bother giving instruction to the forgotten dregs of the Shinobi World. Someone, who at the very least had considered her opinions and observations, and had encouraged her by not just dismissing them even if they had disagreed with him. The reason she had put so much effort into learning his lessons was that it had just felt good to feel valued again. She felt tears threaten to spill as she thought about how in his final moments, he must have felt like she such a disappointment.

She quickly suppressed the feelings since she didn't want to show any weakness, and although she didn't know what it was that she was going to find at this final stop. She, unlike the majority of the prisoners on the VTOL, didn't think it would end up being some great new opportunity for them. In fact, she found that she did believe it was something that was truly evil, especially if it had purposefully sought out to destroy a person like Iruka.

The cargo door to the transport began to lower so she figured they'd know the truth of the matter soon enough. Waiting outside of it was a man wearing what she assumed was a standard uniform for the place that they had landed at. It consisted of a charcoal grey undershirt that had a mask which covered the man's lower face. His pants were the same color and he wore a midnight black tactical vest that was the same color as the shinobi sandals that he had on. Covering his forehead was a symbol that she didn't recognize as belonging to any major or minor village that she had ever heard of. But, before she could commit it to memory, he turned away and instructed them in a voice that demanded it be obeyed, "Everyone follow me! If any of you try to break off, you'll be killed on the spot."

Needless to say, nobody decided to question his sincerity as he began walking away without looking back to see if they would follow. Yamame quickly fell into step and two more shinobi from what she was assuming was a new village fell into step behind her group. She kept her gaze forward, but it was drawn to the only bit of color on the shinobi that was guiding them as in the center of his back was red circle. Within that circle was a dot in the center which were surrounded by three tomoe. The image gave her some pause as she remembered facing the opponent whose eyes had two. But, the visual representation of the sharingan led her to believe the new village had ties to the Uchiha.

Yamame took in her surroundings and her attention was immediately pulled to the large wall that surrounded the area. Yet, most of the land within the perimeter was actually vacant. They were guided to the only buildings built within the walls and were in a straight line from a gate. Guessing that at present the fledgling village was the very definition of a one street town. They were led towards the main gate and then parade through the street as they headed towards the opposite end. Considering the distance from the gate to its end, not to mention all the unoccupied land, Yamame had to give the leader of the village credit for his vision. It was obvious to her that he expected it to eventually become a major shinobi village given time.

Although, one with an obvious militaristic feel. Particularly as the buildings that they passed closest to the gate were barracks, many of which had their occupants gathered out front. It made her feel like she did back when she had first been sent to the Leaf's Maximum Security Prison when she had first entered her cellblock. Back then, all the prisoners had gathered at the bars of their cells and shouted at the new arrivals to gage their reactions. By contrast, the shinobi gathered before their barracks were silent, but she felt they were still being sized up in a similar manner.

Eventually the buildings gave way to more official looking ones, which she imagined handled most of the village's day to day activities. Yamame didn't show much interest in them figuring that she'd be instructed of their functions in time. Instead, she began to concentrate on their destination. She hadn't really noticed it at first, as she had been caught up in her more immediate surroundings. But, towards the back of the fledgling village was a large rock face, and served as the base from which the tall wall extended. Having been a member of the Sound Village, she like most of its members had been forced to learn the layout of Konoha. She figured this had been so that they would be well versed in its layout during the invasion. Naturally, she had not taken part in it having been captured by then as her team had encountered Team Kakashi shortly after its Wave Mission. But, she couldn't help feeling as if the village she was standing in was destined to be an inversion of Konoha.

She believed this because The Leaf village like many villages admittedly, had a main street that led straight through it. But, unlike what she was currently seeing, most of its civilian populace was centered around it. This she figured was to give it a more welcoming feel, but also because for the founder of the village, it was so that the people who lived there could experience peaceful lives. Therefore, the more militaristic elements of the Leaf Village were centered towards the back and edges of it. By contrast, Yamame felt this village was being founded to solely wage war and as such its militaristic elements were front and center to never let people deluded themselves to its nature.

She half expected to see the face of the founder carved into the mountain that served as its backdrop. However, instead she found what appeared to be a castle that had been carved directly into the upper portion of it. Large stone steps extended from the structure giving her the impression the leader didn't so much see himself as part of the village, but above it.

Much as she expected, the castle turned out to be their destination as they were guided up the steps and into a large audience chamber. She noticed a strange tank that looked like it contained water had already been set up before a large raised dais from which she assumed the village's leader would address the new arrivals. She also noticed that Udon and the maximum security prisoners were standing on the platform although off to the side.

She could hear a few of her fellow prisoners murmuring among themselves about who the village leader would be. She wasn't surprised quite a few of the voices seemed to believe it would be Sasuke Uchiha considering the Sharingan representation on the uniform. Yamame wasn't exactly thrilled at the prospect considering what happened when they had crossed paths. But, she doubted he would even remember her, which was rather infuriating for her considering the profound affect he had on her life. Yet, most of those who mentioned the possibility were obviously excited by it. She figured for them it was a chance to become a part of history, much as the First Hokage and Madara made by founding Konoha. To her surprise, Iwana didn't seem all the put off by the possibility that he would be taking orders from the man that had resulted in their being sent to prison.

Yet, that excitement died almost instantly as a dilapidated Sasuke was pushed in a wheelchair towards the center of the raised platform. The brown-haired woman that had pushed him onto the stage took a spot next to his right side. While the three individuals that they had picked up to transport to the village stood behind his chair. A man with light purplish hair stepped out from the shadows wearing a variation of the uniform worn by the other rank and file shinobi. But, she imagined he was a higher up due to his not bothering with the undershirt so he could show off his muscular chest and arms. He took a position next to Sasuke's left side as he crossed his arms over his chest.

To her surprise, it appeared that even many of the rank and file shinobi who were already aligned with the Uchiha hadn't known he had been so diminished. Yamame could understand why it would be kept a secret, since she assumed his name and reputation had been used to recruit so many individuals to his cause. Naturally, finding out the only thing they believed would stop other villages from destroying the fledgling village outright appearing to be so weakened caused many of those present to begin having second thoughts about joining. She imagined the feeling must have been much worse for those who already had.

Yamame tried to figure out what had happened to him, since she almost imagined he was being ravaged by some disease causing him to waste away. However, she couldn't think of a disease that would affect him in such a haphazard manner, since there were parts of his body that appeared completely healthy despite his pale white appearance. Yet other portions appeared withered almost like they belonged to a corpse that was rotting away. The closest comparison that she could come up with was it was like he had been burned by some fire, but certain portions of his body hadn't been affected due to some kind of protective covering.

Sasuke spoke, and despite his weakened appearance his voice did sound strong. But, she imagined the chamber had been designed so that the speaker's voice would carry. "I can see many of you are questioning your decisions based on what you see sitting before you. Yet, before I address them there is someone else that I must greet first."

Yamame's attention was drawn to the tank of water as the door was wrenched open and its contents spilled onto the floor. Yet, rather than spill all over the place, it began to gather together before taking a humanoid shape and turning into a naked white haired man. He looked around in surprise and to her it was obvious that he was gaging if he could escape.

Iwana leaned in towards her asking, "Isn't that Suigetsu Hozuki?"

Yamame nodded, and focusing on the famous Kirigakure-nin who although only a year behind her, had been praised as being exceptionally talented. The young man didn't seem too concerned at finding himself naked within a room full of strangers, and considering the flesh sword that was attached to him, she figured he had no reason to be. He still looked like he was considering how best to run, but turned towards the platform as Sasuke called, "Welcome back, Suigetsu."

She couldn't see the former Kiri-nin's face but it was easy enough to hear that he was surprised by what he found as he asked, "Sasuke?! What the fuck happened to you?"

Sasuke gave what appeared to be a slight smile as he replied, "The same attack by our enemies that caused you to lose your freedom resulted in my current condition. It is why you had to linger in prison for as long as you did." Yamame wasn't sure why, but she had a feeling that Suigetsu was somewhat incredulous about the statement. She was of the opinion that the Kiri-nin, hadn't once doubted that Sasuke would leave him to rot in prison. Yet, if he felt as much, he didn't voice it allowing Sasuke to add, "I'm sorry I couldn't repay my debt to you sooner, but it took much planning and help to give you back your freedom." He nodded his head towards Udon.

Suigetsu shrugged noncommittedly as he replied, "Hey, the important thing is you did."

"Indeed," the Uchiha replied before motioning with his good right arm, as the other hung limply at his side.

"Well, then we're good," the Kiri-nin said moving as if to leave, but he stopped as he noticed that a kunoichi was approaching holding a cloak draped over her arms, but also that she was holding a pair of swords. His eyes grew wide as he recognized them so turning back to Sasuke asked, "Are those..."

He didn't finish as Sasuke replied, "The Legendary blades Kiba." He smiled as he said, "Yes." He seemed to be addressing the crowd more than his Hawk Teammate as he added, "You once stated that you aspired to reform the Seven Swordsmen of the Mist. Remain here, and I will give you the means and resources to do so. Thanks to my new associate Sora, we've already gotten our hands on all the blades but two."

The man dressed as a Fire Temple monk smirked as he said, "I know a guy who has been collecting all manner of things shinobi related. He happened to have those laying around."

Suigetsu seemed to feel as if he was being offered a deal a little too good to be true. Pulling on the cloak, he stopped just short of accepting the blades as he asked, "I've never been much of a joiner. What if I don't want to resign with your ambition."

"The blades are yours to take regardless," Sasuke answered. "Consider them a gift for the help you already provided me. But, I don't want you to join the village for my ambition. But yours. Think it over, but I doubt you'd find anyone else willing to support your goal."

The Kiri-nin seemed to think it over for a moment, but couldn't exactly refute Sasuke's words. After a moment he took the blades as he said, "I'm not exactly willing to pledge an oath of loyalty yet. But, I'm willing to hear more."

"Excellent," the Uchiha said as he turned his gaze onto the gathered prisoners. Addressing his condition, he said, "I can see most of you are already questioning your decision to come this far. Considering my current state, I can't say I blame you. This fledgling village was founded using my name and the reputation of my clan. Many of you must be feeling buyer's remorse." Most of the prisoners began murmuring among themselves with most of them agreeing with the sentiment. Sasuke cut them short though as he said, "However, due to the desires of my comrade Juugo, that will no longer be the case."

The large orange haired man moved from behind Sasuke and walked before him. He dropped down to his knee as the Uchiha said, "Juugo, I once promised to act as the cage to your rages. Your sacrifice will allow me to keep this promise. Thank you!"

The man bowed his head as he said, "Thank you for taking this responsibility."

Yamame couldn't help but feeling as if she was witnessing some culmination of the orange haired man having been manipulated into agreeing. Yet, she couldn't say that he didn't appear genuinely happy about whatever he was agreeing to give up. She learned what that was a moment later as Sasuke sat back in his chair, and opened his mouth. There was what sounded like bones snapping as his jaw seemed to come unhinged like a snakes, and then a small spindly hand appeared from out of his throat. She watched more than a little disturbed as some human/snake hybrid about the size of a toddler pulled itself out of his mouth. She noticed that the further the creature pulled itself free, the more it seemed that Sasuke was deflating as if the monstrosity was shedding him.

Once free, it spilled forward to fall onto the floor making a wet sound. Perhaps worse for Yamame was the way it quickly began pulling itself along the ground quickly. Like some horrid parasite that knew it was vulnerable. It quickly made itself towards its new host, leaving a trail of fluid behind it, and upon reaching him quickly climbed up the orange haired man's body.

Yamame couldn't exactly see what happened, but she wondered if the man, Juugo, had some regrets as the creature forced open his mouth and began pulling itself into it. He gagged as he stood and although it appeared he was tempted to try and pull the abomination out. His hands never moved to grip at the tail as it began disappearing down his throat. He sank to his knees and the woman that had been standing next to Sasuke approached cautiously and asked, "Juugo?"

She stepped back as the orange haired man roared out as the cloak he wore was shredded due to two giant wings that resembled hands sprang out of his back. He chuckled amused as his skin began to turn greyish while he said, "No, but he is a part of me now. Tamaki."

The woman's eyes lit up as he stood and they turned out to be not the only pair of eyes to do so. For as the revitalized Sasuke turned to face the gathered shinobi his eyes glowed in the darkened room revealing his Sharingan. He approached the edge of the platform and although his features appeared somewhat monstrous, they began to soften. Moreover, his orange hair began darkening turning to a dark black. The wings also began to shrink into his body as his skin color returned so that when he came to a stop at the stairs leading down to where the shinobi were gathered he appeared exactly as he had before Naruto had wounded him.

Yamame heard more than one of the women swoon at his appearance as if they had already forgotten the horror that they had just witnessed. She shook her head, but couldn't deny he cut a captivating figure as he addressed them saying, "Some among you might take what you have just witnessed as a show of loyalty, and would likely expect for me to desire such acts from you as well. I don't!" The crowd began to murmur which Sasuke allowed for several moments before cutting it off as he said, "Juugo's act was as much for his benefit as it was for mine. Now he rests peacefully within me and is no longer plagued by the fits of insanity that were a part of his daily life. Don't consider it loyalty. For loyalty is the tool that your villages used to trick you into sacrificing yourselves for them. What I want from you is your power, and nothing else."

Yamame noticed that many of the shinobi dressed in the uniforms appeared mesmerized by Sasuke's words. She assumed it was because they had heard his speech before and had become true believers of the vision that he was outlining. A kunoichi who was dressed as a prisoner and appeared to have been a genin of Iwa based on the number on her shirt called out, "Most of us are just genin discarded by our villages. What power can we offer you?"

"Your hatred of those villages for starters," Sasuke replied with a smile. "You claim you don't have power, but you do have something that most so called shinobi lack. Vision. You can see the nonsense philosophies that the villages installed in you to foster loyalty to them is a one-way street. The Will of Fire, The Will of Steel, or The Will of Stone are beaten into our heads from the moment we are born. Yet, where was that loyalty as you wasted your lives away in the Leaf's cells. Where was it when the village of Konoha decided my Clan needed to have every man, woman, and child killed for the actions of some of its members."

"Then why should we follow you," another prisoner shouted out.

Sasuke smirked as he answered, "Because I am stronger than you, and my strength and those of my forces are the only thing that will protect you from being returned to your life as prisoners. Make no mistake, if you join me and you fall. I will not mourn you. If you are captured, I will not bother to save you." His smirk grew into a full born smile as he not several of them looking towards Suigetsu, "I had Suigetsu rescued as I owed him a debt for his assisting me. Now that it has been paid I owe him nothing and he owes me nothing."

Suigetsu seemed amused by the announcement as he stated, "Now that's the Sasuke I remember."

The Uchiha ignored the comment even as it garnered a few laughs among those present. He pressed on with his speech as he said, "But, we both have ambitions that can be served by each other. That is why I found this place, The Village Hidden by Darkness."

Two large banners dropped from the ceiling on either side of Sasuke. On them was a much larger version of the symbol printed on the Darkness Shinobi headbands. The symbol consisted of what looked like a sun, that was being eclipsed by a black orb that she assumed most would consider to be a moon. Yet, to her it appeared that the black orb wasn't passing in front of the sun so much as consuming it. Almost, like a black star that was swallowing the light the sun was giving off as if it sought to replace it.

Her attention was pulled from the banner as Sasuke said, his voice rising in volume as he grew passionate, "Here, you will grow stronger or you will falter and die. But, you will have the opportunity to write your names in the fabric of history. Free of the nonsense the other villages preach about loyalty while having none for you. You have seen the shinobi world for what it truly is. A world of lies where the powerful use notions such as loyalty to trick the gullible into sacrificing themselves for their sake. I say no longer. We, the shinobi Hidden in Darkness, will show the people of this world why they fear the dark. Why the other shinobi villages were wrong to treat us as they have. This village is a blank slate upon which you can write your names and histories. Through your actions land and status with be bestowed upon you. The strongest and cleverest among you will become great heroes and will be treated as such. And if in time one among you becomes stronger than me, then I fully expect you to attempt to take my place. No longer are you bound by a village's wants and desires. No, I expect you to live to satisfy your own. Who here wishes to join me in creating such a place."

Yamame wasn't surprised by the roar of the crowd as they shouted their desire to join the village. Soon though they began chanting Sasuke's name and he seemed to bask in it. Even Yamame felt a desire to join in as she couldn't deny it was a seductive message. Yet, she couldn't as she recalled Iruka kneeling before his would be killers and proclaiming how the Will of Fire had inspired him to become a teacher. How it had inspired him to reach out to try and make the world a better place not just for children of the Leaf. But, a two-time loser, whose only talent seemed to be in making poor decisions. She fought back tears remembering his last moments, and resolved to become the seed that he had nourished that would make his final words true. That way, although she doubted she would survive the attempt, she would at least be able to return the smile he had worn at the end, which she believed could only be achieved by dying with conviction to your beliefs and that he hadn't been wrong about her.


Naruto was sitting in the Seventh Heaven; he was dressed in black funeral garb as were the other patrons of the bar. Unlike normal though it was a pretty somber gathering, although that didn't mean there wasn't the occasional bouts of laughter. Still, they were generally few and far between and were usually brought forth from remembering some of the happier moments of those who had departed the world recently.

The attack on the prison was now several days old, and the ceremony to remember those lost had only ended a few hours earlier. He imagined there would be many similar gatherings throughout the village. Later in the week, he would have to attend another but it would be for Sakura's father since his funeral service had been delayed until Mebuki was well enough to attend. Naruto felt a surge of anger as he recalled being present when Sakura had told her mother what had happened to Kizashi. The blonde woman's face had taken on a look of shock, before it then settled into a mask of profound sadness followed by sobs. It quickly triggered Sakura to follow suit, as she rushed to wrap her arms around her mother as they both vented their sadness. Naruto had watched and although he wanted to cry along with them, it was anger which was the most profound emotion he had experienced. Anger at his inability to protect those closest to him, and a decent measure of guilt at the knowledge that he could make all the pain go away.

In the present, the anger threatened to overpower him, so he did what most people would when in a bar. He drank. He quickly downed the remains of his drink and slammed the cup down. He perhaps did so a little harder than he intended as Ino looked over at him. Her face quickly morphed into one of concern, but disappeared as she looked back towards Rock Lee. He wasn't too surprised by her concern since he hadn't really been home since the attack. Partly because almost everyone had been running around at full speed since it had occurred. But, it was primarily because he was seeking some solitude from his lovers. His reason for which was because he wanted time to experience the full width of his feelings, and had feared with his lovers' trying to support him, he wouldn't be able to.

With the anger abating, a sense of emptiness settled in over him. A feeling which had been with him almost constantly since discovering that Iruka had been murdered. Naruto, hadn't been the one to first find him. That had been Tsunade as she had led the force to take back the prison. Naturally, they had been shocked to find it was for the most part empty. By the time Naruto had appeared, the courtyard had already been secured, and Tsunade had set up a triage center for the wounded. There had been a few, although most of them had been attacked at the onset of the prison escape. It became obvious that as it had progressed though, the prisoners had become more organized and the survivors became almost nonexistent on the higher levels.

Even stranger though, had been the fact the shinobi and civilians that had been working in the warden mansion had not been harassed in the slightest. After Danzou's plot the old mansion had been converted into the facility's primary office area rather than the warden's living quarters and control room. When the escape had begun, the shinobi stationed there had secured mansion in order to safeguard the civilians. When Tsunade had arrived, the shinobi in charge had quickly assumed full responsibility for not doing more to stop the prisoners from leaving. But, it hadn't been necessary as she had replied that he had executed his responsibilities properly. Furthermore, it had allowed the Shinobi there to monitor the communication happening within the prison due the old control room. So had been able to provide a relatively decent amount of information about what had happened, including how a Chunin named Nobori had been implicated to be helping the attackers.

Naruto's task had been to teleport the scared civilians back to the village, as well as to teleport to any medical teams searching the building for survivors, so that if they found people who were horribly injured he could take them straight to the hospital. He had just teleported a young kunoichi who had been found gravely wounded in the prisons cryptanalyst department, when he had felt an extreme surprise and shock from Tsunade and Yuugao. He quickly teleported to them fearing they had stumbled upon some prisoners that hadn't managed to escape.

Appearing on the roof of the prison, he had shouted, "Tsunade..."

"Naruto stay back," she shouted as she looked up from the body that she had been examining as two medics worked on an injured young man.

She had stood as if to shield his view, but it was too late as he gazed upon the face of Iruka. It only took a moment to ascertain his status as the front of his body was covered in blood which all stemmed from a vicious sword wound that nearly behead him. He felt light for a moment and the entire world seemed to sway, but he quickly realized all the strength had left his body causing him to collapse. Tsunade caught him before he hit the ground and in her face he could see there were so many things that she wanted to say to him. Yet, would probably seem out of place between a Hokage and her subordinate.

Yet, in that moment Naruto was also thinking about Sasuke's words to him about how he had set everything up to hurt him. Although, he felt so very numb as if he couldn't even truly fathom how grievously he had been emotionally wounded, he recovered enough to stand on his own as he said, "Thank you, Lady Tsunade."

"N...Naruto," she replied sadly and with a decent amount of worry mixed in.

Focusing on the gravely wounded shinobi that he recalled was named Daichi as he had been a part of the same class as Konohamaru and Moegi, he asked, "Do you need me to teleport him to the hospital?"

"He should be stable enough," one of the medics who had been working on him replied.

Naruto nodded, and moved to kneel down next to Daichi. He gazed one last time at Iruka, who seemed remarkably at peace regardless of the horrific injury that had taken his life. He closed his eyes and felt tears use the opportunity to escape from his tear ducts. But, he blinked several times and focused on the immediate tasks knowing there would be time to grieve later. He disappeared in a red flash and made sure Daichi was well taken care of before returning. Although, he didn't return to the roof as he kept his focus on the living.

But, eventually there were quiet times and in those moments his emotions were all over the map. During the ceremony that morning, he had vented his grief as readily as anyone, and since then a sense of emptiness had settled over him once more as if begging for anything to fill it. Something he knew his lovers would gladly do, but he didn't want that at the moment since he knew they would somehow brighten the darkness trying to take root in him. All in all, he feared he wouldn't be able to properly grieve since his lovers truly made it impossible for him to remain in such a state as long as he felt he should after losing an as important person to him as Iruka.

Naruto knew he was being selfish since several of his lovers had cared for Iruka as well. But, at the moment he couldn't help it because a part of him wanted to fill the emptiness Iruka's death had left within him, with fury and death. He could feel that dark part of his soul tempting him to give into the desire so they could hunt Sasuke down and he could finish the job he had started. Knowing his lovers' presence would silence that voice, he had kept his distance to let it have its say. Yet, despite several of his women being in the same room as they all remembered Iruka, it was one that wasn't bound to him that was draining the strength he had allowed his darkness to gain over the past several days.

Mirajane was currently serving the patrons of the Seventh Heaven, and although she was aware of the somber mood. She still was acting in a relatively upbeat manner as she moved among the tables. Watching her speak with those she served, he couldn't help but notice that she often left her customers in much better moods after she moved on then they had been before. Almost as if her sparkling presence was, if only for a moment, banishing the darkness threatening to swallow the people around her.

It was his turn to bask in her light as she approached taking his mug. She smiled sadly, but with a hint of good cheer as she said, "You shouldn't be sitting off by yourself. I thought the purpose of this gathering was to keep the memory of your lost friends and family alive."

"That's what we're doing," Naruto replied somewhat standoffishly.

"That's what some of you are doing," she replied with a shake of her head. "Others, are telling themselves it's okay to hate the ones that have hurt them." Mirajane's gaze focused on a group of Genin and Chunin who Naruto had also noticed seemed to be growing angrier and more passionate of that anger as they spoke. He wasn't surprised to find that like him, they all appeared to be former students of Iruka, or the topic they were discussing was Sasuke and how they planned to make him pay for his actions. What was somewhat surprising though was the most vocal among them seemed to be Chouji, with Shaikamaru simply watching on instead of acting as a brake for his friend.

He supposed though that he shouldn't be too surprised by either since Shikamaru was likely blaming himself much as Naruto had been. He imagined the Nara was berating himself that if he had been a better leader during the Sasuke Retrieval Mission things wouldn't have ended as they had. Chouji, was a tad more surprising, but Naruto suspect it made sense since the Akimichi had been rather close to Iruka as well. Particularly in the days before he had become friends with Shikamaru. Then much like Naruto, he had been rather isolated since most other kids didn't want to partner with him feeling he was too big and slow to be a useful shinobi. It was Iruka, who would often console him as he pointed out all the great things the Akimichi clan had done in the past. He had needed to rely on the Chunin instructor much less after he had become friends with Shikamaru. But, Naruto knew that much like Iruka had been for him, he had touched the lives of many people.

Naruto frowned, and focused back on Mira as she said, "I didn't know this Iruka person. But, considering how many people seemed enamored with him, he must have been a great teacher."

"He was," Naruto replied sadly.

Mira leaned forward so she could meet Naruto's eyes as she said, "Then you should join your friends and family in remembering how he lived. Not using this time to justify the hatred that you are currently feeling. Whatever you plan to use it for. I'm sure it isn't what he would have wanted." For Naruto, her words acted like a bucket of water to the flames of his anger. The dark voice that had been growing stronger through the anger and hatred for Sasuke that he felt, sudden cried out in frustration as Naruto locked that part of himself away again.

He felt a deep sense of gratitude towards the Bijuu that had been the six-tails as she had reminded him of his ambition. He looked around the room in a new light, as he now saw that the hatred and anger those around him felt although natural was a virus. One that his Master Jiraiya had feared was spread via all the death and destruction of the Shinobi World. He knew it now for the seductive temptress that it was since it could make even good people lose themselves as they wrapped their own evil actions and desires for revenge in the veil of justice because of how they hurt. He supposed he hadn't really felt the same sense of pain and desire for revenge from Jiraiya's death simply due to the nature of it. While Jiraiya's death had hurt, it had come about as a result of how he lived, which was essentially as a spy. As such, when Pain had found him in Amegakure, he had acted no differently than how Konoha would if they uncovered one. Particularly one as powerful as Jiraiya, who by most opponents and likely even Nagato couldn't be taken alive. It was a death that hurt, which while a byproduct of the world they lived in. Would still happen in a peaceful world as he wasn't naïve enough to believe every place would sign onto the world he envisioned.

By contrast, Iruka's was a death that had just been meant to inflict pain, and one Naruto knew had been meant to hurt him specifically. He knew that he hadn't been the only one hurt by it, but he did feel he had been the primary target for that pain. Yet, watching the room in a new light. He began to suspect that Sasuke hadn't truly so much wanted to hurt him, but his purpose had been much darker. He had wanted to create more people just like him. People that would take his actions and use it as a means to justify any and all they took in order to bring him to justice. Which Naruto imagined would be just an euphemism for killing the Uchiha.

He felt another sense of gratitude towards the Bijuu and so expressed it by saying, "Thank you Mira! I needed to hear that."

"Well, I imagine there were plenty of women who would having been willing to tell you it. If you hadn't been so busy trying to become all emo avenger."

Naruto laughed the first one had had in days, as he replied, "Well, I hope someone would have stopped me before I broke out the hair dye and dark clothes."

Mira smiled glad she had been able to help him recover his smile much as he had for her. Her smile turned a little seductive as she said, "I don't know. I heard you cut a rather dashing figure with dark hair." She noticed the man Ino had been talking to seemed to take an interest in them now that Naruto appeared approachable so giving him an opportunity to do so said, "Let me go freshen up your drink."

Naruto watched her go, and then noticed Rock Lee approaching him. The Chunin appeared rather restrained which seemed rather jarring considering his normal exuberance. Sticking out his hand, he said sympathetically, "I am sorry for your loss."

Naruto stood to shake it, as he said, "Thanks, but really it is all the kids that will not get to meet him who have lost out."

Lee nodded his head, before replying, "Yes, the accomplishments of yours and other classes taught by him speak of his quality as an instructor. From some of the stories that I've heard today, I wonder if I would have had a better academy experience if he had been my teacher as well."

"I'm sure you would have found it beneficial," Naruto said confidently since he knew that much like Gai that Iruka would have supported his aspirations.

Lee inclined his head before asking, "If you do not mind my impertinence. If you plan to assemble a team to hunt Sasuke down, I would gladly volunteer." Naruto heard a great deal of anger hidden in Lee's polite tone, and Naruto wondered if it was due to Lee's old feelings for Sakura.

He certainly understood where the bowl cut man was coming from, since it was thoughts of her that made him wonder if what he was right with what he was about to say. He noticed that Neji, who had accompanied Hinata also perked up at the question. The Hyuuga's face was neutral, but Naruto had the feeling that he was carefully observing him in anticipation of his response. Taking a deep breath, the Uzumaki said, "I don't plan to go after Sasuke."

"I do not understand," Lee said confused, "Considering what he has done to Sakura, surely you can see that he is beyond reaching." Lee's tone took on a harsher tone as he suggested, "Or is it because you are seeing Ayame that you no longer feel it pertinent to act on her behalf."

Naruto felt his anger spike at what Lee was insinuating, since it felt like the man was stating his concern for Sakura had only been predicated on his interest in her. That once he had achieved some sort of objective or if his interest had waned that he would then simply turn his back on her. But, Naruto calmed as he recalled that Sakura had mentioned that Lee had confessed to her shortly after it became public that he was seeing Ayame. She had let him down, while also telling him that she had developed feelings for him. Naruto didn't think Lee's apparent anger towards him was because he was some kind of scumbag looking to score points against a rival. But, born of the genuine concern that her heart was set on being with someone who didn't value her.

Naruto was aware most of the bar's attention was now focused on him, with several of his friends moving closer to join the conversation. He knew his reply likely would not be well received, but regardless said, "Sakura is a powerful kunoichi and doesn't need either of us to fight her battles for her."

"I didn't mean to suggest that..." Lee said going on the defensive.

Naruto knew that he could twist the conversation now that he had knocked Lee off balance, but instead he said, "I know that isn't how you meant it. But, it does feel like you wanted to charge in to her rescue. Me though, I'll wait and see how she wants to move forward. As to Sasuke. I can understand the desire to hunt him down and kill him for what has apparently been done in his name. I can understand it all too well. I just don't know what gives us the right."

"What!?" Chouji shouted surprising those that had gathered around him and Lee. The normally passive Chunin seemed enraged at his words, and Naruto could imagine it was because most people gave him top billing when talking about people who the instructor had influenced during his career. But, Naruto knew the list was probably rather long and thus his seeming to be excusing Sasuke was an affront to those people. Especially someone like Chouji who had relied on Iruka rather heavily at least until he became friends with Shikamaru. Lee stepped back as if surrendering the floor to the Akimichi as he said, "How can you sit there and try to excuse what Sasuke did?"

Naruto frowned as Chouji seemed to be using his bulk to close proximity to intimidate him. Not enjoying the feeling of being looked down upon he stood to meet Chouji's gave. He could see that it appeared a majority of the people present were siding with Chouji on the matter. He wasn't too surprised, but he remained calm as he countered, "That isn't what I said. I'm merely questioning if we are as justified in our desire to see Sasuke and Udon dead as we are propping ourselves up to be."

Chouji snapped angrily as he countered, "Have you completely gone mental? Where have you been the past few days? Did you even see the number of crying faces that are practically begging for us to respond? Or, are you going to fall back to the old, now isn't the time tactic that was used after the Sound-Sand invasion. How many of our fellow villagers were supposed to just swallow their bitterness as we made nice with the Sand after they knifed us in the back?"

Naruto wasn't sure how to respond as he could see more than a few agreed with Chouji's feelings about the Sand even now. He attributed it to the feeling of people that had lost loved ones during the invasion and were now reminded of that loss. But rather than getting payback, had been forced to accept them back as allies. Luckily, though someone who didn't agree with the Akimichi stepped forward to say, "And because of that both Shikamaru and Kiba are still here today."

Naruto turned towards Ino as she managed to impose herself between her lover and Chouji. The blonde kunoichi kept her voice calm as she continued, "Let's not forget that they also aided us against Danzou's rebellion and when Pain attacked. I think those people that were forced to let go of their anger should recognize far more positive things were born of it."

Naruto wished he could have kissed Ino right there, as her words reminded him that this battlefround was where the real battle for a peaceful world needed to be waged. After all, if the Leaf had acted on the desire for retribution after the Sound Invasion only more death and destruction would have been created. Taking Ino's words to heart he said, "My problem with just saying Sasuke needs to pay for what he has done is that it is born of the same circular logic that Sasuke uses." He could see his words caused some confusion in those supporting the notion so explained, "Sasuke has always wrapped his actions in the belief that he can do whatever he wants because it is for the greater good of avenging his clan. First, in running off to join Orochimaru, and now it has come full circle in his attack on us."

A genin that Naruto didn't recognize shouted, "What for? We didn't do anything to him?"

"Didn't we?" Naruto responded feeling more confident in his position.

Shikamaru saw were Naruto's logic was heading so cut him off as he said, "You can't be suggesting that he is justified because of the Uchiha Massacre."

"Why?" Naruto replied quickly before adding, "Because the Village was acting to defend itself? But, what does that matter to Sasuke? He was led to believe his brother was an evil man. Yet all the while, he was working with the village, so wouldn't Sasuke see the village as evil. That is the problem with simply deciding he deserves to die based on what has happened. Sure, we feel we are justified, but he probably felt just as righteous in his attack on us. In the end, Iruka and the others were just more victims of the Uchiha Massacre."

"That's fucking nonsense," Chouji retorted bitterly. "What should the village have done. Let the Uchiha overthrow it?"

"Of course not," Naruto replied. "But, if it didn't do anything wrong then why hide its involvement. Perhaps because butchering the innocent along with the guilty might have caused everyone to think its response had been too severe and so it was better to pin it on a villain. But if Itachi's actions were bad when he was doing them for himself, what makes them acceptable when they were for our sake? There had to be a better way."

"Sasuke is showing us why the village thought it was best to act as it did," Shikamaru countered with a measure of certainty.

Ino shook her head as she stated, "No, it became a self-fulfilling prophecy because of what it did and then lied about it. But arguing about the past is pointless. This is about deciding how we behave now."

"Ino's right. I'm not advocating just letting them get away with what they've done, b..."

Naruto was cut off by Chouji as he stated, "No, you're just advocating for you being a coward. If you want to sit at home and do nothing then fine, but..."

What happened next appeared to many as a blur, as Ino without even thinking about it moved to slap her old teammate. Yet, before her hand connected Naruto managed to catch her by the wrist. When the Akimichi realized what had nearly happened he focused on Ino and nearly stepped back due to the anger in her gaze, yet she addressed the Uzumaki as she said, "Naruto, let me go. I can understand his being angry, but..."

Naruto despite her anger wore a soft smile as he replied, "I can't do that. Something tells me that you still might hit him."

Ino's eyes narrowed even further as she said, "You're damn right I plan too."

Naruto though remained calm as he said mildly rebuking, "Ino, I can't ask people to remain calm and not let their bitter emotions control their actions and then let you hit a person over a small slight."

The Yamanaka sighed as if her anger was being smothered by the calmness of the man still holding her wrist. Still as her eyes met the Akimichi's, they didn't hide the fact that she took the slight against Naruto personally as she said, "You're right. I'm sorry Chouji. I let my emotions get the better of me. Try to keep that in mind as you ask others to do the same."

Ino then stepped away and Naruto frowned since he knew his lover's apology had been somewhat half-hearted. Still, he focused on the Akimichi to say, "I know that Iruka meant a great deal to you. I'm just afraid that in rushing to avenge him that we'll become just as bad as the people that took him from us."

Naruto stuck his hand out, but Chouji just left it hanging as he countered, "All you're advocating for is letting that bastard do as he pleases until you decide the time is right to take him down. There's nothing wrong with being proactive in doing so."

The Akimichi walked away and Naruto frowned since he admitted that his stance might appear to be too passive in the face of the anger that Sasuke's actions had created. Still, he whispered softly to himself, "There is when death is the only outcome that you'll accept as justice." Naruto turned away as well to move towards his lovers, and couldn't help but feel there was something metaphorically in the distance appearing between Chouji and him as they moved to opposite ends of the room. Still, noticing that people within the bar were somewhat more reflective then they had been before. He couldn't help feeling that they had made some small progress in stopping some of the seeds of hatred Sasuke had sown from sprouting. Still, looking at Chouji who seemed even angrier then before, he knew there was still plenty of fertile soil in which for them to grow.
