
65: Expanding Territories: Sasame Fuma: Part II 2

Sasame followed the Daimyo of Rice Paddies out of his castle as he hurried to greet the wagon her shinobi had informed her was approaching. Feeling annoyed as the man had abruptly stood to leave while she had been in the midst of begging him to help pay for the higher transportation fees being incurred due to the lost shipments of weapons and other supplies that the bandits had attacked she said, "With all due respect sire, you need to take this situation seriously. The budget that you have allotted us for shipping necessary supplies that we need to combat these bandits has already been used. It's only due to the supplemental income the Fuma receive from the businesses we established during our exile that we are able to keep ourselves armed. If we have to start combining larger shipments and have to face them head on… I'm not sure we'll come out the victors."

The orange haired woman nearly pulled an arrow from the quiver she now wore and stabbed it in the Daimyo's back as he dismissively said, "Then perhaps I should hire them to protect my interests. Honestly, what use is it having a shinobi clan working for you if mere ruffians cause them to cower in fear?"

She gritted her teeth as she said, "Sire, with all due…"

"Oh be silent," the Daimyo said quickly, "How many times are you going to repeat the same phrase. Well with all due respect to you, please remember who it was that came up with the strategy that is now the reason your costs are so high."

"It was a good one sire," Sasame said knowing getting angry wouldn't help her situation. "By spreading out the shipments it allowed us to hunt down the bandits as they split up. It was working, but it was almost like they have received reinforcements or something."

"So you've said," the Daimyo said as they neared the entrance of his castle. "But just from where would they get reinforcements? They are bandits, not an army. They might be willing to follow a strong leader like Ahiko, but its straining the realm of believability to think he's the head of some great army of bandits. Not to mention, you claim these reinforcements were better trained then the other bandits you faced. Where would he go to acquire such men and more importantly why would Ahikop keep them in reserve until things began to turn against him?"

"I don't know, sire," Sasame said, "However…"

"I'm done with this conversation," the Daimyo said with a dismissive wave over his shoulder. "I refuse to further finance a plan that is just going to keep costing me more and more with no endgame in sight. If you are afraid to face Ahiko in battle then how can I believe throwing more money at the problem will correct it?"

Sasame frowned as he did have a decent point, but she tried to counter as they approached the wagon that had several women standing in front of it, "The plan was to remove most of his followers before directly confronting him. If you want me to change my strategy then please let me hire outside shinobi. There is someone in the Leaf that…"

"Anyone I know," said a voice from inside the wagon that made Sasame's eyes go wide in surprise as she trailed off.

She looked to the back of the wagon as Naruto stepped down having been helping to unload it. He gave her a wide smile and was nearly knocked back as Sasame quickly threw her hands around his neck after quickly closing the distance between them. She stepped back upon realizing her actions in front of the Daimyo and the other women present although a few of the citizens helping move the unloaded items smiled seeing the Clan head genuinely happy. "Sorry," she quickly said as her cheeks colored from embarrassment at her actions.

"Don't be," Naruto said amused, "It's good to see you again. I'm sorry it has taken so long."

"I understand you've been busy," Sasame said, having been following Naruto's exploits. "But what brings you here now?"

"I would like to know the same thing," the Daimyo said interjecting himself into the conversation. Naruto frowned as he added, "I was under the impression I had hired the Great Tree Shipping Company's top talent to guard my shipment. I can't say I'm pleased they farmed the job out to some Leaf Chunin."

"I'm a genin," Naruto said surprising the man who he figured thought that due to his age he would be ranked higher. Indicating Soifon and Yoruichi he added, "You did get some of their best to guard your shipment. I just tagged along with them as I knew I would be passing through some dangerous territory while trying to complete my own mission."

"Well considering what I've heard about those assigned to guard Gold Shipments it seems you've made a pretty wise decision. I doubt a lowly genin would have made it here," the Daimyo said.

Sasame tried to point out that Naruto was no normal genin but was cut off by the blond as he said, "Well, I'm just fortunate they let me tag along."

"Indeed," the man said in a tone Naruto felt was meant to be insulting. The middle aged man frowned as Naruto didn't react so instead said, "What pray tell is your mission within my lands?"

Naruto indicated Kin as he answered, "We were hired to escort this woman through these lands in order to help her locate her sister. She just so happens to be a Fuma kunoichi."

Sasame let a pleased smile appear as she said happily, "You're Kin, I can see that family resemblance. Oh, Kotohime is going to be so happy."

"Really," Kin said with a note of cautious hope in her voice.

"Oh absolutely," Sasame said energetically having grabbed Kin's hand, "She talks about you all the time. She was devastated when she heard you died… but wait a minute if you didn't…"

"It's a long story," Naruto said, "One I'm sure her sister would like to hear as well." He then turned towards Soifon and Yoruichi as he said, "Ladies, thank you for taking such good care of us."

Yoruichi gave a seductive purr as she replied, "Well, you did make it worth my while. I think we'll hang around a bit so you can properly show how grateful you are."

"But Lady Yoruichi shouldn't we head back for another assignment?"

"What's the hurry Soifon," Yoruichi said already leaving the courtyard, "I'm sure there's plenty of excitement to be had here. But if you want to head back I can't stop you."

"But Lady Yoruichi…" Soifon said following after the woman as she began pulling her clothes off before turning into her cat form. Snatching them up from the ground, the dark haired woman followed after the black cat as she darted into the city.

Naruto chuckled at the scene before having to take off in a similar manner as he noticed that Sasame was pulling Kin with her into the city. The two were being followed by a smiling Ino, who was waving at him follow along.


Sasame felt nervous as she changed out of her ninja attire. Her normal attire usually consisted of a light purple sleeveless shirt that hugged her curves better than the one she had worn when she had first met Naruto. She had traded in the shorts that she had worn for a pair of loose fitting but rugged pants in the same brownish-green color. She had added knee pads as well having taken up her clan's proficiency with the bow and arrow, so she often would drop down to steady her aim for extremely long shots or difficult shots.

She quickly showered as she felt the first vestiges of good cheer that she had in a while due to Naruto's visit. But also due to Kin's reunion with her sister. She smiled as she changed into a kimono to receive her guest as she recalled Kotohime opening the door after she had knocked on it. The dark haired woman had said, "This better not be another emergency Sasame. We've been running ourselves ragged for months you promised me some time off. I'd like a least a day or two before having to run out to drive off another group of bandits."

"It's not," Sasame said struggling to keep the smile off her face. "But you'll never guess who I ran into after my meeting with the Daimyo."

Before Kotohime could reply, how unless it had something to do with her bed she didn't particularly care. The orange haired kunoichi pulled Kin in front of the doorway. Sasame studied the older woman's face as at first she struggled to figure out who she was looking at due to the years that had passed. But once the connection was made it had warmed her heart especially as with tears appearing in her eyes, Kotohime had shouted, "Kin!!!"

She launched herself at her sister wrapping her arms around her allowing Sasame to see that Kin's face mirrored her siblings. They both quickly apologized at the same time causing those watching to laugh happily especially as they began talking and interrupting each other in order to find out more about what had happened in their lives up to that point. Ino had stepped in saying, "Ladies, perhaps we can take this reunion inside. I think you'll agree a hallway doesn't make for the best venue."

Kotohime looked over about to ask who the Leaf kunoichi was, but her eyes settled on Naruto standing next to her as causing her to say, "Naruto!?" She looked over to Sasame with an amused look in her eye aware of her infatuation with the Uzumaki. Looking back at her sister she said, "Kin, there's so much I need to say to you."

"I know," her sister replied, "I feel the same. There's so much I need to apologize for."

"That's not important," Kotohime said before adding, "Let's continue this inside. I'm sure someone wants to have her own reunion with blond and good looking over there."

Sasame flushed but had to giggle as Naruto said while his cheeks colored slightly from the compliment, "Actually, this is the first time Ino's been to Rice Country so she really doesn't know anyone."

Kotohime smiled saying, "Well I'm sure you'll figure out who I meant soon enough." She stepped inside letting Kin enter the room, who sent a look towards Naruto that was filled with gratitude as well as some deeper emotions. Sasame noticed the look as did her sister, but didn't let that deter her from mouthing to the orange haired kunoichi, "Ask him over," before shutting the door.

Sasame let the warm memories temporarily banish her nervousness to simply enjoy the fact that in the shinobi world which often took a lot more than it gave back. Somebody close to her finally had her prayers answered. The nervousness returned full force though when someone began knocking on her door. She cursed before scrambling to put on some clothes her daydreaming having cost her the time that she had wanted to use in order to make herself presentable to her guest.

"Coming," she called appearing from her room dressed in a loose purple shirt whose sleeves stopped just below her elbows and matching tight skirt that reached to her mid-thigh. She stopped just long enough to make sure she looked presentable in the reflective surface of a picture which featured her and the other members of the Fuma standing in front of Club Kitty. She adjusted the wide neck hole of her shirt as her orange bra strap was sticking out as the shirt was pulled too far to the right. Once she straightened her shirt, she smoothed out her hair before opening the door.

She smiled as she opened the door to find Naruto on the other end since she had taken Kotohime's advice and invited him over. She quickly took in what he wore and noticed that although he wore orange pants with a black buttoned down shirt both were more of a more casual dress style then she would have expected him to pack while on a mission. She invited him in and although secretly pleased he was alone asked, "No Ino? Is she going to be alright spending the night alone?"

Naruto replied with a smile, "Oh, I'm sure she'll find something to occupy her time." He turned away as his smile grew a little lecherous while he recalled his blonde lover waving good-bye from the couch of the hotel room they had rented with a K-clone kneeling before her and its mouth clamped to her pussy. Taking in the room he said, "It seems the Fuma Clan experienced a bit of a resurgence since Orochimaru's death."

Sasame nodded, closing the door after the blond, "When word first reached everyone about how Sasuke betrayed him, Hanzaki had us quickly return to the capital. The Daimyo was more than happy to see us then."

"Really," Naruto said surprised, "I only caught snippets of your disagreement with him, but he seems to have gotten over his gratitude."

"That's putting it mildly," Sasame said letting her frustration out. "However, I do not want talk about that right now. How long are you staying?"

Naruto felt a frown as he had hoped Sasame would ask for his help, but he figured that she was either putting up a brave front or as he had heard knew she couldn't afford to hire Konoha's services without help from the Daimyo. Letting the subject drop for the moment, he answered, "Hard to say. Technically our mission is over, but I'm sure I could be persuaded to stick around for a few days."

Sasame wasn't sure what it was about Naruto's tone that caused her to feel warmer inside, but feeling her cheeks beginning to color turned away as she said, "I'd like that. Would you like something to drink?"

"Surprise me," Naruto said as he moved to her couch while Sasame moved to her kitchen area.

There she looked for something to serve before deciding to take advantage of the moment to break out a bottle of sake that Hanzaki had given her upon promoting her to clan head. Placing it on a tray with some serving cups, she stepped back into her living room asking, "Is this okay?"

Naruto recognized the brand having a few lovers that enjoyed their spirits so knew it was of high quality so replied, "Sure. But are you sure you want to waste that on me? It's pretty expensive."

"Really," Sasame said surprised. "I got it as a gift from my predecessor. I'm not usually one for such things, but this is the first time I've been able to relax in a while."

Naruto nodded so Sasame set the tray down on a coffee table before sitting down on her couch next to him. "May I," he said indicating the bottle as she brought her feet up on the couch after nodding. He pulled out the stopper pouring some into the two cups before handing one to the Fuma kunoichi. Picking up his own, he asked, "What shall we drink to?"

"To happy reunions," she said thinking of Kotohime's with her sister as well as her own with the man she admired.

Naruto seconded the sentiment before taking a drink of his as he relaxed into the couch noting the fact that the orange haired kunoichi was sitting at the opposite end leaving a cushion width between them. He smiled as Sasame took a sip of hers and made it apparent she wasn't a regular drinker when she took a steep intake of breath. "T-that's pretty strong."

"It's quite good," he replied taking another quaff from his glass. Sasame was glad to see Naruto relaxing, but she frowned as he asked, "So, what have you been up to these past few years?"

"I… I would rather not talk about it," Sasame said noticing Naruto's face take on one of concern. She put on a smile that she could only partial feel since while happy to have him around, the temptation to have him help with her clan's desperate situation was also great. However, knowing that without the Daimyo's permission or the funds to pay Konoha that she would be trading on their friendship, she said, "I'd much rather hear about you and your adventures. You made quite a few waves when you interfered in Iwa's plot in Paradise City. It might have been on the other side of Earth Country, but for a time we thought these ba…" Sasame trailed off not wanting to bring up how her clan thought the bandits might be getting support from Iwa. Recovering, she took another sip of her drink before saying, "You've just been so busy. I've also heard you have a girlfriend now, congratulations."

Naruto wanted to tell Sasame that she could burden him with her problems, but seeing as how even as she was trying to forget them that they were laying just beneath the surface, he knew there would be another chance to talk about it. Therefore, he said amused, "I wasn't aware my love-life was a topic of discussion out here."

Sasame was a little embarrassed she had brought it up so soon. Remembering her disappointment upon seeing his picture with Ayame and Sakura with the caption proclaiming the browned haired woman as such, she quickly said, "It was on the front page of a paper I read about the opening of that Hotel in Whirlpool. I also heard things got pretty out of control."

Naruto had to let his concerns remain below the surface about the current theory being that Nyau crashed the last day of the ceremony so some group could test the chakra armor that he had worn. Having more practice then the orange haired woman he was quite certain he was able to fully hide it unlike she had been. Giving her a disarming smile he said, "Well, I'm sure every party has one or two troublemakers who show up to ruin everyone's good times."

Sasame giggled as she said, "Is that what you call a psychopath hoping to murder some singer?"

Naruto shrugged finishing his glass and pouring another said, "Well, weddings have their crashers looking to score free booze and pick up ladies. It's only natural that an event attended by shinobi would have crazed stalkers wearing experimental armor."

The Fuma kunoichi's glass was empty so she held it out to Naruto, who filled it as she said amused, "You make it sound like just another day for you. So what other adventures have you had that such a thing seems to be almost mundane to you?"

Naruto launched into a lot of the things that had happened to him over the time span since they had last been in each other's presence. Naturally he left out details of how many of the women he talked about were now his lovers. He noted that as the time went on the space between them had closed so that as he sat back on the couch after standing and using his hands to tell her about how he had survived the fall from the back of a bird-like creature while rescuing Pakura there were only a few inches between them. Sasame was kneeling excitedly as she asked, "Then what happened?"

Naruto smiled as he said, "Well then Hiruko appeared. I duked it out with him; while Pakura took on his remaining… well I'm not really sure what his team was. They merged into some weird beast while Hiruko retreated to activate his jutsu to power up since I was totally kicking his ass." He smiled as Sasame giggled at his boasting, before continuing, "Well, Pakura managed to fry that thing with a massive sun orb while I distracted it, but then she tried to jump into her jutsu."

"Why would she do that?"

Naruto swirled the liquid in his cup while answering, "She figured that Hiruko needed her to complete his jutsu and create his perfect form. She figured that by killing herself she would thwart his plan and if he proved too much for me I could then retreat safely."

"A rather noble act," Sasame said respectfully.

Naruto stopped his action with his cup replying, "Do you think so? I hate that type of thinking to be honest."

Sasame looked at him surprised before asking, "What do you mean? As shinobi we are taught to sacrifice ourselves for the good of Clan or Village. What Pakura did would have insured Hiruko's defeat."

"Do you think so?" Naruto said, "It just seems rather defeatist to me." Thinking of his actions with Kin, he said, "I've been willing to gamble my life for the sake of others. But, what the difference is that I've never viewed my life as being something to be thrown away. Pakura saw the scenario and figured her life had less value then a stated objective. Basically it was kill myself, deny the enemy an objective. In that situation, seeing her own existence as being meaningless against a potential outcome just… it doesn't sit well with me. If her destiny was to end up as part of Hiruko's perfect form then that was something she should have fought against with every fiber of her being, instead of giving up and just trying to deny him an objective."

"But what if by doing so Hiruko would have gotten his hands on her and completed his jutsu?"

"Then it would have been up to us to stop him," Naruto stated. "But expecting one person to throw away her life to make things convenient for everyone else is selfish. We are a lot stronger together then alone, and all of us should never be willing to sacrifice others to make our own situations better."

"Even if that person was willing to do it themselves," Sasame asked wondering if Naruto was speaking of her clan's situation.

"Especially then," Naruto said looking into her brown eyes, "A person willing to throw their life away without trying to the very end is taking the quick way out. There is a world of difference between thinking death is the best option and struggling to the end knowing that even if you succeed you might die. Pakura felt her death wouldn't affect anyone and she could do something noble for others. She didn't believe there was anyone waiting for her so it didn't matter if she lived or died. She didn't think there was anyone she could turn to when she needed it most. It kind of reminds me of someone else that I know. She's trying to shoulder so much by herself even though there are lots of people willing to help. There's one sitting in front of her right now."

Sasame tried to tell him that he was wrong. However, she got about as far as "Naru…" before she burst into tears feeling as if the dam she had built to keep up appearances had given way. She allowed him to pull her head against his chest as she said, "I don't know what to do. I'm…"

"Shh," Naruto said cupping her face and using his thumbs to wipe away her tears. "You're not alone, Sasame," he said gently giving her a soft smile. "I told you I want to help."

"I…I don't have the funds to hire Konoha and you're strong…"

"Sasame," Naruto said cutting her off, "I'm not going to help you as a shinobi of the Leaf, but as Naruto Uzumaki. You're important to me…"

Naruto was cut short as Sasame suddenly leaned in to kiss him. She quickly pulled away out of his grip saying embarrassed, "I'm sorry… I know you have a girlfriend and…"

"It's fine," Naruto assured her as she trailed off, "Actually, the truth is Ayame and I…"

"Are finished," Sasame asked with a small hint of hopefulness entering her tone.

"No," Naruto said noting how Sasame sagged at his response, "The truth is a tad more complicated. Ayame, as far as the world knows is my girlfriend… but… well she isn't the only one. Actually I spent a good portion of the night telling you of my adventures with some of my other lovers."

"Y…you mean that… even Pakura," the kunoichi said shocked.

Naruto smiled as he nodded while answering, "Let's just say that now she knows how important she is and knows there are people who love and cherish her."


"Naturally," Naruto said, "She and my other lovers are a part of my Family. If she were to throw away her life then I wouldn't be the only one affected by it. You said that I'm strong, but my strength has never been just a matter of how much chakra I have or the jutsu that I've mastered. With the aid of my Family, I am far stronger than I am alone. Let me be your strength as well."

"I…is that why you came here? To… to collect me like some trophy? Pakura is now a member of the Suna Council if I'm not mistaken. Do you value her for who she is… or what she brings to the table."

"I cherish her for who she is," Naruto said truthfully. He sighed though as he admitted, "I did come to recruit you into my ambition, but I didn't even know you had become the clan head until I talked with Hanzaki."

"Your ambition," Sasame said guardedly. "What ambition is that? I would figure you would be in a prime position to become Hokage."

"My dream has grown since then," Naruto said. "My lovers and I hope to create a world where the shinobi villages can get alone in peace. To that end we have built alliances and put down threats to that goal. I had hoped you would become a part of it."

"By joining you in your bed?"

"If you desired that," Naruto replied. "Just so you know, both Kin and Ino are also a part of my Family. However, if knowing I am with others is not something you are okay with I still would hope I could count on your help."

"My help," Sasame said in disbelief, "I can barely stop a pack of bandits that are on the verge of cutting us off from all supplies and then wiping us out. What possible help could I be to you?"

Naruto shook his head saying kindly, "You are strong Sasame. As we traveled here, all I kept hearing about was how you and your leadership of the Fuma in this crisis was what prevented the citizens from suffering. You and the Fuma are the ones currently supporting this country. But you don't need to support that burden alone." Naruto reached out to place his hand on her shoulder while saying, "My strength is and has always been at your beck and call, regardless of whether you wish to…"

Naruto was knocked back until he fell on the armrest of the couch due to Sasame surging forward to kiss him. He didn't react right away, but as her lips lingered against his, he wrapped his arms around the small of her back loosely as he became an active participant. After a minute or so, she pulled back tucking a strand of her orange hair behind her ear as she said, "Naruto… "

She trailed off trying to think of the words to convey what she was feeling so Naruto reached up to cup her face with his left hand saying, "If you can't find the words then you can always fall back on showing me how you feel."

Sasame smiled softly before leaning down to sample his lips once more. Soon though, her kiss grew hungry, which he quickly responded to as well. They made out fiercely as Sasame let the blond's strong arms pull her towards him. Their tongues clashed energetically until she abruptly broke out into a moan as Naruto began to fondle her left breast. She broke the kiss enjoying the pleasure his rolling her tit around caused and after letting out another soft moan asked, "Has it grown since the last time you fondle my breast?"

Naruto chuckled at the reminder that the first time they had met he had accidentally copped a feel while pulling her to safety. He squeezed her tit harder causing her to moan again as he answered, "You've definitely grown. Even a knucklehead like the kid I used to be would have been hard pressed to think you were a boy."

She giggled as she pulled away to kneel before his legs on the couch. Her eyes caught sight of the hardness that had been poking her in the stomach. She pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it away before folding her arms beneath her chest pushing them together as she said, "Still, they probably aren't as spe…"

Naruto quickly sat up silencing her with a kiss before saying, "Please don't compare them to anyone else's." He kissed her neck and began working his way down to her chest while adding, "You are perfect just the way you are. All I see is a beautiful woman who is willing to bind her life to mine." Kissing the inside of her left breast he said, "A woman that I want to know in every way possible. If she'll have me that is?"

Sasame stared into Naruto's blue eyes as his face was nestled between her breasts. Despite knowing of his other lovers, in that moment she could see that the only person he was looking at was her. Unable to find the words, she just gave a small nod which prompted a wide smile to appear on his face. She moaned a moment later as he clamped his mouth to her right tit while his hand began to roll around her left. Her whimpers of pleasure grew louder as he detached his lips long enough to push her bra up to expose her light pink nipples which stood up nearly painful erect. Naruto began licking her breast before sucking it causing her to wrap her arms around his head.

His hands began gliding down her back before grabbing the cheeks of her butt. Then gripping the hem of her skirt he pulled it up over her hips and then began to fondle her backside. After several heartbeats he gently began to guide her onto her back and once she was, he pulled back to admire the state that she was in. Sasame was panting heavily and blushed as Naruto noticing the color of her underwear said, "Orange, my favorite color. Were you wearing them for my benefit? Were you hoping to seduce me?"

"I… I don't know…" Sasame said embarrassed. While a part of her certainly did, she had known about his having a girlfriend so couldn't say she planned to go through with it.

Such matters became irrelevant as she gasped from Naruto running his finger along a darkened patch of her underwear and along her slit. He smiled as he said, "The color seems to be a little darker here." He began to rub her pussy through her panties causing her to moan and move her hips about. When her panties were a soaking mess he grabbed the band of them by her hips, which she raised up to allow him to pull them free, Her whole body flushed as he brought the orange material to his nose to get a good sniff of her scent. His eyes widened as he saw resting above her pussy she had shaved a four pointed star. He smiled upon realizing it was meant to represent the famous shuriken that her clan had created, and although it had splintered sometime in the past with one portion remaining an unattached clan that wandered while hers had taken up residence in Rice Paddies. He recognized she was proud of her history.

Bringing his face between her thighs he said, "Mmmm, this scent is driving me wild."

"Don't…oh…don't say that…" Sasame said between moans as Naruto clamped his mouth over her quim.

He pulled it away while burying his middle finger inside her as he replied, "Why not? You have nothing to be embarrassed about." Rubbing his face against her mound he said, "And I just love the orange that accentuates these sweet pink lips." He began to flick her clit with his tongue while he worked his finger inside her. Sasame's moans grew louder and louder until finally she let out a loud shriek as she climaxed. She shivered as Naruto pulled his finger free but began licking her thighs and pussy to collect her essence. Once he was satisfied he climbed atop her and placed the finger he had fingered her with against her lips. She parted them and moaned as she tasted herself for the first time. Seeing the fire her actions caused to appear in his eyes, she placed her hands around his wrist to hold it in place and swirled her tongue around the digit. When there was nothing left to be had, Naruto stood and pulled her to her feet as well.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as he pulled her tightly against him while they kissed and he stripped away the rest of her clothing. When he was finished she stepped back and said, "It's not fair. I'm the only one who's naked."

Naruto smiled as he replied, "Something that is rather easily fixed."

Sasame smiled and reached towards him to unbutton the top one of his shirt. She stepped closer as she worked her way down and began kissing the exposed flesh. When it was fully opened she pushed the shirt off his body letting gravity pull it to the floor. He groaned as she began licking his nipple while her fingers deftly undid his belt and unbuttoned his trousers. She pushed them down and felt her arousal spike as his pillar snapped free of his underwear. She just stared unsure of what to do as he stepped free of his clothes. She wondered if he wanted her to return the favor and so was about to sink to her knees but he grabbed her by the shoulders saying, "Perhaps we should adjourn to your bedroom."

Sasame nodded with a soft smile and reached out to take his hand in order to lead him to her room. Naruto followed behind as she guided him to the foot of her bed where she spun to once more kiss him while wrapping her arms around his neck. They kissed passionately while Naruto used his left hand to fondle her breast while the right was clasped firmly on her ass pulling her groin towards his. She moaned into the kiss as his cock was sandwiched between their bodies. Pulling back with a trail of saliva still connecting their tongues he said, "I'm going to make you mine now. You can still back out if you want."

Sasame pulled away and sat on the edge of her bed before laying back. Spreading her legs, she held her arms out to him as she said, "Come to me please." She moaned softly as Naruto while still standing at the foot of her bed stepped between her thighs and slid his cock over her entrance. She hissed as he pushed inside her due to a slight discomfort from her pussy being spread by something larger than her finger.

Naruto pushed in slowly as although it hadn't come up, he strongly suspected that he was Sasame's first and knew that even should he not encounter a barrier her first time could still be painful. Therefore, when he reach the back of her warm, wet passage the look on her face told him that she had never been so full which caused him to feel a sense of gratitude that she would give such a precious thing to him. Especially due to her being aware he had other lovers.

Leaning forward he asked, "How do you feel?"

With a breathless whispered sigh of contentment her response brought a pleased smile to his face. "Complete."

"I'm going to move now." She hissed softly as his length slowly pulled away causing the pressure against her core to abate. Once he nearly pulled free and then pushed forward a small moan followed which as the patter repeated grew louder and louder as Sasame's body became awash in pleasure. Her moans dropped in volume as she didn't want the members of her clan to storm her apartment fearing she was being murdered. Although the walls were fairly thick, they weren't soundproofed. However, as Naruto cock repeatedly stabbed her core it was difficult not to let out shouts that would shake the building.

Naruto seemed uncaring of her plight to remain silent as he continued to hammer into her, which created a balloon of pleasure that grew bigger and bigger as it threatened to pop within her. With her hands clutching at the blanket above her head, she was defenseless against him as he leaned forward to capture one of her bouncing breasts with his mouth. She moaned loudly while arching her back as he sucked on her tit causing her to call his name, "N…Naruto… n…no…no more…"

He ended his suckling to pull her off the bed and holding her by her butt continued to bounce her on his cock. Sasame now having a tight grip around his neck kissed the side of his face as she had a sensation of the room spinning before Naruto sat on the edge of the bed. Then for Sasame the world stopped as his dick stopped churning up her insides. "No… don't stop…"

Naruto gave her a smirk as he said, "I'm starting to get confused Sasame. Which one is it, too much or too little?" Sasame pouted at his teasing, but taking matters into her own hands placed her feet on the bed before raising her hips as she began sliding her pussy up and down her lover's cock. Soon her bedroom was filled with the sound of her bouncing atop of Naruto at a similar pace to what he had been using before as she clutched her torso tightly to her lover's.

She clamped her lips to where his neck met her shoulder as Naruto joined in by meeting her downward thrusts. She pulled away to state, "I…I'm…I'm so close…"

"M…me too," Naruto grunted, and then caused her pleasure balloon to pop as he grabbed her hips and fully impaled her on his dick. Her scream was muffled as Naruto pressed his lips to hers while her pussy convulsed around his cock as he filled her with his seed. Her mind went blank as she drifted in the warmth and pleasure coursing through where they were connected. When she became aware again she was sitting in Naruto's lap still with her legs spread out behind him. Pulling away she stared into his blue eyes stating, "T…that was amazing."

"Would you like an encore?" He asked as his cock was still buried inside her. He ground her hips against her causing her to moan before smiling as she answered by continuing to roll her hips in a circle. As the two began to let their passions reignite, Sasame felt truly happy for the first time since taking the reins of the Fuma confident that with Naruto's support and love her clan could only thrive.
