
Eromatic Journey

Follow Selene as she travels around the world, trying to fulfill her dreams. -------------------------------------------------------------- *Sexual content warning* This is my first time writing a eromance book. So, please bear with.

Nick_Correia_0952 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


I opened my facing the sun, lying on my back. I sat up and looked around, I saw a river winding down in front of me,to my east was a forest and to my west was a dirt road.

I stood up and walked towards the river.

'How long has it been? Since Mera's death?

I still can't get over it.' I sigh, and look into the river, seeing my reflection. My long brown hair, dirtied and tangles up. My beautiful face, covered in patches my dirt and mud. My black eyes, still shining with defiance, but deep within, it holded nothing but, sadness and misery. I sighned again. I have doing it recently. Maybe to comfort my self. 'I should take a bath.' I slowly removed my clothes and steped into the water. I shivered as the touches my body and drifted me to that night. The night where everything changed.

I am a slum girl, no parents, nothing to my name. At age of 10 I was running around stealing. At 13, I was running from perverts and rapists. At that age I met Mera. She was the only kind one to me. Maybe because we were the same. No one to call family. Living in the slums wasn't easy and we knew one day would come like this. But not so soon. That night Rodrick and his gang attack us. They raped and killed Mera. They raped me too. But I was lucky and escaped. I had sucked of many people to just live a another, but never gave my virginity. And now I am stuck here. Once again no family, nowhere to go. I got out and made my way to my clothes. As wore them, I thought, 'What are my dreams?' No I had no dreams, but a desire. I bent down and picked up my twin daggers.

I desired revenge.


I was back to where I first woke up. My body now cleaned, felt refreshing. I decided to head along the dirt path, maybe it leads to a village. As I made my way to the village, I looked at my twin daggers, reminding me of Mera. Mera and I found these out coincidence and taken them, as a weapon for self defense. The daggers had a plain look, they were light. They looked exactly the similar, but somehow could feel one was different from the other. One was Mera and the other was Selene.

Suddenly I heard noises. Noises of kids playing. I followed the noises and arrived at a small farm. I saw four children playing. The boy holding a stick pointed to the girl and said, "I Daniel the white lion has arrived to slay the Demon queen." I knew who Daniel the white lion was. He a leader of a big Mercernary group called the The Beasts. Apparently His Mercernary group with the royal army had decided to raid the demon queen's castle. Who knows how it is going.

I decided to make my presence known. Maybe the owner of the farm is nearby and I might get some work and food. "Hey kids." I approached them, with a smile. "You get away from my children." All of a sudden, a woman rushed in between me and children. Maybe their mother. She looked at defiantly.

"Calm down miss. I was just wandering around and thought you might have some."

"There's no work here. You can find some at the village up ahead. Now leave."

"Ok" I replied and left the paranoid woman.

I crossed the bridge and and arrived at village center. There were not many houses around. There was a smelting workshop, a bar and a warehouse. A well was situated in the centre. A sign board was placed saying,* The Sargon Troupe's classical The beast and The beauty, played tonight at the north of the village.* The play wasn't my biggest concern. I made my way to the bar, hoping to find some work. The was full people, mostly men. The only women there were me and the bartender. I approached. "Hi, I was hoping the you guys might need some help around this bar." The bartender looked me and said."No. Everything is managed, my hubby works in the kitchen and I manage this bar. So if u don't have anything to order get lost." What's with the people of this village. I turned around and looked around. I noticed the kitchen with the staires, probably leading to the owners' living quarters. I smiled as I knew what I exactly needed to do. When looked at the bartender and saw she was busy flirting with a guy. Well, so much for a wife. As I entered the kitchen, I saw the husband, his back to me. I quickly and sneakingly went up the stairs. I quickly started to search the room. Soon enough I found a pouch, containing about 50 copper coins. I made my way down. And sneaked past the husband and exited the store.

With 50 copper in my pocket I decided to head to the smelting workshop and see if there's any work.

As I approached the workshop, I saw a man with a muscular build and tall height. His shoulders were wide, maybe from his blacksmith. "Hey, You need some work." I asked him. He looked at me, his brown scanning me. "No. You are too weak for that." "Hey, I am stronger than I look. Come on, give me the work." "Alright but fair warning. The job is to hold the axe shaft while pour the metal on it. Remember the shaft has to be hold straight or else the axe will come out as crooked. I will pay 10 copper."

"I prefer to hold on some other shaft." I look at him, smiling. "Look girl, I am happily married. So work if u want or get lost."

"Ooh that's a pity. Well name's Selene."

"Sanders. Now go hold the shaft."

I went and picked up the shaft, as Sanders brought the molten lava and started to pour over it. I used all my strength to hold the shaft straight. Soon the work was over.I huffed as Sanders picked the axe and cooled it off. "Here, have your money." He handed me 10 copper coins. "Thanks. Say you have anyother work." "No, not currently." Tired and exhausted I made my way to the tavern and found a free table and dozed off.