
Chapter 17 Demon Lair!!(12)

In the end Alex was only able to kill three of the imps while Carla killed the other two.

Alex waited for a few seconds but he didn't hear the footsteps or saw the shadows of any imps coming their way. With the amount noise they made he was sure that someone or rather something must have heard them yet nothing was coming. Shaking his head Alex dropped the matter and started collecting the cores. Alex decided to continue his search for Greater Imps while Robert and Carla continued to follow him from behind.

'This is really strange.' Alex thought as he searched all the huts, eventually he searched all the huts except one...the big hut infront of the lava pool. Walking to the entrance of the hut, Alex looked inside and he finally found all the missing imps. On the floor of the hut were fifteen to twenty red corpses lying motionless with a huge gaping hole in their chests. On the other hand their was a giant imp, about 2 meters tall, sitting on what looked like a throne made of black wood. The creature had red skin, black claws and fangs like the other imps but what truly set it aside from the rest of it's kind other than it's size was the orange tattoo like markings on its body. These tattoos looked like flowing lava that flowed all around it's body.

Currently the imp was holding a small red stone in it's hand which Alex recognized as a mana core. As Alex was wonders what the creature was doing it suddenly swallowed the core much to Alex's surprise. After swallowing the core the creature's tattoos started to glow slightly. Pulling his gaze away from the creature Alex started to think.

'That has to be the dungeon boss right but why is it eating mana cores? Wait does eating mana cores make monsters stronger?' With these questions in mind Alex once again peeked into the hut but his gaze was met with a red fist.

[ -30 HP]

Alex was sent flying through the air as he crashed into one of the huts destroying it on impact.

'Fuck.' Alex thought as he got to his feet. Touching his face he instantly removed his hand as he felt a stinging sensation on his cheeks. Although nothing was broken it was still painful. Looking up he saw the large imp walking towards him with it's hands covered with a dark orange flame. As Alex got to his feet, sword in hand, arrows started flying towards the monster causing it to halt it's advance and incinerate the arrows with a swing of it's claws releasing a wave of fire. Unintimidated by the monsters display of power, Robert dashed towards the monster with his azure sword in hand. Following Robert's lead, Alex rushed towards the beast with his jian sword.

Reaching the monster first, Robert slashed at the monster causing it to block with it's claws and tried to counter attack with it's other claw but was evaded as Robert jumped back. Coming up behind the monster, Alex slashed at it but was blasted by flaming breath from the creature.

[-15 HP]

Jumping backwards Alex sent out a powerful [mana slash] that was once again blocked by the monster. Coming up behind the monster was Robert with a diagonal slash leaving a long slash wound on it's muscular back. With a roar, the beast created a spherical dome around itself pushing both the [mana slash] and Robert away. Once the dome was gone the creature was huffing and panting a bit showing signs of exhaustion.


Five arrows impaled the imp in it's back causing it to scream in pain. Turning in the direction the arrows came from it sent out five flaming [mana slashes] from it's claws scorching the ground and destroying all the the huts in the way.

"CARLA!! You monster!" Robert shouted as he ran towards the imp with sword set ablaze. Seeing Robert rushing towards the imp Alex sprinted towards it as well. Activating the [Sharpen] enchantment he channelled his mana throughout his body and his sword giving himself an overall enhancement. Robert reached the monster first and swung his flaming sword with all his strength and mana forcing the creature onto it's knees as it blocked with both claws. Coming in from behind, Alex swung his sword horizontally slicing halfway through the imp's torso.