
Era of Angel became my reality

นักเขียน: MafiosaSexy
Magical Realism
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What is Era of Angel became my reality

อ่านนิยาย Era of Angel became my reality โดย ผู้เขียน MafiosaSexy ที่เผยแพร่บน WebNovel.‘Era of Angel,’ the game that I ruled as an overlord was ending its service. this game have been running for almost ten year. Shit! It was my life’s only pleasure. The last day! I used all of my stren...


‘Era of Angel,’ the game that I ruled as an overlord was ending its service. this game have been running for almost ten year. Shit! It was my life’s only pleasure. The last day! I used all of my strength and in-game connections to defeat the final boss monster, Demon Lord Stan. As a reward, I earned a Marble of Wishes. [Please state your wish.] My wish? [Era of Angel renewal as reality.] I was just joking. I really only wrote it as a joke…

3 แท็ก


整个京城都知道,皇宫旁边建着一个弃思阁,那里面人人都是傻子,十米开外,不见一人。 只是,他们京城最受敬仰的三王爷竟然专门进去了!听说是为了寻一女子! “你,你......”三王爷憋红着脸看着面前蓬头垢面的叶初瑶吞吞吐吐。 身后的侍卫莫名疑惑。 叶初瑶有些不耐烦了,一个大男人,扭了吧唧的。 “我,我喜欢你。”凤璟澜声音很轻,但是,但是周围的人都听到了啊! 一瞬间,疯人院里的人不疯了,王爷身边的侍卫要疯了! 叶初瑶看着一副活像被调戏了的良家妇女似的三王爷,猛得翻一白眼,这三王爷不会是个疯子吧?这他喵地口味,也太重了点吧? 不过,戏还是要继续演的,叶初瑶装疯卖傻地手舞足蹈,露出她那白白的八颗牙齿,“嘻嘻,大傻子,大傻子!嘻嘻嘻,大傻子......” “......” 自从知道三王爷看上了疯人院里的一个疯女人,京城里的人都一副自家的好白菜被猪拱了的表情。 谁都不知道的是...... “喂!你能不能离我远点,我的名声都被你给玷污了,没听他们都说我把你给糟践了吗?” “没没没,是我的八辈子修来的福分。”三王爷慌忙辩解。 后来,京城里人人夸赞,“三王爷找了个好媳妇儿啊,真是巾帼不让须眉,真是我们凤渊国的好王妃啊!” 嗯,真香~!

木橘子 · โรแมนซ์ทั่วไป
218 Chs


Telp/wa 0813-1517-2878, jasa kitas investor Cirebon, biro jasa pembuatan kitas Babakan, biro jasa urus kitas Palimanan, biro jasa pengurusan kitas Depok, jasa pengurusan izin tenaga kerja asing Pasaleman, jasa pengurusan rptka Sedong. Kami sudah berpengalaman dalam memberikan jasa pelayanan pengurusan dokumen orang asing (TKA) untuk berbagai perusahaan, Lembaga, instansi maupun perorangan. Dengan pengalaman yang sudah kami miliki, tentunya kami dapat membantu anda untuk menangani berbagai persoalan dalam pengurusan dokumen izin tinggal warga negara asing pada perusahaan anda. Kami hadir untuk membantu dan menjadi solusi bagi perusahaan anda sehingga mempermudah dan membuat tenaga kerja asing di perusahaan anda bisa bekerja sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku. Kantor kami, PT Parama Satya Pertiwi Allure Mansion Blok M No. 1, Jatimurni, CP: BP. Henry M (0813-1517-2878) SEGERA HUBUNGI KAMI SEKARANG JUGA… KLIK https://wa.me/+6281315172878 (Bp.Henry) Website : https://sites.google.com/view/paramasatyapertiwi Lokasi : https://g.page/r/CbX59AKM1kRvEBA Biro Jasa Rptka Imta, Jasa Pengurusan Rptka Imta, Jasa Pembuatan Rptka Imta, Agen Pengurusan Rptka Imta, Agen Pembuatan Rptka Imta #jasakitas, #jasakitasmurah, #jasakitasvisa, #jasarptka, #jasaimta, #agenkitas, #agenpembuatankitas, #agenpengurusankitas, #birojasakitas, #jasapembuatankitas, #jasakitasonline, #jasakitastka, #jasakitaslansia, #jasakitasinvestor, #jasaperpanjangkitas, #jasapengurusankitas, #jasapembuatankitap, #jasapengurusankitap, #jasabuatkitas, #jasabikinkitas, #birojasaki

bio_jasarptka · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

I am mentally disabled But not a PSYCO.

Childhood and teenage are the stages where a boy learns a lot of emotions like friendship,love,caring,angry,family etc. Most of the boys under goes these all situations. But there are some children/adults whose childhood or teenage was totally filled with misery and troubles. This is the story of one of that boy whose teenage is filled with full of problems. This is the story of veeranjith. Veeranjith was a mentally disabled boy from his birth. He got a rare disorder named schizophrenia. A person with schizophrenia under goes many mental problems. The effected person cant mingle with the society even he cant mingle with his fellow friends. His mental development is very less than a normal boy. He will always stay far from the society. He cant speak normally. He always feels hallucination and paranoia. This disorder doesn’t had the perfect treatment and also even the known treatment cant help a person for total recovery. Due to his disorder veeranjith killed two people unconsiusly, when he was just 9 years old. Then he got arrested and produced to the court. Considering his mental condition the court has sentenced him 12 years imprisonment with mental treatment. Due to this crime his family was marked has a psyco family in his neighborhood. After the verdict came, his father refused the whole family to do not see or take him again to home. Now veeranjith was a orphan. As per the court order he was sent to mental treatment first. After the completion of treatment he was sent to a juvenile home. His total teenage was completed in mental hospital and also in juvenile. Veeranjith faces a lot of mental and physical troubles, humiliation in his teenage. But veeranjith completes his sentence period. He releases from jail when he was 21 years old. After he was released simantaneously a serial murders are happend. Due to his past, the police arrests him to close the case fastly and proving veeranjith as a accused. So that people all trust police statements and starts calling veeranjith as a PSYCO. And the remaining is the story did veeranjith finds the killer or not? How veeranjith is going to come out from the serial killings case? Who are the actual killers and why they are killing the innocent people? The all answers to the questions are in story. Please do give your valuable reviews so that I can write with more intrest. Hope you will feel very thrill in the book…..

Nani_Ellar_Girish · สยองขวัญ
4 Chs


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it is good so far i am liking it. it is extremely good. i hope that this novel keep getting uploaded. the more chapter the better it will be


I like it so far it is good. I want to see more chapters of this story soon. I enjoy it alot. It is different so far from any novel I have read



Parents Strongly Cautionedmature rating