
Equivalence system

Amos Redcloud, the prince of Redcloud family who was desperate but helpless in the face of fate chances upon The Equivalent system. "System! where is the Equivalence?" "Poke a hole in this sky and I will give you the answer." From then on, Amos started his journey with relics from myriad realms to Poke holes in every sky he chances upon. Disclaimer: The System follows the rules of the universe and doesn't give the MC power out of nothing. The plot will try to reason everything.

Killsword · แอคชั่น
23 Chs

Chapter 7: Using the Grandmaster level Virtual Experience card

After settling for a while, Allen once again open the system inventory and brought out the Grandmaster level virtual experience card using his mind.

With a flash, there was a flash of light and soon, he held a Golden card in the hand. it is 5cm long and 4cm wide with a smooth texture. The front side of the card has an indent of a martial artist in a training position and the backside is filled with runes and words which he didn't understand.

"System! how to activate the card?"

"Ding! place the card on your forehead in center of your eyebrows and just focus your thoughts on it and it will be activated"

"Ding! The host is advised to take 2 times the amount of body cleansing fluid while using the Grandmaster level card as the body will absorb a lot of energy due to the increased efficiency in absorption."

Following the system instructions, Allen mixed 4 drops ( twice the amount in the morning * 2) of fluid into water and drank it all.

Without waiting for any abnormality to show up, he immediately placed the Grandmaster level card on his forehead and concentrated his thoughts on it.

Immediately, the card started emitting golden light and it melted like a liquid and disappeared into his forehead. He immediately felt as if he was electrocuted.

If someone could open his skull and look at it his brain right now, the entire surface will be glowing with a golden light and every part of the brain is covered by a thin film.

Allen immediately felt as if he was possessed and immediately started practicing the enhanced body refining exercise. It started slowly and gradually speeded up. just as body felt uncomfortable, the speed was reduced and is then maintained.

Every time his body was about to deviate from the original exercise, the golden light inside the brain will send electric currents through the nerves which corrected his movements.

In the meantime, his body was undergoing a miraculous transformation. During the exercise, his body was constantly moving, the muscles are trembling and all these actions basically helped the fluid enter every part of the body.

The fluid helped him massage the parts of the body and there was a trace of warmth where ever it passed.

It took more than 15 minutes for him to complete the whole process and he was exhausted by the end of the process and lay down on the floor again.

His body was covered with filth and he smelled like someone who just had a bath in the sewer. This time the amount of impurities expelled are many times more compared to the morning. He understood that this was effect of the Grandmaster level exercise.

Thinking about it, he could recall the whole scenario of going through the exercise and it played a movie in his mind. He closed his eyes and once again recalled the whole process. He could remember the position of each muscle and each posture very accurately.

He immediately attributed this to the benefits of the virtual card. In the past, even though his intelligence and memory are good, this time it is way to exaggerated. Its like having a HD quality video in his mind that can be played repeatedly at any time.

Even though he could not perform the exercise exactly according to memory, but this could always help him understand his mistakes.

The increasingly pungent smell woke up Allen from his state of contemplation and he hurriedly rushed into the bathroom. He came out after 20minutes looking refreshed.

"system! display my status."


Host: Allen Mackrel ( Amos Redcloud)

Strength: A normal mortal ( you have taken your first step into the world of cultivation, keep it up! young man)

Martial arts: Spirit suction exercise( Not initiated), Body cleansing exercise ( 86% proficiency), Enhanced body cleansing exercise (71% entry level)

Bloodline: Fire Bird ( weak, inactive)

Energy points : 0.000001 EP

Wealth: 10,000 rups, Grandmaster level virtual experience card (99/100),Void eater bloodline, 1 system lottery"

'Should have entered the entry level of Enhanced body cleansing exercise due to the use of the Grandmaster level virtual experience card.'

Looking at the extra system lottery in the wealth section, Allen was reminded of the rewards he received from the starter pack. There are many items among them which he did not explore till now.

Seeing that there was a system lottery, he pondered for a moment and decided to open it right away.

"system! start the system lottery!"

Immediately, Allen's consciousness arrived at an unfamiliar starry sky . There was a wheel with a diameter of 6 meters in front of him and it was densely packed with names of different items.

There are concentric circles of alternate colors of black and white and each circles is divided into 36 parts. All the words are blurred and he couldn't observe what was written on them.

There was a pointer attached to the center of the wheel. there was a small red hand attached to the end of the pointer which is constantly trying to catch the items on the lottery by was blocked by some invisible restriction. It was little painful to see it trying relentlessly to grab the items with the restriction on.

He urged the system to start the lottery with his mind and the wheel started spinning.

The pointer hand started madly groping along the vertical line. The wheel started slowing down and the blurry lines slowly cleared up.

When the wheel completely stopped, the red hand became purple as if gaining a lot of energy. It went thought the invisible restriction and grabbed at an item. Before he could observe what he got from the lottery, he was ejected out of the starry sky and came back to reality.

" Congratulations, host! You have got level 6 attack type martial art: comet fist. Please check your inventory to collect the prizes."

Opening the inventory, Allen found the martial arts book and when he touched the book with his hand, the book instantly dispersed into motes of light and entered his brain. He had a slight headache and there was a new stream of information in his mind.

From the information, he found out that this was a growth type martial arts.

Normally, martial artists at low level practice low level martials arts and when they breakthrough their level, the martial arts cannot keep up with them. So, they had to learn a new high level martial arts corresponding to their level and start all over again.

Practicing a growth type martial arts is the dream of many martial artists as they don't need to waste their time. Growth type martial arts grow with the martial artist and will have the corresponding martial arts for each level.

For example , the Comet first given by the system. it starts with rock fist followed by boulder fist, Mountain fist, Asteroid fist, Meteor fist and Comet fist.

He even suspected that this might not be the end of this martial arts. shouldn't there be a planet fist and star fist?

Looking at the time, it was already 12'O clock. As he had to wake up early in the morning, he curbed his thoughts of practicing the rock fist and switched off the lights and went to bed.


June 12, 2417

it's been a week since the activation of the system.

Following the exercise plan designed by the system, Allen had completed using the body cleansing fluid.

This week had been a period of great improvement for Allen. The changes had been so great that people even had trouble recognizing him.

From a thin sick child who had black complexion, he became a handsome boy with golden wheat complexion.

His parents and friends had been very happy for him and attributed these changes to the 'high grade potion' bought by his father.

He had also done some research regarding the body cleansing potion these days and found some details.

There had been no information about the peerless body cleansing potion in the internet. As for the top grade and high grade body cleansing potions, it's said that the rich people are never satisfied with a single potion and will be using them repeatedly till they reach saturation.

There will be no further impurities discharging from their body upon reaching saturation. They would need a higher grade potion if they want further improvement.

As for the low grade potion, they will only enable a martial artist to remove the normal impurities from their body and will do nothing about the hidden impurities.

A better cleansing would lay a better foundation for a martial artist. In addition to having a higher increase in the body strength, the main advantage about having a better cleansing is the increase in body refining speed.

The impurities provide a lot of resistance during the refining process an so having a body free of impurities will turn an ordinary person into a genius.

"System! display my status."

The initial chapters will be slow as there is alot of brainstorming involved. we will have regular updates in the later stages.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Killswordcreators' thoughts