
Equivalence system

Amos Redcloud, the prince of Redcloud family who was desperate but helpless in the face of fate chances upon The Equivalent system. "System! where is the Equivalence?" "Poke a hole in this sky and I will give you the answer." From then on, Amos started his journey with relics from myriad realms to Poke holes in every sky he chances upon. Disclaimer: The System follows the rules of the universe and doesn't give the MC power out of nothing. The plot will try to reason everything.

Killsword · แอคชั่น
23 Chs

Chapter 3: The effect of the Body cleansing fluid And the First mission

After he saw himself in the mirror, he was shocked at his own change. His originally muddy eyes are no longer muddy and gained a normal look.

The dark bags under his eyes and the acne on his face completely disappeared. Even though it was not by much, he could see that his complexion has improved.

Even his short hair which felt like dry grass, now felt somewhat soft to touch.

His skin is no longer like the bark of an old tree and it became normal too. And the most important thing is that all of this is due to a single drop of body cleansing fluid. He couldn't help but sigh at the difference between the cleansing potion provided by the government and the system.

This made him anticipate the changes that he will go through after finishing the whole vial of the fluid.

After admiring the changes in the body, just as he was about to bath and completely wash away the impurities of his body, remembering something, there was a flash of anticipation in his eyes and he immediately started doing some weird exercises which looked like acrobatics.

After he gave it his all to complete a round of exercises, he was completely spent, but there was bright smile on his face and he had tears in his eyes.

"Finally! Finally! I could once again practice the basic body strengthening exercise. There is hope for me to join a Martial university. There is hope for me to go back." Allen mumbled to himself.

Soon, he woke up and after cleaning himself, got ready and went out of the room.

He went to the dining room and got a seat for himself while shouting, "Mother! It's getting late. Get me the breakfast"

Seeing him so active, Emma was happy internally and hurriedly served him breakfast.

Soon, he finished the breakfast which consisted of 4 couple of sandwich, a glass of milk and 4 boiled eggs. the 2 extra sandwiches and eggs somewhat shocked Emma who knew well about his appetite.

Seeing Allen picking up the bag and leaving the house, Emma hurriedly shouted " Remember to come back early today. Your father will be coming back early today to celebrate your birthday. He told you to invite your friends so that it we be more cheerful."

Giving an ok as an acknowledgement, he hurriedly walked out out the house.


Agar city High school, class 12A

By the time, Allen arrived at the class, the session has already started and teacher Raman who teaches him mathematics was taking the attendance.

Looking at Allen who came late, Raman felt like saying something to reprimand him. But in the end he stayed silent and allowed his entry into the class. he knew that there was a problem with his health and he was a brilliant student in spite of that.

After the class started, Allen soon noticed the number '96' written on the top left corner of the blackboard which reminded him of the countdown for the University entrance examinations.

In the past, as he was unable to practice martial arts, he already had a dedicated plan for the future which is to study hard and step by step get into a respectable position in the society. But now, things need to change. He wanted to attend a Martial University.

"Ding! A new mission is triggered!

Mission: Get into a Martial university

Rewards: Enhance version of soul refining exercise, A free lottery chance, Extra rewards based upon the performance"

Hearing the system prompt, Allen was suddenly startled as he was not yet accustomed to the sound in his head.

Looking at the mission, there was a strange look in his eyes. According to his observation, just now the mission was triggered by his own thoughts.

Anyway, he was already determined to do his best to get into a university. The mission just made him firm about the decision and he wanted to get into the best university in the Phoenix country, The Nirvana academy.

But thinking about it again, he started to feel the pressure.

He heard that even reaching the peak body refining will not have a chance at attending the Nirvana academy.

In this world, people start practicing martial arts as soon as 10 years old.

Almost everyone starts with refining the body. To complete the body refining, one has to go through Body cleansing, Muscle refining, Bone refining and finally Internal organ refining. The peak Body refining stage here indicates the whole process of refining except the Brain.

It is not an easy task to complete the whole refining process. most people can easily go through the Body cleansing by using the cleansing fluid provided by the government soon after reaching an age of 10 years.

People who can do hard work and endure can also complete the Muscle refining process in 1-2 years by practicing the subsequent exercises. the process can be sped up by a good talent, advanced exercise, medicinal baths, expert tutors and other secret techniques which are family secrets.

As for Bone refinement, only a strong willed person can complete the process but, normally it takes a minimum of 4-5 years to go through lot of time. Though the rich and powerful have a lot of methods to avoid that. Most of his classmates are going though the Bone refining and some geniuses and rich had even entered the organ refining stage.

But, Internal organ refining is a majority of people as it takes a lot of effort and money to complete it and each organ requires special care and special supplements. otherwise a single mistake can cripple people and may even cause death.

But, due to the problem with the Redcloud family, Allen had to escape at an early age. so, he was not initiated in his family martial arts and with the death of his caretaker, he did not have access to his family and there was nothing he could do.

So, he practiced the Basic refining exercises provided by the government. But, thanks to his good talent and superior genes, in his 3 years of practice, he completed the Bone refining stage.

But, thanks to his strange disease, soon he stopped making any progress and even started to regress. he became even worse than a mortal who never practiced any martial arts.