
Equivalence system

Amos Redcloud, the prince of Redcloud family who was desperate but helpless in the face of fate chances upon The Equivalent system. "System! where is the Equivalence?" "Poke a hole in this sky and I will give you the answer." From then on, Amos started his journey with relics from myriad realms to Poke holes in every sky he chances upon. Disclaimer: The System follows the rules of the universe and doesn't give the MC power out of nothing. The plot will try to reason everything.

Killsword · แอคชั่น
23 Chs

Chapter 21: Another achievement and the Spiritual radar

Just after he killed the boar, the system notifications started ringing.

"Ding! It is detected that the host has completed the achievement of 'Monster slayer I'. Please go to the achievement page to collect the reward."

Allen hurriedly checked his surroundings to confirm his safety and opened the achievement panel. He clicked on the only notification with the blinking golden light.

"Ding! Congratulations host! You got a free lottery chance."

"Ding! Congratulations host! You got a chance to select a Level 1 spirit treasure."

Allen felt happy hearing the notification. But there is another thing that he was quite looking forward to. That is energy points.

So, he took the corpse of the boar and hid in the nearby bushes.

After making sure that he was properly hidden, he took the corpse of the boar into the inventory and activated the Energy conversion formation.

The corpse slowly disintegrated and converted into light violet energy particles.

"Ding! A corpse of Long tusked boar is disintegrated and received an energy of 7.2 EP."

After he was done converting the boar into Energy points, Allen slowly came out of the bushes while silently calculating in his mind how many monsters of this level he needed to kill for obtaining sufficient EP to obtain enough cultivation resources.

After practicing Bone refining in the morning and looking at the 1% progress, he knew that if he continues practicing without any supplements, it would take a minimum of 2-3 months to complete bone refining itself.

But, he cant wait that long. So, he had been eyeing various products in the system store which are helpful to bone refining.

There are many potions in the system which are specially refined for martial artists in bone refining realm and there are even some technological products which are helpful in the refining process.

Among them, he had been eyeing the spirit bone potion the most.

According to the system description, the spirit bone potion is refined using the spirit bones of the monster beasts as the main ingredients.

Some monster beasts, when they are dead, all their cultivation and spirit energy in their body gets concentrated in specific parts of the body.

Most of the times, it will be the bones of the monster and these bones are called spirit bones which are bones with a large amount of spirit energy condensed in them.

They are considered quite valuable in the market. There are even organizations that try to manufacture spirit bones artificially but they are not as effective as the ones that are naturally formed.

Potions formed from these spirit bones as the main ingredients are very effective in bone refining as they are easily absorbed by the bones.

They are priced at hundreds of thousands rups in market and that may not even guarantee their quality.

In the system store, they are priced at 15 EP.

According to system description, drinking the potion before practicing will make the exercise 5 times more effective. It is very high compared to the 2 times more efficiency when using the spirit bone potion from the Earth star federation.

Counting like this, Allen needs a minimum of 20 potions in order to complete the bone refining.

So, he needs a total of 300 EP i.e. he needs to kill around 60 monsters of this level.

That way, he can complete the bone refining in just 2 weeks.

So, Allen decided to risk it and continue hunting rather than meeting up with his team members.

He don't know when was the next time he could come out of the city again.

So, he decided to take advantage of it. But, first of all, he decided to find a safe place and use all the opportunities for lottery and the Level 1 spirit treasure.

After spending around 5 minutes, he found a shallow valley about 20 meters in length and about 5 meters in width. He chose a corner of the valley and hid in the bushes.

After staying silent for around 2 minutes and confirming no immediate danger, he immersed himself into the familiar lottery space.

" System! start the lottery"

The familiar system wheel started spinning and stopped after a while.

"Ding! Congratulations host! You got a pack of toothpaste. Please use it daily for best results."

"Please collect your reward in the system inventory."

reported the mechanical voice in a mocking manner.

Hearing the system notification, Allen was absolutely dumbfounded. What the..???

'Why is there a tooth paste in the lottery and what's with that mocking tone? Aren't you supposed to be a dignified AI?'

"Host! You must have imagined it. This system is an absolutely dignified AI." replied the system.

"Alright! Forget about it. Start the next lottery." Allen could only sigh and move on as he couldn't do anything to the system.

The Lottery wheel started spinning again and this time, it stopped on the small icon of a green worm resting on a tree.

"Congratulations host! You won a peak Level 1 monster Vine snake. Please collect your reward from the system inventory."

This time, Allen was a little surprised. What would we do with a monster? Should be cook it? sell it? or just disintegrate it into energy points?

"Oye, System! I need an explanation" Allen shouted at the system.

" Ok, Host. It's not that the system rewards are useless. It's just that the host is useless and cannot use the system items."

"The monsters obtained in the system lottery have a newborn type consciousness and are very easy to tame. So, as long as you have the necessary inheritance and qualifications to become a beast master, you can easily tame this Vine snake."

In the end, the system even ended the sentence by clicking it's tongue expressing it's disdain.

"Who is useless? You are the one who is useless. your whole family is useless." Allen went on a mental rampage.

The system just ignored him.

'Anyway, there is one last chance to choose a spirit treasure. Let's make the best use of it.'


After 5 minutes.

Allen looked at the red bracelet in his hands with a black gem embedded in it.

This is the Spiritual radar which is an auxiliary level 1 spirit treasure. It is a technological product that almost works like the radar function in his updated watch.

Allen tried concentrating on the black gem on his hand and immediately there was a picture in his head that looked like a radar. It might be due to his inferior spiritual sense, the image was a little blurry.

There was a big green dot at the middle of the radar which should indicate his own position. There are no other dots in the surroundings marked by the radar.

From the markings, the range of the radar is about 100 meters. The background is black with with white concentric circles centered on the big green dot with a radial increment of 10 meters.

There are 2 radio buttons on the bottom left corner of the radar representing range and resolution.

As he concentrated on the radio button for representing range, the picture started expanding to the surroundings slowly and more concentric circles appeared outside 100 meters.

After just an expansion of 50 meters, Allen felt very tired and there was an aching feeling in his head.

Allen hurriedly retracted his concentration from the radio button and the range slowly dropped back to 100 meters.

He understood that the radar is consuming his spiritual sense to expand the range.

This time, he tried focusing on the radio button for resolution and the result is that the picture started clearing up and there was even a faint shadow of the surrounding terrain in it.

As his head started aching again, he left it at that and stopped focusing on the black gem.

According to the system description, this bracelet takes energy from the stars and works for a long time. So, there is no need to focus too much on the battery needed for the basic functioning range of 100 meters as long as he doesn't abuse it.

"System! How many times can I scan within an hour so that there is no net loss of energy?" Allen asked the system without wasting his brain cells.

"The radar can either use spirit energy from the host or energy from the stars to maintain its functions. As the host is currently incapable of supplying spirit energy, the radar can only depend on energy from the stars." The system replied.

Seeing him quiet, it hen continued, "The energy required for recharge is acquired from the nearest star or the Sun as the people of the Earth star federation call it. The rate of recharge depends on the intensity of the Solar energy. If you are completely exposed to sunlight, you can use the radar 10-15 times an hour without any net loss of energy depending on whether it's evening or noon."

"What about the night?" Allen questioned back.

"During the night, it can only depend on the battery and faint starlight from the distant stars. It has a battery capacity of about 30 scans."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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