

1 Chs

Fortuna the Fickle One

This story begins as so many have with a stormy night.

Heavy thuds could be heard in the small farm house. The hinges of a door screamed to the background noise of heavy rain and thunder as it was ripped open. The acidic smell of stale beer and body odor wafted into the small room. Just outside the open door stood a man waveringly. His features could not be seen in the shadowy hallway. The room was still and storm clouds blocked most of the moon light from shining through the window and illuminating the interior.Nonetheless the contours of a bed could be made out from the hallway. Just as the swaying man took his first step inside, a vivid flash of lightning momentarily lit up the room. The man jerkily twisted to the side and gripped the arms of a girl who had hidden in the shadow between the door and a desser. A shrill scream was drowned out by the thunder of the aproaching storm. He ripped her towards him and in the process a heavy wooden club fell from her grasp, hitting the floor boards beneath them. "So you think you can hide from me and strike me down in my own house!", the man screamed into her face as she struggled to free herself. He pulled her further into the room and flung her onto the bed. The girls head and shoulder smashed into the wall behind the bed. She was dazed and groaned from the pain the impact caused. She collapsed and the sound of her labored breathing filled the air. The man followed her on the bed, grabbed the back of her head and pushed her face deep into the pillow. He bent over her and whispered into her ear while she struggled to breathe. "Do you really believe it is that easy to get rid of me. Your stupid cow of a sister tried it too, you know. But she was a much quicker study than you. She learned not to disobey me. And so will you", he snarled. And with that he started to push up her nightgown. The girls struggles intensified. But it was of no use the difference in strength and her unfavourable position worked against her. "Yes put up a fight bitch, that makes it even better. Much better than with that cow of a sister of yours. She was such a waste in the end, as still as a corpse. If it weren't for her bodys warmth I'd have seriously doubted that she was alive", he laughed derisively as he pulled his own pants down to his knees. "Aaahhhh!" A shrill cry filled the otherwise peacefully seaming farmhouse.

Barely three meters away in the room next door, another girl cowered in her bed. Her eyes swollen with tears, With her pillow she tried in vain to block out her sister's whimpering , and the moans of her father. For almost two months now, the eight-year-old had been forced to listen to the sobs and cries of her sister Marzia, night after night. Rain pattered on the roof of the farmhouse and thunder broke over it. Two months ago, the two girls still shared the room in which she stayed in alone now. But all their lifes began to turn to worse years ago. Lia, the mother of the three girls, Amelia, Marzia and Idri, died four years ago. Idri could not remember her properly. What she could remember, however, was that there had never been any beatings or nocturnal visits by her father. Then about half a year ago, her sister Amelia was getting rounder, she was pregnant. One night, her drunken father dragged Marzia out of her room and brought her to Amelia. From this moment on Idri slept alone in her room. Only accompanied by her sister Marzia's screams. A short time later, Amelia died. Marzia told her she bled out during childbirth and that it was all her father's fault. But none of that changed the fact that Marzia cried out in pain night after night and would wake Idri in the morning with a swollen face and limping gait or some over injury.

"Stop it! Please stop! Let me go ... "begged the young Marzia her father as he continued to thrust deep into her. But he just laughed and moaned. He thrusted harder and harder. The burning between her legs only got worse and worse. "Yes, yes, yes, it's about time!" He gasped. Kawummm! With a loud rumble of thunder, the room lit up with a blue-white flash while Naterl spilled his seed in his fifteen-year-old daughter. "Get off me," screamed the terrified and angry Marzia, as she felt her father's outpouring in her. Her sister Amelia's fate shot through her mind. A dull thud echoed through the dark room. The only sources of light in the room were the blue sparks that traveled over Marzia's unconscious body. In the corner, where Marzia hid at the beginning of the night, lay Neterl's broken, naked, and quite lifeless body. The angle of his head not quite right.