

Soldiers stood in unison, armed and ready to do battle but in this current predicament, it was evident that an abundance of despair overwhelmed the group.

Contoured facial expressions explicitly revealed the fear made apparent in each soldier as it was the one emotion that continuously tugged on their sleeves subsequently, cries of anguish grew more vocal with each passing second.

An individual in white garments bleeding constantly from his orifices stood on the opposing end of the army at a distance of 600m exerting an aura that screamed killing intent yet a frightening calmness pervaded his character showcasing a formidable mental fortitude.

Their fears were acknowledged by the silhouette's presence, ragged and hoarse breathing was noticeably audible within the army. Thoughts of death could not abdicate from their minds and seconds as these feelings came, the man raised his left arm and then swung it downwards which created an air pressure that scarred the battlefield dousing it in absolute carnage.

Screams of pain, despair, and fear melodiously blended with the subsequent amputation of body parts that flew across the battlefield as corpses lay amongst each other conferring a scenery of crimson that artistically drew the battlefield in beauty and destruction. It gave birth to something unfathomable, something that sent chills down the spine of anyone who laid witness to it.

A deathly aura cultivated itself on the battlefield contributing to a solemn mood.

There…, within the domain of death was a soldier laid on his back gazing towards the weeping clouds with nearly every single bone shattered numbing any pain he ought to feel yet never came. His breaths were rough and harsh, there was nothing to feel because a surmount of death drilled deep into his soul, twas the Grim Reaper's scythe now clung onto his neck. He was unwilling, he did not wish to die like this, he still needed to accomplish greatness in this lifetime and that was to awaken as a [CINTH].

A being of extraordinary power that could achieve feats no man could such as the adversary they had just encountered. The man who caused the massacre was what the world dubbed a [CINTH]. A [CINTH] was someone who had surpassed the boundaries of 'mortal' enabling them to achieve superhuman feats. A [CINTH'S] ability lies in their manipulation of a certain law or concept. Such as Fire, Water, Wind, Time or Space, etc.

One would question why even mere mortals would attempt to contend against such otherworldly beings but the answer simply was that they were cannon fodder, ants meant to bite and irritate a lion that was being pursued by a pack of hyenas. They were chess pieces for those who held absolute power.

The conjured aftermath was accompanied by a deathly silence that occupied the battlefield and the soldier lying on the mudded ground reminisced over this Illusory power he could only gaze from afar yet never attain, he could only draw out an inward sigh somewhat overshadowed by his envy of being a [CINTH].

He knew death was imminent but he held no fear and as such engraved the scenery of death he would lay witness one more time, hence what remained was the sound of rain hitting against the earth and an overwhelming obnoxious stench exuded from the corpses that penetrated his nostrils. His lipid eyelids grew heavy as they began to involuntarily close whilst simultaneously his breathing grew thin until he finally perished right there with no friend, lover, or family. A death worthy of one born in solitude, one who lived in darkness, and one who was damned to be forever controlled.

The name 'None' was a name that would forever be forgotten in history and not a single soul would learn of an insignificant person. That is what we call the Weak in front of the Strong.

The silhouette in white watched all this occur from above without a single shred of remorse moreover the bleeding continued to persist only to increase in quantity after the launch of his attack. He began to breathe heavily as a book spontaneously occupied his left hand. The book seemed aged having an ancient aura that surrounded its entirety. He was protective of it based on how tightly he held it. He gazed at the book momentarily before diverting his attention to the horizon as what would've been the sun setting in its glory was a huge quantity of figures numbering a thousand with murderous intentions.

They were flying right in his direction and finally, a grave expression overtook his calm countenance.

"Stop running Sioux" (Sea-Ox), A voice relayed of urgency and importance echoed through the vicinity. It was a man with golden tied hair, he wore golden and purple garments embroidered with images of the 'Blue Crane' exuding the air of nobility. He had fair facial features but his purple irises spoke intellect and no demur.

"Sioux you cannot keep running, no matter how far you run we will always be able to find you, no?" At the head of the thousand-man congregation was a woman in a snow-white dress engraved with the wings of a peacock, her voice as melodious as a tune sung from the angles of heaven but in the ears of Sioux was the call of the devil inviting him to hell.

She was extremely beautiful radiating a mature charm that sent even the most disciplined of man to their knees. Her long black braided cascading hair danced to the gentle woes of zephyr, glimmering white star irises which were enclosed by the blackness of the rest of her oculars stared with indifference straight to Sioux and her sharp eyebrows that harmonized with her very unique features made her quite alluring. The corners of her soft red lips rose in ridicule depicting an image of mischievousness. Her tan-like silky smooth skin was eye-catching as well even in the cluster of figures.

Sioux revealed a gaze of utter disdain and ignored their words. He lightly brushed the cover of the book and it began to glow in an azure luminance finally he slowly uttered,

"Book of E.N.D:

5th Chapter: Nil"

Nil was an ability to tap into the past, present, or future and enable the user to recall any point in time to his current present but was limited because his energy reserves were low. At this point, Sioux used this ability on himself to tap into a point in time where he hadn't sustained injuries thus allowing him to heal.

Considering that timelines are infinite the ability Nil was successful and Sioux was able to heal the wounds but he was drained of 'Nu'. Nu was a [CINTH'S] energy. Theoretically, Sioux should've been able to find a version of himself that was at its peak and was full of 'Nu' but was unable to because Sioux was currently suffering from an attack that was specifically created to dampen his ability to manipulate his concept E.N.D at a profound level.

Its name:

Oblivion's Edge

Could nothingness have an 'edge'? That would be self-contradictory considering nothingness should essentially be nothing. Having an edge meant it had an End which nothingness could not have so why was it called Oblivion's Edge?

Only She knew.

The woman's eyes brightened seeing this occur. Her star gaze glowed beautifully reflectent of the stars above.

"The power of E.N.D. Fascinating. How fascinating, it is indeed what I've searched for all this time.

The words she said towards Sioux filled her with excitement near madness.

In response to Sioux's move, she lifted her index and middle fingers, pointing them to the middle of her forehead before muttering under her breath,

"Oblivion's Edge: Star Eclipse"

The literal Sun on the horizon suddenly halted and stopped in its tracks, finally, it began to compress into a spherical glowing orb and then drew closer to the woman from the empty void at speeds surpassing even light. Moments later the orb landed in her palm and amazingly everything within her radius and even the planet remained intact. Darkness ensued the scenery with the orb in her palm being the only source of light on the planet but even in such conditions, people like them could see perfectly normal.

Sioux's Book of E.N.D was already in motion and seeing this woman bring forth an energy that rivaled his own. A self-decrepit smile was the only response.

"You are quite amazing yourself 'Viola', even comprehending Oblivion's Edge. That is something to be proud of, I guess that was why you betrayed me. The Final Chess piece is E.N.D indeed, that would be the only reason you could betray me. To achieve Transcendence, you would go so far, how ambitious. And you 'Ne-Ion', quite surprising to see you here and the rest of the Nexus Elites."

He remarked in a deep voice without a hint of anger, only understanding.

Viola, the woman called out by Sioux frowned ever so slightly at the sudden enaction of the book leading even the man in golden garments Ne-Ion (Neon) to knit his eyebrows so tightly expressing a cautious stance.

"Sioux, stop this…., you can't defeat us. Give up E.N.D and Beginning and perhaps we might leave your corpse intact", said Ne-Ion. His body was doused by extreme coldness reaching absolute zero temperatures which Sioux felt from afar. The many figures behind Ne-Ion and Viola spoke in different volumes to contribute to Ne-Ion's comment,

"Give Up Lord Sioux, your time has come to an end", one stated in an aged voice.

"Lord Sioux, E.N.D and Beginning will serve a greater purpose in our, Nexus's hand", another voiced out in a ridicule tongue.

"Sovereign Axiom, let it go. E.N.D and Beginning have no meaning when it comes to your life", a scholarly young voice echoed from the crowd that seemingly tried to advise Sioux.

"So that is all you seek. Your jealousy and aspirations of greater power have even led you down this path, Ne-Ion", said Sioux in a very sorrowful tone whilst his head shook from side to side.

He then relayed after regaining his composure,

"But Viola and the rest of you Nexus seem to have forgotten why I was given the title The Observer.", Sioux uttered coldly turning a deaf ear to the cries and pleas before outstretching both arms as two books began to float in front of him.

"Book of E.N.D:

1st Chapter: Singularity

Book of Beginning:

5th Chapter: Neuronitis"

"You…. DAMN!!!", Ne-Ion exclaimed loudly.

"SIOUX, YOU...….!!!" Viola followed up in the same tone as her eyes widened with disbelief. She immediately hurled the compressed star in her palm in his direction.

The Nexus elite began to panic wildly, insults, and threats were thrown towards Sioux for his madness.

"LORD SIOUX, WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!", the aged voice shouted louder than Ne-Ion.

"YOU...…YOU...…DAMNED AXIOM'S", the one who ridiculed Sioux earlier had now a face spelled 'fear' on it.

"Damn who.... Who… would've known chasing.... the Observer would lead to death, his just like what those old fools had said about him, Crazy", the scholarly young man stated in a shivering voice.

All the Nexus elites immediately began exerting Nu creating an energy storm that distorted the laws of space. The energy accumulated and was focused into a single point reaching an astonishing extremity that sought to obliterate all things that stood in its way.

And then it was unleashed on Sioux as a destructive beam…

"You want E.N.D and Beginning, Keep. Dreaming. And now DIEE!!!!!", Sioux responded to their attack, and the power he exerted eclipsed the whole planet and even stretched forth towards the void outside the planet. All time, space, and laws that governed the universe collapsed in his presence, it was like a window being shattered by an incredible force and the star that Viola threw to him dissipated mid-flight simultaneously Ne-Ion's absolute zero coldness suffered the same fate whilst the beam kept its trajectory to him. Escape was inevitable for Sioux as he unleashed his true prowess and an azure glowing object came into existence just Sioux. The ethereal object became more corporal as it underwent a nuclear fusion with its energy that grew infinitely proportional to its mass and gravity which mimicked the nucleus one would observe in an atom yet its size was not identical.

And so, the beam dissipated upon contact with the object seemingly contributing to its creation.

"Return to Finality"

That was Sioux's final words as a horrendous detonation ensued. Viola's eyes were still glimmering in their brilliance before she closed both her eyes resigning to her fate as the explosion occurred decimating everything in its path and obliterating the planet, they were even stretching out so far as to turn the solar system into dust. What remained in the solar system seemed like a dark, empty patch in the Universe. Its gravitational force was so powerful that time distorted and light bent. The embodiment of what defied physics. The Black Hole.

Nobody knew what happened to the characters that fought on this day but it shook the 3 realms and would be regarded as a legend among tales.

In a desolate Solar System, on an isolated planet…

Amidst the chaos stood a black silhouette dawned in black garments engraved with runic inscriptions exerting an ardor of coldness, his black cascading hair contrasted with the deep blue azure irises that glowed in brilliance. His figure was situated on a lush green hill which was nearly unobservable through the naked eye and his cold gaze oversaw this carnage from the Planet. He witnessed everything but did not react and only recorded these events in a large antiquity book, his speed relatively ample with no haste present whatsoever.

His deep azure eyes constantly alternated between the book and the battlefield where he witnessed the final moments of Sioux's sacrifice and the birth of the Black Hole. When Sioux unleashed 'Return to Finality' which this black silhouette took note of, his actions halted indefinitely and finally a soft sigh escaped his vocals indicating the pity he had on Sioux. No reaction was seen on his face and merely an emotionless expression took its place which brought forth an air of experience, seemingly one of a man who has seen countless death and yonder. With that conclusion, his azure eyes suddenly dimmed and turned black reverting to their prime state. A [CINTH] he was.

" Sioux's Records of Axiom, how powerful. I wonder in whose hands this scripture will land and how this mysterious person will be able to harness its power. A destiny and fate will change, will they become a saint to rid all evil or become the embodiment of carnage to wreak havoc in the 3 realms? Or perhaps use this power to surpass that 'Boundary'. How exciting, so many variables can come into play. The future indeed will be interesting"

A calm wind swept the vicinity and the runic inscriptions on his garments lit up in silence and finally, he disappeared into the grapevine. No one knew him, no one knew he existed, he was a legend amongst tales, a keeper of the secrets, and one who seeks nothing but to remain an "Observer", a reader with no aspirations of intervening in the world.

I'll do my best to finish this novel. I've never really had that momentum to keep writing but I'll try now...

Xolani_Makaluwacreators' thoughts