
The Cursed Plutus




We had encountered a creepy old man wearing a white loincloth, which Redgaria identified as the mythical figure of Plutus, in Greek Mythos, he was said to be the God of Greed, but in this iteration of himself, he could be from somewhere else completely. But talking to him is difficult, he's tricky with his words and constantly ask us to pray to Satan or he won't let us pass.

Bur Redgaria recognized him as Plutus, why? How does he knows about him?

"What do you know?" I asked.

"I know this because I read several books about Hell when I was a beginner Warlock, and I had a few conversations with Demons I had made contracts with. Plutus right here is indeed the God of Greed, apparently, he comes from another world which we don't know about… But he is known as the Guard of Hell, they said he was an Old Giant Man which had a lot of loose screws. He talks nonsense and prays to Satan." Said Redgaria.