

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Getting Through

"System..." I say breathlessly "Show me my skills."

"Showing skills" The System chimes.

"Skills -

Flash Step Level 4 [Evolutions 1/3]

Sword Master level 2 [Evolutions 1/1]

Dagger Master level 0 [Evolutions 0/1]

Hunter level 3 [Evolutions 1/1]

Flash Strike Level 2 [Evolutions 0/1]

Slime Tentacles Level 2 [Evolutions 0/1]

Healing Constant [Intermediate] Level 4 [Evolutions 1/3]

Innate abilities:


I take a deep breath and sigh. "Ugh, I am exhausted," I say as I sit on the cold rocky floor.

I look around. It's just as dark as any other floor I suppose. I managed to make it to floor 10 finally. Though nothing has been as hard as floor 5's boss. Maybe it's like a next step every 5 floors? I think the game had something like that pattern. If that is the case, then my real challenge is going to be this floor boss...that is until I get to floor 15. I laugh trying to distract myself from being tired. If it wasn't for healing constant, I would be unconscious maybe even dead at this point! It's had to heal so many wounds, it leveled up fast.

One good thing about the pattern of dungeons is, that if I can beat this boss, I can make it to the next one more likely but that doesn't mean I can beat the floor 15 boss. Though if I am lucky, the Samurai Apprentice is just a random enemy, not a boss. One of the difficult things is that I played the game with daggers, so I know that dungeon but I don't know this one at all. After finally catching my breath, I make myself stand up. Well, I can't just sit here forever. I don't have a lot of time left.

If I want an actual chance of beating Mr. Fang's challenge, tonight is my last real chance. I won't have a full night again. I start walking towards the boss's door. This is either going to go great, or horribly wrong.

I open the door and step inside the room. As usual, the door closes behind me with a rumble. Crystals start to shine all over the room. Mostly green was now shining about in the room.

"Warning: Boss Goblin King has been awakened." The system warned

The Goblin King? I look ahead of me to see a short green guy hunched over with a crown and king's cape. This might actually be pretty easy! The Goblin King then looked up at me and started straightening his back and somehow got taller. About 5'5 in height. He then raises one leg and slams it onto the floor causing the place to shake as he throws off his cape. The Goblin King is quite muscular. I take back what I said, this looks like trouble!

The Goblin King started walking towards me calmly as if he was not about to fight. Almost without warning he disappeared and reappeared right in front of me. I just barely managed to dodge his attack. For a little bit, I just dodge his attacks trying to make sure I don't get blown away.

I took my time on each floor just to make sure I could challenge this guy and get further beyond. I will not lose! Our fight continues as I dodge his attacks, and he just keeps punching sending air to be blown past me each time. If I get hit by one of those, I might just die instantly. I started to study his movements and patterns. It seems he is a heavy fighter, speed isn't as much his strong suit as was the hunters. Nonetheless, he could still keep up enough. Since he relies more on heavy attacks, if I could redirect his hits I would have openings!

Now that I got that figured out, I take a deep breath, I need to let more instinct take over. 'Don't overthink your fight.' I warn myself. After calming myself down, I wait for Goblin King's next strike. As soon as he throws a punch, I use one hand and barely manage to redirect him. I feel as though I just received a carpet burn from doing that! With no time to waste, I used my sword and cut him on his side. Looks like I am not going to be able to do much more than that. In that case, I smile, I will just whittle him down!

The Goblin King then starts swinging a bit all over the place. I continue this fighting style against Goblin King for a while, thankfully my Healing skill heals the majority of the burn quickly but there is always a little left that is adding up. Even with the added effect of him being caught off guard, I can't win if this lasts for too much longer. After just a bit longer, I notice the Goblin King starts to slow down. Now's my chance! I quickly used Flash Step and ran around him cutting him as much as I could and in as many weak points as I could. Eventually, he finally fell onto one knee. I quickly ran and flew past him, giving him a long gash over his body. The Goblin King groaned in pain before collapsing. 

...No winning remarks system? I ask. I carefully walk over to the goblin king. 'Ah, He is still alive.' I think. The Goblin King then starts to get up. 'Yeah, so I can't kill him like this...' I realized. In a battle of stamina, he will win. I needed to finish him off while I had him caught off guard. I don't have much of a choice, otherwise he won't die.

I backed up a bit as he started to get up. Once he was almost fully up, I used Flash Step to close the distance again. My last real chance before he gains the upper hand, Flash Strike! I ended up on the other side of him and heard a loud thud.

"Congratulations! Goblin King has been slain!" The system cheers.

I pause for a moment. 'I am not passing out!' I cheer. Almost immediately I started to fall over. 'Dang it' was the last thing I thought before hitting the floor and blacking out.


I groan as I start to wake up. "What happened?" I ask. Right after asking that a flood of memories come in. "Oh right." I said as I turned around and looked at the crystals on the floor. I slowly get up and grab the crystals on the floor. Well I should move on I guess. I look at my stats, and nothing changed. Must be close to leveling up then. I sigh. How did a boss not level them up?

Deciding not to worry about it, I got up and started to make my way down the stairs. I continue as I have been doing before, although the difficulty has increased, I managed to take it slow enough to get through them slowly but surely.

Eventually my skills leveled up!

"Skills -

Flash Step Level 5 [Max Level, Evolution available] [Evolutions 1/3]

Sword Master level 3 [Evolutions 1/1]

Dagger Master level 0 [Evolutions 0/1]

Hunter level 4 [Evolutions 1/1]

Flash Strike Level 2 [Evolutions 0/1]

Slime Tentacles Level 2 [Evolutions 0/1]

Healing Constant [Intermediate] Level 5 [Max Level, Evolution available] [Evolutions 1/3]

Innate abilities:


"System, evolve available skills please." I say as I continue go throughout different floors.

"Evolving skills" The System adds. "Skills evolved!"

New Blink [allows for Instantaneous movement, no sound - Can only travel a Short Distance] Level 1 [Evolutions 2/3]

New Healing Constant [Advance] [Can heal major wounds. Can heal others at half strength while you stay full strength. You require less sleep to function fully] Level 1 [Evolutions 2/3]"

I smile at the new skills. These skills will be quite helpful! I start putting them to use instantly. Finally I reach floor 15. I look around for the Samurai Apprentice. After a little bit I instead found Footmen...I sigh. The Samurai Apprentice is the boss...isn't it? 'Dang it.' I think to myself as I start fighting the footmen. I take my time with this floor, until finally I reach the boss door. I sigh as I look at the engrave of someone being greeted by a Samurai. 'Of course you a the boss, why wouldn't you be?' I wonder to myself.

I take a moment to catch my breath and prepare myself for a this fight. Judging by what Samurai are, I am sure this fight won't be anything like the Goblin King. He was brute force, but Samurai are a lot more skilled. I sigh at my predicament. Well I can't be sad forever! I made it this far, which is pretty impressive if you ask me. After hyping myself up a bit, I open the door behind me.

As the door closes behind me, blue torches light up all around me. At the end of the room, there was a Samurai Apprentice standing there, with his hand on his sword and apprentice armor.

"Warning: Samurai Apprentice has been awakened." The system warns me.