

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

Chance, or fate?

"Za-" I hear someone call out faintly "Z...k!"

"Zack!" I hear as I jolt awake.

When I wake up, all I see is blackness. Confused I quickly sit up and look around.

"Good morning." A voice says to me.

I shoot up to my feet hearing a slight echo from my stepping and turn around only to see a glowing orange version of me! I stare at the other me in disbelief. He has a confident smile on his face, with bright eyes enough to keep anyone's attention.

"Where am I? What is this place?" I ask

"That doesn't matter. You won't be here for long anyways" He says nonchalantly giving me a sense of unease. "We've got some questions for-"

"We?" I say quickly looking around

"Yep, you'll meet the others soon enough." He leans onto one side and puts a hand on his hip. "Now, I'll ask the first question. What does a system mean to me?"

"What does...a system?" I pause to think... "A guide? Something organized, that even if you don't have the information you can get it using it...I guess?"

The orange me gives a little chuckle and smirks before disappearing before my eyes.

"What does a system look like?" I hear behind me.

I quickly turned around to see another version of me but this time they were green. I stare at the green version confused, but he shows no signs of changing from his calm smile and stare. After some time I realized that he had asked me a question!

"What does it look like?" I ask. "Something where it is easy to find what you are looking for...teaches you how to find it as well, I guess?" I say as thoughtfully as I can.

Almost immediately after I answered, he disappeared.

"What is the purpose of a system?"

'Again?' I sigh as I turn around... 'Wait, who is that?' As I look behind me I see a purple figure but this time they didn't resemble me. "Who are you?"

"You." He smiled confidently.

"What? You look familiar sure, but not like me!" I counter

"When you wake up, just look into a reflection. You'll see we are one in the same" He smiles almost concerningly

"What? What does that even mean?" I ask.

After a while of no response, I decided he wouldn't answer any more questions. "Guess you are waiting for me to answer huh?"

I pause for a bit to think over the question. 'What is the purpose of a system?' How do I answer that? Prepare you for what comes next. Oh, wait! Maybe it is more like the ones in those games. My friend would always play RPG games and tell me about how cool a 'system' like that would be in real life. Gaining abilities that can be leveled up and evolved. He always talked about being a 'Hero' in those games.

"A hero huh?" He smirks

'Wait, did he just read my thoughts?'

"Something like that. That was an interesting answer, I like it." He took an elegant bow. "Good luck in your adventure...Adrian"

"Wait, who?" I ask.

The next thing I knew, I opened my eyes to see an unfamiliar ceiling. Upon realizing this, I quickly sit up and find myself in a massive bed with silk sheets that feel very comfortable and- wait! Not the important part, focus Zack! I throw off the sheets and find that I am wearing what looks to be some very pricy pajamas. As I look around I remember the words from the purple version 'Look for your reflection'. I notice a door open and run inside it to find a bathroom. It looks a little...old? Not bad condition old, but as in not modern. I pin that thought for later as I look into the mirror...I look just like the purple version! No wait, this face looks familiar. Dark brown hair, sharp silver eyes, and...fat. How did I not notice that I was fat!

Wait what was that name he called me? I remember him smirking and saying the name 'Adrian'! Just as I remembered the name, I heard a ping.

"System update complete. Welcome to the System Advance." a female voice in my head speaks

Just after that, a screen appears in front of my face. As I look I see a picture of me with the name 'Adrian Von Silver' on the side. I know that name! That name and this face and body, it's the same as that one game! I had only just finished playing it before...what? I don't remember. What was the game called again? It was...Eovatall! Adrian was the villain of sorts. Well, I guess he was more of an annoyance. He made everything hard for the main character, pretty much a bully who used his influence. Though if I remember correctly, his fate at the end of the game was less than desirable. What was it again...?

After some time of pondering, I froze in what I could only describe as fear. He was killed in the end! After getting exiled because he wasn't considered 'skilled enough' nor 'worthy of the Silver name', he ended up disappearing from off the face of the world...or so the game said after his exile. I need to figure out how to change that or else, this is not going to be very fun. I think as I nervously laugh to myself.

I glance over at the system screen. As I scanned through it I noticed that it said System Additions: VTH. Not sure what that means, I think as I continue. Skills - 

New Swiftness level 0

A new skill huh? I open the skill so that I can see more information on it.

Skill: Swiftness level 0 - Improves the user's speed, but the faster they go the more energy and calories are used.

Wait so does that mean if I was to use it I could lose weight fast? That would be nice but it seems the consequence is if I don't have enough food to make up for what I lose...I might die anyway! I'll have to keep that in mind...

I continue looking around the system and find Synchro Weapon -


What? What is that?

"Synchro Weapons are magical weapons attached to a user's soul. The weapon itself is based on the user's soul. The system will match to their user's Synchro Weapon when they gain one." I hear the woman's voice speak in my head once more.

"Oh? That's pretty cool actually" I mutter to myself. Although that sounds cool and all, I don't remember that being in the game. How does one get a Synchro Weapon?

"Everyone receives a Synchro Weapon on their first day of High School through a ceremony known as Basic Sync."

First day of High School huh? If I remember correctly that is where the game starts...wait! Is it that one weapon that the main character got that could become overpowered? Based on choices before the game fully starts, you could get different weapons. What did Adrian have in the game? I believe he got a...bow. Hm, well I have no experience with that.

Suddenly I hear a little beep. "Warning: School starts in 30 minutes" the system puts in my face.

"School...?" I stared at it blankly for a minute or two before I realized. "Ah! First day of High School!" I yell as I look around the room for a closet. I open it up and find a uniform hung up among many other articles of clothing. I quickly grab it and get ready for the day. Maybe I can find answers. I run out of my bedroom or rather burst open my door to see someone just barely out of the way of my door from hitting them.

"Uh...Young Master. Good to see you are awake!" He takes a slight bow after recovering from my sudden burst "We made some breakfast for you. Would you like to come and eat?"

Standing in front of me is a man, maybe in his 50's, dressed as a butler.

"Huh? Oh! Um, yeah sure." I say after a few seconds.

The man leads me down the hallway and stairs to what seems to be a dining room...it's massive! I look around in awe as I see a fancy silver chandelier above the giant dining table. The butler pulls out a seat for me and I take my seat. He then brings out a tray and puts it in front of me. It seemed like a traditional breakfast, Eggs and bacon.

"By the way Young Master Adrian, your older brother wanted me to inform you: starting today you will walk to school." The butler says as I start eating.

I nearly dropped my fork. "Wait, what! How far of a walk is it to School?" I ask.

"It is about a 15-minute walk sir." He responds in kind

I quickly activate my system and check the timer...18 minutes left! I quickly scarf down my food. "You wouldn't happen to have some food I can take with me do you?" I smile nervously.