

‘Eovatall the game, a world full of magic and dreams!’ An open world dating sim Zack was well acquainted with. Now he has the opportunity to get to know it on an even deeper level! As if by magic, Zack wakes up to find himself in the game as Adrian Von Silver the villain! With no way of going back, Zack must find a way to change his fate by the end of the game's story, or else end up on the chopping block! What awaits Zack now known as Adrian? Hopefully not the same as the original!

Ribbolt · แฟนตาซี
26 Chs

A Step to Create a Future

We walk into the school building and stop at a board of registered guilds. It seems empty here for now. Not many students are around, meaning I can fully examine the board.

"What are you looking for?" Scarlet asked.

I continue to look at the boards. I look at each guild, and who their representative teacher is. Not all of the guilds are posted here, some aren't popular enough and some are only by invitation.

"Right," I say to myself and straighten out. I turn my attention over to Scarlet who has a slightly confused expression. "Come with me to one more place, if you would"

She opens her mouth to question me, but I quickly walk past her and continue down the hallways. 'Sorry Scarlet, I am just going to need you to trust me for a moment.' I think to myself. If I remember correctly, Scarlet never joined any guilds in the game. Not even the one Adrian was a part of, then again that one was full of pretentious rich kids. Lion's Pride, I think it was called. They wouldn't let the main character into it in the game because they were from a poor family. Though without their parent's money, they wouldn't even be on the school's radar, the main character could take them out easily in the game.

Regardless, if I can get Scarlet to work with me, then things can change for the better. I might be able to lighten my association with the Silver family only because of my name. We stopped in front of the teacher's faculty room. I glanced over my shoulder to make sure Scarlet was following along. Her expression only got even more confused. I knocked on the door, and after a few seconds, a teacher opened the door.

"Oh? Hello, you two must be freshmen. I don't recognize you two." The Teacher gives us a soft smile. "What can I do for you?"

"Yeah, we are pretty new!" I laugh. "I had a question about guilds!"

"I see, please come in." The Teacher stepped to the side allowing us in. "What questions do you have?"

She guides us over to her desk full of paperwork and gestures for us to sit down. I suppose we might be interrupting work for her. 'Sorry,' I do a slight head bow as an apology.

"Well, I was wondering..." I smile sympathetically knowing the confusion my question is about to bring. "How does one make their own guild?"

I see Scarlet look taken aback after asking my question from the corner of my eye. She gives me a slightly skeptical look.

The teacher freezes for a moment, her smile becomes a little strained. "'Make their own guild' you ask? No one has made a guild in a very long time. All the guilds that are wanted are already available. Judging by your appearance, you must both be nobles! Have you heard of the Lion's Pride guild? It's perfect for nobles."

"Yep, I've heard of them. Not interested" I say with a shrug. "I have my reasons for wanting to start my own." I smile at her.

"Look, guilds are not an easy thing to create and maintain. Especially with the competition of the more well-established guilds. So I recommend just choosing one of them." The teacher says with a sigh.

"You don't have to worry about me in that regard. I just need to know the requirements" I smile.

The teacher takes a deep breath followed by a long sigh. "It's not easy, but it seems you are rather dead set on doing this aren't you?"

"Nope." I smile.

The teacher looks over to Scarlet, who only just shrugs in response.

"Fine, but I am not liable for any failure." She sighs. "There are three requirements. First, you need a teacher who is not already a representative of a guild, and get them to sign this document here." The teacher places a sheet of paper in front of me. "Second, you need at least three members total not including the teacher. Lastly, you must have a registered name with the signatures of the teacher and the students planning on joining you. Any questions?"

"For the three student signatures, can mine be one of them?" I ask examining the paper placed in front of me.

"Yes, so you two just need one more." She then points to a line on the paper. "You also need to write down who the guild 'master' is. It needs to be the student in charge of the guild."

"Thank you!" I say as I grab the paper and walk out of the room.

As I walk out I hear the teacher sigh. Scarlet then catches up to me and starts walking beside me, watching me closely.

"You want to make your own guild?" She asks with a slight bit of coldness in her voice.

"I know you are annoyed, but I really need your help, Scarlet." I say slightly pleadingly

"And why do you need my help with this?" She asks

"I need someone I can trust to help me. I plan on making this guild by invitation only. So it's not like we are just going to have anyone join." I say to try to ease my case.

"I see. another guild for nobles to gain prestige." She says again with coldness in her voice.

"Who said anything about nobles?" I give a mischievous grin.

"Aren't you planning on inviting nobles? You know, those with power and fame?" She asks visibly confused at my statement

"Most nobles go off of what their parents did and brag off of that. Their parents have done great things, but what about them? What their parents do, isn't what they did. In the end, it's all just talk." I say nonchalantly waving it off.

"You seem to be quite upset with the idea of nobles, though you were just like them last time I saw you." She gave me a skeptical look. "What happened Adrian?"

Guess I didn't say it as nonchalantly as I hoped. "Let's just say I had an 'awaking' moment," I say with a smile on my face.

Back when I played the game nobles only ever caused problems but when it came to do-or-die moments...their words fell flat. Even in my original world, people who had a lot of money or fame or whatever, at least the ones I knew, only used it to hurt others. This guild will change the history of the game, and maybe even the world if we do it right. My smile only gets wider at the thought.

I then stop at a table back near the board of guilds and pull out a pen from my uniform coat to sign my name as one of the students. I then hand the pen to Scarlet and step to the side. Scarlet looks at the paper and then looks at me. I give her a pleading look. After a few seconds followed by a sigh, she signs her name on the paper.

"Who is the teacher you plan on having represent us? All of the well-known ones are already a part of a guild." She asks.

"I will take care of that, as well as the other student. I already have someone in mind." I smile. "I need you to be prepared for tomorrow."

"Prepared?" She says raising an eyebrow. "I see, well then I will leave it to you." She says hesitantly. Scarlet then starts to walk away before stopping and looking back slightly. "If I am going to help you, this can't be done any less than our very best. You know that right?"

"I wouldn't have it any other way," I respond.

Scarlet then shows a relieved smile and continues to walk away. Right, now I need to start with the teacher. Where would he be now? I start to think about the possible places where he could be. Then I realized what he taught. I began to walk towards the dungeons. As I am walking towards the Dungeons, I see Mr. Fang talking to a group of students. As I got closer I noticed that they were wearing uniforms for those of not noble birth. Their clothes were brown compared to mine which was white. I leaned against a nearby light pole as I waited for them to finish their conversation, but throughout it, some of the students gave me worried glances and quickly left.

"Well, you scared them off with your nobleness kid!" Mr. Fang laughs as he comes up to me. "I assume you were waiting to talk to me?"

Mr. Fang gives me a tired smile, but in his eyes, there is something else. Try as I might I don't know what is behind his eyes but for now, I have to make sure I get what I came here to do.

"Yeah, I did actually," I say with a smile and hold up the sheet in my hand. "I want you to be the teacher representative of a new guild"