
Entrapped 21

The thrusting which had one time given her pleasure hurt beyond her body to her very soul,the groans and the estatic moan which had once thrilled her now irritated her so much that she wished to throw up.

She could feel when he pushed his full fist through her body,she but her lips so much that it bled to stifle the groan that threatened to escape her lips. He bit her nipple so hard that she felt numb and sour at the same time.

The clock ticked gently as he went on venting all his anger and frustration on her,she opened her eyes just a bit on impulse and she saw his face. He stared at her with a far away look in his eyes filled with lust,his groin was at full length and his lips was slightly parted.

  "John"she whispered weakly with a faint smile on her lips.

He did not seem to hear as he kept on staring and swallowing hard.

  "You wanna try her?,I bet you man she is a hottie" Alex panting voice rang quiet Faraway like he was not on top of her.

Through half closed eyes,she could see him nod his head eagerly,there was a long estatic groan as Alex deposited his seed in her,these was the second or third probably the fourth time. Maybe she had lost count.

His large palm spread her legs even wider,then she felt the two guards had released her but she had lost way too much strength to struggle so she just layed there, feeling or barely feeling what they were doing to her.

She could feel him push roughly through her,soft liquids rolled down her legs. The first thrust shattered her whole soul and losing every will to fight further she slowly drifted into Oblivion.


  "Maria…!,Maria wake up…!!, Maria…!!! 

She opened her eyes with super human effort and strained her already tired eyes to catch one last glimpse of his face,it seemed like ages go and she had lost touch of her body.

He looked worried,his cute lips twitched in that very obstinate manner which had always fascinated her,his brow arched while his eyes searched her face frantically. Someone was beside her too and she turned her head mechanically,it was the doctor trying with no avail to get her pulse,she smiled a satisfactory smile,it was her first time to see people who genuinely cared and showed so much concern for her but she was not willing to go on.

  "Maria"he called again rocking her softly in his arms.

The tears blurred her vision but she raised what was left of her hand and gently brushed his face "I love you"she muttered with her last breath and still with that truimphant smile on her face became number.

  "She is death"the doctor announced and stood up dusting the knee of his pants and fishing for a stick of cigarettes in his coat.

There was heavy silence in the room,only the doctors silent puff contributed what seemed to be a noise.

Lycan gritted his teeth "find out who did these and bring them to me".

  "Yes boss".

His phone rang and he dropped her gently to the floor, "Alex".his voice was hard and devoid of any emotion.

  "Well…,well…,well.i can see you went to meet your mistress"

There was a pause as he waited for his reply but since none was forth coming he proceeded "I just thought of letting you know she signed off her business to me".

  "What did you do to her"

  "Nothing much,we just had a little fun"he replied smugly while feeding on the berries before him.

  "You just stepped on my toes and I will make sure to cut of your legs imbecile!!".

He smacked his lips pleasantly "that's so sweet of you Lycan but remember I own the earth under your feet and will surely claim what's rightfully mine".

The line went death.

Lycan was mad with fury as he clenched and unclenched his fist,his eyes a deep red while his whole frame shook slightly. "Get her buried,find Alex and bring him to me death or alive now!".

Agent Ross sat quietly twirling the pen between her fingers,she knew even if her suspension ended there will be a pressure to cut off the investigation. She took a drink from the paper cup on her desk, slurping the liquid and feeling it's taste around her mouth. 

The death of Maria had gone over the papers as usual being described as a woman who was raped to death by unidentified pepertrators. She knew these were not ordinary fun catchers but master planners, definitely something was off. Was there a clash? If there was then something must happen to her favour.

The phone on her desk rang,it was an unknown caller with the number unsaved on her phone,she picked it hesitatingly "agent Ross on the line".

  "How is your suspension dealing with you?" Alex taunting voice came over the phone.

  "Alex!?"her voice was filled with surprise and shock. These was definitely uncalled for "bastard! What do you want?".

  "Calm down sweetheart,you know I hate it when you get so worked up".

Ross swallowed hard trying to calm the nerves which had risen to a breaking point "what do you want?".

  "Nothing much sweetheart,I just want to lend a helping hand to your case only if you are willing to help me".

Her eyes narrowed, Alex was a greedy person who would do anything to get what he wants but why was he asking her for help all of a sudden "what do you want Alex,just go straight to the point".

  "Well,I will help you rig the drug ring only if you will do me a favour,I know how obsessed you are with these case".

  "Why do you want to help me?"

  "For old times sake love"he munched the berries and chuckled heartily "don't tell me your memory has become so rusted.

Ross clenched her teeth "you are a devilish bastard".

His laughter rang loud and clear "don't remind me of what I already know that makes it quite absurd".

  "I will kill you idiot".

  "You can do that later"his voice was now cold "I want to help you so you can help me too".

  "I always knew you had something up your sleeves".

  "Don't be ridiculous Ross,you don't suppose am running some sort of charity home right?".

She sighed resignedly while gently touching her son's picture frame "yeah,you can never change but I guess that does not matter now. So what is your plan".

  "Now that is more like you sweetheart,these is what will happen…".

Lycan passed round restlessly in his study,his business has always been quiet smooth yet all of a sudden everything seems to be going down the drain. First Benjamin's mysterious death,now Maria. There was definitely a mole in his gang and until he finds him maybe even he himself might not make it.

The door knob turned and he Sarah walked in "the package is ready,we will be on the move soon".

He stared at her suddenly feeling there tenderness and unease towards her. Her hair was packed behind her head,she had on a denim jacket over black tight pants.

  "Am sorry about last time".

She arched her brow in Surprise and slowly lowered it nodding gently "it's nothing,things like that happens".

He sighed and with a quick metamorphic change in composure "who is escorting you to the airport".

   "I don't know,but Doctor volunteered".

   "No"he shook his head vehemently "we need him around get someone else, remember you are going to the states so discretion is necessary".

  "Okay sir".she avoided his sudden warm eyes and walked out.

Sarah sat pulling her shoes on,she had thought about the whole incident. Watching Maria in her own pool of blood,the unprecedented expression of sadness and anger from Lycan,the doctors tension she had allowed her feminine side to becloud her judgement and take the best of her.

Spending a few months with these people, celebrating their wins and lost with them had somehow drawn her to them. Though they were bad yet she suddenly saw them as family.

  "Cut the crab Sarah,they are not family. They are bad eggs in the society which needs to be brought to book"she muttered as she stuck few cloths into her bag sighing angrily.

Family are people at the agency who awaited her return, family are the poor masses who lose their loved ones to the evil vices of these people so they cannot be counted as family.

  "No Sarah,you are just too stressed that's why your head is such a terrible mess".her left hand held her forehead as she rocked gently on her feet.

  "Sarah"the doc called as he opened the door putting only his head through.

She turned her face wearily and smiled weanly at him "am almost done doc,I will be with you in a few minutes".

His face creased into a worried frown "are you okay?".

  "Yes, perfectly fine".

His eyes narrowed "you don't look quiet strong,do you want to go ahead with these? If not I can talk to Lycan to let you be for now. Don't feel pressurised by him".

She smiled appreciatively "it's no big deal,I can handle it and honestly I will just see it as a little holiday in the states".

He nodded while his hand roamed the pocket of his jacket trying to fish out a cigeratte,he found it and light it,he drew a puff and exhaled. "Will be waiting for you in the car".

Lycan sat smoking his pipe quietly,the men of the underground business sat thoughtful but none said a word. Lycan turned and surveyed each of the faces.

  "Gentlemen,sorry for calling you out here like these. But there is a need for it".

  "Do you need our help or something?" 

He dropped his pipe and held their eyes "we need our help".