

I walked into class with my head down and went to the seat in the back. I pulled out my book and started reading. Since I completed all my work I don't have to work in class. I easily got caught up in my book I didn't even notice class had started until I felt eyes on me. I looked up and made contact with the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen.

They belonged to a god with a chiseled face a body that was drool worthy. He was staring so intensely it made me flustered. Our teacher, Mr. Carlos, cleared his throat and looked towards the class. " Students this is our new student..." he gestured for him to say his name. " Dickson Harris." He said in a slow deep voice and I almost fainted. His voice was so sultry and alluring that all I could think about was him. I didn't understand why I was feeling this way for someone I just met. The girls in my class looked at him like he was a piece of meat. The boys looked with envy. Everyone was mesmerized by this beautiful man and I couldn't even blame them. Mr. Carlos was dazed for a few seconds but quickly recovered and told him to pick a empty seat anywhere. All the girls quickly moved there bags hoping he would sit with them but he went passed all of them and stood directly in front of me. It shocked me a lot. It shocked me even more when he said "May I sit here?" it threw me off but I recovered and squeaked a "Sure" my cheeks heating up afterwards. He smiled a gorgeous smile and took the seat beside me. This is going to be a really long day I thought.

And as usual I was right. First I had all of my classes with Dickson, who asked me to call him Dicky, and he sat by me in EVERY class except gym because we had assigned activities. Not only that but every girl in school gave me dirty looks when I passed by. It was really uncomfortable for me. I was already stressed tryning to avoid the triplets but it has proven to be very difficult. Not only that I had wanted attention on me for the rest of the day after lunch since my birthday was announced and I unfortunately had many people watching me after that since I usually stayed to my self. I probably wouldn't have been noticed if they only said the name of the person who's birthday it was instead of bringing a cake and balloons after announcing the person's birthday. And unfortunately Dicky wanted me to sit with him at lunch so when they brought the cake out everyone's attention remained on me for only one reason and that was Dicky. I had never wished to hide more then I did in that moment. I couldn't go to the library like I normally do when I want to get away since I didn't wanna seem rude and leave Dicky to fend for himself. It didn't help that the triplets seen me at the end of lunch and tried to hurriedly get to me but I had quickly grabbed Dicky's hand and ran to a nearby storage closet until I heard them run past us. I didn't realize how close we were until I looked up and seen we were inches apart. I cleared my throat and hurriedly left the closet and went to class with Dicky hot on my tail. The rest of the day it was so awkward for us. Well awkward for me at least Dicky didn't really mind the situation or even acknowledge it. He continued on as if nothing happened. As the final bell of the day rang I begin the dreaded walk to my car. As I was searching for my keys to the car I heard a throat clearing behind me. I turned around and came face to face with the three people I have been trying to avoid all day.

The Devil Triplets.

They each held smug grins on there faces. I was so scared my hand was trembling. "Hey little brother haven't seen you all day I wonder why that is" Thomas said. He was the tallest out of the three and by far the scariest.

" I wonder why as well brother we've been looking for you all day" Tristian said smirking. " Was it because of your new boy-toy little brother" Theodore said sneering at me. I gaped almost unable to speak since it was not very often Theo spoke. He only speaks when he is very angry. I cleared my throat finally able to gather my self. " He isn't my boyfriend he is a new student and my friend. He was glued to my side all day because I offered to show him around. I wasn't avoiding you guys I swear I have just been really busy" I said timidily. The triplets were know for their short tempers that they inherited from our father. Thomas being the more easily angered one and Theo being the hardest to anger and also the one you should avoid angering. Tristian was more in between. Either way angering either of them lead to me being beaten by our father even though none of my siblings knew that. I always hid the bruises from them and made sure to avoid them until they were gone just to be sure. I looked at Thomas and he had a conlflicted expression on his face. Just as he made a move to speak a strong gust of wind blew. He sniffed the air then looked directly at me with a shocked expression. " It can't be..." he whispered. I was confused. What can't be? I didn't know what he was talking about but I did say the twins were confusing they have these moments of realization and moments when I sometimes think they're different people. Thomas looked towards his brothers and they both nodded at him. He took in a breath and said " When you get home meet us in the backyard we have some things we would like to discuss with you... please?" I was in a momentary shock. Thomas never said please. EVER. It took me a while to get myself together. I cleared my throat abd said " Sure" and they nodded and walked away. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. I shook off my nerves and turned to get in my car only to remember I need to find the keys. I rummaged through my bag but didn't see them. I sighed. Today really is a long day.