
Entity 0

This is the story of how Herobrine lost his mind. This is the story of how Entity 0 came to be. This is the story of how a human girl fell in love with Herobrine's sister. This is minecraft! Evelyn suddenly finds herself inside her favourite game accompanied only with her younger and slightly annoying sister Mina. But when Mina starts developing odd powers, Evelyn is faced with the danger of their situation. Why can't Mina remember who she is anymore, who are the strange children with glowing eyes who seem to be following them? Herabrine, the younger sister of Herobrine, works to free Minecraft of all glitches, including a small band of children causing chaos in her father, Notch's game. But when she meets Evelyn she begins to feel a dangerous amount of connection to her. Having already been abandon once can she come to terms with these feelings she has so long shut out, and in turn disobey her mission? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Big thanks to Mossssss_art for the beautiful cover :D Go check them out on insta

MayaLilz · วิดีโอเกม
60 Chs

In which Hera breaks a bed

I watched the girl sleep. She was restless, constantly tossing and turning. Perhaps she was dreaming. I'd have to wake her soon anyway. My leader Ender, or Sparky as I called him now, would be worried about me. I wondered how they'd react to the girl. She wasn't a red eyed child, but certainly abnormal. Not exactly a glitch but not natural. It'd be safer if I explained first.

Not that I cared. Notch could be touché.

Everything around us was peaceful, though the air rippled with unnatural activity. Once I sorted out Evelyn I'd be back into the hunt. I'd track down the red eyes.

I tested my energy levels, not perfect but good enough. Time to go. I walked to the bed and tapped the girls shoulder. Surprisingly nothing happened. She kept sleeping. I tapped it harder. Still nothing.

"It's time to go," I said shortly.

She groaned, "five more minutes mom."


I sighed, and with one swing broke the bed. Evelyn tumbled off and hit the grass.

"I'm awake!" She exclaimed, even though her eyes were closed.

"It's time to go," I repeated.

She opened her eyes, her face fell.

"So it wasn't all a dream?" She said, "Mina's gone."

I nodded.

She looked around herself. "Why am I on the ground."

"I couldn't wake you up."

"So you threw me out of bed?!" She said.

"No, I broke the bed and let you fall," I said shrugging.

"Do you always dump strangers out of bed?" She asked.

"No, your the first." I said, "now we have to go. Give me your hand."

Evelyn looked startled. "You just threw me out of your bed."

"You fell," I gritted my teeth, "and I need your hand so we can teleport."

"You can do that?"

I snatched her hand.

Both of us appeared in front of my fathers house. It was overly grand, very white and expensive. In short it made a statement.

Evelyn's eyes were wide, "Woah, this is Notch's place?"

"No actually, Notch's house is over there - of course it's Notch's place, who else would it belong to!" I said. Then realizing we were still linked I dropped her hand.

Evelyn's smile faded, "Mina would love this."

"Your sister likes overly expensive houses?" I asked. I didn't feel like being polite.

"No," Evelyn said, "but she loves gardens and look all around us."

I looked and sure enough all around us were flowers. I'd never noticed this. Evelyn leant down and picked one. Holding it in her hand she asked. "Notch can help Mina right?"

I hesitated.

But she looked so hopeful I answered with hollow reassurance.

She brightened up, "I can't believe I actually get to meet Notch!"

I sighed, was everyone this excited?

"And you said he was your father, that must be cool!" Evelyns eyes were alight.

I tried hard not to snap. It was definitely not cool.

"I'd trade you," I said through gritted teeth.

Evelyn looked perplexed, "No you wouldn't," Evelyn said, her eyes grew sad, "I don't really have a father. He left when I was young, couldn't stand kids I guess." She shrugged but her eyes got cloudier.

My fists clenched slightly. "Let's go."

The two of us approached the shadow of the house, which glared down on us, as if daring us to challenge it.