
Entitled In A Scandalous Way

"Mam! Please Look Here!!" "WAH!!! You Are A Picture Perect!" "Miss Zhao, Look this side as well!!" "She Is A Scorching Beauty! Perfect from every angle!!" Zhao Yuhui mailed her brightening smile at the cameras as she waved at them, which travelled through lenses and wireless connection as an arrow of love all the way straight at the hearts of countless males. They say little girls with dreams become women with visions when they grow up and...where is the lie?? Zhao Yuhui spent her whole childhood dreaming about becoming an actress, her teen years preparing for it while her university days working for it. Coming from a middle-class family, only she knew the hardships she had to endure to get here only to get into... "Bruh, she is the only woman with no scandals! Her future husband is going to be so lucky." "What it has to do with you? She will surely not marry you! Period." And just like that, a week later the trending articles were- "The trending beauty was captured in several photos with a mysterious man!" "The photos were posted with the caption saying- During the risky scene, Miss Zhao's boyfriend jumped right into the water to save his precious beloved *heart heart*!!!" "It was just last week she was seen in year-end awards where she was even praised for not being in any relationship!" "Could the current most searched actor be lying all the time when she denied having any boyfriend?" But a statement released by the company extinguished all the fire, "Well, in response to the 'rumors' surrounding our actress we only have one thing to say, it was merely a security man doing his duty!" And without any need to mention, the 'security man' in the picture just wished to bang the head of his friend onto the wall after reading the reference. Days Later. Trending articles were- "New photos of Zhao Yuhui were released last night but this time with a new man in black-suit!" "Zhao Yuhui in the arms of another man!!" "The face of the man is hidden but looking at the posture, they could be predicted to be gazing deeply in each other's eyes!" "Has Zhao Yuhui finally immersed herself in the ocean of love?" Zhao Yuhui: "..." What ocean of love! Only if she wasn't held by her company to not respond personally. Not to miss the top comments- "I am no expert but why does the profile of this man looks similar to the profile of previous man?" "Now that you mentioned it, even I can find the similarities!" "His back profile is the only thing visible but dude...look at those broad-shoulders!" This time, in response a paragraph was released by her agency, "These photos are from the banquet she had attended couple of months back and the man in these photos...is just a bodyguard. He was only catching her when she slipped, ignore the angle at which photo is taken! This was clicked right after the accident so this man is the same security guard who was promoted to a status of bodyguard as a result of his excellence." Bodyguard? Qin Lixin stared at his friend with a stare as good as a piercing knife. "Qin Lixin, glad to know about your promotion!" *laugh* "You were the only one who ordered to protect your identity. This was the only thing I could do." The great friend in the question replied as he brought his hands up in surrender. "I asked you to stop all these baseless rumors with that girl not to change my profession each time!" Qin Lixin growled as he held his forehead. "What if it reached my mom?" "It won't, trust me." However... "Assistant Fang, get Qin Lixin here and also the girl." The Vice-President of Qin Industries ordered while throwing daggers at the photo lightening the phone screen. -*-*-*-* Instagram - bellzla.za Cover is not mine. All rights to Original Owner/Creator.

bellzla_za · สมัยใหม่
50 Chs

Rich People Scared Her The Most.

Zhao Yuhui's eyes burst out and wrote the first thing that came to her mind, 'Do you think that man was the owner of the ship?'

Obviously, she was afraid. Her assistant was naturally gifted in this sense! All the assumptions she would make had always turned out to be right in the end. It was almost as if she could look through the things.

'I am not sure about that since he wasn't the only one there, his friends were also present. Maybe one of them own that ship because I also heard that they were accompanied by personal bodyguards.'

Personal bodyguards? Oh right, the ones who had brought her to shore were not from their crew. Their uniforms were different.

Zhao Yuhui was overwhelmed as she comprehended what was written next.

'That man could have been just one of the guests...however, even in that case, his superiority couldn't be ignored. He must hold very important status for him to be invited in such a sumptuous ship by the host.'

This information acted as the acupuncture pressurising those points that Zhao Yuhui did not even wish for. Could that be the reason why Manager Liu took the responsibility of handling the case? Was that why she was asking if she knew the man? Maybe she already knew his background.

All in all, he was just someone who might be amazingly rich. Rich people scared her the most. She was left hoping that she did not say something that she should not have. Hope he wouldn't hold the embarrassment he went through against her.

Whatever be the case, as long as Manager Liu was involved, she knew that she wouldn't need to worry about these rumours.

As she saw the professor entering the class, Zhao Yuhui hurriedly switched off the phone and started focusing on the class.


After having back-to-back classes non-stop till lunch, Zhao Yuhui grew tired and went to the canteen. She didn't have any more classes for the day but didn't have the energy to take steps without having a fill in the stomach.

While making her way to the canteen she was looking around and realised that it was modified a lot.

When Zhao Yuhui was in school, she knew that the only way to become an actor was to come to the City X where auditions for advertisements, dramas, web series and films were conducted but she also understood that her mother wouldn't accept that.

So, throughout her high school years, she would study extra hard at night so she could get to the top university in the country which was in City X as that was the only way for her to get her mother's acceptance to come to City X.

There was no way her mother would have even let her take the step out of the room if she had known the exact reason behind her hard work.

Though Zhao Yuhui didn't get into the top university because her marks were not as much as it was required yet she managed to get a seat in the top-private university in City X on the basis of a scholarship.

And because it was basically the top private university in the country, it was also the home to students belonging to the influential families. One of the other reasons why she couldn't get along with her classmates. Because except for a few, almost each and every one was from some prestigious family.

But one thing was for sure, amidst all it, it was basically the university which was getting profit a lot. The tuition fees of a single batch shall be more than enough to get a mansion in the Peak Private Residential Area.

"Zhao Yuhui?" A masculine voice reached her from behind breaking her prevailing thoughts regarding university and caused her to turn. A boy about the same age as her scrutinised her face ambiguously for a second before sighing reassuringly. "It's indeed you."

His tall height and the boy-next-door looks did look familiar, but she couldn't tell from which batch he was.

"Yes?" She doubtfully replied. Did he have some work with her? It was quite unlikely for someone to approach her just for a casual chat. That had never happened in three years.

"I am Cheng Qi." He shuffled his bag from one shoulder to another before bringing a smile to his face and extending his hand forward.

"He-hello, I am Zhao Yuhui." Zhao Yuhui perplexedly shook his hand and introduced herself too. Even if he knew her, it was still an etiquette.

"I was afraid that I got someone else but gladly I didn't." The boy grinned putting his brightly shining white teeth on display.

Zhao Yuhui passed a small smile but from inside she was racking her brain to remember who he was. If she asked him straightaway and he turned out to be someone from the same batch as her, would he get offended? Wouldn't that directly label her as a self-centred person if that turned out to be the case?

"Y-ou did recognise me, right?" The clueless expression on her face startled him as he asked the question. He was aware that she wouldn't know his name however he hadn't expected her to gaze as if it was the first time her eyes fell upon him too.

"I am sorry but I don't seem to." She was clueless even more after hearing the name. She had thought she might recognise him from the name however she was completely sure it was the first time for her to come across this name.

Was he from the same batch as her because the chances of getting a fan in here were pretty low even if her fan-following had started increasing?

"Really?" He couldn't believe his ear! Woahh! She really hadn't seen him before! How could that even be possible?

Zhao Yuhui laughed awkwardly because of the instant embarrassment she felt after witnessing his change in expression to shock. That was it! She just proved herself to be self-centred! He was definitely from her batch otherwise his face wouldn't have gotten so exaggerated.

"Ah...oh, that's indeed the case." Cheng Qi felt at loss for words. "My bad, let me give you a brief intro about me. We study together and I had contacted you last week after taking your contact from the professor. Remember?" Feeling scared that it was not enough, he even added. "We decided to meet the next time you would come to the university."

Her question had indeed put him on spot; a reason for his late reply.

His hopeful eyes penetrated through the various memories to reach that particular happening from the last week and made Zhao Yuhui get an insight into his identity in a second. Oh right!

The semester was going to end within two months and they were supposed to present a project before the conduction of exams. And this time, the students were divided into pairs.

It was a duo project thus to be fair, the professor had made everyone draw a lot to get the partners.