
Entitled In A Scandalous Way

"Mam! Please Look Here!!" "WAH!!! You Are A Picture Perect!" "Miss Zhao, Look this side as well!!" "She Is A Scorching Beauty! Perfect from every angle!!" Zhao Yuhui mailed her brightening smile at the cameras as she waved at them, which travelled through lenses and wireless connection as an arrow of love all the way straight at the hearts of countless males. They say little girls with dreams become women with visions when they grow up and...where is the lie?? Zhao Yuhui spent her whole childhood dreaming about becoming an actress, her teen years preparing for it while her university days working for it. Coming from a middle-class family, only she knew the hardships she had to endure to get here only to get into... "Bruh, she is the only woman with no scandals! Her future husband is going to be so lucky." "What it has to do with you? She will surely not marry you! Period." And just like that, a week later the trending articles were- "The trending beauty was captured in several photos with a mysterious man!" "The photos were posted with the caption saying- During the risky scene, Miss Zhao's boyfriend jumped right into the water to save his precious beloved *heart heart*!!!" "It was just last week she was seen in year-end awards where she was even praised for not being in any relationship!" "Could the current most searched actor be lying all the time when she denied having any boyfriend?" But a statement released by the company extinguished all the fire, "Well, in response to the 'rumors' surrounding our actress we only have one thing to say, it was merely a security man doing his duty!" And without any need to mention, the 'security man' in the picture just wished to bang the head of his friend onto the wall after reading the reference. Days Later. Trending articles were- "New photos of Zhao Yuhui were released last night but this time with a new man in black-suit!" "Zhao Yuhui in the arms of another man!!" "The face of the man is hidden but looking at the posture, they could be predicted to be gazing deeply in each other's eyes!" "Has Zhao Yuhui finally immersed herself in the ocean of love?" Zhao Yuhui: "..." What ocean of love! Only if she wasn't held by her company to not respond personally. Not to miss the top comments- "I am no expert but why does the profile of this man looks similar to the profile of previous man?" "Now that you mentioned it, even I can find the similarities!" "His back profile is the only thing visible but dude...look at those broad-shoulders!" This time, in response a paragraph was released by her agency, "These photos are from the banquet she had attended couple of months back and the man in these photos...is just a bodyguard. He was only catching her when she slipped, ignore the angle at which photo is taken! This was clicked right after the accident so this man is the same security guard who was promoted to a status of bodyguard as a result of his excellence." Bodyguard? Qin Lixin stared at his friend with a stare as good as a piercing knife. "Qin Lixin, glad to know about your promotion!" *laugh* "You were the only one who ordered to protect your identity. This was the only thing I could do." The great friend in the question replied as he brought his hands up in surrender. "I asked you to stop all these baseless rumors with that girl not to change my profession each time!" Qin Lixin growled as he held his forehead. "What if it reached my mom?" "It won't, trust me." However... "Assistant Fang, get Qin Lixin here and also the girl." The Vice-President of Qin Industries ordered while throwing daggers at the photo lightening the phone screen. -*-*-*-* Instagram - bellzla.za Cover is not mine. All rights to Original Owner/Creator.

bellzla_za · สมัยใหม่
50 Chs

It Was Still Not Enough For Them To Get Used.

"What about your health? Is your body still aching? I heard from one of the ladies in the supermarket that staying in cold water also causes pain in bones."

"Ooh, so that's what took you so long today." Zhao Yuhui grinned teasingly. Her mother wasn't the one to openly show care for them. "It is paining but not that much which I couldn't take."

Mother Zhao kept her chopsticks down and scanned her daughter's face worriedly. "Let's go to the hospital for a check-up. Having pain constantly in the body is not good."

"Don't worry, mommy. It is merely because of staying in cold for a long time. Now that I have a month off, enough rest will make me healthier again."

"You never listen to me." Mother Zhao grumbled as she took the side dish and harshly munched it. Zhao Yuhui pouted but then laughed. Sometimes her mother looked too cute in anger.

"You have slept too much today, do you think you would be able to sleep at night?"

Zhao Yuhui nodded, "I might have slept a lot today but it is nothing in front of the three to four hours sleep I have been getting since two months." Zhao Yuhui paused before proposing wickedly. "If given a chance, I could sleep straight for the next two days too."

"Oh, is that the case?" Mother Zhao took her words into consideration however the next second, "Then there is no need to complete your whole sleep. Go to university tomorrow. After all, you have a month to get healthier again." Mother Zhao at once turned down the offer mercilessly as she continued chewing.

"I knew you were going to say that." Zhao Yuhui murmured.

"Good for you."

The next day.

Zhao Yuhui couldn't describe the feeling she was slapped with when the first thing she came across was a group of friends chattering enthusiastically as soon as she entered the premise of the university.

It was already her third year and she knew, it was only her in the university who even after coming to this stage had no friends, not even some just-in-name friends.

Silently, she pulled the cap down to cover herself to some extent to hide and passed them efficiently. She was not a known name but people have started recognizing her and she didn't want to feel weird just in case they saw her walking alone.

The feeling of having several eyes fixed on one person alone in the university was quite creepy.

When she was applying for her major degree in the university, instead of opting for performing arts as one she had gone for business administration as per the wishes of her mother.

As a person aspiring to be an actor, Zhao Yuhui had already studied what was taught in university related to acting by staying in the library till late after school and thus took it as a minor degree.

Every week, the schedule of the classes would change and so did their lecture rooms. This time, the classes of the whole week would be taking in the different block from third-year students which, luckily, she knew the way to.

For she was used to roaming the university on her own, Zhao Yuhui effortlessly reached the room in no time.

Zhao Yuhui had decided to show up almost a month later so the shock on everyone's face when she entered the lecture hall couldn't be called exaggerated.

Shouldn't they have grown used to her abrupt appearances by now?

But this time, the shock might be due to her trying to be as constant as she could be with the classes. This was the only semester where she had been more present than absent, after all.

Ignoring the looks, Zhao Yuhui scanned the lecture room and found a good spot at the end of the row near a window. All she needed on this sunny day was a place where her form could be showered in warm sun rays.

After settling herself, she brought out her phone from the pocket out of awkwardness. Even in here, she could see everyone sitting in a group or duo.

It was only her, an exception who was being a lonely bird at the corner.

But what was the point of crying over a spilt milk?

The initial days in the university which traditionally had always been the prime time to make new friends, at that time she was more focused on running here and there to give the auditions and making her career in acting rather than coming to university regularly.

And on the days she would come, it was purely to make up for the attendance and nothing else. It had never even occurred to her that she didn't have friends until sometime before.

Initially, it never mattered to her if she was having a friend by her side or not and most of the credit for it she would give to her introvertedness. However, living in the industry had opened her personality a bit and now that she was nearing the end of her university, it was affecting her that she held no fond memories of these years.

It was funny too since all this time she never felt as if she was alone due to always being occupied with the stress and apprehension of her future. She got too busy creating a life for herself that she forgot to give equal priority to the days that could have been one of the most beautiful which now would never return.

All Zhao Yuhui could remember was bunking several classes to attend the auditions and then being faced with rejections, especially in the first year. That year, she had only somehow managed to get the required attendance to get promoted to the next year.

Though she did make sure to attend frequent classes in the second year, those were still not enough for her to get along with her batchmates.

Zhao Yuhui gave out a regretful sigh and looked at the time. There were still ten minutes for the class to start and because she hadn't posted anything in a long time, she was going to look for some pictures to post.

However, before that she noticed the notification telling that she had an unread message from Chen Peiling. She opened it and that was the reply to the matter she had asked her to look into.

'Nothing serious for now. Lin Qian tried to spread the rumours but they were suppressed by Manager Liu in time, luckily! There is nothing to worry too, everything is normal in the company.'

Alright, Thank you! Zhao Yuhui felt relieved that it wasn't blown that much.

'No problem.' A reply came seconds later.

Zhao Yuhui thought about something and typed. 'Chen Peiling?'

'Yes, Sister Zhao?'

'Do you know who the man was from that night?'

'Which night?'

'The one who had jumped into the water.'

'The one who thought you were drowning?'


'Umm...I am not sure. But I think he belongs to some rich family.'

'Uh? How do you know that?'

'The staff were saying that the ship he jumped from was the private ship manufactured under Qin's Industries. The booking for it costs millions whereas if one would want to buy it, the person simply needed to be filthy rich.'