
Enter The Multiverse

A young boy awakens in an unnatural world known as The Multiverse that contains countless living beings within the universes that float around the endless white void. Now, he must harness a new power that he has been given in order to survive strange beings that attempt to destroy everything that this vast world has to offer. Along with a friend that only he can see, the brave child shall face the horrors of his world and possibly even more which lies beyond.

Lukas_Ruston_2524 · อื่นๆ
40 Chs

One New Ally After Another

When Michael awoke, he didn't recognise his surroundings... but it was obvious where he was. He was inside of the Cult of Perfection's base... or at least one of them. Michael's body had been completely repaired for some reason... but if they had identified the material that his body was made out of, then surely they would know. "Well Michael... are you awake already?" a familiar voice spoke from behind as the lights came on. "I guess I really shouldn't call you Michael... considering the fact that we know your secret." Taen explained whilst smiling. "What secret? The only secret I hide is about where I come from. You've found nothing." Michael replied whilst getting himself to his feet. "Do you really think we are that stupid... do you really think that just because you said something then that automatically means that it is true?" Taen asked as he was clearly getting impatient already. "So what if you know? They don't know! As long as they don't know then I don't care!" Michael retorted whilst swiftly turning around to face Taen. "You've been gone for two years Michael... I'm pretty sure that at least one of them has found out." Taen explained whilst his patience had almost ran thin. "Two years? What has happened... if you don't mind me asking." Michael asked curiously. "Well... your friend who bested Harpuia managed to stop a Multiversal crisis... we decided to allow them to deal with it as... if we got involved it would've been a threat to us as well. He also managed to stop nightmares from taking over The Multiverse... he also has a new companion... and we can't forget the fact that you've been replaced by someone else. Also... if your trying to stall, then this is the worst attempt at stalling ever because no one is coming to save you." Taen replied whilst rolling his eyes.

"Well what do you plan to do with me? I doubt that you just intend for me stay here for the rest of eternity." Michael asked curiously. "Well, actually you have an unfinished battle that you were supposed to participate in two years back." Taen explained before he turned to two men who were stood behind a window and pointed at the door behind them and nodding. "You mean Phantom? I'm going to battle him?" Michael asked. "Indeed... he will come through that door in a few moments and when he does, I expect you to fight for your life... although... you don't mind if we see your true power do you? You will easily win if you try your best." Taen replied as the door started opening. "Don't let us down Michael." Taen spoke as his parting words as a shadow emerged from the door way and dashed at Michael. Phantom quickly threw a few knives at Michael... but all of them missed and Michael caught one. "This? This is what you intend to defeat a machine with?" Michael questioned whilst laughing... but he held the knife by the blade and it easily cut through Michaels body. The opponent went for another attack but this time, Michael grabbed Phantom and his blade and his soul released a flame which seemed to instantly deactivate Phantom. Just then, Michael seemed to be in a fit of rage and he dashed towards the door before it closed and he managed to escape.

"WARNING: SUBJECT 10089 HAS ESCAPED, ALL STAFF ARE AUTHORISED TOUSE LETHAL FORCE." The alarm screeched as blaring red lights was all Michael could see and a few members of Perfection rushing to attack him. Michael tried running down random corridors whilst avoiding as many Perfection members as possible... eventually, he found a room that was labelled as PoR Containment Chamber and when he went inside, it was completely silent... all the noise that the alarm was causing suddenly faded. Next, Michael hid inside the room and he waited for Perfection members to search it and leave which worked. He was then about to leave before he heard a noise that was like something was tapping on glass... he ignored it... but it happened again but this time it was louder... he turned around to see a yellow blob like figure floating in a glass cage that was full of a strange liquid... it was tapping on the glass. Michael walked up to it and it pointed behind him to a table with a mask on it... he picked up the mask and turned back around. "Do you want this?" Michael asked... and the blob nodded with the featureless face it had. He put it in a container that was connected to the tank that seemed to dispense items into it... and when he looked back, the blob was putting on the mask and then all of a sudden, the eye on the mask started moving.

"Hey thanks for that. Could you pass me those scarfs as well?" The strange being asked. Michael was a bit shocked but he nodded and dispensed the scarfs into the chamber as well. It wrapped the scarfs around its neck and the next thing Michael knew, they were acting like arms for the being. Michael was about to ask a question before the being placed its arm like scarfs against the glass and the containment area was drained of the liquid and the glass opened like a door... Michael stepped back as he didn't know what this being was capable of... it floated out of the containment area and faced Michael. "Sorry about making you have to run around this room for me... I'm the Phantom of Reality... but my friends just call me Raptors." The being explained as it put one of its scarfs out as if to shake someone's hand. Michael shook the scarf before asking a question of his own. "Your friends? You mean there's more like you?" Michael asked inquisitively. "Well... I mean there was... wait... that's right... Perfection did it... oh THEY WILL PAY! You don't mind if I go out and cause a bit of carnage do you?" Raptors inquired. "Uh... no I don't mind... I'm just trying to get home at the moment so the less of them there is, the easier things would be for me." Michael replied as he was a little shocked by the sudden shouting of Raptors. As soon as he said that, Raptors smiled and dashed out of the door as quickly as a bullet and Michael soon heard the screams of Perfection members following.

Michael accessed a terminal that he had found in the room and he found a map of the building... a quick look at it revealed that there were portals that transported objects to different Multiverses directly two levels below him. He just had to find out which led to his. Taen said that Michaels Multiverse was the fourth to be invaded... there were only four portals so by process of elimination, Michael had to go through the fourth one. He broke through two levels of floors before reaching the portal room... he activated the fourth portal and was about to head through before he noticed something...there was a computer screen that was open that had a wireframe image of something and a bunch of information about something Perfection refers to as "Perfect Weapon". Michael was skimming through this before he was yet again interrupted... this time by an incredibly loud noise that sounded like a slowed down growl... and then Raptors came through the door... he seemed to be panicked. "Is that portal yours?" Raptors asked quickly. "Y-yes but-"Michael was saying but was cut off. "Great I'll see you on the other side!" Raptors replied quicker this time before dashing through the portal. Michael then found out what the growling sound was... it was Omega... he had been retrieved by Perfection and was now hunting down Michael.

Michael ran as fast as he could through the portal and he ended up in his Multiverse... but there was someone waiting for him... it seemed to be a kid... with big bright yellow eyes, two long scarfs and some cat ears. "U-um H-hi... Lukas said that I should meet you here... to umm... e-escort you back to The Sanctuary." The kid explained as though they were nervous. "You see... he said he wanted you to be prepared... because he is willing to team up with you until Perfection has been dealt with... but after that... he... well... he wants to speak with you." They said immediately afterwards." Okay... so what's your name?" Michael asked. "Um it's uh... N-Niko." they replied. "Alright then Niko...let's get you back to The Sanctuary.

"Ugh... this is a Nightmare to deal with... no pun intended...we've been dealing with this for two years... and we've made no progress." "Well Lukas... things seemed to have been getting better when I came here." "That is true... I think that you're the saviour of The Multiverse... not Michael... he's been gone for two years and things are getting better around here without him." "It's too bad that he'll be back soon isn't it?" "Yes... it is... we can just break the news to him though...he'll probably understand." "Lukas... you know what he is... you know what he is doing... he won't listen to reason...believe me." "I've been believing you all of the time that I have known you... but I think your wrong here... Michael might be the saviour... we just don't know yet."

Ah, thank you Past Me for keeping notes on all of the chapters that you wrote as I can now remember that I really started to get bored when writing Michael's story... originally I just thought that was how writing a story like this went but then I started writing Lukas' story and I felt like I couldn't stop myself because I was getting quite a bit of enjoyment out of it. Anyways, as you may have guessed by this point, there is more to Michael than meets the eye. Have you noticed that I haven't gone into detail about his backstory and that everything that anybody has to go off of for his origins is only the stuff that he tells them? Yeah, that was all intentional. Just a tip for anybody who may be reading through this; whenever I write something beyond this point that just seems like laziness on my part or it seems like I don't know how my own story goes, it's probably an intentional 'mistake'.

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