
Entanglement with the CEO

His eyes meeting hers took her world away his lips on her skin made her see stars while his hands in her panties forced them to spin. Laurel couldn't comprehend all the things this man was doing to her but one thing she knew for sure was that she didn't want him to stop.

Thomas_Diego_3116 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs


Just as he thought, the lunch date didn't go too well, he did as he had planned but Samantha didn't stop talking. She brought up different topics and then started talking to him about her dreams. 

What was worse was when she mentioned his name, saying that he had been in one of her dreams. He wished he could say the same for her but no, Samantha only appeared in his nightmares. 

Right now he was seated at the back seat of his car while Taylor drove, he didn't know where to go now, if he returned back to the condo then he was just going to sleep all through. Just as he was thinking, a mail popped on his phone, he wanted to ignore it but since he had nothing doing, he thought to just read it.

It was the Resort slip, Tranquil Haven Resort, seeing the name Haven brought back so many memories as Oliver fought the urge to tear up, he quickly closed the mail and took a deep breath. 

Past memories came flooding as he remembered her face, her smile and the sound of her laughs, all that was enough to lighten his mood, especially her last words. 

She was the reason he didn't want to visit Paris, Haven's resort was all about her, she was the inspiration for it and it would be hard for him to go back there without her. Now all he had were the memories.

"Damn" Oliver cursed as he tried to erase all these thoughts, he thought he was over this already, afterall it's been a year now, sure he should have moved on. 

"Taylor" Oliver called as he placed his palm over his eyes.

"Yes sir" Taylor answered as he looked at the rear view mirror.

"Take me to Tommy's place" Oliver ordered followed by a sigh as he pressed his temples, a headache was coming soon.


Laurel sighed in relief when they finally arrived at Paris, as she got down from the plane, she stood there for a while to admire the airport. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she wanted to savour this moment. 

She quickly boarded a Taxi, she didn't know exactly where she was heading, but she told the driver to take her to Tranquil Haven Resort, it seemed like the driver already knew the place since he didn't really ask her questions. 

Now all she need do was to relax and let the driver do his job, she could hear the sound of her phone buzzing, she wanted to ignore it. Infact if it was possible then she would prefer to lock her phone away for a while. She planned to enjoy this short vacation, maybe this was what she needed to get her head straight.

A lot had happened this past year and Laurel was just trying to forget about everything and move forward, it's not easy but she knew she would move on eventually. 

Laurel looked out the window as she observed her surrounding, this was not her first time in Paris but it's been years since she last visited. She used to love Paris, during her college days, she would come to Paris once a month to visit her uncle and then she would spend a week before going back. But her Uncle passed away and so she had no reason to come here, now she was back here again. 

Paris they say is the city of love, she wondered if she would experience that here, even if she did have a chance, Laurel doubt that she was ready for that. Nah, she didn't think she was ready to do that now, not ever, the thought of being so happy with someone else asides him, she couldn't, she wouldn't. 

'Oh god, what am I even thinking?' Laurel asked herself in her thoughts as she shook her head trying to clear off those thoughts. 

"Is it your first time here?" The driver asked not bothering to spare a glance at her.

Laurel heard the voice of the middleaged man, she knew he was talking to her but Laurel wasn't sure if she should answer that. Afterall the man was a stranger to her right? But then again, he was her driver so it won't be right to ignore him.

"Not really, but it's been a while" Laurel replied as she took a deep breath, she could see children running around, playing with snow, they were all enjoying the holiday season. 

"I can tell" The driver said with a small smile on his lips.

Silence reigned in the car as neither of them spoke again, Laurel just layed her head on the window as she watched. She didn't know where they were going but she guessed that Tranquil Haven's Resort must be very far from the airport, it's almost an hour now and they still haven't arrived yet. 

Laurel was tempted to take a nap but she had to fight the urge, she didn't want any harm to befall her. She wondered if truly the driver knew where he was heading, she wasn't expecting the drive to take this long or maybe they are on the wrong track.

Laurel couldn't do anything but hope that the driver knew exactly where he was taking her, Laurel made sure to take note of where they were at, she read the bill boards and posters, just to be sure. 

None of it said anything about Tranquil Haven's Resort so she guessed they still had a long way to go before arriving there.

"Damn" Laurel cursed when she noticed that she was dozing off.

"It's okay if you want to rest" The driver said when he noticed.

But Laurel just shook her head, no way she was going to sleep in a strangers car, she was going to try to stay awake till they arrive at their destination. To keep herself busy, Laurel just opened her phone as she checked her notifications, so many voice messages from her mother and then a few texts from Sarah. 

Laurel didn't bother opening the texts and so she just switched to games, it was a puzzle game, something to keep her busy so she doesn't fall asleep.