
Chapter - 22

After Dr Hernandez was done examining Sofia's neck and face, positive that nothing was broken and there would probably only be bruising which she should ice regularly, he moved on to other questions. Questions that made Sofia both sad and uncomfortable, specially given that Vincenzo was in the room, too.

"Mr Moretti has already given me a run down of what happened, but I would still like to clarify a few things," Dr Hernandez said, his expression neutral as he looked down at her.

Sofia nodded at him to go on.

"Right. There wasn't any kind of sexual intercourse, was there?"

Instinctively, Sofia tightened her grip around Vincenzo's hand, and he squeezed back, a silent show of support. "No. Vincenzo came before he could do anything."

"That is good," Dr Hernandez said, looking at his assistant who scribbled something down in her notepad. "Other than your head and neck, did he hurt you anywhere else on your body?"