
Ensnaring Darkness (BL)

When desires are kept bottled up, they become fiercer, longing to be fulfilled. Julien, a closeted gay fantasized of a romantic affair with his CEO, the ice-cold, domineering, and devilishly handsome Knox Von Dietrich. But that's all there is to it -a fantasy. Knox wouldn't want him. Heartbroken, Julien turns to an unlikely help and found his beliefs spiraling out of control as an odd app issued tasks for him to complete, all the while unraveling secrets and desire so dark that threatens to consume him. Julien is about to discover a whole new world filled with danger and excitement. Will he survive?

MsTabbyCat · แฟนตาซี
21 Chs

Erotic Dream Ticket

"Congratulations! As the first Beta tester, you earn a spin in the Erotic Roulette!"

Julien read the notification with an incredulous expression. Something just doesn't feel right, it doesn't feel like he has a choice with this app.

It seems there's no way around it but to find out what kind of roulette it is and what exactly are the erotic prices that can be won digitally. Of course, Julien still viewed the app as an abnormally-developed game.

He clicked on the roulette icon. Almost instantly, seductive music started to play. The roulette was shaped as a dodecagon, but the prizes were not displayed, instead, there were different colored question marks on each section. Despite the unsettling feeling in his gut, he couldn't help but be curious as well.

With a hesitant swipe of his finger, the roulette spun. Julien held his breath as he waited for it to stop. Finally, after what felt like minutes, it stopped on the black colored question mark.

Gold and Silver confetti burst in the background and the black question wriggled and burst as well.

A notification popped up.

Congratulations! You won one erotically realistic dream ticket.

~Erotic Dream Ticket~

A ticket which can give you a chance to experience a realistic dream or (is it really real?) with the person you desired! In this dream, what you desire is law!

Directions for use: Keep the erotic dream ticket near you before sleeping. Find a comfortable position. Think about the person you desire the most. If not used in 24 hours, the ticket will expire.

Warning: Not for the faint-hearted.

***Viewable digital copy of the ticket. Actual ticket will be delivered shortly***

When Julien viewed the ticket, it was a shiny rectangular ticket with ragged edges. The words EROTIC DREAM was embossed in the middle and some symbols he couldn't decipher. He didn't believe that an actual ticket will be delivered. After all, it was only a game. This time once he pressed on the exit button, the app let him. He sighed in relief, pushing the odd app out of his mind. He viewed an unread message. It was from Riley, informing him that he will be coming over to hang-out. He sent a quick reply and busied himself with cooking breakfast, which consisted of fried eggs and toast.

The doorbell rang and when he opened the door, Riley was frowning holding up a black envelope on one hand. Julien caught sight of the silver spindly letters that formed the words Dark Love and froze.

What in the world?

"W-what is that?" he asked dumbly, hoping Riley will answer him with "It's a popular erotic themed game" but his best friend shook his head. "You tell me. I found this in your doorstep."

Julien took the envelope with shaky hands and tried to think rationally but failed.

How did the app even know his address?

"Hey, are you okay? What is it?" Riley prodded as he noticed his pale expression.

Julien shook his head and forced a smile. "Oh this is nothing. Come in, did you eat breakfast?" He carelessly chucked the envelope in a drawer and closed it.

Riley stared at him with suspicion but decided not to dwell on it.

"I'm famished. I bought coffee and donuts and the magazines." He wiggled his brows meaningfully with the last word and Julien's worry about the odd app and the suspicious envelope bearing the app's name diminished slightly.

Riley took out two magazines with hunky, half-dressed males on their cover He spread it out in the coffee table and gestured smugly.

"I bought two copies of the same issue because they have different cover models and I remembered you liked him more than my Vince." Riley held the one with a male model wearing only a necktie dreamily.

Julien pursed his lips slowly, his eyes narrowing. "That's not fair. I like Vince too."

They glared playfully at each other before laughing at their silliness.

"You're right though, I like Yuan more. He looks so sexy here!" Julien smiled dreamily at the other magazine.

The gray eyes of the male model reminded him of a certain ice-cold man who unknowingly broke his heart. His happy bubble burst, his smile vanished instantly which Riley noticed.

"Is there a problem? I inspected it and made sure there's no creases! I knew you hate that."

Julien shook his head and sighed.

"I wonder if I'll ever get a boyfriend." He suddenly blurted which surprised Riley and even himself.

"Well, you know the answer to that. Are you ready to meet someone?"

Riley had always asked him that question. As opposed to him who stayed single, Riley occasionally has flings but they were mostly a holiday love or a one night stand as he have to be careful to keep their secret. Julien was a romantic and he fantasize about one true love,and for many years now, his heart was captivated by no other than Knox Von Dietrich.

As if reading his thoughts, Riley shook his head helplessly at him. Julien had told him what happened during the round table dinner meeting and Riley didn't take it well. He cursed his direct supervisor many times over from being an "insensitive prick".

"You'll get over him soon. You know what, even if you like it or not, I'm bringing you to BoneLake next weekend. Let's get wasted and forget about those silly men."

BoneLake was a gay bar three towns away and where Riley meet his past flings. Julien had been there only once and regretted it immensely when twin guys offered him a threesome. Just thinking about it, made his cheeks burn in embarrassment. He fled the bar as if hellhounds were nipping at his heels and had never been there since.

Maybe, Riley is right, it's time to let go of this unrequited love, he thought. And what better way to do that, than to get rid of his virginity to a guy who desires him even if it's just for a night.

"Think about it, okay? I'll go prepare the table." Riley pinched his cheek and strode to the dining room.

Julien thought about it some more when a sharp notification sounded. He glanced at his phone and was reminded of the odd black envelope.

The notification read: Reward successfully delivered! Enjoy the night!

He quickly retrieved the envelope from the drawer, almost ripping the material in his haste to confirm its content. A golden ticket slipped out and fluttered down the ground.

Julien held his breath as the words "Erotic Dream Ticket" caught his eyes.

It's real?!

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