

Alfred was downcast at the perfumery exhibition, and Carson, his newest friend, showed interest in his feelings. He confided in him and narrated how he was lured into a marriage by Hazel, a desperate perfumery, and how he escaped from the marriage. Carson also gave an account of how he wriggled himself out of a similar situation and settled with the best, Cherry. He encouraged him to cheer up and he did. A few months later, Alfred met Mirabel, a florist who was married to her job, and proposed to her. She rejected his proposal, and Alfred sought assistance from Carson. After condemning her bouquet and making her to feel worthless by telling her that their girlfriends rejected their proposals because her bouquet was inferior. She decided to teach them how to propose to a girl and get accepted. To redeem her company’s image, she agreed to do it at a show organized by the two with over ten thousand spectators, including her parents and siblings. She prepared the best bouquet and came along with the best proposal ring. Meanwhile, she would act as the girl. Alfred agreed to her teachings, but when they got to the stage, he used the words that she had taught him. After he knelt down and proposed to her, she happily accepted the proposal. Then, he slipped the beautiful ring into her hand and handed the bouquet to her too, which she accepted with pleasure. Then, she helped him to get up, believing that the acting would end as agreed. To her bewilderment, Alfred pulled her closer and engaged her in a passionate kiss. To avoid ruining her stage performance, she complied, and they kissed for some minutes while the audience cheered. Afterward, he announced that Mirabel was legally engaged to him and their marriage would take place the very soon. Will Mirabel agree to be tangled on the web of Alfred’s love?

LADY GLOW · สมัยใหม่
60 Chs

46. The Royal Wedding

A Few Days Later – At Carson's Office

It was a very demanding period for his staff members. Planning another event and shooting a movie of more than three hours, was no mean feat. Now, Mike and Annabel were back from their trips and were cast by the director and producer, Carson.

“Mike, do you wish to take up the role of Stanley in the movie?” Carson asked.

“Is the role strenuous?” Mike requested.

“Certainly but it is not what you can't handle. With Annabel as your partner, I believe you will deliver.”

“What role are you playing?” Annabel asked, “It would help us to decide.”

“Yes, Annabel is right. Acquaint us with the roles.”

“That is good. I am taking the role of Johnny and Pearl is taking up the role of Ruby.”

“Yes. Go on,” Mike urged.

“You and Annabel would take up the roles of Stanley and Carmine. Very close friends to Johnny and Ruby.”

“That's good. Can we have a summary of the roles?”

“Yes. I will share it with you at once.”