
Enkidu's Second Journey

Enki, a man who died, remembers his second life after being offered a job and a second chance to make a journey through the multiverse.

Dawei · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

Chapter 8

During Enkidu's story he did not know that someone was listening in on their conversation due to his emotional state.

"I see... So that was the situation..." Roswaal said with thoughtful face, for once there was no sign of his usual playful aura around him.

"So what should we do Roswaal-sama?" Ram asked, her sister was standing by her side as they both listened.

This was new, they know new that Enkidu was clay shaped by the gods and died once for defeating a divine beast.

"Just watch on."

Both maids nodded as they left.

"This is shaping up to be a very interesting year."


Enkidu opened the door to the library as he looked at Beatrice. "What are you doing here?" Enkidu gave her a serene smile "Well my friend was quite lonely until I came along and you remind me of his old self. So I came here to keep you company."

Beatrice snorted "Fine, Betty shall allow you to stay here I suppose." Enkidu gave her a warm smiled while he sat in silence and simply provided his presence.

Enkidu eventually got up and left as he waved goodbye at Beatrice. The door closed as Beatrice pondered.

"He's interesting I suppose."


Enkidu awoke to see the two staring at him again. Breakfast was normal until Rem mentioned that she was going to visit the village to purchase supplies. Enkidu piped up as he asked "Do you mind if I join? I want to see the other areas apart from the mansion."

Rem seemed fine with it as she agreed. Enkidu smiled as he went back to his room until it was time to go.

Rem finished shopping as she was surprised to see so many kids surrounding Enkidu and playing with his hair.

"Look his hair is so silky!"

Rem looked at Enkidu who was serene as if he blended in with nature. "Oh you're finished Rem?" Rem nodded as they walked back.

"Hey Rem did anything weird happen today?" Rem shook her head as she didn't think anything odd happened today.

They arrived at the mansion as Ram noticed her sister had blood on her sleeve. "What happened?" Rem noticed and explained "Ah a small puppy bit me but I've healed it already."

Enkidu narrowed his eyes "Did the puppy have a bald spot on his head?" Rem blinked in surprise "Yes" Enkidu grabbed her hand and dragged her towards the door leading to Beatrice.

"Come with me we're going to Beatrice."

The door opened as Beatrice watched Enkidu walk in with a serious expression "Beatrice-san would you have a look at this bite from a puppy that Rem had?"

"You've already healed the wound by yourself I suppose?" Rem nodded her head in response.

"Hoh your cursed"

Rem was shocked "But I did not detect a curse."

"Of course you didn't, you're not that proficient." Beatrice scoffed "This Curse, while easy enough break is hard to detect. It was created to be as unnoticeable as possible, only those who delve into the healing arts seriously can detect this curse, I suppose." She explained.

Beatrice put her hand over Rem's arm as she started extracting the curse.

When she puled her hand back, she was holding a wispy orb, as dark as the abyss. It seemed to be made up mostly of smoke, but the librarian still had a solid grasp on it. "What a nasty piece of work, I suppose." She grumbled.

"That curse..." Ram finally found her voice again "What would it have done to Rem, Beatrice-sama?"

Beatrice spare her a small look before she turned her attention back the foulness in her grip "This is curse severely weakens the victims body. Once it activates it causes their organs to shut down, until they cease functioning" She explained "It's lethal, from the moment it actives it will work very fast. I doubt she would survive long enough to bring her to me if it did, I suppose." With a flick of her wrist she crushed the curse out of existence.

"I'm surprised you were able to detect it, I suppose." Beatrice commented as she gazed at Enkidu "You brought her directly to me to get checked."

Enkidu nodded "I'm quite sensitive to things like these."

Ram was grateful in her heart even if she did not show it, she was so close to losing a sibling however thanks to Enkidu she had survived.

She slightly felt guilty for listening in on his story but Roswaal-sama had ordered it.

"Thank you Beatrice-san, now..." Enkidu straightened himself and turned around, walking towards the exit.

"Where is Enkidu-sama going?" Ram asked of the green haired.

Enkidu smiled "Isn't simple? I'm going to kill that beast."

"It is dangerous." Rem found herself saying not even realising how concerned her face looked "If the beast can cast a curse like that it's not an ordinary mabeast, it probably has a pack with it too."

Enkidu didn't care.

"I killed a divine beast before, what's a little pack of dogs going to do to me?"

"Ram will go with you!"

Enkidu smiled as his lips twitched, a smile crossing his face and he nodded "Enkidu-sama will expect no less from Rem." He declared before he turned to Ram "Let's go, Ram."

Enkidu looked at Ram before speaking bluntly "It'll be faster if I carry you." Ram raised her eyebrows in confusion.

She did not think that someone so lean could even carry her. Enkidu didn't wait and simply lifted her up in a princess carry before rushing off at a speed befitting of B rank.

Ram watched as the scenery became a blur as Enkidu ran with his full speed. They shortly arrived at the village when one of the villager's saw them "Ram, Enkidu-sama!"

Enkidu stared at them with a grim face and spoke bluntly.

"There's a mabeast here."