

Reeves Hunter an eighteen year old kid who has vowed to live a stress-free life with nothing but momentary enjoyment and freedom from responsibility will do just about anything to achieve that goal, from plain average grades to whiling away watching different geners of movies and animes, suddenly found a dark purple colored orb seemingly hovering above his reading desk beckoning on him to touch it. Filled with a sense of familiarity touched and his soul got draged out of his body transversing him to an alternate dimension ----INTEGRATION COMPLETE---- Host has been employed to become the main casts plot amour failure to protect them will lead to immediate death. "...." F**K Join him on his day to day life as he strives to regain the freedom he once lost in this world filled with mana, mythical beings, gods and all powerful humans who could wreak havoc by the mere thought of it, essentially a dog eat dog world where only power decides your faith ................................................................................. Note: this is my first attempt on a novel so pardon me for any mistake as it was probably made unknowingly I'll be proof reading and updating the novels Incase there are any inconsistencies, and the book cover isn't mine if you are the owner and want me to take it down pls contact me and I'll do it as soon as possible

Artichunter · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

New Beginning (3)

(Quiet class) said a plump man in tie and coat as he stepped into the beehive of a class.

I am professor Dunlop and I will be your theoretical teacher for the whole of 1st year. Most of the class let out a sigh, ehem I know I know you think you wouldn't need it in battle but your wrong besides it's not as boring as it seems a saying of mine goes like this - "theologist who make theoretical mana studies boring are criminals", and another saying of mine goes - Teachers are like road signs they will show you the way but you will still get lost, anyways who can tell me the principles of a functioning mana core.

Sir you haven't taught us yet the class bellowed, well am asking you to give it a shot.

A kid with a messy brown hair and eyes with round glasses was fervently shaking his hands in the air, yes Mathew the professor said.

Like a faucet that has been turned on and forgotten he trailed off,

based on the discovery made by Hon. Johnson smith- implies that as you progress in your cultivation on reaching the condensing realm the mana you absorb from the atmosphere will begin to gather into a black mist in your dantain as you reach the First level of the foundation realm the mana you have absorbed prior will start to compress the more compressed it is the better your talent, it will also start to change colour from black to any element you have mastered, the highest known elements to have been mastered is four; water, wind, earth, and light by the widely known Hero Aerith Winchester from the Winchester clan. After letting out a smug smile seeing the professor was impressed he sat down under the threatening glares directed at him from all corners of the class.

Good, good, good it's nice to see a very enthusiastic student, Mathew am expecting to hear great things about you in the theological center when you graduate, naturally the boy replied, you all should emulate him and be prudent in your theological studies no knowledge is wasted.

Soon enough the three hours allocated for the class came to an end.

Everyone I'll give you an assignment to go and find out how we use mana cores from beasts to power our day to day devices I except a satisfactory answer tomorrow, soon enough like droves of ants the students started to walk out of the class heading to their respective practical classes, reeves standing up headed to the swordsmanship class as he stepped in he darted a look at the back of the class and saw about 30 fellow aspiring swordsman all practicing their sword style and the teacher giving out instructions to the respectives, strolling to the left hand side of the class he grabbed a sword from the provisional sword stands and began practicing his sword art, 30 min in a glowing bird like parrot phased through the wall flying round about the class announcing the first years ranking based on the test taking has been posted on the crystal ranking, after the dutiful announcement it once again phased through the wall and flew to it's next destination (the other class).

As whisperings between peers turned into loud bee like buzzing the class instructor let them free to sooth their curiosity.