

Reeves Hunter an eighteen year old kid who has vowed to live a stress-free life with nothing but momentary enjoyment and freedom from responsibility will do just about anything to achieve that goal, from plain average grades to whiling away watching different geners of movies and animes, suddenly found a dark purple colored orb seemingly hovering above his reading desk beckoning on him to touch it. Filled with a sense of familiarity touched and his soul got draged out of his body transversing him to an alternate dimension ----INTEGRATION COMPLETE---- Host has been employed to become the main casts plot amour failure to protect them will lead to immediate death. "...." F**K Join him on his day to day life as he strives to regain the freedom he once lost in this world filled with mana, mythical beings, gods and all powerful humans who could wreak havoc by the mere thought of it, essentially a dog eat dog world where only power decides your faith ................................................................................. Note: this is my first attempt on a novel so pardon me for any mistake as it was probably made unknowingly I'll be proof reading and updating the novels Incase there are any inconsistencies, and the book cover isn't mine if you are the owner and want me to take it down pls contact me and I'll do it as soon as possible

Artichunter · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs

Identity crises (2)

Reeves Hunter the man on the hippogriff asked

Yes reeves replied

You have been missing from the academy for for 12 days. Thank your stars we noticed before anything serious happened to you.

"...." clearly the man was bull shitting it was all because of this bodies step sister that they even went as far as sending an emissary to come pick me up trying to curry some favours from her ehhhh.

Get on I have a lot of errands to work on

Hopping on the 9 foot long beast with a wing span of over 20 feet

With a large swoop of it's wings it immediately blasted into the skies, of course a shield made out of wind was blocking the air pressure from affecting the passengers after a long flight hour they decendend on a large expansion filled with vast amount of buildings each seemingly beautiful on landing in front of the gate. Ben the name of the middle aged man told him he could rest and resume his studies next tomorrow asper the orders from the head teacher of the first year nodding his head reeves walked into the gates heading to his room.

After a refreshing bath he sat down on a chair and called out


Name : Reeves Hunter

Potential : ???🔒

Realm : mid condensing realm

Battle weapon : Armin sword

Strength : E -

Intelligence : B+

Mana capacity : ???🔒

Manum capacity : ???🔒

Agility : E -

Stamina : F -

Luck : D+

Affinity : Earth

Skill : mid grade sword dance (level 3)

Art style : Thousand illusionary cuts ⭐⭐⭐- when practiced to a higher realm it will graduate to Ten thousand illusionary cuts



when I said you'll never catch me alive I didn't mean it so

12 days ago I got transmigrated into the body of this seemingly mediocre character after falling off a cliff while being chased my an organization that experiments on humans with a goal of making a new breed of humans in summary they where forcing evolution this had been the 6th time I escaped but each time they caught me and tightened the security

Sigh.... I just want a trouble free life is it hard to gain ?

Now I get burdened with protecting someone else, not to talk about the inexplicable pain I felt on coming over according to the system It was a result of my soul taking over this body naturally I was privy to his memories.

He apparently had the same name as me, he was stoic and unresponsive to pressure in the novel you could refer him as the main characters inlaw, well that is if he survived the blackwood forest after venturing into it in an effort to try and raise his potential as he felt he owed his dad that much.

Aiiiiii who did I kill in my last life to deserve this kind of punishment ?

Feeling like it was a waste of time contemplating over the issue now he decided to shift it to tomorrow morning.

The next day early at dawn an average looking youth could be seen performing a mid grade sword dance while uncomfortably muttering to himself in the middle of the public training hall


Daily task 1 : performe the mid grade sword dance a thousand times in other to temper your body

Daily task 2 : run a total of 20km

Daily task 3 : lift a total of 500kg

Rewards will be metted out if the task is accomplished such as punishments if you faill to meet up.

It took Reeves till mid day untill he was able to complete the daily task upon completion a system notification rang out.


Daily task 1 : completed

Daily task 2 : completed

Daily task 3 : completed

Reward : - Art style - : Oversight ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ your able to see into the future current limitations (24 hours)🔒

Note: it is only a passive skill and would be forcefully used when the plot characters are in danger.

Huf Huf Huf large panting could be heard in the training hall, the other students have long since left only a few had stayed up until this point.

Hey system I've been meaning to ask what's with the paddlocks

Host is currently not capable of welding or knowing about any skill or information that come with it.

As he laid down on the hard stone floor he mutterd if my training is this hard I wander what the main plot cast goes through packing up his things to leave a tall handsome youth walked up to him stretching out his hands and said,

hello am matt ranked 10th in the class seeing your dedication to practice would you like to join my clan? (1)

After careful contemplation reeves asked he would join on one condition which was to spar with Matt on the week ends shaking hands Matt told them they had a daily meeting at central park 4 in order to train.


(1)According to the owner of the former body clans consisted of 5 people the leader, vice leader and fillers each of them had their own positions based on the combination of battle style the clan may hold (we have tanker, swordsman, sharpshooter, assassin, mage)

only the top 20th are allowed to have clans as they are the top talents of the school they would have to battle each other in other to get resources from the imperial academy.