
Enigma Lord

[WSA 2024] Life is a story. Every living being has a story in their life because every life has a story. Every living being is the main character in their own life. And everyone else besides themselves are just supporting characters. Even though you have lovers, family, and loved ones, life belongs only to yourself, and you remain the sole main character in your own life. Because only you who can act in your own life. Others can interfere with the story of someone else's life, but ultimately, it is the individual who determines how the story of their life unfolds. In the end, everyone is just have their own, but not in the sense of loneliness. And this story is just one of billions of other stories. This is the story of a creature named 'Joe Walker'. He has the role as an "Outer god", balancing the omniverse. He is not a savior, nor is he a destroyer. He is not a good person, nor is he a bad person. He is not a king, but he cannot be controlled by anyone. He is the end, yet also the beginning. Every universe and multiverse within the omniverse he occupies is under his control if he want. However, he has currently lost his memory and feels that he has memories as an ordinary human. What is actually happening to him? This is the journey of 'Enigma Lord,' the tale of a master from a 'enigma room' located beyond the entire concept of space and time. He is a chosen soul as the 'Enigma Lord' and becomes 'outer god'. Witness the enjoyable and laughter-filled journey he will face in various universes and different dimensions.

WhereIsHumanity · แฟนตาซี
101 Chs

Towards A Higher Level [Special]

Joe Walker titled the diary he held as "Rose's Diary."

The diary was left unfinished, containing only up to 40 pages. There was no continuation beyond page 40 as it served as the ending.

Now, Joe Walker wants to read the contents of the diary to Alice and Maria, who are curious. Despite his initial hesitation, he has decided to do so.

The story begins on the first page of the diary. The first page reads, "Day 1... Ahh damn, why this world? Why was I born into a world like this? Why... Was I born in this world? In this world? This cruel world? I hate this world! Hate! Hate! Hate! I... Hate this world!"

Joe Walker read all those sentences while demonstrating the deep-seated hatred in the writing. It was not to joke around with exaggerated acting but to truly feel the story as he knew how it ended.

"Hey? Are you okay, Joe?" Alice asked, concerned.

Meanwhile, Maria was amazed and said, "Wow, that's great! I can feel the hatred the writer felt in those words."

Joe Walker continued the story on the second page, "Day 45... I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Rose, I am a human. Hahaha, damn... I write this diary hoping someone will read it in the future. It's impossible, though, I am destined to be alone."

On the third page, "Day 122... I am now trapped in a dark room. Ahh damn, I found a strange creature. Uwah, disgusting... The creature only has eyes and is round-shaped. But it didn't attack me, huh? It ate my necklace! This creature is so strange! It eats metal!"

"Ahahaha, what kind of strange creature is that?" Maria said, while stroking the strange creature in her hand.

"Could it be that the creature you mentioned is Jimmy?" Alice said.

"Most likely, I think so too," Joe Walker said.

"What do you mean?" Maria, as usual, didn't understand.

But this time, Joe Walker and Alice remained silent.

Joe Walker continued the story on page 4, "Day 203... today is my 19th birthday, I have forgotten what my last birthday cake tasted like. No one celebrated it, there was only a strange white creature accompanying me today."

Page 5, "Day 215... I met 2 strange people. For the first time, I met other humans. I and they decided to adventure together. No, not an adventure, but survival. Why didn't they come before my birthday? Damn it!"

Page 6, "Day 217... For the first time, I, Tom, and Cecilia found some leftover food supplies. Even though it was only fast food for soldiers. Huekk... I feel like vomiting... It tastes bad. But, there's no other choice."

Page 7, "Day 345... It's been a while since I wrote. Ahh my hand feels a bit strange. Today we found a stable for the strange white creature so it wouldn't disappear while we sleep. It's challenging to search for the strange creature every day. Cecilia has grown very fond of it."

Page 8, "Day 371... We found a clean swimming pool!"

Page 9, "Day 398... today we celebrated Tom's birthday! It was so much fun! We also found some soda bottles!"

Page 10, "Day 404... Cecilia's birthday is in a month. Should I give her a gift?"

Page 11, "Day 435... Cecilia liked the gift I gave her! Thank goodness! My days are getting more enjoyable every day! Truly, I am grateful to have met both of them!"

Page 12, "Day 512... Heartbreaking... I ran out of ink to write... But it's okay now, I have found a new one! Now I can write every day!"

Page 13, "Day 534... We found our new goal. There is a tall tower leading to the next level. It's so huge, Cecilia was amazed to see it. I am happy to see her smile."

Page 14, "Day 538... Actually, I didn't want to write anything right now. But I thought this would be an important memory. Some of our food supplies are partially spoiled and moldy. Cecilia was careless when checking our food stock. Tom is frustrated and hides only to hit the wall repeatedly. Will we be okay? We can surely find food supplies again, right?"

Page 15, "Day 539... We are trapped because of a very long chasm that prevents us from reaching our destination tower. Our food supplies are running low."

Page 16, "Day 541... We tried to find food around. But mostly, it's just spoiled and moldy food. But... I am sure we can get through this!"

Page 17, "Day 543... Our vehicle's fuel is running low..."

Page 18, "Day 548... No progress, my foot is injured from accidentally being hit by falling debris."

Page 19, "Day 552... Tom decided that I should rest and not join the investigation. He and Cecilia continued the search together, leaving our belongings and assigning me to guard them. Why do they trust me so easily? They only brought 1 box of food as provisions for the journey."

Page 20, "Day 555... I am lonely, they haven't returned in 3 days. There is only this strange round-shaped creature accompanying me. Feeling bored, I started thinking of another plan."

Page 21, "Day 557... I found explosives around. I never thought I could get such dangerous items. Although I am severely injured in the leg, at least I can still walk while holding onto something. This way, when Tom and Cecilia return, we can immediately build a bridge by demolishing the tallest building! I'm so genius!"

Page 22, "Day 561... When will they come back? How far have they gone? I have prepared everything needed. When will they return? I miss them... Next week is my birthday..."

Page 23, "Day 563... Now I understand, out of the 3 food boxes they left, only 1 is full. There's only a little left. It seems they had prepared provisions for a long journey from the start. I might have to wait longer."

Page 24, "Day 567... Tomorrow is my birthday. They haven't returned."

Page 25, "Day 568...," couldn't be read as the page was damaged.

Page 26, "I don't care anymore, damn! I just cried all day on my birthday."

Page 27, "They haven't returned..."

Page 28, "Why haven't they returned? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Whyyyy....!?"

Page 29, "I don't care about the day anymore. I don't know how long it's been, the food supplies are depleted."

Page 30, "My foot is injured, the food supplies are gone, and they haven't returned. I don't care anymore, I will die soon."

Page 31, "Damn! This is all nonsense! This world is cruel! I hate this world! I'm stupid for thinking that this world isn't as bad as I thought. This world is more than just bad! It's hell, it's torture! Why was I born into this world? For what? Why? Who brought me into this World? Why was I born even though I didn't want to? Why? Hey mother, father, what is your reason for bringing me into this world? Why did you let me experience this?"

Pages 32 and 33, "Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Whyyyyyy...? Why? Why? Hate! Hate! I hate! I hate! I... Hate...!"

Page 34, "In this wonderful, beautiful, miraculous world. I'm Alone, have nobody. Never for me, to have fun without thinking about food supplies. Never for me, to play video games and be scolded by loving parents wholeheartedly. Never for me! To make... A Love..."

Page 35, "I am in hell, looking at a delusional heaven. I am just a human, and you were flesh, And I began to hate. I hate your softness, hate! hate! hate! Hate! Hate! Let me tell you, how much I've hated you since I began to live. I hate, hate, hate you so much. You are so fucking idiot, I will tell you every day until you die! I hate you! Hate! Hate! Hate!"

Page 36, "I hate how you try to trust others even though you doubted them at first. I hate your changing attitude just because of others' warmth. I hate you more than I thought. I hate! Hate! I hate you so much!"

Page 37, "It's been days since I ate. But I don't care! I will continue to hate you until the end of my life! I hate you! Every second, I will mention your name and curse you in my mind! Every day! Every hour! Every minute! Every second!"

Page 38, "I hate your ignorance..."

Page 39, "I feel it, I am about to die soon. This is a tragic end filled with hatred. Therefore, if someone finds this book, I will tell you something. Do not open the next page, I beg you. I will help you by building a bridge for you. Only for you, I can't do it anymore. Because when you find me, I will surely be dead, sitting down. Take the strange creature with you, it is the only one with the energy to trigger the explosives. Truly a simple creature, all it cares about is metal. Please, don't open the next page! No, open it and see the last writing I wrote! No, this is my secret! No, I wrote it because I wanted to show it to others! No, no, no, no, no, no! Please help me..."

Page 40, "I hate you, myself..."

There is nothing more after that, this is Rose's final writing. This is the ending of her diary that tells the ending of her life. This is not the end of the world's story, but it is the end of Rose's story. The end of all ends that can happen to a human, death.