
Enigma Lord

[WSA 2024] A man named Joe Walker wakes up in a mysterious place. He finds himself trapped without any way out, no doors, ventilation, or any other air ducts. Surprisingly, he doesn't need to breathe in that place. Slowly, he realizes that he has lost his memory. The only thing he knows is his own name, Joe Walker. He meet someone who introduces himself as an angel. This angel explains what is happening to him. As time passes, joe walker starts to uncover information about himself. He is also given some tasks, although strangely, he is not forced to do them. Feeling bored, Joe Walker accepts the tasks from the angel. As time goes by, he will discover his true self and his past identity. He eventually realizes that he was never trapped in that room. The room actually belongs to him. The mystery of his lost memory remains unknown to him. However, he will slowly uncover the reasons behind his memory loss. All the events he has gone through are interconnected. This is the journey of 'Enigma Lord,' the tale of a master from a 'enigma room' located beyond the entire concept of space and time. He is a chosen soul as the 'Enigma Lord' and becomes 'outer god'. Witness the enjoyable and laughter-filled journey he will face in various universes and different dimensions.

WhereIsHumanity · แฟนตาซี
58 Chs

Human [Part 4]

Currently, Joe Walker and Sebastian are both confused. They feel like they are discussing the same thing but also sense a misunderstanding. Wanting to clarify this misunderstanding, they continue their conversation.

"Mr. Joe, do you think I gave you special abilities at that time?"

"Yes, you yourself said that you wanted to give me my 'outer god' authority."

"Yes, the authority I meant was permission to enter various universes and multiverses. Not a special ability..."

"Then why can I communicate with spirits?"

"That's because you have the characteristics of an 'outer god'. You adapt to that world and have adapted to the spirit and spiritual world."

"So, is the ability to read ancient languages also a result of adaptation?"

"The ability to read ancient languages?"

"I don't know why I can read ancient languages in that world."

"That's strange, things related to the physical should not be part of the 'outer god' characteristics."

"Huh?" Joe Walker was a bit confused by this.

"I want to remind you that you actually cannot adapt to things related to the physical. But spiritual and spirits are different. Since the beginning, your 'core' has been at a different level than all humans there. In spiritual terms, you are 'unlimited', 'boundaryless', and 'limitless'. However, skills, intelligence, knowledge, and the like can only be learned based on your own abilities."

"Then why can I immediately read ancient languages in that world?"

Sebastian paused for a moment to think, then said, "most likely... Ahhh! I see... But... Is that possible?"

Joe Walker, growing more curious, shouted, "hey! If you know something, tell me now!"

Sebastian observed Joe Walker first, thinking, then muttered, "it seems like it's okay for me to tell you."

"Huh? What did you say earlier?"

"Your memories."


"Yes, do you know that your memories are fading?"

"That's true, so what's the connection?"

"Do you not find something strange?"


"Why someone like you, who has lost their memory, can remember elephants and other animals?"

"So you've been watching us all this time?"

"Of course! Besides, I am your guide, Mr. Joe," Sebastian looked proud.

Joe Walker sighed and started to think.

"You seem right, I also wonder why I can know these things," Joe Walker said with a serious expression.

"The answer is simple and very straightforward. Because not all of your memories are erased."

"Huh? But I can't remember anything at all! I'm not lying!"

"I'm not accusing you of lying, but that's the truth. The memories that are erased are actually only those that show your life, but memories of knowledge are not included."

Joe Walker fell silent, trying to understand what was being discussed.

"Mr. Joe, take a look at the chair you're sitting on."

"What about this chair?" Glancing at the chair he was using.

"Since our first meeting in the dream world, you have always used that chair."

"Hmm, you may be right."

"Are you comfortable with that chair?"

Joe Walker smiled and answered, "yes."

"What do you think actually makes you comfortable with that chair?"

"Because of its good quality?"

"That's wrong, you're comfortable because you're used to it."

"Used to it?"

"It's a school chair."

Slowly, the word 'school' triggered a memory in Joe Walker. But the only memories he could recall were about books, desks, chairs, uniforms. However, the pain he felt in his head had to be endured.

"Ugh, my head! Arrggg! Why is this happening?"

"Forgive me, Mr. Joe, you said you were curious about it, so I deliberately triggered a bit of your memory."

"What is it?"

"Could it be anything other than your own memories?"

"My memories? But all I can remember are about school equipment."

"Because that's all you can remember."

"So that's it, now I understand," Joe Walker looked back at Sebastian and said, "Sebastian, can you tell me? Why were my memories erased?... But, it seems futile to ask you, it's still a secret, right?"

"It's good that you understand," Sebastian looked pleased with that.

"But there's one thing i need to know. Will I ever regain my memories?"

Without hesitation and very quickly, Sebastian replied, "of course."

Joe Walker smiled happily, but he also felt strange because he felt forced to go through all of this. Yet, he was also puzzled by himself. Because he did not feel any ill intentions from every word Sebastian said to him.

This made him wonder if he believed Sebastian because Sebastian was an angel? Or did he actually believe Sebastian because there was no other choice but to believe.

But for now, he was happy to know that someday his memories would return to him. For that simple reason, he could smile sincerely.

However, Sebastian suddenly said, "I want to clarify something for you. Perhaps you are restless because you feel like you are being used. But there is actually a special reason for everything that has happened to you."

"A special reason? Can you tell me that? Or maybe you can't?"

"For this one, I can. Because from the beginning, this does not need to be hidden from you."

"Explain it to me."

"Actually, your memories have never disappeared."


"Your memories are still in your core along with your soul. Those memories have never disappeared from there. They are just hidden."


"Beyond that, I can't tell you anymore. Because everything that is being kept secret from you is actually directed at the questions you are currently thinking about right now. You must be wondering who? And why, right?"

"Ugh, it always annoys me when you act like you know everything about me."

"Hehe, of course, I know everything about you. You are a amazing person, Mr. Joe."

With a sardonic look, Joe Walker said, "praising me without a clear reason like that won't make me happy, You know?"

"I'm not praising you right now. I'm just stating what I see."

"Huh? A while ago you mocked me with the word 'fool'. And now you praise me?"

"I told you I was just joking!" After saying this, Sebastian sighed.

Meanwhile, Joe Walker remembered Maria and Alice. He smiled because of that and felt like he would wake up from his sleep soon.


"What's up?"

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"When we were still at 'the end,' you were the only one who visited me. Without you, I might have felt much lonelier."

"What's gotten into you all of a sudden?"

"I don't know why, but since I met them, I have started to understand the meaning of loneliness and togetherness."

"Them? Ahh, you mean those two little girls."

With a smile on his face, Joe Walker said for the last time, "thank you."

"Yeah, same goes for me."

Not long after, Joe Walker woke up from his sleep and destroyed his dream world once again. Meanwhile, Sebastian returned to the 'cosmic' and sat back with the 'observers', watching Joe.