
Engaged to Deaths Angel

Samantha thought that her life was set in stone. An arranged marriage with her childhood friend, a successful career path, and a peaceful future with her loving family. However, all of it comes crashing down when she witnesses a vicious murder and discovers that the culprit is none other than Elias Marino, a feared mafia boss. To make matters worse, Samantha learns that her parents made an agreement with the Marinos long ago - a contract marriage between her and Elias. Samantha must navigate the treacherous world of the mafia and keep her head above water while being forced to get closer to the very man who holds her future in his hands. As the tension between the two grows, she finds herself drawn to Elias in ways she never expected - one that may not be as heartless as she once thought. But can she trust him enough to let her guard down and open herself up to a dangerous love that may just be the death of her?

Online_Wolf · สมัยใหม่
3 Chs

Chapter 1: Business Meeting

As children, we are taught to obey the laws that society has placed on us, and we're expected to behave in a manner that is acceptable to the common public. We are shielded by the horrors that life offers us pretending it doesn't exist and carry on living turning a blind eye.

But what happens when you meet someone who tests those boundaries and shows a world that should make your spine tremble to the core but instead of cowering in fear and running away like prey, you are somewhat drawn to the pain and suffering?

From a young age, I was always told, You are very lucky Samantha you don't have to worry about such measly tasks. All you need to do is show up.

And I did. Every. Single. Damn. Time.

My family was well off, my father made to sure to send me to the most respectable schools and colleges out there. Harvard University. I was expected to study law and take over the family business along with my brother Gabriel when my father was ready to retire. I had no problem working for my father after I graduated, but I wouldn't say I was ecstatic about it either.

I was surrounded by the trappings of success and it often made me feel unfulfilled. I wanted to make a real difference in the world, but I felt stuck in my role as the dutiful daughter. Don't get me wrong my childhood was great, I was raised by two loving parents but it would be nice if my whole life wasn't planned out down to the smallest detail. Even my love life.

"Samantha, come on! We're going to be late!' Gabriel said with an unmistakable tone of urgency.

I glanced at the clock and sure enough, we were running late. I had been so focused on studying for my exam tomorrow night that I had completely forgotten about my father's business meeting. He had invited me to be an 'intern' at his firm and wanted to introduce me to his board of directors.

I quickly grabbed my bag and threw in my books and loose paperwork. I followed Gabriel out of my room and we rushed to the car.

As we drove to the meeting to some function venue downtown, I thought about how I would make it back to the library afterwards to get in some more studying.

"Can you please drop me off at the library after?" I asked.

"You study too much."

"Exams are tomorrow. I need to."

"You've literally grown up around lawyers successful ones for that matter, you'll ace it."

"I know, but unlike you, I'm not that passionate about law. It's boring."

"Don't let Dad hear you say that."

"So can you?" I asked again.


When we finally arrived at the venue, the security guard opened the doors. Unveiling a room that offered a warm ambience and decorations that were stunning. It was hard not to take notice of the large pendulum that hung from the ceiling, the private bar and the table that was set up with plates and cutlery.

I was caught off guard by the large number of people that had attended the event. I was expecting a business meeting. I recognised a few familiar faces from my father's firm but it was evident that they had brought their loved ones here too.

"I thought this was a business meeting with the board of directors" I said turning to Gabriel, slightly puzzled and then I noticed Matthew Davidson and Diego Morson standing in the corner with their families.

For as long as I can remember Davidson and Morson worked alongside my family as allies. Their firms had become quite reputable with Matthew and Diego slaying the opposition. They didn't stand a chance at winning. Both boys had successful careers as lawyers and we grew up together. I guess you could say we were childhood friends.

"Why are they here?" I asked.

Gabriel lets out a heavy sigh his gaze finally meeting mine, "Dad invited them. His looking for suitable candidates... for an arranged marriage for you."

I had barely started my studies, I wasn't even in my twenties and I was already being palmed off to the next available bachelor.

I really had no issue with an arranged marriage. It saved me time looking for a suitable partner and the heartbreaks that were bound to happen if I was to pursue a relationship myself. I just was upset by the fact nobody had time to give me a heads-up.

"A warning would have been nice." I said scowling at Gabriel disapprovingly.

"It was last minute." He replies.

Diego was a 26-year-old charmer. He was an interesting character, to say the least, with a mischievous glint in his eye. He was an avid fan of rum, and as usual, tonight he had the beverage cradled at his fingertips. It was his smooth-talking ways that made him an even bigger hit with the ladies.

He could make any girl fall for him in seconds with his clever words and handsome face. Unfortunately, his reputation as a bit of a playboy preceded him, as many of the girls he wooed quickly learned of his philandering ways during his teenage years. Despite this, Diego continued to charm the women with his sweet talk and sly smile.

Matthew 23-year old with a sweet, reserved nature, but he had a unique blend of classic and old-fashioned values. Growing up, he was the mediator, the one who would step in to defuse the situation. I'd say he had the soul of an old man. Too wise and mature for his age.

I knew the whole point of the arranged marriage was purely for business. Eliminate competition, and boost profits. My father had the most exclusive VIP client list of regulars that had been with us for many years. Who wouldn't want to get their hands on it?

Nevertheless, I was kind of happy, at least I knew who I was getting myself involved with. Pretty much knew everything about them.

Diego was looking at me like I was a juicy steak. A smirk was on his lips, and Matthew who was on the other side of the room gave me a small nod with a smile. I couldn't help but wonder if everyone knew the news, except for me. Talk about going into something blindsided.

My father beamed as he introduced me to the board and soon I was chatting away with them about my studies and my plans for the future. After some time, the meeting was adjourned and we said our goodbyes.

I spotted my father chatting away with one of his colleagues. I left Gabriel behind without warning and marched over there.

"Dad a word?" I said harshly.

There was disappointment on his face, "You're late."

"Why didn't you tell me about the arranged marriage?"

"We will discuss this later. Take your seat."

"You couldn't have at least warned me."

"Samantha. Do as you are told and take a seat. Now." He said firmly and I knew better not to argue.

The table had place cards labelled with our names on them and I was seated between my brother and Diego.

Great. Let the fun begin.

"Evening Sam." Diego greeted me with a warm smile.

"Hello, Diego. How's the family business" I wasn't really interested I just asked out of respect.

"I won a major case last week although I was a little disappointed. The prosecutor wasn't much of a challenge."

"Your parents must be pleased."

"Even more so when I win your father's approval."

'My father's approval?' I asked, trying to keep my voice steady. He may be a good lawyer but my father certainly wouldn't approve of his recent behaviour.

'Yes,' Diego replied, a mischievous smirk on his face. 'I can see you're an intelligent and strong-willed woman. Your father seems to be a very demanding man. I thought it would be a challenge to win his approval, but I'm up for it.'

I cleared my throat. 'Well, I hope that you succeed. My father is a hard man to please, but I'm sure you can do it.'

Diego just smiled and nodded.

I was taken aback when I felt the sensation of Deigo's hand on my thigh and caressing it under the table.

My father had me attend self-defence classes since I was a little girl. The training was excessive but my father always said sometimes our line of work may put our family in danger. The family's safety was his top priority and I am glad he did.

We did have an incident back when I was younger. Our house was broken into, and my father took a heavy beating and spent a few days in the hospital to recover. Luckily, Mum, Gabriel and I weren't home when it happened.

I can't complain, self-defence is a good skill to have and right now I was grateful for the opportunity because I knew how to dislocate Deigo's fingers in one quick move.

Deigo may be a candidate but I certainly wasn't going to make it easy for him or the other men to win my father's approval. If that meant exposing their little weaknesses so be it. I just hope my father would pick someone who was compatible with me and wasn't lazy. Not that Matthew and Diego are but you never know behind closed doors.

I placed my hand over his. He seemed to enjoy my reaction perhaps he thought he had won me over that easily. I watched his facial expressions as my fingers moved into position. I began to apply pressure and Deigo shifted uncomfortably in his chair, his smirk now gone.

I leaned into him whispering in his ear, "I suggest you keep your paws to themselves unless you want your finger to be dislocated."

I loosened my grip and he slips his hand out from underneath mine and places them back on the table where I can see them.

"I wasn't aware your father trained you in the arts of self-defence." He said, slightly surprised.

"There's a lot you don't know about me." I smiled proudly.

His finger begins to move and I watch it like a hawk as it lands on my shoulder. He strokes my arm down as he said his next statement. "Well, we will have the rest of our lives to get to know each other."

He probably knows more about me than anyone gathered in this room tonight.

I grabbed his hand and twisted it roughly so that he yelps like a schoolgirl alarming the rest of the table. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I warned you Deigo."

"What did he do?" said Gabriel as he stood up abruptly towering over me to see what was going on.

"He tried to touch me." I whined. "If you would excuse me, I need to use the ladies' room."

I attempted to leave but my father wasn't having it. "Kids, I swear" he sighed heavily and his colleagues laughed at his annoyed expression.

And another thing, Diego and I used to fight a lot when we were kids and play wrestle. Nine times out of ten Matthew or Gabriel was the one pulling us apart. Given his huge ego and boldness, his behaviour wasn't a big shock to everyone.

"I would think you would be taking this a bit not seriously, Diego." Said Diego's father who sat across glaring at his son.

"Nothing wrong with familiarising myself with my future wife."

"Always so damn cocky boy! Don't think your looks will last forever." His father grumbled.

I glanced over the table to Matthew who also had a displeased expression.

"Careful Diego I might actually take you out of the running. Mattew is quite the respectable young lad." My father says glancing over to Matthew and he just simply smiles taking a sip from his champagne glass.

Calm and collected as usual.

"Gabriel swap seats with Samantha." My mother says.

What is this grade school? As I got up, I poked my tongue at Deigo and he scowls at me. Yes, I was childish at times but you know what that's just me. I can be professional; hell I was studying law for christ sake. You had to be all serious and monotoned.

"Now hang on a minute I can behave. We're not kids anymore." Says Deigo. This isn't a good impression for my parents. "Truce?" He asks.

Everyone turned to me waiting for an answer. I glance over to my father his about to say something when my mother interrupts him "Let them work out. They're not kids after all."

"Fine. But if you touch me again I'll break your hand."

"Second base off limits. Gotcha." He says sarcastically. This is just a game to him.

I settled back into my seat.

"See. Have a little faith, honey." My mother says trying to ease his tension.

The dinner went on smoothly, my father introduced me to some of the board of directors and exchanged pleasantries and polite conversations. They asked me what I wanted to specialise in but I wasn't sure yet. The only thing I had a choice when it came to law school. Overall the dinner went well.

Towards the end of the night, most of my father's colleagues had gone home and I made my way over to the bar for a cocktail.

Before I could even ask the bartender for my drink Matthew walked over with his empty Champagne glass in his hand and orders me a bloody mary and another round for himself.

I smiled, "You know me well."

Matthew nodded. 'Bold move for Diego, but he's not the kind of man you want to settle down with. He's just looking for the next thrill."

I nodded as I wasn't sure how to respond.

I took a sip of my Bloody Mary. 'It's nice to know you care" I said.

Aside from the business deal, Matthew was always a sweetheart. Looking out for me whenever he could and stopped Deigo from being a total ass to me.

Matthew smiled. 'My pleasure. I'm here for you, always.'

We talked for a while longer, discussing the night's events. We laughed and reminisced, and it felt like no time had passed since we'd last seen each other.

As the night wore on, I realized how lucky I was to have such a good friend in Matthew. He was always there to offer wise counsel and a listening ear. I was grateful for his friendship and support.

As much as I wanted our delightful conversation to continue Matthew had to depart. He told me had a court hearing tomorrow and wanted to have fresh eyes and a clear head.

He gives me a warm hug and said, "Remember, I'm always here for you if you need me."

I smiled and thanked him. As he walked away my father approaches me with a woman.

"Samantha you remember Heather don't you?"

We had met a few times at the firm. She was of my father's VIP clients. He always made sure to make time for her company and was willing to go the extra mile to make sure her needs were met. And rightfully so, without her business, the firm wouldn't be what it is today. Heather had brought in a lot of recurring clients.

Although it was a little odd that she was here.

"Yes, I remember. What is it that your company does?" I was genuinely curious because I never actually knew what their company was about.

"We are a distributing company. Publishing that sort of thing."

Heather said nothing but praise about my father's work regarding some of the contracts her company had acquired over the years." He made my company millions. Incredible work." She continued to praise.

"I can't take all the credit. I have a well-trained team." My father replied with a laugh that was modest but it becomes slightly strained when he continues, "I was expecting Elias to be here."

"Elias?" I asked unsure who they were referring to.

"My son is working on a contract right now so I am afraid he couldn't make it. Perhaps we could arrange a meeting for the pair to meet?"

"Excellent idea." He replied.

"Sorry, no disrespect but why would I meet your son?"

"For marriage of course."

"Oh...Okay." I was totally caught off guard by the news and now I was worried. My stomach sank. I had never met the man so I wasn't what to think or expect.

Perhaps Heather can offer something that neither Matthew nor Diego's family could, one that my father couldn't refuse to consider Elias.