
Energetic Exchange System

I'm a simple man. I'm Arc, I woke up in the morning and then a system called the 'Energetic Exchange System' suddenly appears right in front of me, and with that my life change drastically. I became a hero, legend, a myth, you can hear my name in every corner of the world, it's awesome. But like I said I'm just a simple man... **************************************** I don't own the art/image of my novel book cover, so if you are the owner you can contact me if you want me to put this down... **************************************** I'm not very good at English and it's actually my second language so reading this novel you can find many grammatical errors alike, but I will immediately fix it in time. So don't expect a good writing on this novel as I'm just doing this to have fun and share my own story. **************************************** You want to support me? Here's the link of my ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/kopymate

Kopy · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Nameless Sword

Arc approached and walked toward the guild receptionist to take and register for the task, after the receptionist confirmed and accepted the task for Arc he walked right out of the building and went straight to a weapon shop near the adventurer guild.

'I will need a better weapon for this task and it's also been a while since I brought a new one, so let's call it a celebration and treat myself a new sword.' Arc thought as he continued to walk toward the weapon shop.

Moments Later...

Arc arrive in the weapon shop and currently looks around for some cheap and affordable weapon he can use for the task he have, Arc knows how dangerous this task is but the task doesn't have an OS limit for a reason, because Frenzied Core can only be found on a monster who's in a 'Frenzy Mode' it's already obvious by its name, and most people thought that monster who's in frenzy mode are quite rare, but actually it's not that rare, you can found one in most newborn monster.

Most of the newborn monsters have an unstable core, the reason behind that is they still don't know how to stabilize and control it, so that automatically put their very core to 'Frenzy Mode' or 'Frenzy State' but the frenzied will generally not affect the newborn monster and go to a state of 'Rage', but finding a newborn monster is the problem.

But Arc thought of some kind of monster who always gave birth to many newborn monsters, every month.


'Fighting a goblin will be very hard since I'm going to enter their Den, but I still have 1 week so that will be enough, I think in those remaining time I already reach an OS of 'Half-Star' and I'm also quite happy since in 3 days it will be the end of the month, it means they will have newborn baby.' Arc thought as he looked around for a weapon, Arc knew that other than him no one would ever think of invading a goblin den, because the result is instant death and a goblin den is an extremely dangerous place for both humans and monsters.

Goblin Den are mostly in a cave, there are also a goblin that spawn in a dungeon but goblins that live in a 'Goblin Den' are extremely dangerous, their numbers are numerous as they are quite witty and smart compare to a normal person, they can also create traps, but what frightens most people is their learning capacity, even Arc was shocked at them when he first confronts a goblin in the first time he came in this planet.

The reason for that is Goblin can learn to another person, If it sees a person wielding a sword it will also try wielding a sword and learn how to use it, if it sees a person using a bow it will also try using it and learn it, but Goblin are limited to only that, they can never learn any type of skill or anything related to the weapon they use, even a technique is not available for them.

But that is not the only advantage that goblin can have, they also have numerous population, a goblin den have they rank estimation to 'Small', 'Medium', and 'Large'. The estimated number of small people has a population of about 5000~8000 thousand, Medium has 10,000~20,000, and Large have mostly 30,000~50,000, but those are just an estimation and people didn't know the actual numbers of every rank.

They also have a so called 'Champion' a named goblin, it was born with a name and a mind that can grow comparable to a person, a 'Goblin Champion' is very different from other goblin, because they are born with a technique, and they can also learn a skill, but fortunately they are mostly born at 'Large' rank of goblins.


Arc walks around the store searching for a compatible weapon when a familiar sound rings up.

[An Unusual Type of Weapon Detected!] Prime flatly said.

"Unusual type? Where?" Arc said he didn't expect the shop to have anything that even Prime would notice.

[In front, Host, about 2 meters together with another weapon in a pile] Prime said.

Arc then looks right in front of him and sees a barrel full of swords, Arc then walks towards it and another notification pops up.


Name: None

Type: Meteor / Platinum

Rank: Uncommon [White] (Due to Decay)


It was created for an unknown reason, it's existed for a hundred of years.

The blade is very strong, currently has a razor-sharp edge, and has no marks or engravings.

It has an impractical guard, an uncovered wooden grip, and a spherical pommel.

It is very heavy, is well-balanced, the scabbard is plain and is made of wood with no trimmings.

It was made from a falling meteorite with a bit of platinum as a cover, but over time, years past the platinum started to decay due to blood and no maintenance, but even for a longtime the blade didn't become dull and still very sharp.

The sword currently looks awful and it's the reason why no one ever buys or sees the weapon.

Creator: Unknown


"What? A weapon that was made from a meteorite? Yeah, It looks awful and it didn't even look like a weapon at all but are you really sure that this weapon is made out of meteorite?" Arc said in astonishment.

[Yes! The weapon is 99% pure meteorite, the 1% is the platinum used for cover, as for my calculation, the creator of the sword wanted to hide the fact that the weapon is made out of rare material, a material that is out of this world] Prime said.

"This weapon also a hundred years old? It's a shame that the weapon is only in the uncommon rank, can you do anything about that?" Arc said, "Because like he remembers Prime can do anything as long as I have an EN, then everything is possible.

[Yes! The actual rank of this weapon are currently unavailable due to host rank and to repair the weapon you need to pay 100 EN] Prime said.

"Only 100 EN? Damn, I can quickly repair this weapon until it reaches its actual rank in no time then, Hahaha." Arc said happily, since he didn't expect to be this cheap.

[The next repair will cost 100 EN] Prime said flatly.

"What? 1000 EN? That's 10 times it's actually repairing cost." Arc said in displeased.

[Every repair the cost will multiply by 10] Prime said without any concern.

"Then how many times do I need to repair the weapon?" Arc said.

[You can repair the weapon 6 times to revert the weapon to its actual rank] Prime said.

"6 times? What the fuck? It will cost me at least a hundred thousand EN to fully repair the weapon then." Arc said, aggrieved.

[For host correction you will need at least millions of EN to fully repair the weapon] Prime directly said.

"Fucking hell..." Arc said.

"Anyway, this sword is made out of meteorite so it's understandable that it will cost that much, right then I'm going to buy this first." Arc said putting the amount of EN to repair the sword, the most important is that he will have a better and stronger weapon in the future.

Arc then picked up the sword that the system put a highlight on, which is also why he easily found the weapon and did not spend time searching everywhere.

'It's very convenient.' Arc said as he smiled.

After that he went to the owner of the shop and bought it. What Arc didn't expect is the owner wouldn't let him pay a single penny. The owner gave the sword to him for free and Arc of course didn't reject it since it was already free. Why would he reject a kind offer?

'What kind of old guy, didn't he know that I'm currently holding the only weapon made out of meteorite in the world?' Arc thought as he passed his gratitude to the owner of the shop and walked right out.


"Finally, the sword was finally in someone's hands after 400 years, let's see if you're the right one or not." Said by a guy with a very unusual long beard and a single eye glasses, while brimming with a smile across his face, If Arc was to see this man he would quickly recognize him, It was the shop owner who sold the weapon to Arc himself.


"Let's start the hunt!" Arc said as he walked towards his new journey along with his strongest system he became the strongest, while saving the world.

There's so many error in this chapter and I know that, but I currently don't have any time right now so maybe tomorrow I'm going to fix it, sorry for the mistakes...


Enjoy :D


If you find some error please do tell me so I can fix it immediately :D

Kopycreators' thoughts