
Enemy of the past

manallie · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 8

Staying Away

"So Nikolai is presently in Italy?" Asked Fayrooz as she walked around the room. We are currently in Ramis's office together with Rooney, Dania, Jayden and Zaidd. We are supposed to get on the mission of Italy later today, we got everything ready and found the girls are in Florence but she is still checking everything all over again. I don't know why but I have a feeling Kayrov has relation with this abduction too.

"Yes, his last location was in Italy his main house" Replied Ramis showing it to her on the computer.

"But why do we need him? Aren't we supposed to just get the girls only?" Asked Jayden

"To know basically what is going on and to find out about Kayrov, besides there was three 6cm trucks full of grenades that went missing, it belongs to the Iraqi army, five trucks belonging to the Kenyan got lost too, they all probably lead to only one destination" Explained Fayrooz

"Which is?"

"We don't know that is why we need to get a hold of the Mafia groups starting with Nikolai and then we get to the other three before the biggest Kayrov" I added standing up and leaning on one of the desks.

Ramis's office is more like a computer laboratory than an office. You meet with a desk of electronic devices the moment you open the door, on the left is a desk with keyboards and other devices I don't know the names of and seven screens on the wall and three computers on the desk. And on the right is a wooden office desk with a book shelf next to it and then the toilet's door. It is quite big, just like mine but mine has more book shelf's and is less occupied.

"But I thought we don't get involved unless asked to?" Questioned Rooney slowly. I thought about that too but for some reason I trust Fayrooz's judgement, she wouldn't do anything that will break down the force or create chaos.

"We are ought to bring safety, if we can avoid it before it happens then why not, questioning the Mafia wouldn't mean creating a fight with them but even if there is a fight we take it to avoid more" Said Fayrooz

"But Major said not to get invo-'

"What the general says is what we do" Said Ramis sternly looking at Zaidd, who nodded looking away. There is a little bit of tension between the two of them, it got something to do with Dania, I don't really know what it is. I saw Fayrooz look between them raising her brow.

"Alright, we take small steps and even after getting the girls we wouldn't stop hunting until we know where the trucks went to. I have a meeting to attend to in Dubai, I will be there before getting to you guys"

"Will you also go to Italy?"

"Unless I am needed I won't be there, the other Generals need my presence and I do not know how long it will take and there is an annual Ball set in the remembrance of the passed Generals tomorrow" Said Fayrooz, she looked like she is thinking of something more.

"But isn't it weird there is meeting at the party?" Asked Ramis

"That is what I noticed too but it is highly restricted I don't think much know unless the ones in the 12crew" She replied the 12 crew are the representative of each army of different countries.

"So Red-bull will be in charge of the mission, Luke, Jayden, Dania, Rooney, Liam and John will join you too, together with 15 sergeants and then Zaidd, Haroon, Naomi will be in charge of the trainings and practices, everything should be reported to me accordingly" They all nodded standing up

"Y'all start getting ready you leave in an hour" They walked out the moment she said that leaving her, Ramis and I.

"So I'm I going with you?"

"No when we go together there will be questions and we are to avoid it, I will leave after they leave and you will too but not together and besides you have to go to Abu Dhabi first" I nodded standing straight too.

"General?" Ramis called her attention as she walked to the door.

"The last General got killed after going to a meeting, we have been told he died because of heart attack but it wasn't true" He said she nodded her head and walked out.

"So new mission but not together, can you stay without me?" I teased him as we walked out. I waited for him to shut down all his devices first. He rolled his eyes smirking I know he is loving this because he missed all this and he never got the chance to do what he wants, the other General's always stop him but Fayrooz seems to give him just what he wants.

"We are made to do this and besides it is what we want"

"Yeah maybe I am not sure about what I want" I sighed looking at the sun as we walked down the stairs and down the road, walking to our building.

"Is it because of her?"

"I really don't know mate but even if I have something for her, she is still the General"

"When I admitted I love Dania you told me it is a good thing and I should follow my heart which ended with me being rejected. I would say maybe love isn't for us, I took my shot and lost, try quickly before losing it too" I nodded my head processing his words.

"General or not besides it looks like she is just like us in some ways" He added I didn't fully understand what he meant but a question I have been wanting to ask came to my mind.

"I don't understand you have been really different since the Fayrooz came here, I am getting confused, looking out for her all?"

"I really don't know maybe because Kayrov took something away from her which made her who is she today like me that is why. She looks brave and confident everyday but her eyes tell a different story"

"You stare at her eyes too?" I unconsciously question

"No idiot, I mean not the way you do but I do, the other night when we were talking about our past-"

"It is like she could feel our pain just like we feel hers even though she keep hiding it" I finished it for him

"Yeah but not deeply like you, I mean the way you look at her is different Mate, I hope she doesn't break you!"

"You know you never told me what happened with Zaid and Dania, you only said she rejected you"

"I am really down to earth now don't make me angry...I will go pack" He said and went to his room closing the door with a thud. I think he is already angry.

After getting everything ready we walked to the plane lodge which is also in the barrack too. As I walked in with my suitcase I saw Fayrooz talking with John who nodded at her and walked to the jet they are travelling in, he is flying them. I walked to Fayrooz.

"Alright keep me updated Lieutenant" She said to Ramis who turned and shook my hand fist bumping me before walking to the Jet too.

"Ammar Aleem?" She called their names. They stopped jumping by the door and ran to her.

"You are taking them with you?" I asked

"Please tell her to leave us here, we could stay with Naomi" Said Ammar pouting

"I already told you, stop arguing go stand there first"

"But wouldn't it be risky going with them? They are just kids unless you don't trust leaving them with the other soldiers"

"That is not the case, I take Ammar with me wherever I go"

"Yeah but he is getting older and you will have to let him go" She looked uneasy with idea of leaving him, it is written all over her face.

"You won't understand"

"Of course I won't I didn't have to grow a kid up but that doesn't mean I don't know the feeling, for one trust someone with his care, nothing will go wrong" I said in a more calmer voice, she turned and looked at them before sighing.

"I am leaving but I will hold you account for anything that goes wrong"

"Nothing will go wrong InshAllah" She walked to her private Jet that was parked metres away.

Ramis's Jet has already left meaning she is leaving now. I looked at the entrance where Ammar is jumping with Aleem before sad look took over his face. He ran over to where Fayrooz is talking with Naomi, no doubt on the little guy. He hugged her legs making her look down at him. She look up when her eyes met mine before looking away.

"Are you mad Fay? I will go with you if it makes you feel better" She brushed his hair out of his face and smiled at him. A full smile, I think I will die right now, she has the most beautiful smile I have seen especially those white teeth, Ya Allah.

"I will never be mad at you but may be on what you do, I will have to leave you now, you should take care of yourself okay" He nodded smiling brightly and hugged her. She stretched her hand as they did a handshake.

"Call Fay when having an attack, call Fay before bed and after waking up, don't stay up too late... Always and forever an Abbad" He said and ended the handshake hugging her again. It seems like not only her would miss him. She looked ahead and saw Aleem looking at them, she motioned him to come over.

"Whatever Ammar said goes for you too, whenever there is problem call me right away and keep training" He nodded his head as she ruffled his hair and the idiot started blushing. It is weird seeing her with these kids like that it is as if she is a whole different person with them.

"Until we meet Alpha"

"See you General" I replied as she walked up and into the Jet.