

Mia and Aaron. Connected by the past both of them want to forget. Declared enemies since they were kids. And now, after eight years, their lives crossed once again. Will their flame still burn like hell when they see each other again? Will they be able to overcome their past to live a better future? Will they give themselves to this burning passion they try so hard to ignore? Will they be able to broke through this enemiezone?

AnnGuslavia · สมัยใหม่
5 Chs

I'm Enough for Myself

{Mia's point of view.}

I woke up hearing my alarm screaming in my ears, but this time I wasn't angry like always, I was grateful because it woke me up from that dream... or should I call it a nightmare? Well, it doesn't matter right now. I got out of my dear bed and turned off the alarm on my phone.

After taking a cold shower and washing my long and curly black hair, I went to my closet and picked my clothes for the day. A pair of white lingerie, a white sweater, a khaki and white striped skirt with a matching cotton suit, and my pair of khaki high-heel boots. I picked up my phone, opened Spotify, and choose Left & Right by Charlie Puth ft. Jungkook to play.

Then I went to my dressing table and did a simple but beautiful makeup that hid the marks under my eyes caused by lack of sleep, finalizing with my classic red lipstick that highlights my full lips. Thank God, today is Friday, so I'll only work until today in the publishing company as the editor leader.

I live in New York since I was 18 when I came here to attend NYU, studying English Literature. But before that, I lived in my hometown in Solvang, California. Now I'm twenty-six and a half, living alone in my apartment in the middle of Manhattan, being a high ranking in the Publish Company I always dreamed of working with... but single.

Not only single but alone, without my family near me, friends, or anything close to that. I even think that the people in the Company fear me, although I don't really know that for sure. However, my secretary clearly is afraid of me, and talking about her, I think she's already waiting for me on the ground floor of the building.

Her name is Ariana Kennedy, she's still 22 but works better than a lot of people my age, she also may not know that I know, but she's dating someone from our biggest adversary. But well, I have nothing to do with that. That's her personal business until it messes up with our company.

I looked at myself again in the mirror, took my purse, my cell phone, iPad, MacBook, and my car keys, then got on the elevator to the ground floor.

She was clearly anxious when I found her close to the exit, she came to me right when she saw me and I got on the elevator once again, towards the underground garage this time. "Good morning, Mrs. Augustine! Are you okay?"

Oh, yeah, Augustine is my ugly surname, I'm tired of trying to make people call me by my last name Shepherd. "Yes, I am. What about you, little Ariana?"

She bit her lip to hide a smile and I rolled my eyes feeling softer, I miss my little sister who is her age. "I'm amazing."

Oh, that I could see by her smile.

The elevator doors opened and we head to my car, she took my keys and I got into the back seat. Then she headed to Starbucks to buy my matinal iced tea. "Did something good happen with you, little Ariana?"

She couldn't hide her smile at all, and it was getting annoying. "Mhm, well, yeah? The girl I like asked to date me," ah, I feel so single.

"Oh, that's good, what did you say?"

"Yes, of course." I don't even know why I asked because it was obvious.

She looked like she wanted to ask me something, but didn't have the courage to do it. I took a deep breath thinking about things that she could ask me but couldn't find something specific. "Little Ariana, you can ask me anything. Don't hold it. I'll answer you if I'm able to."

I could clearly see the surprise on her face and I couldn't help but laugh. "It was that obvious?"

"Yes," I chuckled softly.

"So, are you dating, Ms. Augustine?"

"Nope," and to my surprise, she looked genuinely surprised.


"Yes. Why?" I asked softly so she would feel comfortable and not scared like always.

"Well, this is the major question between the people in the company. Like, everyone always speculates about you, once we don't know much... personally saying. And almost everyone was certain that you dated someone in secret."

A burst of loud laughter left my mouth and she smiled confusedly. "Is that what you guys do when I'm not around? Speculate if I'm dating or not?"

"Well, yes. They admire you, you know? Literally, everyone in the company admires you, and a lot of them dream of being like you. I included. Cuz, boss, you're so young but so successful, independent, and wonderful. It's just that the people in the Company don't have the courage to really talk to you. I think that's the first time we really talk. You can be extremely intimidating," she told me.

Oh? I didn't see that coming. Never would I imagine that they admire me, but I was right about the fact that they fear me. "Did I shock you?"


She laughed. "But you really aren't dating?"

"No. Not at all."

"Any problems with an ex?"


["You're the worst person I've ever met in my life, I regret everything we did together. You broke me, you broke my heart. I'm not a toy for you to play with it today and throw in the trash tomorrow. I'm tired of crying. I'm tired of trying everything alone to make this work. I can only hope that I'll never see you in my life again."] The memory evaded my mind without permission.

After taking a deep breath, I put a convincing smile on my lips. "Nope. I've never dated."

"What? Why not, when it's so good?"

"I'm enough for myself," I said while looking through the window. "No one is worthy of me!"

"Damn, you're really a badass boss," the girl muttered and I smile.

Badass boss, hm... I like it to be called that. I can get used to it.