


Chunhua saw a gentle yawn as she stretched herself . She glanced at the pale blue clock beside her .

"Hmm ? That's not right ? "

Chunhua was half opening Her eyes as she read the time . She was awfully confused as she stared at it a second time. "Ahhh!"

She was late ! Chunhua rushed to the bathroom and briskly brushed her teeth . She wore her usual work clothes as she grabbed her phone to check when her bus was coming.

She was already an hour late but taking taxi was not an available option for . Regretting not waking up earlier , Chunhua bit her lip , and grabbed a piece of bread . Seeming that She was lucky today , the next bus would be coming in a few minutes .

She ran down to the bus stop and waited for the bus to come . When the bus came , she hurriedly got on .

Chunhua reached her workplace and ran to her compartment . Sliding under the her collages' tables clumsily , Fei Hwa was coincidentally walking around . When Chunhua had successfully slided all the way to her table , she was relieved and released her breath .

Seeing that she was safe , she stood up .

Luckily for Chunhua , Feihwa was there .


Chunhua shrieked in shock as she saw her unexpected guest .